Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新增预警信息
        /// </summary>
        public void getdata()
            short    type = 0;
            long     id   = 0;
            Jc_BInfo jcb  = null;
            Jc_BInfo obj  = null;

            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                    #region 获取预警信息
                    foreach (long key in StaticClass.jcbdata.Keys)
                        jcb  = StaticClass.jcbdata[key];
                        type = jcb.Type;
                        if (type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState7 || type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState17)
                            id = long.Parse(jcb.ID);
                            if (!jc_b.ContainsKey(id))
                                #region 新增预警
                                obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                jc_b.Add(id, obj);
                                #region 新增预警结束
                                if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(jcb.Etime))
                                    if (OprFuction.IsInitTime(jc_b[id].Etime))
                                        obj      = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                        jc_b[id] = obj;
                    #region 判断是否预警还存在
                    foreach (long key in jc_b.Keys)
                        if (!StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(key))
                catch (Exception ex)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新JC_B
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alarmInfo"></param>
        private static void UpdateJC_BInfo(Jc_BInfo alarmInfo)
            Dictionary <string, object> updateItems = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //updateItems.Add("State", alarmInfo.State);
            updateItems.Add("Etime", alarmInfo.Etime);
            //updateItems.Add("Zdz", alarmInfo.Zdz);
            //updateItems.Add("Pjz", alarmInfo.Pjz);
            //updateItems.Add("Zdzs", alarmInfo.Zdzs);
            //updateItems.Add("Kzk", alarmInfo.Kzk);
            //updateItems.Add("Isalarm", alarmInfo.Isalarm);

            AlarmCacheUpdatePropertiesRequest alarmCacheUpdatePropertiesRequest = new AlarmCacheUpdatePropertiesRequest();

            alarmCacheUpdatePropertiesRequest.AlarmKey    = alarmInfo.ID;
            alarmCacheUpdatePropertiesRequest.UpdateItems = updateItems;
            System.Data.DataColumn[] cols = new System.Data.DataColumn[updateItems.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < updateItems.Count; i++)
                cols[i] = new System.Data.DataColumn(updateItems.Keys.ToList()[i]);
            Jc_BModel        alarmModel  = ObjectConverter.Copy <Jc_BInfo, Jc_BModel>(alarmInfo);
            List <Jc_BModel> alarmModels = new List <Jc_BModel>();

            alarmRecordRepository.BulkUpdate("KJ_DataAlarm" + alarmInfo.Stime.ToString("yyyyMM"), alarmModels, cols, "ID");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成报警记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="sTime"></param>
        /// <param name="dataState"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public static void CreateJC_BInfo(Jc_DefInfo defInfo, DateTime sTime, DeviceDataState dataState, DeviceRunState state)
            Jc_BInfo alarmInfo   = new Jc_BInfo();
            string   controlport = string.Empty;

            alarmInfo.Cs      = "";
            alarmInfo.PointID = defInfo.PointID;
            alarmInfo.ID      = IdHelper.CreateLongId().ToString();
            alarmInfo.Devid   = defInfo.Devid;
            alarmInfo.Fzh     = defInfo.Fzh;
            alarmInfo.Kh      = defInfo.Kh;
            alarmInfo.Dzh     = defInfo.Dzh;
            alarmInfo.Kzk     = controlport;
            alarmInfo.Point   = defInfo.Point;

            alarmInfo.Ssz     = EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription(state);
            alarmInfo.Isalarm = (short)defInfo.Alarm;

            alarmInfo.Stime  = sTime;
            alarmInfo.Etime  = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            alarmInfo.Type   = (short)dataState;
            alarmInfo.State  = GetState((DeviceRunState)state, defInfo.Bz4);
            alarmInfo.Upflag = "0";
            alarmInfo.Wzid   = defInfo.Wzid;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 插入新记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alarmInfo"></param>
        private static void InsertJC_BInfo(Jc_BInfo alarmInfo)
            alarmInfo.Zdzs = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            AlarmCacheAddRequest addRequest = new AlarmCacheAddRequest();

            addRequest.AlarmInfo = alarmInfo;

            DataToDbAddRequest <Jc_BInfo> dataToDbAddRequest = new DataToDbAddRequest <Jc_BInfo>();

            dataToDbAddRequest.Item = alarmInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// 结束设备报警
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool EndDeviceAlarm()
            AlarmRecordGetDateIdRequest alarmgetByIdrequest = new AlarmRecordGetDateIdRequest
                Id        = _alarmId,
                AlarmDate = _stime
            var response = alarmRecordService.GetDateAlarmRecordById(alarmgetByIdrequest);

            if (response != null && response.IsSuccess && response.Data != null)
                Jc_BInfo   alarmInfo   = response.Data;
                ClientItem _ClientItem = Basic.Framework.Data.PlatRuntime.Items[KeyConst.ClientItemKey] as ClientItem;
                if (_ClientItem != null)
                    alarmInfo.Bz1 = _ClientItem.UserName;
                //alarmInfo.Etime = DateTime.Now;
                alarmInfo.Bz2    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                alarmInfo.Remark = reasonEdit.Text;
                alarmInfo.Cs     = measureEdit.Text;

                Dictionary <string, object> updateItems = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                updateItems.Add("Bz1", alarmInfo.Bz1);
                updateItems.Add("Bz2", alarmInfo.Bz2);
                updateItems.Add("Remark", alarmInfo.Remark);
                updateItems.Add("Cs", alarmInfo.Cs);

                AlarmRecordUpdateProperitesRequest updateRequest = new AlarmRecordUpdateProperitesRequest()
                    AlarmInfo   = alarmInfo,
                    UpdateItems = updateItems
                var updateResponse = alarmRecordService.UpdateAlarmInfoProperties(updateRequest);
                if (updateResponse != null && updateResponse.IsSuccess)
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新预警数据
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh(DateTime nowtime)
            string point = "", ssz1, ssz2;
            double ssz, zdz, zxz, pjz, allvlaue, count;

            DataRow[]   row;
            DataRow     r;
            TimeSpan    span;
            int         countn  = 0;
            long        id      = 0;
            Jc_BInfo    obj     = null;
            int         tbcount = 0;
            long        key     = 0;
            List <long> listkey;

            #region  除已结束的记录
                if (deletelist.Count > 0)
                    #region  除显示
                    countn = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < countn; i++)
                                if (deletelist.Contains(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString())))

                                    i--; countn--;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                    #region  除内存
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < deletelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = deletelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("删除预警记录", ex);

            #region 刷新实时值、最大值、最小值、平均值 持续时间 结束时间
                lock (objShowDt)//防止删除的时候,遍历datatable修改对象找不到对象
                    for (int i = 0; i < showdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (showdt.Rows[i].IsNull("endtime") || showdt.Rows[i]["endtime"].ToString() == "")
                            id = long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString());

                            if (updatelist.Contains(id))
                                #region 刷新 最大值、平均值 结束时间
                                obj = jc_b[id];
                                //showdt.Rows[i]["zdz"] = obj .Zdz;

                                showdt.Rows[i]["pjz"]     = obj.Pjz;
                                showdt.Rows[i]["endtime"] = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Etime);


                                #region 刷新持续时间
                                span = obj.Etime - Convert.ToDateTime(showdt.Rows[i]["stime"]);
                                showdt.Rows[i]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
                                #region 刷新持续时间
                                span = nowtime - Convert.ToDateTime(showdt.Rows[i]["stime"]);
                                showdt.Rows[i]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);

                                #region 刷新实时值、最大值、最小值、平均值
                                point = showdt.Rows[i]["point"].ToString();
                                ssz2  = showdt.Rows[i]["ssz"].ToString();
                                lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                    row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                    if (row.Length > 0)
                                        ssz1 = row[0]["ssz"].ToString();
                                        if (ssz1 != ssz2)
                                            if (double.TryParse(ssz1, out ssz))
                                                zdz      = Convert.ToDouble(showdt.Rows[i]["zdz"]);
                                                zxz      = Convert.ToDouble(showdt.Rows[i]["zxz"]);
                                                pjz      = Convert.ToDouble(showdt.Rows[i]["pjz"]);
                                                count    = Convert.ToDouble(showdt.Rows[i]["count"]);
                                                allvlaue = Convert.ToDouble(showdt.Rows[i]["allvalue"]);
                                                if (ssz > zdz)
                                                    zdz = ssz;
                                                else if (ssz < zxz)
                                                    zxz = ssz;
                                                count    += 1;
                                                allvlaue += ssz;
                                                pjz       = Math.Round(allvlaue / count, 2);
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["zdz"]   = zdz;
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["zxz"]   = zxz;
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["pjz"]   = pjz;
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["ssz"]   = ssz;
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["count"] = count;
                                                if (showdt.Rows[i].Table.Columns.Contains("allvlaue"))
                                                    showdt.Rows[i]["allvlaue"] = allvlaue;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("刷新实时值、最大值、最小值、平均值", ex);

            #region 添加记录
            if (addlist.Count > 0)
                lock (objShowDt)
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < addlist.Count; kj++)
                        key = addlist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj = jc_b[key];

                            r          = showdt.NewRow();
                            r["point"] = obj.Point;
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + obj.Point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    r["wz"] = row[0]["wz"];
                                    if (obj.Type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState7)
                                        r["yjz"] = row[0]["sxyj"];
                                        r["yjz"] = row[0]["xxyj"];
                            //r["fzh"] = obj.Fzh + "/" + obj.Kh + "/" + obj.Dzh;
                            //r["ssz"] = obj.Ssz;
                            //r["state"] = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.Type.ToString());
                            //r["sbstate"] = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                            //r["stime"] = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            //if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(obj.Etime))
                            //    r["endtime"] = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Etime);
                            //span = nowtime - obj.Stime;
                            //r["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);

                            //r["zdz"] = obj.Ssz;
                            //r["zxz"] = obj.Ssz;
                            //r["pjz"] = obj.Ssz;
                            //r["count"] = 1;
                            //r["allvalue"] = obj.Ssz;
                            r["id"] = key;

                            showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                //mainGridView.FocusedRowHandle = 0;

            #region 当前报警条数
            tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
            StaticClass.yccount[0] = tbcount;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新增报警断电信息
        /// </summary>
        public void getdata()
            short       type    = 0;
            Jc_BInfo    jcb     = null;
            Jc_BInfo    obj     = null;
            DateTime    maxtime = timenow;
            long        key     = 0;
            List <long> listkey;

            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                #region 获取控制数据
                    listkey = StaticClass.jcbdata.Keys.ToList();
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                        key  = listkey[kj];
                        jcb  = StaticClass.jcbdata[key];
                        type = jcb.Type;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcb.Kzk))
                            if (OprFuction.IsInitTime(jcb.Etime))
                                if (!jc_b.ContainsKey(long.Parse(jcb.ID)))
                                    #region 新增主控点引发控制
                                    obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                    jc_b.Add(long.Parse(jcb.ID), obj);
                                    if (jc_b[long.Parse(jcb.ID)].Kzk != jcb.Kzk)
                                        obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                        jc_b[long.Parse(jcb.ID)] = obj;
                            else//只要列表中未结束的记录都更新,此处不需要每次加到uplist中  20170715
                                //if (jc_b.ContainsKey(long.Parse(jcb.ID)))//&& !OprFuction.IsInitTime(jc_b[long.Parse(jcb.ID)].Etime)  20170706
                                //    #region 新增主控点引发控制
                                //    obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                //    jc_b[long.Parse(jcb.ID)] = obj;
                                //    uplist.Add(long.Parse(jcb.ID));
                                //    #endregion
                            //解决控制口取消绑定后,无法删除实时控制记录问题 2017.7.11 by
                            if (jc_b.ContainsKey(long.Parse(jcb.ID)))
                catch (Exception ex)
                #region 判断记录是否可以删除
                DateTime now = Model.RealInterfaceFuction.GetServerNowTime();
                listkey = jc_b.Keys.ToList();
                for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                    key = listkey[kj];
                    if (!StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(key))
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新报警数据
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh(DateTime nowtime, List <Jc_DefInfo> pointDefineControlList)
            string point = "";

            DataRow[] row, row1;
            DataRow   r;
            int       countn = 0;

            string[]   kzk = null;
            Jc_BInfo   obj = null;
            Jc_DefInfo tempdef = null;
            int        state1 = 0, state2 = 0;
            int        tbcount = 0;
            Dictionary <string, string> kzkd = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string kdk = "";
            object wz = "", dw = "", bjz = "", ddz = "", fzh = "", sszn = "",
                   bjtime = "", ddtime = "", cs = "", idn = "", qy = "", sbstate = "";
            long        key = 0;
            List <long> listkey;

            #region  除已结束的记录
                if (deletelist.Count > 0)
                    #region  除显示
                    countn = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < countn; i++)
                                if (deletelist.Contains(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString())))
                                    i--; countn--;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                    #region  除内存
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < deletelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = deletelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("删除控制记录", ex);

            #region 添加记录

            if (addlist.Count > 0)
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    #region 添加记录
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < addlist.Count; kj++)
                        key = addlist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj     = jc_b[key];
                            point   = obj.Point;
                            sbstate = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                            if (obj.State == (short)StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState32)
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    sszn = obj.Ssz + "/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                                    if (obj.Type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState9)
                                        ddz = row[0]["sxbj"] + "|" + row[0]["sxyj"];
                                    else if (obj.Type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState11)
                                        ddz = row[0]["sxdd"] + "|" + row[0]["sxfd"];
                                    else if (obj.Type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState19)
                                        ddz = row[0]["xxbj"] + "|" + row[0]["xxyj"];
                                    else if (obj.Type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState21)
                                        ddz = row[0]["xxdd"] + "|" + row[0]["xxfd"];
                                        bjz = obj.Ssz;
                                        ddz = obj.Ssz;
                            bjtime = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            idn    = key;
                            #region  控制口
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kzk))
                                kzk = obj.Kzk.Split('|');
                                if (kzk.Length > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < kzk.Length; i++)
                                        #region 添加记录
                                        //tempdef = Model.RealInterfaceFuction.Getpoint(kzk[i]);
                                        tempdef = pointDefineControlList.Find(a => a.Point == kzk[i]);
                                        if (tempdef != null)
                                            lock (objShowDt)
                                                r            = showdt.NewRow();
                                                r["point"]   = point;
                                                r["ddz"]     = ddz;
                                                r["ssz"]     = sszn;
                                                r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                                r["qy"]      = tempdef.Wz;
                                                r["kzk"]     = kzk[i];
                                                lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                                    row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + kzk[i] + "'");
                                                    if (row.Length > 0)
                                                        kdk = OprFuction.StateChange(row[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                                        if (kdk == "0态")
                                                            r["kzzt"] = row[0]["0t"].ToString();
                                                        else if (kdk == "1态")
                                                            r["kzzt"] = row[0]["1t"].ToString();
                                                            r["kzzt"] = kdk;
                                                if (tempdef.K2 != 0)
                                                    lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                                        row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("fzh='" + tempdef.Fzh + "' and tdh='" + tempdef.K2 + "' and lx='开关量'");
                                                        if (row.Length > 0)
                                                            r["kdk"] = row[0]["point"].ToString();
                                                            kdk      = OprFuction.StateChange(row[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                                            if (kdk == "0态")
                                                                r["kdkzt"] = row[0]["0t"].ToString();
                                                            else if (kdk == "1态")
                                                                r["kdkzt"] = row[0]["1t"].ToString();
                                                            else if (kdk == "2态")
                                                                r["kdkzt"] = row[0]["2t"].ToString();
                                                                r["kdkzt"] = kdk;
                                                    r["kdzt"] = "检测中";
                                                    r["kdk"]   = "无";
                                                    r["kdkzt"] = "无";
                                                    r["kdzt"]  = "无";
                                                r["stime"]      = bjtime;
                                                r["id"]         = key;
                                                r["endtime"]    = "";
                                                r["alarmstate"] = "进行中";
                                                row             = showdt.Select("id='" + key + "' and kzk='" + kzk[i] + "'");
                                                if (row.Length < 1)
                                                    showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("添加控制记录", ex);
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count - tbcount;
                //StaticClass.yccount[4] += tbcount;
                //mainGridView.FocusedRowHandle = 0;

            #region 刷新记录,控制状态、馈电开关状态、馈电状态
                if (showdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < showdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            r = showdt.Rows[i];
                            if (r["endtime"].ToString() == "")//只要在列表中,并且未结束,就实时更新控制口状态  20170712
                                if (!r.IsNull("kzk"))
                                    #region 控制口状态
                                    lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                        row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + r["kzk"].ToString() + "'");

                                        // 20170326
                                        if (row.Length > 0)
                                            if (row[0].Table.Columns.Contains("zt"))
                                                if (!row[0].IsNull("zt"))
                                                    kdk = OprFuction.StateChange(row[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                                    if (kdk == "0态")
                                                        r["kzzt"] = row[0]["0t"].ToString();
                                                    else if (kdk == "1态")
                                                        r["kzzt"] = row[0]["1t"].ToString();
                                                        r["kzzt"] = kdk;
                                                    state1 = int.Parse(row[0]["zt"].ToString());

                                    #region 馈电及状态
                                    if (!r.IsNull("kdk") && r["kdk"].ToString() != "无")
                                        lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                            row1 = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + r["kdk"].ToString() + "'");
                                            // 20170326
                                            if (row1.Length > 0)
                                                if (row1[0].Table.Columns.Contains("zt"))
                                                    if (!row1[0].IsNull("zt"))
                                                        kdk = OprFuction.StateChange(row1[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                                        if (kdk == "0态")
                                                            r["kdkzt"] = row1[0]["0t"].ToString();
                                                        else if (kdk == "1态")
                                                            r["kdkzt"] = row1[0]["1t"].ToString();
                                                        else if (kdk == "2态")
                                                            r["kdkzt"] = row1[0]["2t"].ToString();
                                                            r["kdkzt"] = kdk;
                                                        state2 = int.Parse(row1[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                                        //if (((nowtime -DateTime .Parse (row [0]["stime"].ToString ())).TotalSeconds>20))
                                                        #region 馈电判断
                                                        //if (state1 == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState44)//控制口断开
                                                        //    if (state2 == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState26)//馈电开关量为2态
                                                        //    {
                                                        //        r["kdzt"] = "断电失败";
                                                        //    }
                                                        //    else if (state2 == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState25)//馈电开关量为1态
                                                        //    {
                                                        //        r["kdzt"] = "断电成功";
                                                        //    }
                                                        //    else//馈电开关量为0态
                                                        //    {
                                                        //        r["kdzt"] = "断电成功";//0态默认是断电成功   20170622
                                                        //    }
                                                        //    r["kdzt"] = "断电失败";
                                                        if (row[0]["NCtrlSate"].ToString() == "0") //复电成功
                                                            r["kdzt"] = "复电成功";
                                                        else if (row[0]["NCtrlSate"].ToString() == "2") //断电成功
                                                            r["kdzt"] = "断电成功";
                                                        else if (row[0]["NCtrlSate"].ToString() == "30") //复电失败
                                                            r["kdzt"] = "复电失败";
                                                        else if (row[0]["NCtrlSate"].ToString() == "32") //断电失败
                                                            r["kdzt"] = "断电失败";
                                                        else if (row[0]["NCtrlSate"].ToString() == "46") //未知
                                                            r["kdzt"] = "未知";

                                                        //    if (state1 == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState44)
                                                        //    {
                                                        //        if (state2 == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState25)
                                                        //        {
                                                        //            r["kdzt"] = "断电成功";
                                                        //        }
                                                        //    }

                                    #region 结束时间
                                    //if (uplist.Contains(long.Parse(r["id"].ToString())))
                                    //    r["endtime"] = "jieshu";
                                    lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                        if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(StaticClass.jcbdata[long.Parse(r["id"].ToString())].Etime))
                                            r["endtime"]    = StaticClass.jcbdata[long.Parse(r["id"].ToString())].Etime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                            r["alarmstate"] = "已结束";
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("刷新控制记录", ex);

            #region 当前报警条数
            tbcount = showdt.Select("endtime=''").Length;
            StaticClass.yccount[4] = tbcount;
Пример #9
        private void getdt(DateTime nowtime)
            DataRow[]  rows = null;
            DataRow    row = null, r = null;
            TimeSpan   span;
            string     point = "", ssz1, ssz2;
            double     ssz, zdz, zxz, pjz, allvlaue;
            int        zt = -1;
            DataTable  dt = showdt.Clone();
            List <int> fzh;
            int        x = -1, y = -1, count = 0, toprowindex = 0;
            long       temp = 0;

            string[]        kdid1;
            Jc_BInfo        tempobj    = null;
            bool            updateflag = true;
            List <Jc_BInfo> endkdlist  = new List <Jc_BInfo>();
            Jc_BInfo        lb         = new Jc_BInfo();
            string          nt         = string.Empty;

                #region  模拟量信息
                lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                    rows = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("lx='开关量' ", "fzh,tdh,dzh");

                    //modified by  20170315
                    if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0)
                        List <DataRow> list = new List <DataRow>();
                        foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
                            if (dr != null) //移除空行
                        rows = list.ToArray();

                    if (rows.Length > 0)
                        DataTable dt1 = rows.CopyToDataTable();
                        #region  除已结束的报警
                        lock (objShowDt)
                            for (int i = 0; i < showdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                rows = dt1.Select("point='" + showdt.Rows[i]["point"].ToString() + "'");
                                if (rows.Length > 0)
                                    #region 刷新实时值、最大值、最小值、平均值
                                    point = showdt.Rows[i]["point"].ToString();
                                    ssz2  = showdt.Rows[i]["ssz"].ToString();
                                    ssz1  = rows[0]["ssz"].ToString();
                                    if (ssz1 != ssz2)
                                        showdt.Rows[i]["ssz"]     = ssz1;
                                        showdt.Rows[i]["state"]   = OprFuction.StateChange(rows[0]["zt"].ToString());
                                        showdt.Rows[i]["sbstate"] = OprFuction.StateChange(rows[0]["sbzt"].ToString());
                                        showdt.Rows[i]["stime"]   = OprFuction.TimeToString(DateTime.Parse(rows[0]["time"].ToString()));
                                        showdt.Rows[i]["time"]    = OprFuction.TimeToString(DateTime.Parse(rows[0]["time"].ToString()));

                                    lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                        var bjobj = StaticClass.jcbdata.Values.Where(pp => pp.Point == showdt.Rows[i]["point"].ToString() && (
                                                                                         (OprFuction.KGLisAlarm(pp) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pp.Kzk))) && (OprFuction.IsInitTime(pp.Etime))).OrderByDescending(pp => pp.Stime).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (bjobj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bjobj.Point))
                                            if (OprFuction.KGLisAlarm(bjobj))
                                                if (showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"] != null && showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"].ToString() != "报警/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(bjobj.Etime))
                                                    showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"] = "报警/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(bjobj.Stime);
                                                if (showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"] != null && showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"].ToString() != "断电/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(bjobj.Stime))
                                                    showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"] = "断电/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(bjobj.Stime);

                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bjobj.Kzk))
                                                string[] kzk  = bjobj.Kzk.Split('|');
                                                string   kzqy = "";
                                                if (kzk.Length > 0)
                                                    for (int k = 0; k < kzk.Length; k++)
                                                        lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                                            DataRow[] row1 = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + kzk[i] + "'");
                                                            if (row1.Length > 0)
                                                                kzqy = kzqy + kzk[i] + "(" + row1[0]["wz"] + ")|";
                                                if (kzqy.Length > 1)
                                                    kzqy = kzqy.Substring(0, kzqy.Length - 1);
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["ddqy"] = kzqy;
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["ddqy"] = "";

                                            if (showdt.Rows[i]["cstime"] != null && showdt.Rows[i]["cstime"].ToString() != bjobj.Cs + "/" + bjobj.Bz2)
                                                showdt.Rows[i]["cstime"] = bjobj.Cs + "/" + bjobj.Bz2;

                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bjobj.Kdid))
                                                if (null != showdt.Rows[i]["kdid"])
                                                    if (showdt.Rows[i]["kdid"].ToString() != bjobj.Kdid)
                                                        #region 修改馈电
                                                        kdid1 = bjobj.Kdid.Split(',');
                                                        lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                                                for (int z = 0; z < kdid1.Length; z++)
                                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid1[z]))
                                                                        temp = long.Parse(kdid1[z]);
                                                                        if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                                            tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                                            showdt.Rows[i]["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                        showdt.Rows[i]["kdid"] = bjobj.Kdid;
                                                        updateflag = true;
                                                        kdid1      = bjobj.Kdid.Split(',');
                                                        for (int z = 0; z < kdid1.Length; z++)
                                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid1[z]))
                                                                temp = long.Parse(kdid1[z]);
                                                                if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                                    tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                                    if (OprFuction.IsInitTime(tempobj.Etime))
                                                                        updateflag = false;
                                                        if (updateflag)
                                                            lb = endkdlist.OrderByDescending(pp => pp.Etime).First();
                                                            if (lb.Type == (short)DeviceDataState.DataPowerOffFail)
                                                                nt = ((short)DeviceDataState.DataPowerOffSuc).ToString();
                                                            else if (lb.Type == (short)DeviceDataState.DataPowerOnFail)
                                                                nt = ((short)DeviceDataState.DataPowerOnSuc).ToString();
                                                            showdt.Rows[i]["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(nt) + "/" + lb.Etime;
                                            showdt.Rows[i]["bjtime"] = "";
                                            showdt.Rows[i]["ddqy"]   = "";
                                            showdt.Rows[i]["kdtime"] = "";
                                            showdt.Rows[i]["cstime"] = "";

                        #region 添加新的报警
                        lock (objShowDt)
                            for (int kj = 0; kj < dt1.Rows.Count; kj++)
                                r    = dt1.Rows[kj];
                                rows = showdt.Select("point='" + r["point"].ToString() + "'");
                                    if (rows.Length > 0)
                                row          = showdt.NewRow();
                                row["point"] = r["point"];
                                row["wz"]    = r["wz"];
                                if (r["zt"].ToString() == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState7.ToString())
                                    row["yjz"] = r["sxyj"];
                                    row["yjz"] = r["xxyj"];
                                row["fzh"]      = r["fzh"] + "/" + r["tdh"] + "/" + r["dzh"];
                                row["ssz"]      = r["ssz"];
                                row["state"]    = OprFuction.StateChange(r["zt"].ToString());
                                row["sbstate"]  = OprFuction.StateChange(r["sbzt"].ToString());
                                row["stime"]    = OprFuction.TimeToString(DateTime.Parse(r["time"].ToString()));
                                row["time"]     = OprFuction.TimeToString(DateTime.Parse(r["time"].ToString()));
                                span            = nowtime - DateTime.Parse(r["time"].ToString());
                                row["cxtime"]   = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
                                row["zdz"]      = r["ssz"];
                                row["zxz"]      = r["ssz"];
                                row["pjz"]      = r["ssz"];
                                row["count"]    = 1;
                                row["allvalue"] = r["ssz"];
                                row["id"]       = 0;
                                row["devname"]  = r["lb"];
                                row["dw"]       = r["dw"];
                                showdt.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0);//添加新记录
                        lock (objShowDt)
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新增报警断电信息
        /// </summary>
        public void getdata()
            long        id  = 0;
            Jc_BInfo    jcb = null;
            Jc_BInfo    obj = null;
            long        key = 0;
            List <long> listkey;

            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                    #region 获取馈电异常信息
                    listkey = StaticClass.jcbdata.Keys.ToList();
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                        key = listkey[kj];
                        jcb = StaticClass.jcbdata[key];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcb.Kdid))
                            id = long.Parse(jcb.ID);
                            if (!jc_b.ContainsKey(id))
                                #region 新增报警断电馈电
                                obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                jc_b.Add(id, obj);
                                #region update 报警 断电
                                if (jc_b[id].Kdid != jcb.Kdid)
                                    obj      = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                    jc_b[id] = obj;
                                else if (jc_b[id].Cs != jcb.Cs)//措施改变进行页面更新   20180206
                                    obj      = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                    jc_b[id] = obj;
                    #region 判断报警断电是否还存在
                    listkey = jc_b.Keys.ToList();
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                        key = listkey[kj];
                        if (!StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(key))
                catch (Exception ex)
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新报警数据
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh(DateTime nowtime)
            string point = "";

            DataRow[] row;
            DataRow   r;
            int       countn = 0;

            string[] kzk = null, kdid = null;
            long     temp = 0;
            Jc_BInfo obj = null, tempobj = null;
            int      tbcount = 0;
            Dictionary <string, string> kzkd = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            object wz = "", dw = "", bjz = "", ddz = "", fzh = "", sszn = "",
                   bjtime = "", ddtime = "", cs = "", idn = "", qy = "", sbstate = "";
            long key = 0;

            #region  除已结束的记录
                if (deletelist.Count > 0)
                    #region  除显示
                    countn = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < countn; i++)
                                if (deletelist.Contains(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString())))
                                    if (jc_kd.ContainsKey(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["kdid"].ToString())))


                                    i--; countn--;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                    #region  除内存
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < deletelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = deletelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("删除馈电记录", ex);

            #region 修改及刷新记录
            if (updatelist.Count > 0)
                    #region 添加记录
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < updatelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = updatelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj   = jc_b[key];
                            point = obj.Point;
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    wz      = row[0]["wz"];
                                    sbstate = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                                    sszn    = obj.Ssz + "/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                                    if (int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState9 ||
                                        int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState11)
                                        bjz = row[0]["sxbj"] + "/" + row[0]["sxyj"];
                                        ddz = row[0]["sxdd"] + "/" + row[0]["sxfd"];
                                        dw  = row[0]["dw"];
                                    else if (int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState19 ||
                                             int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState21)
                                        bjz = row[0]["xxbj"] + "/" + row[0]["xxyj"];
                                        ddz = row[0]["xxdd"] + "/" + row[0]["xxfd"];
                                        dw  = row[0]["dw"];
                                        bjz = obj.Ssz;
                                        ddz = obj.Ssz;
                            fzh    = obj.Fzh + "/" + obj.Kh + "/" + obj.Dzh;
                            bjtime = ddtime = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            cs     = obj.Cs;
                            idn    = key;

                            #region  控制口
                            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kdid))
                            //    kdid = obj.Kdid.Split('|');
                            //    if (kdid.Length > 0)
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[0]))
                            //        {
                            //            kdid1 = kdid[0].Split(',');
                            //            #region 断电失败
                            //            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                            //            {
                            //                for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                            //                {
                            //                    temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                            //                    if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                    {
                            //                        tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                            //                        if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                        {
                            //                            jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                            //                            #region 添加记录
                            //                            row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                            //                            if (row.Length > 0)
                            //                            {
                            //                                qy = row[0]["wz"];
                            //                            }
                            //                            r = showdt.NewRow();
                            //                            r["point"] = point;
                            //                            r["wz"] = wz;
                            //                            r["bjz"] = bjz;
                            //                            r["ddz"] = ddz;
                            //                            r["dw"] = dw;
                            //                            //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                            //                            r["ssz"] = sszn;
                            //                            r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                            //                            r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                            //                            r["kdid"] = temp;
                            //                            r["id"] = key;
                            //                            r["qy"] = qy;
                            //                            r["kzk"] = tempobj.Point;
                            //                            r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                            //                            showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                            //                            #endregion
                            //                        }
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //            }
                            //            #endregion
                            //        }
                            //        if (kdid.Length > 1)
                            //        {
                            //            #region 复电失败
                            //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[1]))
                            //            {
                            //                kdid1 = kdid[1].Split(',');
                            //                lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                            //                {
                            //                    for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                            //                    {
                            //                        temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                            //                        if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                        {
                            //                            tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                            //                            if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                            {
                            //                                jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                            //                                #region 添加记录
                            //                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                            //                                if (row.Length > 0)
                            //                                {
                            //                                    qy = row[0]["wz"];
                            //                                }
                            //                                r = showdt.NewRow();
                            //                                r["point"] = point;
                            //                                r["wz"] = wz;
                            //                                r["bjz"] = bjz;
                            //                                r["ddz"] = ddz;
                            //                                r["dw"] = dw;
                            //                                //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                            //                                r["ssz"] = sszn;
                            //                                r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                            //                                r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                            //                                r["kdid"] = temp;
                            //                                r["id"] = key;
                            //                                r["qy"] = qy;
                            //                                r["kzk"] = tempobj.Point;
                            //                                r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                            //                                showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                            //                                #endregion
                            //                            }
                            //                        }
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //            }
                            //            #endregion
                            //        }
                            //    }

                            #region  控制口
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kdid))
                                kdid = obj.Kdid.Split(',');
                                if (kdid.Length > 0)
                                    #region 馈电异常

                                    lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < kdid.Length; i++)
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[i]))
                                                    temp = long.Parse(kdid[i]);
                                                    if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                        tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                        if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))//
                                                            jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                                                            #region 添加记录
                                                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                                                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                                                    qy = row[0]["wz"];
                                                            lock (objShowDt)
                                                                r            = showdt.NewRow();
                                                                r["point"]   = point;
                                                                r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                                                r["wz"]      = wz;
                                                                r["bjz"]     = bjz;
                                                                r["ddz"]     = ddz;
                                                                r["dw"]      = dw;
                                                                //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                                                                r["ssz"]    = sszn;
                                                                r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                                                                r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                                                                r["kdid"]   = temp;
                                                                r["id"]     = key;
                                                                r["qy"]     = qy;
                                                                r["kzk"]    = tempobj.Point;
                                                                r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                                                                r["cs"]     = cs;
                                                                showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                                                        {//措施改变之后,对对应的记录更新   20180206
                                                            for (int k = 0; k < showdt.Rows.Count; k++)
                                                                if (showdt.Rows[k]["id"].ToString() == key.ToString())
                                                                    showdt.Rows[k]["cs"] = cs;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("添加馈电记录1", ex);

            #region 添加记录

            if (addlist.Count > 0)
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    #region 添加记录
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < addlist.Count; kj++)
                        key = addlist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj   = jc_b[key];
                            point = obj.Point;
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    wz      = row[0]["wz"];
                                    sbstate = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                                    sszn    = obj.Ssz + "/" + OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                                    if (int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState9 ||
                                        int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState11)
                                        bjz = row[0]["sxbj"] + "/" + row[0]["sxyj"];
                                        ddz = row[0]["sxdd"] + "/" + row[0]["sxfd"];
                                        dw  = row[0]["dw"];
                                    else if (int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState19 ||
                                             int.Parse(obj.Type.ToString()) == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState21)
                                        bjz = row[0]["xxbj"] + "/" + row[0]["xxyj"];
                                        dw  = row[0]["dw"];
                                        ddz = row[0]["xxdd"] + "/" + row[0]["xxfd"];
                                        bjz = obj.Ssz;
                                        ddz = obj.Ssz;
                            fzh    = obj.Fzh + "/" + obj.Kh + "/" + obj.Dzh;
                            bjtime = ddtime = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            cs     = obj.Cs;
                            idn    = key;
                            #region  控制口
                            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kdid))
                            //    kdid = obj.Kdid.Split('|');
                            //    if (kdid.Length > 0)
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[0]))
                            //        {
                            //            kdid1 = kdid[0].Split(',');
                            //            #region 断电失败
                            //            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                            //            {
                            //                for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                            //                {
                            //                    temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                            //                    if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                    {
                            //                        tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                            //                        if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                        {
                            //                            jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                            //                        }
                            //                        #region 添加记录
                            //                        row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                            //                        if (row.Length > 0)
                            //                        {
                            //                            qy = row[0]["wz"];
                            //                        }
                            //                        r = showdt.NewRow();
                            //                        r["point"] = point;
                            //                        r["wz"] = wz;
                            //                        r["bjz"] = bjz;
                            //                        r["ddz"] = ddz;
                            //                        r["dw"] = dw;
                            //                        //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                            //                        r["ssz"] = sszn;
                            //                        r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                            //                        r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                            //                        r["kdid"] = temp;
                            //                        r["id"] = key;
                            //                        r["qy"] = qy;
                            //                        r["kzk"] = tempobj.Point;
                            //                        r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                            //                        showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                            //                        #endregion
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //            }
                            //            #endregion
                            //        }
                            //        if (kdid.Length>1)
                            //        {
                            //            #region 复电失败
                            //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[1]))
                            //            {
                            //                kdid1 = kdid[1].Split(',');
                            //                lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                            //                {
                            //                    for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                            //                    {
                            //                        temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                            //                        if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                        {
                            //                            tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                            //                            if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))
                            //                            {
                            //                                jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                            //                            }
                            //                            #region 添加记录
                            //                            row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                            //                            if (row.Length > 0)
                            //                            {
                            //                                qy = row[0]["wz"];
                            //                            }
                            //                            r = showdt.NewRow();
                            //                            r["point"] = point;
                            //                            r["wz"] = wz;
                            //                            r["bjz"] = bjz;
                            //                            r["ddz"] = ddz;
                            //                            r["dw"] = dw;
                            //                            //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                            //                            r["ssz"] = sszn;
                            //                            r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                            //                            r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                            //                            r["kdid"] = temp;
                            //                            r["id"] = key;
                            //                            r["qy"] = qy;
                            //                            r["kzk"] = tempobj.Point;
                            //                            r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                            //                            showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                            //                        }
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //                #endregion
                            //            }
                            //            #endregion
                            //        }
                            //    }

                            #region  控制口
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kdid))
                                kdid = obj.Kdid.Split(',');
                                if (kdid.Length > 0)
                                    #region 馈电异常
                                    lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < kdid.Length; i++)
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[i]))
                                                    temp = long.Parse(kdid[i]);
                                                    if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                        tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                        if (!jc_kd.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                            jc_kd.Add(temp, OprFuction.NewDTO(tempobj));
                                                        #region 添加记录
                                                        lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                                            row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                                                            if (row.Length > 0)
                                                                qy = row[0]["wz"];
                                                        lock (objShowDt)
                                                            r            = showdt.NewRow();
                                                            r["point"]   = point;
                                                            r["wz"]      = wz;
                                                            r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                                            r["bjz"]     = bjz;
                                                            r["ddz"]     = ddz;
                                                            r["dw"]      = dw;
                                                            //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                                                            r["ssz"]    = sszn;
                                                            r["bjtime"] = bjtime;
                                                            r["ddtime"] = ddtime;
                                                            r["kdid"]   = temp;
                                                            r["id"]     = key;
                                                            r["qy"]     = qy;
                                                            r["kzk"]    = tempobj.Point;
                                                            r["kdtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                                                            r["cs"]     = cs;
                                                            showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("添加馈电记录", ex);
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count - tbcount;
                //StaticClass.yccount[3] += tbcount;
                //mainGridView.FocusedRowHandle = 0;

            #region 当前报警条数
            tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
            StaticClass.yccount[3] = tbcount;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新增报警断电信息
        /// </summary>
        public void getdata()
            short       type  = 0;
            int         count = 0;
            long        id    = 0;
            List <long> keylist;
            Jc_BInfo    jcb = null;
            Jc_BInfo    obj = null;

            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                    #region 获取报警信息
                    keylist = new List <long>(StaticClass.jcbdata.Keys);
                    for (int i = 0; i < keylist.Count; i++)
                        if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(keylist[i]))
                            jcb  = StaticClass.jcbdata[keylist[i]];
                            type = jcb.Type;
                            if (type == 27)
                            if (type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState24 || type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState25 ||
                                type == StaticClass.itemStateToClient.EqpState26)
                                id = long.Parse(jcb.ID);
                                if (!jc_b.ContainsKey(id) && (OprFuction.KGLisAlarm(jcb) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcb.Kzk)))//增加如果未选择报警,勾选了控制的也进行显示  20170726
                                    #region 新增报警断电
                                    obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                    jc_b.Add(id, obj);
                                    #region update 报警 断电
                                    if (jc_b.ContainsKey(id))
                                        #region 控制口改变
                                        if (jc_b[id].Kzk != jcb.Kzk)//报警断电结束
                                            obj      = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                            jc_b[id] = obj;

                                        if (OprFuction.IsInitTime(jc_b[id].Etime) &&
                                            !OprFuction.IsInitTime(jcb.Etime) ||
                                            jc_b[id].Kdid != jcb.Kdid)//报警断电结束
                                            obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                            if (jc_b[id].Kdid != jcb.Kdid)//馈电改变
                                            jc_b[id] = obj;
                                        else if (jc_b[id].Cs != jcb.Cs)//措施改变//&& !OprFuction.GetClientType() 注释  20170817
                                            obj      = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                            jc_b[id] = obj;
                                        //else if (jc_b[id].Isalarm != jcb.Isalarm)
                                        //    //2017.7.14 by
                                        //    obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                        //    jc_b[id] = obj;
                                        //    updatelist.Add(id);
                                        else//无变化,直接更新结束时间  20170627
                    #region 判断报警断电是否还存在
                    foreach (long key in jc_b.Keys)
                        if (!StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(key) || (StaticClass.jcbdata[key].Isalarm == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(StaticClass.jcbdata[key].Kzk)))//如果用户取消报警(只有报警,没有控制时,可取消),此时数据处理会将标记置成正常,客户端显示的时候也取消报警  20170627
                catch (Exception ex)
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新报警数据
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh(DateTime nowtime)
            string point = "";

            DataRow[] row, row1;
            DataRow   r;
            TimeSpan  span;
            int       countn = 0;
            long      id     = 0;

            string[]    kzk = null, kdid = null, kdid1 = null;
            long        temp = 0;
            Jc_BInfo    obj = null, tempobj = null;
            int         tbcount = 0;
            long        key     = 0;
            List <long> listkey;
            Dictionary <string, string> kzkd = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            object wz = "", devname = "", bjddzt = "", bjz = "", ddz = "", fzh = "", sszn = "", state = "", stime = "", etime = "",
                   cxtime = "", ddtime = "", cs = "", cut = "", allvalue = "", idn = "", qy = "", sbstate = "";

            #region  除已结束的记录
                if (deletelist.Count > 0)
                    #region  除显示
                    countn = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < countn; i++)
                                if (deletelist.Contains(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString())))
                                    i--; countn--;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                    #region  除内存
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < deletelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = deletelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                        if (CSlist.ContainsKey(key))
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("删除开关量报警断电记录", ex);

            #region 修改及刷新记录
            //foreach (long key in jc_b.Keys)
            //    listkey = jc_b.Keys.ToList();
            //    for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
            //    {
            //        key = listkey[kj];
            //        if (updatelist.Contains(key))
            //        {
            //            row = showdt.Select("id='" + key + "'");
            //            if (row.Length > 0)
            //            {
            //                #region 刷新  结束时间 持续时间
            //                if (row[0]["endtime"].ToString() == "")//结束时间更新
            //                {
            //                    for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
            //                    {
            //                        #region 刷新 结束时间 持续时间

            //                        obj = jc_b[key];
            //                        if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(obj.Etime))
            //                        {
            //                            row[i]["endtime"] = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Etime);
            //                            span = obj.Etime - Convert.ToDateTime(row[i]["stime"]);
            //                            row[i]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
            //                        }
            //                        else
            //                        {
            //                            span = nowtime - Convert.ToDateTime(row[i]["stime"]);
            //                            row[i]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
            //                        }
            //                        #endregion
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                #endregion

            //                #region 刷新cs
            //                if (row[0]["cs"].ToString() != jc_b[key].Cs && !OprFuction.GetClientType())
            //                {
            //                    for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
            //                    {
            //                        #region 刷新 cs
            //                        row[i]["cs"] = jc_b[key];
            //                        #endregion
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                #endregion
            //            }

            //            #region 修改馈电
            //            if (kdlist.Contains(key))
            //            {
            //                obj = jc_b[key];
            //                kdid = obj.Kdid.Split('|');
            //                if (kdid.Length > 0)
            //                {
            //                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[0]))
            //                    {
            //                        kdid1 = kdid[0].Split(',');
            //                        lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
            //                        {
            //                            try
            //                            {
            //                                for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
            //                                {
            //                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid1[i]))
            //                                    {
            //                                        temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
            //                                        if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
            //                                        {
            //                                            tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
            //                                            row = showdt.Select("id ='" + obj.ID + "' and  point='" + obj.Point + "' and kzk='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
            //                                            if (row.Length > 0)
            //                                            {
            //                                                row[0]["ddtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
            //                                            }
            //                                        }
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                            catch (Exception ex)
            //                            {
            //                                Basic.Framework.Logging.LogHelper.Error(ex);
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //            #endregion
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            row = showdt.Select("id='" + key + "'");
            //            if (row.Length > 0)
            //            {
            //                if (row[0]["endtime"].ToString() == "")
            //                {
            //                    #region  //刷新持续时间
            //                    span = nowtime - Convert.ToDateTime(row[0]["stime"]);
            //                    cxtime = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
            //                    for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
            //                    {
            //                        row[j]["cxtime"] = cxtime;
            //                    }
            //                    #endregion
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("修改开关量报警记录", ex);

            #region//重写刷新方法,每次刷新会导致客户端卡死  20170719
                listkey = jc_b.Keys.ToList();
                for (int kj = 0; kj < showdt.Rows.Count; kj++)
                    key = long.Parse(showdt.Rows[kj]["id"].ToString());
                    if (updatelist.Contains(key))
                        #region 刷新  结束时间 持续时间
                        if (showdt.Rows[kj]["endtime"].ToString() == "")//结束时间更新
                            #region 刷新 结束时间 持续时间
                            obj = jc_b[key];
                            if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(obj.Etime))
                                showdt.Rows[kj]["endtime"] = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Etime);
                                span = obj.Etime - Convert.ToDateTime(showdt.Rows[kj]["stime"]);
                                showdt.Rows[kj]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
                                span = nowtime - Convert.ToDateTime(showdt.Rows[kj]["stime"]);
                                showdt.Rows[kj]["cxtime"] = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);

                        #region 刷新cs
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jc_b[key].Cs))
                            if (showdt.Rows[kj]["cs"].ToString() != (jc_b[key].Cs + "/" + jc_b[key].Bz2))//&& !OprFuction.GetClientType() 注释  20170817
                                #region 刷新 cs
                                showdt.Rows[kj]["cs"] = (jc_b[key].Cs + "/" + jc_b[key].Bz2);
                            showdt.Rows[kj]["cs"] = "";

                        #region 修改馈电
                        if (kdlist.Contains(key))
                            obj  = jc_b[key];
                            kdid = obj.Kdid.Split('|');
                            if (kdid.Length > 0)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[0]))
                                    kdid1 = kdid[0].Split(',');
                                    lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid1[i]))
                                                    temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                                                    if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                        tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                        row     = showdt.Select("id ='" + obj.ID + "' and  point='" + obj.Point + "' and kzk='" + tempobj.Point + "'");
                                                        if (row.Length > 0)
                                                            showdt.Rows[kj]["ddtime"] = OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                        if (showdt.Rows[kj]["endtime"].ToString() == "")
                            #region  //刷新持续时间
                            span   = nowtime - Convert.ToDateTime(showdt.Rows[kj]["stime"]);
                            cxtime = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
                            showdt.Rows[kj]["cxtime"] = cxtime;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("修改开关量报警记录", ex);


            #region 添加记录

            if (addlist.Count > 0)
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    #region 添加记录
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < addlist.Count; kj++)
                        key = addlist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj   = jc_b[key];
                            point = obj.Point;
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    wz      = row[0]["wz"];
                                    devname = row[0]["devname"];
                            fzh     = obj.Fzh + "/" + obj.Kh + "/" + obj.Dzh;
                            sszn    = obj.Ssz;
                            bjz     = sszn;
                            ddz     = sszn;
                            state   = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.Type.ToString());
                            sbstate = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                            stime   = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            span    = nowtime - obj.Stime;
                            cxtime  = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}", span.Days, span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);
                            etime   = ""; //by
                            if (!OprFuction.IsInitTime(obj.Etime))
                                etime = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Etime);
                            ddtime = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);

                            if (obj.Isalarm > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kzk))
                                bjddzt = "报警";
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kzk))
                                bjddzt = "断电";

                            cs       = obj.Cs;
                            cut      = 1;
                            allvalue = obj.Ssz;
                            id       = key;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kzk))
                                #region  控制口
                                kzk = obj.Kzk.Split('|');
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Kdid))
                                    kdid = obj.Kdid.Split('|');
                                    if (kdid.Length > 0)
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid[0]))
                                            kdid1 = kdid[0].Split(',');
                                            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < kdid1.Length; i++)
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdid1[i]))
                                                            temp = long.Parse(kdid1[i]);
                                                            if (StaticClass.jcbdata.ContainsKey(temp))
                                                                tempobj = StaticClass.jcbdata[temp];
                                                                kzkd.Add(tempobj.Point, OprFuction.StateChange(tempobj.Type.ToString()) + "/" + tempobj.Stime);
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                if (kzk.Length > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < kzk.Length; i++)
                                        #region 添加记录
                                        lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                            row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + kzk[i] + "'");
                                            if (row.Length > 0)
                                                qy = row[0]["wz"];
                                        lock (objShowDt)
                                            r            = showdt.NewRow();
                                            r["point"]   = point;
                                            r["wz"]      = wz;
                                            r["devname"] = devname;
                                            r["bjddzt"]  = bjddzt;
                                            r["bjz"]     = bjz;
                                            r["ddz"]     = ddz;
                                            //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                                            r["ssz"]     = sszn;
                                            r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                            //r["state"] = state;
                                            r["stime"]   = stime;
                                            r["cxtime"]  = cxtime;
                                            r["endtime"] = etime;
                                            r["ddtime"]  = ddtime;
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.ToString()))
                                                r["cs"] = cs + "/" + obj.Bz2;
                                                r["cs"] = "";
                                            //r["count"] = 1;
                                            r["id"]  = key;
                                            r["qy"]  = qy;
                                            r["kzk"] = kzk[i];
                                            if (kzkd.ContainsKey(kzk[i]))
                                                r["ddtime"] = kzkd[kzk[i]];
                                            row1 = showdt.Select("id='" + key + "' and kzk='" + kzk[i] + "'");
                                            if (row1.Length < 1)
                                                showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                                        //showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                                #region 无控制口
                                lock (objShowDt)
                                    r            = showdt.NewRow();
                                    r["point"]   = point;
                                    r["wz"]      = wz;
                                    r["devname"] = devname;
                                    r["bjddzt"]  = bjddzt;
                                    r["bjz"]     = bjz;
                                    //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                                    r["ssz"]     = sszn;
                                    r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                    //r["state"] = state;
                                    r["stime"]   = stime;
                                    r["cxtime"]  = cxtime;
                                    r["endtime"] = etime;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.ToString()))
                                        r["cs"] = cs + "/" + obj.Bz2;
                                        r["cs"] = "";
                                    //r["count"] = 1;
                                    //r["allvalue"] = obj.Ssz;
                                    r["id"] = key;
                                    row1    = showdt.Select("id='" + key + "'");
                                    if (row1.Length < 1)
                                        showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("添加开关量报警记录", ex);
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count - tbcount;
                //StaticClass.yccount[2] += tbcount;
                //mainGridView.FocusedRowHandle = 0;

            #region 当前报警条数
            tbcount = showdt.Select("endtime='' or endtime='1900-01-01 00:00:00'", "").Length;
            StaticClass.yccount[2] = tbcount;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 定时,处理馈电记录,每2秒处理一次
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckAlarmFeeding()
            //控制口不为空,并且upflag=0 为主控,控制量取断电失败和复电失败
            Jc_KdInfo kdInfo;
            DataTable dtpointcur = new DataTable();
            DataTable dtcontrolcur = new DataTable();
            DateTime  etime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
            DateTime  stime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0f).ToShortDateString());
            DateTime  dtimecur = new DateTime();
            string    kzklst = "";
            string    oldkdid = "", tempkdid = "", Curkdid = "";;
            int       feedingtime = 60;//关于复电失败的只计算60秒以内的。
            byte      upflag      = 0;

            for (; stime <= etime; stime = stime.AddDays(1.0f))
                dtpointcur = _Repository.GetAlarmFeedingList("KJ_DataAlarm" + stime.ToString("yyyyMM"), stime.ToString(), stime.AddDays(1.0f).ToShortDateString());
                if (dtpointcur != null)//找到当天控制口未空,并且upflag=0的记录
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtpointcur.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dtimecur = DateTime.Parse(dtpointcur.Rows[i]["etime"].ToString());
                        kzklst   = dtpointcur.Rows[i]["kzk"].ToString().Replace("|", "','");
                        oldkdid  = dtpointcur.Rows[i]["kdid"].ToString();
                        upflag   = 0;
                        if (dtimecur.Year == 1900)
                            dtcontrolcur = _Repository.GetAlarmFeedingControlList("KJ_DataAlarm" + stime.ToString("yyyyMM"),
                                                                                  dtpointcur.Rows[i]["stime"].ToString(), "", kzklst, false);
                            dtcontrolcur = _Repository.GetAlarmFeedingControlList("KJ_DataAlarm" + stime.ToString("yyyyMM"),
                                                                                  dtpointcur.Rows[i]["stime"].ToString(), dtpointcur.Rows[i]["etime"].ToString(), kzklst);
                            if ((DateTime.Now - dtimecur).TotalSeconds >= feedingtime)
                                upflag = 1;
                        Curkdid = oldkdid;
                        for (int j = 0; j < dtcontrolcur.Rows.Count; j++)
                            tempkdid = dtcontrolcur.Rows[j]["id"].ToString();
                            if (!Curkdid.Contains(tempkdid))
                                if (Curkdid == "")
                                    Curkdid = tempkdid;
                                    Curkdid += "," + tempkdid;
                                kdInfo = GetNewJCKDInfo(dtpointcur.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(), tempkdid, DateTime.Now);
                        if (Curkdid != oldkdid || upflag == 1)
                            Jc_BInfo alarmInfo = new Jc_BInfo();
                            alarmInfo.Upflag = upflag.ToString();
                            alarmInfo.Kdid   = Curkdid;
                            alarmInfo.ID     = dtpointcur.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                            alarmInfo.Stime  = (DateTime)(dtpointcur.Rows[i]["stime"]);

                            Dictionary <string, object> updateItems = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            updateItems.Add("Upflag", alarmInfo.Upflag);
                            updateItems.Add("Kdid", alarmInfo.Kdid);

                            AlarmRecordUpdateProperitesRequest updateRequest = new AlarmRecordUpdateProperitesRequest()
                                AlarmInfo   = alarmInfo,
                                UpdateItems = updateItems

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取新增报警断电信息
        /// </summary>
        public void getdata()
            short       type    = 0;
            long        id      = 0;
            Jc_BInfo    jcb     = null;
            Jc_BInfo    obj     = null;
            DateTime    maxtime = timenow;
            long        key     = 0;
            List <long> listkey;

            lock (StaticClass.bjobj)
                #region 获取开关量状态变动数据
                    listkey = StaticClass.jcbdata.Keys.ToList();
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                        key  = listkey[kj];
                        jcb  = StaticClass.jcbdata[key];
                        type = jcb.Type;
                        if (jcb.Stime >= timenow)
                            if (OprFuction.IsKGL(jcb) && !jc_b.ContainsKey(long.Parse(jcb.ID)))
                                if (jcb.Stime > maxtime)
                                    maxtime = jcb.Stime;
                                    id      = long.Parse(jcb.ID);
                                #region 新增开关量状态
                                obj = OprFuction.NewDTO(jcb);
                                jc_b.Add(long.Parse(obj.ID), obj);
                catch (Exception ex)
                if (id > dqid)
                    dqid = id;
                if (maxtime > timenow)
                    timenow = maxtime;
                #region 判断开关量状态记录是否可以删除
                DateTime now = Model.RealInterfaceFuction.GetServerNowTime();
                listkey = jc_b.Keys.ToList();
                for (int kj = 0; kj < listkey.Count; kj++)
                    key = listkey[kj];
                    if ((now - jc_b[key].Stime).TotalMinutes > 1)
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新报警数据
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh(DateTime nowtime)
            string point = "";

            DataRow[] row;
            DataRow   r;
            int       countn = 0;
            long      id = 0;
            Jc_BInfo  obj = null;
            int       tbcount = 0;
            object    wz = "", fzh = "", sszn = "", state = "", stime = "", sbstate = "";
            long      key = 0;

            #region  除已结束的记录
                if (deletelist.Count > 0)
                    #region  除显示
                    countn = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    lock (objShowDt)
                        for (int i = 0; i < countn; i++)
                                if (deletelist.Contains(long.Parse(showdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString())))
                                    i--; countn--;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                    #region  除内存
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < deletelist.Count; kj++)
                        key = deletelist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
            catch (Exception ex)
                OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("删除开关量记录", ex);

            #region 添加记录

            if (addlist.Count > 0)
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
                    #region 添加记录
                    for (int kj = 0; kj < addlist.Count; kj++)
                        key = addlist[kj];
                        if (jc_b.ContainsKey(key))
                            obj   = jc_b[key];
                            point = obj.Point;
                            lock (StaticClass.allPointDtLockObj)
                                row = StaticClass.AllPointDt.Select("point='" + point + "'");
                                if (row.Length > 0)
                                    wz = row[0]["wz"];
                            fzh     = obj.Fzh + "/" + obj.Kh + "/" + obj.Dzh;
                            sszn    = obj.Ssz;
                            state   = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.Type.ToString());
                            sbstate = OprFuction.StateChange(obj.State.ToString());
                            stime   = OprFuction.TimeToString(obj.Stime);
                            id      = key;
                            lock (objShowDt)
                                r          = showdt.NewRow();
                                r["point"] = point;
                                r["wz"]    = wz;
                                //r["fzh"] = fzh;
                                //r["ssz"] = sszn;
                                if (state.ToString() == "0态")
                                    r["state"] = row[0]["0t"].ToString();
                                else if (state.ToString() == "1态")
                                    r["state"] = row[0]["1t"].ToString();
                                    r["state"] = row[0]["2t"].ToString();
                                r["sbstate"] = sbstate;
                                r["time"]    = stime;
                                r["id"]      = key;
                                showdt.Rows.InsertAt(r, 0);//添加新记录
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OprFuction.SaveErrorLogs("添加开关量报警记录", ex);
                //tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count - tbcount;
                //StaticClass.yccount[5] += tbcount;
                //mainGridView.FocusedRowHandle = 0;
            #region 当前报警条数
            tbcount = showdt.Rows.Count;
            StaticClass.yccount[5] = tbcount;