//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testAfter() public virtual void TestAfter() { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Before3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.FailureCount); Assert.IsTrue(result.Failures.Get(0).Trace.Contains("There are overridden methods")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testCorrectCodecReported() public virtual void TestCorrectCodecReported() { Result r = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, r.FailureCount); Assert.IsTrue(base.SysErr().Contains("codec=" + Nested1.CodecName), base.SysErr()); }
private string RunAndReturnSyserr() { JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested)); string err = SysErr; return(err); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testExceptionWithinBefore() public virtual void TestExceptionWithinBefore() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, runClasses.FailureCount); Assert.AreEqual(1, runClasses.RunCount); Assert.IsTrue(runClasses.Failures.Get(0).Trace.Contains("foobar")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testNonStringProperties() public virtual void TestNonStringProperties() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(NonStringProperties)); Assert.AreEqual(1, runClasses.FailureCount); Assert.IsTrue(runClasses.Failures.Get(0).Message.Contains("Will pass")); Assert.AreEqual(3, runClasses.RunCount); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testRuleInvariantAfterClass() public virtual void TestRuleInvariantAfterClass() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(InAfterClass)); Assert.AreEqual(1, runClasses.FailureCount); Assert.IsTrue(runClasses.Failures.Get(0).Message.Contains(PROP_KEY1)); Assert.IsNull(System.getProperty(PROP_KEY1)); }
/// <summary> /// Verify super method calls on <seealso cref="LuceneTestCase#tearDown()"/>. /// </summary> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testTeardownChaining() public virtual void TestTeardownChaining() { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(NestedTeardownChain)); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.FailureCount); Failure failure = result.Failures.Get(0); Assert.IsTrue(failure.Message.Contains("One of the overrides of tearDown does not propagate the call.")); }
private string RunAndReturnSyserr() { JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested)); string err = SysErr; // super.prevSysErr.println("Type: " + type + ", point: " + where + " resulted in:\n" + err); // super.prevSysErr.println("---"); return(err); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testRuleInvariantInTestMethod() public virtual void TestRuleInvariantInTestMethod() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(InTestMethod)); Assert.AreEqual(2, runClasses.FailureCount); foreach (Failure f in runClasses.Failures) { Assert.IsTrue(f.Message.Contains(PROP_KEY1)); } Assert.IsNull(System.getProperty(PROP_KEY1)); }
/// <summary> /// Verify super method calls on <seealso cref="LuceneTestCase#setUp()"/>. /// </summary> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testUncaughtDumpsSeed() public virtual void TestUncaughtDumpsSeed() { Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(ThrowInUncaught)); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.FailureCount); Failure f = result.Failures.Get(0); string trace = f.Trace; Assert.IsTrue(trace.Contains("SeedInfo.seed(")); Assert.IsTrue(trace.Contains("foobar")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testFailIfDirectoryNotClosed() public virtual void TestFailIfDirectoryNotClosed() { Result r = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested1)); RandomizedTest.assumeTrue("Ignoring nested test, very likely zombie threads present.", r.IgnoreCount == 0); foreach (Failure f in r.Failures) { Console.WriteLine("Failure: " + f); } Assert.AreEqual(1, r.FailureCount); Assert.IsTrue(r.Failures.Get(0).ToString().Contains("Resource in scope SUITE failed to close")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testIgnoredProperty() public virtual void TestIgnoredProperty() { System.clearProperty(PROP_KEY1); try { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(IgnoredProperty)); Assert.AreEqual(0, runClasses.FailureCount); Assert.AreEqual(VALUE1, System.getProperty(PROP_KEY1)); } finally { System.clearProperty(PROP_KEY1); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testFailIfUnreferencedFiles() public virtual void TestFailIfUnreferencedFilesMem() { Result r = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested1)); RandomizedTest.assumeTrue("Ignoring nested test, very likely zombie threads present.", r.IgnoreCount == 0); // We are suppressing output anyway so dump the failures. foreach (Failure f in r.Failures) { Console.WriteLine(f.Trace); } Assert.AreEqual(1, r.FailureCount, "Expected exactly one failure."); Assert.IsTrue(r.Failures.Get(0).Trace.Contains("unreferenced files:"), "Expected unreferenced files assertion."); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testSetupWithoutLocale() public virtual void TestSetupWithoutLocale() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested)); Assert.AreEqual(0, runClasses.FailureCount); string s1 = Nested.PickString; System.setProperty("tests.seed", Nested.Seed); System.setProperty("tests.timezone", Nested.DefaultTimeZone.ID); System.setProperty("tests.locale", Nested.DefaultLocale.ToString()); JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested)); string s2 = Nested.PickString; Assert.AreEqual(s1, s2); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testExceptionWithinTestFailsTheTest() public virtual void TestExceptionWithinTestFailsTheTest() { Result runClasses = JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested2)); Assert.AreEqual(3, runClasses.FailureCount); Assert.AreEqual(3, runClasses.RunCount); List <string> foobars = new List <string>(); foreach (Failure f in runClasses.Failures) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("foobar[0-9]+").matcher(f.Trace); while (m.find()) { foobars.Add(m.group()); } } foobars.Sort(); Assert.AreEqual("[foobar1, foobar2, foobar3]", Arrays.ToString(foobars.ToArray())); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testRuleOrder() public virtual void TestRuleOrder() { JUnitCore.runClasses(typeof(Nested)); Assert.AreEqual(Arrays.ToString(Stack.ToArray()), "[@Rule before, @Before, @After, @Rule after, @AfterClass]"); }