Пример #1
 public Jacobian(Jacobian arg) : this(kdlPINVOKE.new_Jacobian__SWIG_2(Jacobian.getCPtr(arg)), true)
     if (kdlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw kdlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #2
        public static void Execute(Manipulator manip)
            var AD = Dispatcher.WorkspaceBuffer.AlgBuffer;

            /*// generating random tree
             * var solver = new HillClimbing(Obstacles, AD.Precision, AD.StepSize, AD.MaxTime);  // TODO: solvers should be declared inside planners!
             * var planner = new RRT(Obstacles, solver, AD.k, true, AD.d);
             * PathPlanner pp = planner;
             * var resRRT = pp.Execute(manip, null);
             * // acquiring all the Vector3s and configurations along the path
             * manip.Path = resRRT.Item1;
             * manip.States["Path"] = true;
             * manip.Configs = resRRT.Item2;*/

            /*// generating random tree
             * var solver = new HillClimbing(Obstacles, AD.Precision, AD.StepSize, AD.MaxTime);  // TODO: solvers should be declared inside planners!
             * var planner = new DynamicRRT(Obstacles, solver, AD.k, true, AD.d, AD.k / 100);
             * PathPlanner pp = planner;
             * var resRRT = pp.Execute(manip, null);
             * // acquiring all the Vector3s and configurations along the path
             * manip.Path = resRRT.Item1;
             * manip.States["Path"] = true;
             * manip.Configs = resRRT.Item2;*/

            var solver  = new Jacobian(Obstacles, AD.Precision, AD.StepSize, AD.MaxTime); // TODO: solvers should be declared inside planners!
            var planner = new DynamicRRT(Obstacles, solver, AD.k, true, AD.d, AD.k / 100);

            planner.Start(manip, Vector3.Zero);

            /*var resGA = PathPlanner.GeneticAlgorithm(manip, Obstacles, manip.Goal, resRRT.Item2.ToArray(),
             *  0.99, manip.Joints.Length, 20, 0.95, 0.1, 10000,
             *  PathPlanner.OptimizationCriterion.CollisionFree,
             *  PathPlanner.SelectionMode.NormalDistribution,
             *  PathPlanner.CrossoverMode.WeightedMean,
             *  t => t * Math.PI / 180);*/

            /*var input = new (Vector3, float[])[resRRT.Item1.Count];
             * for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  input[i].Item1 = resRRT.Item1[i];
             *  input[i].Item2 = resRRT.Item2[i];
             * }
             * var jac = new Jacobian(Obstacles, manip.q.Length, AD.Precision, AD.StepSize, AD.MaxTime);
             * var resGA = PathPlanner.GeneticAlgorithmD(manip, Obstacles, manip.Goal, jac,
             *  input, 0.99, manip.Joints.Length, 4, 0.95, 0.1, 10000,
             *  PathPlanner.OptimizationCriterion.CollisionFree,
             *  PathPlanner.SelectionMode.NormalDistribution,
             *  PathPlanner.CrossoverMode.WeightedMean,
             *  t => t * Math.PI / 180);
             * // acquiring all the Vector3s and configurations along the path
             * manip.Path = resGA.Item1;
             * manip.States["Path"] = true;
             * manip.Configs = resGA.Item2;*/
Пример #3
        public virtual int JntToJac(JntArray q_in, Jacobian jac)
            int ret = kdlPINVOKE.ChainJntToJacSolver_JntToJac__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, JntArray.getCPtr(q_in), Jacobian.getCPtr(jac));

            if (kdlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw kdlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #4
 public void DebugInfo(StringBuilder b, int debugPage, PhysicalParticle particle)
     if (debugPage == 1)
         b.AppendLine($"Constraint Forces:\n{TotalConstraintForces?.Transpose().ToMatrixString()}");
         b.AppendLine($"Lagrange Multipliers:\n{LagrangeMultipliers?.Transpose()?.ToMatrixString()}");
         b.AppendLine($"Coefficient Matrix: (det {CoefficientMatrix?.Determinant()})\n{CoefficientMatrix?.ToMatrixString()}");
         b.AppendLine($"Equation Constants:\n{EquationConstants?.ToMatrixString()}");
Пример #5
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         //for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
         Jacobian.updateJacobianTranspose(m_chain, m_target.position, Vector3.right);
         //for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
         Jacobian.updateJacobianTranspose(m_chain, m_target.position, Vector3.up);
         //for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
         Jacobian.updateJacobianTranspose(m_chain, m_target.position, Vector3.forward);
Пример #6
    void updateChain()
        // Just copy from objects
        Vector3 end = transform.position;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_chain.Count; i++)
            Joint      current    = m_chain[i];
            GameObject currentObj = m_chainObjs[i];
            current.length     = currentObj.transform.localScale.x;
            current.m_position = currentObj.transform.position - currentObj.transform.right * current.length * 0.5f;
            current.m_endPoint = currentObj.transform.position + currentObj.transform.right * current.length * 0.5f;
            end = current.m_endPoint;
        //CMatrix J = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain, m_chain.Count, end, Vector3.forward);
        CMatrix J     = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain, m_chainObjs, m_dofs, m_dofJointId, end + m_virtualForce);
        CMatrix Jt    = CMatrix.Transpose(J);
        CMatrix force = new CMatrix(3, 1);

        force[0, 0] = m_virtualForce.x;
        force[1, 0] = m_virtualForce.y;
        force[2, 0] = m_virtualForce.z;
        //CMatrix torqueSet = Jt*force;
        Debug.Log(Jt.m_rows + "x" + Jt.m_cols);
        //for (int i = 0; i < m_chain.Count; i++)
        //    // store torque
        //    m_torques[i] = Vector3.forward*Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(Jt[i,0],Jt[i,1],Jt[i,2]),m_virtualForce);
        //    //Debug.Log(m_torques[i].ToString());

        // This could either be a new kernel, or continuation of the old

        // Here in GPGPU, we could zero the torque position each time...
        for (int i = 0; i < m_chain.Count; i++)
            m_torques[i] = Vector3.zero; // for each dof, for its joint id (as if it had been in the next loop essentially)
        // ... but force sync here, so the following add-op isn't overwritten:
        for (int i = 0; i < m_dofs.Count; i++)
            // store torque
            int x = m_dofJointId[i];
            m_torques[x] += /*m_chainObjs[x].transform.TransformDirection(m_dofs[i])*/ m_dofs[i] * Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(Jt[i, 0], Jt[i, 1], Jt[i, 2]), m_virtualForce);
        // Come to think of it, the jacobian and torque could be calculated in the same
        // kernel as it lessens write to global memory and the need to fetch joint matrices several time (transform above)
Пример #7
        private double[,] JacobianToDoubleFormat(Dictionary <string, FloatingPoint> values)
            double[,] numJac = new double[Jacobian.GetLength(0), Jacobian.GetLength(1)];

            for (int i = 0; i < Jacobian.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Jacobian.GetLength(1); j++)
                    //Перевод из FloatingPoint в double
                    numJac[i, j] = double.Parse(Jacobian[i, j].Evaluate(values).RealValue.ToString().Replace(".", ","));

Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified <see cref="System.Object" />, is equal to this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The <see cref="System.Object" /> to compare with this instance.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   <c>true</c> if the specified <see cref="System.Object" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
 /// </returns>
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is JacobianInfo ji)
         if (!Jacobian.Equals(ji.Jacobian))
         if (!Rhs.Equals(ji.Rhs))
Пример #9
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Jacobian obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Пример #10
 public IOde23tVariableSolverType WithJacobian(Jacobian jacobian)
     model.Array.ConfigSet.Solver.AdditionalSolverOptions.SolverJacobianMethodControl = jacobian;
Пример #11
        public void Solve()
            double max;

            //вектор, в который записывается текущее приближение
            _curr_vector = new double[X.Values.Count, 1];

            //вектор, в котором хранится предыдущее приближение
            _prev_vector = new double[X.Values.Count, 1];

            //Создание временного словаря и присвоение ему начальных значений
            var temp = X;

                //Увеличение счетчика итераций

                //Составление численного Якобиана из обновленных значений перменных
                _numJac = new double[Jacobian.GetLength(0), Jacobian.GetLength(1)];
                for (int i = 0; i < Jacobian.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Jacobian.GetLength(1); j++)
                        //Перевод из FloatingPoint в double
                        if (Jacobian[i, j] != null)
                            _numJac[i, j] = double.Parse(Jacobian[i, j].Evaluate(temp).RealValue.ToString().Replace(".", ","));

                //Нахождение обратной матрицы Якобиана
                _revJacobian = Matrix.getInverse(_numJac);;

                //Обновление матрицы приближенных значений предыдущего шага
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++)
                    var elem = temp.ElementAt(i);
                    _prev_vector[i, 0] = double.Parse(elem.Value.RealValue.ToString().Replace(".", ","));

                //Матрица числовых значений начальных функций
                _curr_func_value = new double[Equations.Functions.GetLength(1), 1];

                //Расчет значений для матрицы функций
                for (int i = 0; i < Equations.Functions.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Equations.Functions.GetLength(1); j++)
                        _curr_func_value[i, 0] += double.Parse(Equations.Functions[i, j].Evaluate(temp).RealValue.ToString().Replace(".", ","));

                //Расчет дельта X
                var delta_x = Matrix.Multiply(_revJacobian, _curr_func_value);

                //Получение нового приближения
                _curr_vector = Matrix.Subtract(_prev_vector, delta_x);

                max = Math.Abs(delta_x[0, 0]);

                temp = new Dictionary <string, FloatingPoint>();

                //Вычисление максимального значения в массиве delta_x и обновление словаря temp
                for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; i++)
                    if (max < Math.Abs(delta_x[i, 0]))
                        max = Math.Abs(delta_x[i, 0]);

                    var elem = X.ElementAt(i);
                    temp.Add(elem.Key, Expr.Parse(_curr_vector[i, 0].ToString().Replace(",", ".")).RealNumberValue);
            } while (max > Eps && Counter != _maxCounter);

            Console.WriteLine($"Итоговое количество итераций: {Counter}");

            Console.WriteLine("Ответ: ");


Пример #12
 public IExtrapolatedFixedSolverType WithJacobian(Jacobian jacobian)
     model.Array.ConfigSet.Solver.AdditionalSolverOptions.SolverJacobianMethodControl = jacobian;
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LevenbergMarquardt"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="function">Cost function.</param>
 /// <param name="jacobianFunction">Jacobian.</param>
 public LevenbergMarquardt(Function function, Jacobian jacobianFunction)
     this.function         = function;
     this.jacobianFunction = jacobianFunction;
Пример #14
 private void InvertJacobian()
     InvertedJacobian = Jacobian.Inverse();
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a hash code for this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
 /// </returns>
 public override int GetHashCode() => (Jacobian.GetHashCode() * 13) ^ (Rhs.GetHashCode());
Пример #16
        private double iterate(double[][] inputs, double[] outputs)
            if (Residuals is null || inputs.Length != Residuals.Length)
                Residuals = new double[inputs.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < Jacobian.Length; i++)
                    Jacobian[i] = new double[inputs.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
                Residuals[i] = outputs[i] - Function(Solution, inputs[i]);

            if (ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism == 1)
                for (var i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
                    Gradient(Solution, inputs[i], gradient);

                    for (var j = 0; j < gradient.Length; j++)
                        Jacobian[j][i] = -gradient[j];

                    if (Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                Parallel.For(0, inputs.Length, ParallelOptions,
                             () => new double[NumberOfParameters],
                             (i, state, grad) =>
                    Gradient(Solution, inputs[i], grad);

                    for (var j = 0; j < grad.Length; j++)
                        Jacobian[j][i] = -grad[j];

                             grad => { }
            // Compute error gradient using Jacobian
            Jacobian.Dot(Residuals, gradient);

            // Compute Quasi-Hessian Matrix approximation
            Jacobian.DotWithTransposed(Jacobian, Hessian);

            decomposition = new JaggedSingularValueDecomposition(Hessian,
                                                                 true, true, true);

            Deltas = decomposition.Solve(gradient);

            for (var i = 0; i < Deltas.Length; i++)
                Solution[i] -= Deltas[i];

            return(ComputeError(inputs, outputs));
Пример #17
    // Compute the torque needed on swing legs to compensate for gravity
    Vector3[] computeCGVFTorques(float p_phi, float p_dt)
        Vector3[] newTorques = new Vector3[m_jointTorques.Length];
        if (m_useVFTorque)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_legFrames.Length; i++)
                LegFrame lf = m_legFrames[i];
                // Calculate torques using each leg chain
                for (int n = 0; n < LegFrame.c_legCount; n++)              // for each leg
                    if (!lf.isInControlledStance(n, m_player.m_gaitPhase)) // only on swing
                        for (int m = 0; m < LegFrame.c_legSegments; m++)   // for each segment in leg
                            //  get the joints
                            int segIdx = n * LegFrame.c_legSegments + m + 1; // get segment index in list (+1 to offset for LF)
                            //Debug.Log("sidx: " + segIdx);
                            Rigidbody segment = m_joints[segIdx];
                            lf.calculateFgravcomp(segIdx - 1, segment);
                            // Calculate jacobian
                            //  get the joints
                            int legFrameRoot = lf.m_id;
                            //legFrameRoot = -1;
                            int legRoot         = lf.m_neighbourJointIds[n];
                            int legSegmentCount = m + 1; // the amount of segments decreases the further in in the hierarchy we get
                            // Use joint ids to get dof ids
                            // Start in chain
                            int legFrameRootDofId = -1; // if we have separate root as base link
                            if (legFrameRoot != -1)
                                legFrameRootDofId = m_chain[legFrameRoot].m_dofListIdx;
                            // otherwise, use first in chain as base link
                            int legRootDofId = m_chain[legRoot].m_dofListIdx;
                            // end in chain
                            int lastDofIdx = legRoot + m;
                            int legDofEnd  = m_chain[lastDofIdx].m_dofListIdx + m_chain[lastDofIdx].m_dof.Length;
                            // get force for the leg
                            Vector3 VF = lf.m_legSegmentGravityCompVirtualForces[segIdx - 1];
                            // Calculate torques for each joint
                            // Start by updating joint information based on their gameobjects
                            Vector3 end = segment.transform.TransformPoint(segment.centerOfMass);
                            //foreach(Joint j in m_chain)
                            //    Debug.Log("joint pos CC: " + j.m_position);

                            //CMatrix J = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain, m_chain.Count, end, Vector3.forward);
                            CMatrix J = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain,            // Joints (Joint script)
                                                                   m_chainObjs,        // Gameobjects in chain
                                                                   m_dofs,             // Degrees Of Freedom (Per joint)
                                                                   m_dofJointId,       // Joint id per DOF
                                                                   end + VF,           // Target position
                                                                   legRootDofId,       // Starting link id in chain (start offset)
                                                                   legDofEnd,          // End of chain of link (ie. size)
                                                                   legFrameRootDofId); // As we use the leg frame as base, we supply it separately (it will be actual root now)
                            CMatrix Jt = CMatrix.Transpose(J);

                            //Debug.DrawLine(end, end + VF * 0.4f, Color.magenta);

                            /*Color idxCol = new Color((float)n / (float)LegFrame.c_legCount, (float)m / (float)LegFrame.c_legSegments, (float)segIdx / (float)(LegFrame.c_legCount * LegFrame.c_legSegments));
                             * Debug.DrawLine(end, end + VF, idxCol);
                             * Debug.DrawLine(end, end + VF, idxCol);*/

                            int jIdx  = 0;
                            int extra = 0;
                            int start = legRootDofId;
                            if (legFrameRootDofId >= 0)
                                start = legFrameRootDofId;
                                extra = m_chain[legFrameRoot].m_dof.Length;

                            for (int g = start; g < legDofEnd; g++)
                                if (extra > 0)
                                else if (g < legRootDofId)
                                    g = legRootDofId;

                                // store torque
                                int x = m_dofJointId[g];
                                Debug.DrawLine(m_joints[x].transform.position, m_joints[x].transform.position + VF, new Color(1.0f, 153.0f / 255.0f, 153.0f / 255.0f));
                                Vector3 addT = m_dofs[g] * Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(Jt[jIdx, 0], Jt[jIdx, 1], Jt[jIdx, 2]), VF);
                                newTorques[x] += addT;
                                Vector3 drawTorque = addT;
                                //Debug.DrawLine(m_joints[x].transform.position, m_joints[x].transform.position + drawTorque * 0.5f, idxCol);
                        } // endfor legsegments
                    }     // endif not-stance
                }         // endfor legs
 public LevenbergMarquardt(Function function, Jacobian jacobianFunction)
     this.function = function;
     this.jacobianFunction = jacobianFunction;
Пример #19
    // Compute the torque of all applied virtual forces
    Vector3[] computeVFTorques(float p_phi, float p_dt)
        Vector3[] newTorques = new Vector3[m_jointTorques.Length];
        if (m_useVFTorque)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_legFrames.Length; i++)
                LegFrame lf = m_legFrames[i];
                lf.calculateNetLegVF(p_phi, p_dt, m_currentVelocity, m_desiredVelocity);
                // Calculate torques using each leg chain
                for (int n = 0; n < LegFrame.c_legCount; n++)
                    //  get the joints
                    int legFrameRoot = lf.m_id;
                    //legFrameRoot = -1;
                    int legRoot         = lf.m_neighbourJointIds[n];
                    int legSegmentCount = LegFrame.c_legSegments; // hardcoded now
                    // Use joint ids to get dof ids
                    // Start in chain
                    int legFrameRootDofId = -1; // if we have separate root as base link
                    if (legFrameRoot != -1)
                        legFrameRootDofId = m_chain[legFrameRoot].m_dofListIdx;
                    // otherwise, use first in chain as base link
                    int legRootDofId = m_chain[legRoot].m_dofListIdx;
                    // end in chain
                    int lastDofIdx = legRoot + legSegmentCount - 1;
                    int legDofEnd  = m_chain[lastDofIdx].m_dofListIdx + m_chain[lastDofIdx].m_dof.Length;
                    // get force for the leg
                    Vector3 VF = lf.m_netLegBaseVirtualForces[n];
                    // Calculate torques for each joint
                    // Start by updating joint information based on their gameobjects
                    Vector3 end = transform.localPosition;
                    //Debug.Log("legroot "+legRoot+" legseg "+legSegmentCount);
                    int jointstart = legRoot;
                    if (legFrameRoot != -1)
                        jointstart = legFrameRoot;
                    for (int x = jointstart; x < legRoot + legSegmentCount; x++)
                        if (legFrameRoot != -1 && x < legRoot && x != legFrameRoot)
                            x = legRoot;
                        Joint      current    = m_chain[x];
                        GameObject currentObj = m_chainObjs[x];
                        //Debug.Log("joint pos: " + currentObj.transform.localPosition);
                        // Update Joint
                        current.length     = currentObj.transform.localScale.y;
                        current.m_position = currentObj.transform.position /*- (-currentObj.transform.up) * current.length * 0.5f*/;
                        current.m_endPoint = currentObj.transform.position + (-currentObj.transform.up) * current.length /* * 0.5f*/;
                        //m_chain[i] = current;
                        //Debug.DrawLine(current.m_position, current.m_endPoint, Color.red);
                        //Debug.Log(x+" joint pos: " + current.m_position + " = " + m_chain[x].m_position);
                        end = current.m_endPoint;
                    //foreach(Joint j in m_chain)
                    //    Debug.Log("joint pos CC: " + j.m_position);

                    //CMatrix J = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain, m_chain.Count, end, Vector3.forward);
                    CMatrix J = Jacobian.calculateJacobian(m_chain,            // Joints (Joint script)
                                                           m_chainObjs,        // Gameobjects in chain
                                                           m_dofs,             // Degrees Of Freedom (Per joint)
                                                           m_dofJointId,       // Joint id per DOF
                                                           end + VF,           // Target position
                                                           legRootDofId,       // Starting link id in chain (start offset)
                                                           legDofEnd,          // End of chain of link (ie. size)
                                                           legFrameRootDofId); // As we use the leg frame as base, we supply it separately (it will be actual root now)
                    CMatrix Jt = CMatrix.Transpose(J);

                    //Debug.DrawLine(end, end + VF, Color.magenta, 0.3f);
                    int jIdx  = 0;
                    int extra = 0;
                    int start = legRootDofId;
                    if (legFrameRootDofId >= 0)
                        start = legFrameRootDofId;
                        extra = m_chain[legFrameRoot].m_dof.Length;

                    for (int g = start; g < legDofEnd; g++)
                        if (extra > 0)
                        else if (g < legRootDofId)
                            g = legRootDofId;

                        // store torque
                        int     x    = m_dofJointId[g];
                        Vector3 addT = m_dofs[g] * Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(Jt[jIdx, 0], Jt[jIdx, 1], Jt[jIdx, 2]), VF);
                        Debug.DrawLine(m_joints[x].transform.position, m_joints[x].transform.position + VF, new Color(0.0f, 153.0f / 256.0f, 0.0f));
                        newTorques[x] += addT;
                        //Vector3 drawTorque = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -addT.x);
                        //Debug.DrawLine(m_joints[x].transform.position, m_joints[x].transform.position + drawTorque*0.1f, Color.cyan);
                    // Come to think of it, the jacobian and torque could be calculated in the same
                    // kernel as it lessens write to global memory and the need to fetch joint matrices several time (transform above)
Пример #20
        private Jacobian m_jB; // Jacobian for contact bi-tangent (friction)

        public Contact()
            m_jN = new Jacobian(Jacobian.Type.Normal);
            m_jT = new Jacobian(Jacobian.Type.Tangent);
            m_jB = new Jacobian(Jacobian.Type.Tangent);
Пример #21
        public override void GenerateJacobian()
            int i = 0;

            var testEval = new Evaluator();

            foreach (var equation in Equations)
                var incidenceVector = equation.Incidence(testEval);

                foreach (var variable in incidenceVector)
                    if (!variable.IsConstant && variable.DefiningExpression == null)
                        int j = -1;
                        if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable, out j))
                            Jacobian.Add(new JacobianElement()
                                EquationIndex = i, VariableIndex = j, Value = 1.0

                            if (UseHessian)
                                var differential = (equation.Right - equation.Left).SymbolicDiff(variable);

                                foreach (var variable2 in incidenceVector)
                                    if (!variable2.IsConstant && variable2.DefiningExpression == null)
                                        int k = -1;
                                        if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable2, out k) && k <= j)
                                            Hessian.Add(new HessianElement()
                                                EquationIndex = i, Variable1Index = j, Variable2Index = k, Expression = differential, Value = 1.0

            if (UseHessian)
                var incidenceVector = ObjectiveFunction.Incidence();

                foreach (var variable1 in incidenceVector)
                    if (!variable1.IsConstant && variable1.DefiningExpression == null)
                        int j = -1;
                        if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable1, out j))
                            var differential = ObjectiveFunction.SymbolicDiff(variable1);
                            foreach (var variable2 in incidenceVector)
                                if (!variable2.IsConstant && variable2.DefiningExpression == null)
                                    int k = -1;
                                    if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable2, out k) && k <= j)
                                        ObjectiveHessian.Add(new HessianElement()
                                            EquationIndex = 0, Variable1Index = j, Variable2Index = k, Expression = differential, Value = 1.0

            foreach (var equation in Constraints)
                var incidenceVector = equation.Incidence(testEval);
                foreach (var variable in incidenceVector)
                    if (!variable.IsConstant && variable.DefiningExpression == null)
                        int j = -1;
                        if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable, out j))
                            Jacobian.Add(new JacobianElement()
                                EquationIndex = i, VariableIndex = j, Value = 1.0

                            if (UseHessian)
                                var differential = (equation.Right - equation.Left).SymbolicDiff(variable);

                                foreach (var variable2 in incidenceVector)
                                    if (!variable2.IsConstant && variable2.DefiningExpression == null)
                                        int k = -1;
                                        if (_variableIndex.TryGetValue(variable2, out k) && k <= j)
                                            Hessian.Add(new HessianElement()
                                                EquationIndex = i, Variable1Index = j, Variable2Index = k, Expression = differential, Value = 1.0

            if (UseHessian)