Пример #1
        public string GetJSONInfo(string sql)
            var reader = MySQLHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlConnString, MySQLHelper.CreateCommand(sql));

Пример #2
 public string GetJSONInfo(SqlDataReader reader)
Пример #3
    public string GetHousesByCondition(int pageSize, int pageIndex, string housetype, string rentType, string address, string isAvalible, string userID, string startdate, string endate)
        string where = "1=1 and isObsoleted=0 ";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(housetype))
            where += " and RRoomType='" + housetype + "'";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rentType))
            where += " and RRentType='" + rentType + "'";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
            where += " and RAddress like '%" + address + "%'";

        string    dateSql = "select distinct rentno from Rent_RentAttribute where (((rrastartdate BETWEEN '" + startdate + "' and '" + endate + "') or (rraenddate BETWEEN '" + startdate + "' and '" + endate + "')) or ((rrastartdate <'" + startdate + "' and rraenddate>'" + endate + "'))) and rrastatus in ('0','1','2','6')";
        DataTable dateDt  = MySQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(MySQLHelper.SqlConnString, MySQLHelper.CreateCommand(dateSql)).Tables[0];

        dateSql = string.Empty;
        foreach (DataRow row in dateDt.Rows)
            dateSql += "'" + row["rentno"].ToString() + "',";

        dateSql = " and rentno not in (" + dateSql + "'')";

        RentInfoHelper helper = new RentInfoHelper();

        if (!userID.Equals("1"))
            string    tempStr = string.Empty;
            DataTable dt      = helper.GetDataTable("select * from dbo.Rent_user_dept_relationship where t_wu_user_id = (select userid from cf_user where loginname = '" + userID + "')");
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                tempStr += row["t_ad_reg_dept_id"].ToString() + ",";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempStr))
                tempStr = tempStr.Substring(0, tempStr.Length - 1);
                where  += " and Region in (" + tempStr + ")";

        where += dateSql;

        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader r = helper.GetList(pageSize, pageIndex, "v_RentDetail_view", "RID", where, "*", "RCreatedDate", true);
        //return helper.GetJSONInfo(r);
        var list = new List <Hashtable>();

        list = JSONHelper.DbReaderToHash(r);
        string sqlArray = string.Empty;

        for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
            if (j == (list.Count - 1))
                sqlArray += "'" + list[j]["RentNO"].ToString() + "'";
                sqlArray += "'" + list[j]["RentNO"].ToString() + "',";
        var arrayKayObject = new Hashtable();  //配凑Key=>value

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlArray))
            string  sqlEvaluation  = "SELECT  RentNO, sum(count)/count(*) as count FROM (SELECT RentNO, (EvaluateItem0+EvaluateItem1+EvaluateItem2)/3 as count FROM v_Rent_Evaluation_view WHERE EvaluateType = 1 and RentNO in(" + sqlArray + ")) as a GROUP BY a.RentNO ORDER BY count DESC";
            DataSet dataEvaluation = MySQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(MySQLHelper.SqlConnString, MySQLHelper.CreateCommand(sqlEvaluation));
            foreach (DataRow row in dataEvaluation.Tables[0].Rows)
                var name  = row["RentNO"].ToString();
                var value = row["count"].ToString();
                arrayKayObject[name] = value;
        for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
            string           rentNo      = list[k]["RentNO"].ToString();
            RentImageHelper  helperImage = new RentImageHelper();
            string           count       = string.Empty;
            List <Hashtable> images      = helperImage.GetRentImages(rentNo, out count);
            var item1 = new Hashtable();
            for (int q = 0; q < images.Count; q++)
                list[k].Add("Image" + q, images[q]["ImagePath"].ToString());  //添加图片
            if (arrayKayObject.Contains(rentNo))
                list[k].Add("Evaluate", arrayKayObject[rentNo]);   //添加评分