Пример #1
    public static List <JSONDataClass> DecodeJSONArray(string jsonText)
        List <JSONDataClass> result    = new List <JSONDataClass>();
        string[]             jsonSplit = jsonText.Split(new string[] { "},{", "[", "]" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonSplit.Length; i++)
            string temp = jsonSplit[i];

            if (!temp.StartsWith("{"))
                temp = "{" + temp;
            if (!temp.EndsWith("}"))
                temp = temp + "}";
            if (!temp.Contains("{ }") && !temp.Contains("{}"))
                JSONDataClass tempJson = DecodeJSON(temp);
        if (result.Count > 0)
Пример #2
    public IEnumerator LoginToServer(string username, string password)
        WWWForm formData = new WWWForm();

        formData.AddField("QueryType", "loginuser");
        formData.AddField("Username", username);
        formData.AddField("Password", password);
        UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("http://avcmediasystems.ro/test/gameyfire/GameyFire_ServerService.php", formData);

        www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
        yield return(www.Send());

        if (!www.isError)
            JSONDataClass jsonTxt = JSON_UtilityClass.DecodeJSON(www.downloadHandler.text);
            UserDataClass.UserID    = JSON_UtilityClass.ParseIntFromString(jsonTxt.id);
            UserDataClass.FirstName = jsonTxt.FirstName;
            UserDataClass.LastName  = jsonTxt.LastName;
            UserDataClass.Username  = jsonTxt.Username;
            UserDataClass.Usermail  = jsonTxt.Mail;
            UserDataClass.Password  = jsonTxt.Password;

Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JSONDataClass"/> class for any new data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataKey">Data key.</param>
 /// <param name="dataValueType">Data value type.</param>
 /// <param name="dataValue">Data value.</param>
 /// <param name="dataIndent">Data indent(multiples of 20).</param>
 /// <param name="dataParent">Data parent class.</param>
 public JSONDataClass(string dataKey, DataTypes dataValueType, string dataValue, float dataIndent, JSONDataClass dataParent)
     key           = dataKey;
     valueDataType = dataValueType;
     value         = dataValue;
     indent        = dataIndent;
     parent        = dataParent;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a default instance of the <see cref="JSONDataClass"/> class, with key as 'root' and value null.
 /// </summary>
 public JSONDataClass()
     key           = "root";
     valueDataType = DataTypes.Null;
     value         = null;
     indent        = 0;
     indexInData   = -1;
     parent        = null;
     childCount    = -1;
Пример #5
    private void processJsonData(string _url)
        jsnData = JsonUtility.FromJson <JSONDataClass>(_url);
        int i = 0;

        foreach (var pairing in jsnData.pairings)
            _locations[i].x = pairing.rider.location.lat;
            _locations[i].y = pairing.rider.location.@long;
            IDs[i]          = pairing.rider.id;
            i = i + 1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Drop-down menu for new data entry with options for data types.
    /// If a new data is being added to the root, Array and Object type are shown as well, otherwise these 2 data types are hidden, as this tool currently doesn't support nested Arrays/Objects.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="isRoot">If set to <c>true</c> , parent will be root.</param>
    /// <param name="parentJSONData">Parent JSON data. Passed only if you're adding new data to an Array/Object.</param>
    public static void DropdownMenu(bool isRoot = true, JSONDataClass parentJSONData = null)
        if (isRoot)
            GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Int"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.Int);
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Float"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.Float);
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("String"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.String);
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Bool"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.Bool);
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Array"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.Array);
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Object"), false, AddRootData, (object)DataTypes.Object);
            GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Int"), false, AddArrayData, new List <object> ()
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Float"), false, AddArrayData, new List <object> ()
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("String"), false, AddArrayData, new List <object> ()
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Bool"), false, AddArrayData, new List <object> ()

    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes the data instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">Index of the data being deleted in jsonData list is passed.</param>
    /// <param name="isRoot">If set to <c>true</c>, then the data being deleted was a part of the Root and not a child of a subset.</param>
    public static void DeleteData(int index, bool isRoot = true)
        JSONDataClass removeableData = JSONCreator.jsonData [index];

        ///if the data is of Array or Object, then first all its child data is removed.
        if (removeableData.valueDataType == DataTypes.Array || removeableData.valueDataType == DataTypes.Object)
            if (removeableData.childCount > 0)
                int count = removeableData.childCount;
                JSONCreator.jsonData.RemoveRange(index + 1, count);

            if (!isRoot)
                int parentIndex = removeableData.parent.indexInData;
                JSONCreator.jsonData [parentIndex].childCount--;
            ///If the data is a child of some other data instance, then the child count of the parent is decremented.
            if (!isRoot)
                int parentIndex = removeableData.parent.indexInData;
                JSONCreator.jsonData [parentIndex].childCount--;

        ///Each time a new data is added, specially if added to the middle of the jsonData list, 'indexInData' value of other data instances can get outdated.
        ///Therefore, after addition/deleting a data, a simple iteration is done to reassign new values to each data instance.
        for (int i = 0; i < JSONCreator.jsonData.Count; i++)
            JSONCreator.jsonData [i].indexInData = i;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds new data in root.
    /// JSONDataClass is instantiated, all values are set and finally added to the jsonData list belonging to the JSONCreator script.
    /// In this case, the static rootClass is assigned as parent.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">The data object passed as parameter here consists of the DataType of the data to be added.
    /// This is then parsed back to the enum value and saved in the new instantiated data class.</param>
    static void AddRootData(object data)
        DataTypes     dataType = (DataTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataTypes), data.ToString());
        JSONDataClass jsonData = new JSONDataClass();

        switch (dataType)
        case DataTypes.Array:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = null;
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Array;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.childCount    = 0;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;

        case DataTypes.Object:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = null;
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Object;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.childCount    = 0;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;

        case DataTypes.Bool:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = false.ToString();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Bool;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;

        case DataTypes.Float:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = 0f.ToString();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Float;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;

        case DataTypes.Int:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = 0.ToString ();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Int;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;

        case DataTypes.String:
            jsonData.key           = "";
            jsonData.value         = "";
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.String;
            jsonData.indent        = 20;
            jsonData.parent        = JSONCreator.rootClass;
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds new data to an Array/Object.
    /// JSONDataClass is instantiated, all values are set and finally added to the jsonData list belonging to the JSONCreator script.
    /// In this case, the Array/Object data, from which the menu was triggered, is assigned as parent.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">The data object passed as parameter here consists of the DataType of the data to be added as well as reference to parent Array/Object data in the exact order.
    /// First value is then parsed back to the enum value and saved in the new instantiated data class.
    /// Second value is used to assign parent property to the new data as well as change child related properties of the parent data itself.</param>
    static void AddArrayData(object data)
        List <object> tempData = (List <object>)data;

        DataTypes     dataType   = (DataTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataTypes), tempData [0].ToString());
        JSONDataClass parentData = (JSONDataClass)tempData [1];

        JSONDataClass jsonData = new JSONDataClass();

        if (parentData.valueDataType == DataTypes.Array)
            jsonData.key = (parentData.childCount).ToString();
            jsonData.key = "";

        switch (dataType)
        case DataTypes.Bool:
            jsonData.value         = false.ToString();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Bool;
            jsonData.indent        = parentData.indent + 20f;
            jsonData.parent        = parentData;

        case DataTypes.Float:
            jsonData.value         = 0f.ToString();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Float;
            jsonData.indent        = parentData.indent + 20f;
            jsonData.parent        = parentData;

        case DataTypes.Int:
            jsonData.value         = 0.ToString ();
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.Int;
            jsonData.indent        = parentData.indent + 20f;
            jsonData.parent        = parentData;

        case DataTypes.String:
            jsonData.value         = "";
            jsonData.valueDataType = DataTypes.String;
            jsonData.indent        = parentData.indent + 20f;
            jsonData.parent        = parentData;

        ///All the data are mainly a part of 1 common list, whether added to Root or to a subset.
        ///So below functions are done as a check that whether the new child data of a subset is being added at the end of the jsonData list or added in the middle of the list somewhere.
        if ((parentData.indexInData == JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1) || JSONCreator.jsonData [JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1].parent == jsonData.parent)
            jsonData.indexInData = JSONCreator.jsonData.Count - 1;
            int parentIndex = JSONCreator.jsonData.IndexOf(parentData);
            if (parentData.childCount == 0)
                jsonData.indexInData = parentIndex + 1;
                JSONCreator.jsonData.Insert(parentIndex + 1, jsonData);
                jsonData.indexInData = parentIndex + 1 + parentData.childCount;
                JSONCreator.jsonData.Insert(parentIndex + 1 + parentData.childCount, jsonData);

        ///Here the child count of the parent data is increased.
        JSONCreator.jsonData [parentData.indexInData].childCount++;

        ///Each time a new data is added, specially if added to the middle of the jsonData list, 'indexInData' value of other data instances can get outdated.
        ///Therefore, after addition/deleting a data, a simple iteration is done to reassign new values to each data instance.
        for (int i = 0; i < JSONCreator.jsonData.Count; i++)
            JSONCreator.jsonData [i].indexInData = i;
 void OnEnable()
     path      = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "JSONCreator/JSONs/");
     fileName  = "untitledJSON";
     rootClass = new JSONDataClass();