/// <summary>Obtain the JSch used to create new sessions.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Obtain the JSch used to create new sessions.</remarks>
        /// <param name="hc">host configuration</param>
        /// <param name="fs">
        /// the file system abstraction which will be necessary to
        /// perform certain file system operations.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>the JSch instance to use.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="NSch.JSchException">the user configuration could not be created.
        ///     </exception>
        protected internal virtual JSch GetJSch(OpenSshConfig.Host hc, FS fs)
            if (defaultJSch == null)
                defaultJSch = CreateDefaultJSch(fs);
                foreach (object name in defaultJSch.GetIdentityNames())
                    byIdentityFile.Put((string)name, defaultJSch);
            FilePath identityFile = hc.GetIdentityFile();

            if (identityFile == null)
            string identityKey = identityFile.GetAbsolutePath();
            JSch   jsch        = byIdentityFile.Get(identityKey);

            if (jsch == null)
                jsch = new JSch();
                byIdentityFile.Put(identityKey, jsch);