Пример #1
        public void SendTH(List <Article> MODEL, string ModelCode, string type, string strUserS = "@all")
                var app = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == ModelCode);

                if (strUserS == "")
                thModel th = new thModel();
                th.MODEL     = MODEL;
                th.authAppID = app.AppID;
                th.UserS     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserS) ? "@all" : strUserS;
                if (Qyinfo.IsUseWX == "Y")
                    th.MODEL.ForEach(d => d.Url    = Qyinfo.WXUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/View_Mobile/UI/UI_COMMON.html?funcode=" + ModelCode + "_" + type + (d.Url == "" ? "" : "_" + d.Url) + "&corpid=" + Qyinfo.corpId.Trim());
                    th.MODEL.ForEach(d => d.PicUrl = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.PicUrl) ? "" : Qyinfo.FileServerUrl.Trim() + Qyinfo.QYCode + "/document/image/" + new FT_FileB().ExsSclarSql("select zyid from FT_File where ID='" + d.PicUrl + "'").ToString()));

                    //if (app.AppType == "1")
                    MassApi.SendNews(GetToken(app.AppID.ToString()), app.AppID, th.MODEL, th.UserS.Replace(',', '|'), "", "");
                    //    MassApi.SendText(GetToken(app.AppID.ToString()), th.UserS.Replace(',', '|'), "", "", app.AppID, th.MODEL[0].Title);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #2
        public string GetUserDataByCode(string strCode, string strModelCode)
            string UserCode = "";

            strModelCode = strModelCode.Split('_')[0];
                if (Qyinfo.IsUseWX == "Y")
                    JH_Auth_Model Model = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntities(d => d.ModelCode == strModelCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Model != null)
                        GetUserInfoResult OBJ = OAuth2Api.GetUserId(GetToken(Model.AppID), strCode);
                        UserCode = OBJ.UserId;
            catch (Exception EX)
                new JH_Auth_LogB().Insert(new JH_Auth_Log()
                    CRDate = DateTime.Now, LogContent = strModelCode + "获取用户代码" + strCode + "|GetUserDataByCode" + EX.Message.ToString()

Пример #3
 public string GetToken(string appID = "")
     if (Qyinfo.IsUseWX == "Y")
         if (appID == "")
             AccessTokenResult Token = CommonApi.GetToken(Qyinfo.corpId.Trim(), Qyinfo.corpSecret.Trim());
             JH_Auth_Model Model         = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntities(d => d.AppID == appID).FirstOrDefault();
             string        strcorpSecret = Qyinfo.corpSecret.Trim();
             if (Model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Remark1))
                 strcorpSecret = Model.Remark1.Trim();
             AccessTokenResult Token = CommonApi.GetToken(Qyinfo.corpId.Trim(), strcorpSecret);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 解除应用绑定
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void FIREMODEL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
                int id    = Int32.Parse(P1);
                var model = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == id);
                if (model != null)
                    //WXHelp WX = new WXHelp(UserInfo.QYinfo);
                    //WX.WX_DelMenu(Int32.Parse( model.AppID));

                    model.AppID          = "";
                    model.Token          = "";
                    model.EncodingAESKey = "";

                    new JH_Auth_ModelB().Update(model);
                    msg.ErrorMsg = "当前应用不存在";
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "解除绑定失败";
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 第五版的自定义显示菜单和左边菜单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETINDEXMENUNEW(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            DataTable dtModel = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GETMenuList(UserInfo, P1);

            dtModel.Columns.Add("ISSY", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            dtModel.Columns.Add("FunData", typeof(DataTable));
            if (dtModel != null && dtModel.Rows.Count > 0)
            {  //获取用户设置首页显示APP
                List <string> userCustom = new JH_Auth_UserCustomDataB().GetEntities(d => d.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId && d.UserName == UserInfo.User.UserName && d.DataType == P1 && d.DataContent1 == "Y").Select(d => d.DataContent).ToList();

                foreach (DataRow row in dtModel.Rows)
                    if (userCustom.Count > 0)
                        row["ISSY"] = 0;
                        if (row["UserAPPID"].ToString() != "")
                            row["ISSY"] = 1;
                        row["ISSY"] = 1;
                    row["FunData"] = new JH_Auth_RoleB().GetModelFun(UserInfo.User.ComId.Value, UserInfo.UserRoleCode, row["ID"].ToString());
            msg.Result  = dtModel;
            msg.Result2 = UserInfo.User.isSupAdmin;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建应用菜单
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 /// <param name="P1"></param>
 /// <param name="P2"></param>
 /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
 public void CREATEMENU(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
         int id    = Int32.Parse(P1);
         var model = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == id);
         if (model != null)
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Token) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EncodingAESKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AppID))
                 msg.ErrorMsg = "Token、EncodingAESKey、企业号应用不能为空";
                 WXHelp WX = new WXHelp(UserInfo.QYinfo);
                 List <Senparc.Weixin.Work.Entities.Menu.BaseButton> lm = new List <Senparc.Weixin.Work.Entities.Menu.BaseButton>();
                 WorkJsonResult rel = WX.WX_WxCreateMenuNew(Int32.Parse(model.AppID), model.ModelCode, ref lm);
                 if (rel.errmsg != "ok")
                     msg.ErrorMsg = "创建菜单失败";
             msg.ErrorMsg = "当前应用不存在";
     catch (Exception ex)
         msg.ErrorMsg = "创建菜单失败";
Пример #7
        public void GETYY(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int           intYYID = int.Parse(P1);
            JH_Auth_Model model   = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == intYYID);

            msg.Result  = model;
            msg.Result1 = new JH_Auth_FunctionB().GetEntities(d => d.ModelID == intYYID);
            msg.Result2 = new JH_Auth_CommonB().GetEntities(d => d.ModelCode == model.ModelCode);//移动应用菜单
Пример #8
        public void GETYYDATA(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string strWhere = "";

            if (P1 != "")
                strWhere = " AND (ModelName like '%" + P1 + "%'OR ModelType like '%" + P1 + "%') ";
            string    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM JH_Auth_Model WHERE 1=1" + strWhere + " ORDER BY ModelType";
            DataTable dt     = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetDTByCommand(strSQL);

            msg.Result = dt;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 文字消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MsgText"></param>
        /// <param name="strAPPID"></param>
        /// <param name="strUserS"></param>
        public void SendWXRText(string MsgText, string ModelCode, string strUserS = "@all")
                var app = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == ModelCode);

                if (strUserS == "")
                if (Qyinfo.IsUseWX == "Y")
                    MassApi.SendText(GetToken(app.AppID.ToString()), strUserS, "", "", app.AppID, MsgText);
            catch { }
Пример #10
        public void SendTPMSG(string ModelCode, List <Article> MODEL, string strUserS = "@all")
                var app = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == ModelCode);

                if (strUserS == "")
                if (Qyinfo.IsUseWX == "Y")
                    MassApi.SendNews(GetToken(app.AppID.ToString()), app.AppID, MODEL, strUserS, "", "");
            catch { }
Пример #11
        public ActionResult <string> XXJS()
            var context = _accessor.HttpContext;

            String strCorpID = context.Request.Query["corpid"].ToString();
            string strCode   = context.Request.Query["Code"].ToString();

                JH_Auth_QY    jaq = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().FirstOrDefault();
                JH_Auth_Model jam = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == strCode);
                if (jaq != null && jam != null)
                    string echoString = context.Request.Query["echoStr"].ToString();
                    string signature  = context.Request.Query["msg_signature"].ToString();//企业号的 msg_signature
                    string timestamp  = context.Request.Query["timestamp"].ToString();
                    string nonce      = context.Request.Query["nonce"].ToString();

                    string decryptEchoString = "";
                    if (new MOBAPI().CheckSignature(jam.Token, signature, timestamp, nonce, jaq.corpId, jam.EncodingAESKey, echoString, ref decryptEchoString))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(decryptEchoString))
                            Int64 v = Convert.ToInt64(decryptEchoString);

                            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Response.Body))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Model.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取当前企业号拥有的IP,只返回和可信域名相同的应用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETQYAPP(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int id    = Int32.Parse(P1);
            var model = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == id);

            msg.Result1 = model;//系统应用数据

            #region 获取应用默认菜单
            DataTable dt = new JH_Auth_CommonB().GetDTByCommand(" select * from JH_Auth_Common where ModelCode='" + model.ModelCode + "' and type='1' order by Sort");

            msg.Result2 = dt;

            if (model.AppType == "2")
                msg.Result3 = UserInfo.QYinfo.WXUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/View_Mobile/UI/UI_COMMON.html?funcode=" + model.ModelCode + "&corpId=" + UserInfo.QYinfo.corpId;;
Пример #13
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
            context.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "");
            context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
            string strAction = context.Request["Action"] ?? "";
            string UserName  = context.Request["UserName"] ?? "";
            string strIP     = CommonHelp.getIP(context);

            Msg_Result Model = new Msg_Result()
                Action = strAction.ToUpper(), ErrorMsg = ""

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAction))
                #region 企业号应用callback
                if (strAction == "XXJS")
                    String strCorpID = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";
                    string strCode   = context.Request["Code"] ?? "";
                        JH_Auth_QY    jaq = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().FirstOrDefault();
                        JH_Auth_Model jam = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == strCode);
                        //if (jaq != null && jam != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jam.TJId))
                        if (jaq != null && jam != null)
                            #region POST
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                                string signature = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["msg_signature"];//企业号的 msg_signature
                                string timestamp = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
                                string nonce     = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["nonce"];

                                // 获得客户端RAW HttpRequest
                                StreamReader srResult    = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
                                string       str         = srResult.ReadToEnd();
                                XmlDocument  XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
                                string ToUserName = string.Empty;
                                string strde      = string.Empty;
                                string msgtype    = string.Empty;//微信响应类型
                                foreach (XmlNode xn in XmlDocument.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (xn.Name == "ToUserName")
                                        ToUserName = xn.InnerText;
                                var pj = new JH_Auth_WXPJB().GetEntity(p => p.TJID == jam.TJId);
                                Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt wxcpt = new Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt(pj.Token, pj.EncodingAESKey, ToUserName);
                                int         n            = wxcpt.DecryptMsg(signature, timestamp, nonce, str, ref strde);
                                XmlDocument XmlDocument1 = new XmlDocument();
                                foreach (XmlNode xn1 in XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (xn1.Name == "MsgType")
                                        msgtype = xn1.InnerText;
                                if (msgtype == "event")//处理事件
                                    string strEvent    = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Event"].InnerText;
                                    string strUserName = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                    string strAgentID  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["AgentID"].InnerText;
                                    string strEventKey = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["EventKey"].InnerText;

                                    if (strEvent.ToLower() == "enter_agent" || strEvent.ToLower() == "view")
                                        //JH_Auth_User jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.UserName == strUserName);
                                        //JH_Auth_QY_Model jhqm = new JH_Auth_QY_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.AgentId == strAgentID);
                                        //if (jau != null && jhqm != null)
                                        //    JH_Auth_YYLog jay = new JH_Auth_YYLog();
                                        //    jay.ComId = jaq.ComId;
                                        //    jay.AgentID = strAgentID;
                                        //    jay.CorpID = strCorpID;
                                        //    jay.CRDate = DateTime.Now;
                                        //    jay.CRUser = strUserName;
                                        //    jay.Event = strEvent;
                                        //    jay.EventKey = strEventKey;
                                        //    jay.ModelCode = strCode;
                                        //    jay.ModelID = jhqm.ModelID;
                                        //    jay.QYName = jaq.QYName;
                                        //    jay.TJID = jam.TJId;
                                        //    jay.Type = msgtype;
                                        //    jay.UserName = strUserName;
                                        //    jay.UserRealName = jau.UserRealName;

                                        //    new JH_Auth_YYLogB().Insert(jay);

                                        //    if (strEvent.ToLower() == "enter_agent")
                                        //    {
                                        //        var jays = new JH_Auth_YYLogB().GetEntities(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.Event == "enter_agent" && p.AgentID == strAgentID && p.CRUser == strUserName);
                                        //        if (jays.Count() <= 1)
                                        //        {
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                                if (new List <string> {
                                    "text", "image", "voice", "video", "shortvideo", "link"
                                }.Contains(msgtype))                                                                               //处理消息事件
                                    if (XmlDocument1.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                        JH_Auth_WXMSG wxmsgModel = new JH_Auth_WXMSG();
                                        wxmsgModel.AgentID      = int.Parse(XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["AgentID"].InnerText);
                                        wxmsgModel.ComId        = jaq.ComId;
                                        wxmsgModel.ToUserName   = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ToUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.FromUserName = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.CRDate       = DateTime.Now;
                                        wxmsgModel.CRUser       = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.MsgId        = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MsgId"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.MsgType      = msgtype;
                                        wxmsgModel.ModeCode     = strCode;
                                        wxmsgModel.Tags         = "微信收藏";

                                        switch (msgtype)
                                        case "text":
                                            wxmsgModel.MsgContent = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Content"].InnerText;

                                        case "image":
                                            wxmsgModel.PicUrl  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["PicUrl"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "voice":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.Format  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Format"].InnerText;

                                        case "video":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.ThumbMediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ThumbMediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "shortvideo":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.ThumbMediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ThumbMediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "link":
                                            wxmsgModel.Description = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Description"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.Title       = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Title"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.URL         = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Url"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.PicUrl      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["PicUrl"].InnerText;
                                        if (new List <string>()
                                            "link", "text"
                                            if (msgtype == "link")
                                                var jaw = new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.MsgId == wxmsgModel.MsgId);
                                                if (jaw == null)
                                                    string strMedType = ".jpg";
                                                    JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo();
                                                    UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(jaq.ComId, wxmsgModel.FromUserName);
                                                    string fileID = CommonHelp.ProcessWxIMGUrl(wxmsgModel.PicUrl, UserInfo, strMedType);

                                                    wxmsgModel.FileId = fileID;
                                                    new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);

                                                    if (strCode == "TSSQ")
                                                        SZHL_TXSX tx1 = new SZHL_TXSX();
                                                        tx1.ComId   = jaq.ComId;
                                                        tx1.APIName = "TSSQ";
                                                        tx1.MsgID   = wxmsgModel.ID.ToString();
                                                        tx1.FunName = "SENDWXMSG";
                                                        tx1.Date    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                                        tx1.CRUser  = wxmsgModel.CRUser;
                                                        tx1.CRDate  = DateTime.Now;
                                                        TXSX.TXSXAPI.AddALERT(tx1); //时间为发送时间
                                                new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wxmsgModel.MediaId))
                                            var jaw = new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.MediaId == wxmsgModel.MediaId);
                                            if (jaw == null)
                                                string strMedType = ".jpg";
                                                if (strCode == "QYWD" || strCode == "CRM")             //判断模块
                                                    if (msgtype == "shortvideo" || msgtype == "video") //视频,小视频
                                                        strMedType = ".mp4";
                                                    if (new List <string>()
                                                        "image", "shortvideo", "video", "voice"
                                                    }.Contains(msgtype))                                                                 //下载到本地服务器
                                                        JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo();
                                                        UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(jaq.ComId, wxmsgModel.FromUserName);
                                                        string fileID = CommonHelp.ProcessWxIMG(wxmsgModel.MediaId, strCode, UserInfo, strMedType);
                                                        wxmsgModel.FileId = fileID;
                                                        new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);

                            #region GET
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "GET")
                                Auth(jam.Token, jam.EncodingAESKey, jaq.corpId);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Model.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();

                #region 企业会话
                if (strAction == "QYIM")
                    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                        string corpId = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";

                            JH_Auth_QY jaq = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.corpId == corpId);
                            if (jaq != null)
                                string signature = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["msg_signature"];//企业号的 msg_signature
                                string timestamp = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
                                string nonce     = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["nonce"];

                                // 获得客户端RAW HttpRequest
                                StreamReader srResult = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
                                string       str      = srResult.ReadToEnd();

                                string strde = string.Empty;

                                var pj = new JH_Auth_WXPJB().GetEntity(p => p.TJID == "tj7882b1f8bc56f05f");

                                Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt wxcpt = new Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt(pj.Token, pj.EncodingAESKey, corpId);

                                wxcpt.DecryptMsg(signature, timestamp, nonce, str, ref strde);

                                //string strde = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[0];

                                XmlDocument XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

                                string AgentType  = string.Empty;
                                string ToUserName = string.Empty;
                                string ItemCount  = string.Empty;
                                string PackageId  = string.Empty;
                                string Item       = string.Empty;

                                #region XML文档处理
                                foreach (XmlNode xn in XmlDocument.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (xn.Name == "AgentType")
                                        AgentType = xn.InnerText;
                                    if (xn.Name == "ToUserName")
                                        ToUserName = xn.InnerText;
                                    if (xn.Name == "ItemCount")
                                        ItemCount = xn.InnerText;
                                    if (xn.Name == "PackageId")
                                        PackageId = xn.InnerText;
                                    if (xn.Name == "Item")
                                        Item += xn.InnerXml;

                                        string MsgType = xn.ChildNodes[2].InnerText;

                                        if (MsgType == "event")
                                        else if (new List <string> {
                                            "text", "image", "voice", "file", "link"
                                            #region 内容处理


                        catch (Exception ex)
                            CommonHelp.WriteLOG("QYIM:" + ex.ToString() + "\r\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                #region 获取唯一code
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "GetUserCodeByCode".ToUpper())
                    #region 获取Code
                    Model.ErrorMsg = "获取Code错误,请重试";

                    string strCode      = context.Request["code"] ?? "";
                    string strCorpID    = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";
                    string strModelCode = context.Request["funcode"] ?? "";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCode))
                        var qy = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.corpId == strCorpID);
                        if (qy != null)
                                WXHelp wx       = new WXHelp(qy);
                                string username = wx.GetUserDataByCode(strCode, strModelCode);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                                    var jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByUserName(qy.ComId, username);
                                    if (jau != null)
                                        if (jau.logindate == null)
                                            jau.logindate = DateTime.Now;
                                        TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(jau.logindate.Value.Ticks).Subtract(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)).Duration();
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jau.pccode) || ts.TotalMinutes > 60)
                                            string strGuid = CommonHelp.CreatePCCode(jau);
                                            jau.pccode    = strGuid;
                                            jau.logindate = DateTime.Now;
                                            new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(jau);
                                        Model.ErrorMsg = "";
                                        Model.Result   = jau.pccode;
                                        Model.Result1  = jau.UserName;
                                        Model.Result2  = ts.TotalMinutes;
                                    Model.ErrorMsg = "当前用户不存在";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Model.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "当前企业号未在电脑端注册";
                        Model.ErrorMsg = "Code为空";
                #region 是否存在
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "isexist".ToUpper())
                    string strcorpid = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";
                    if (strcorpid != "")
                        var qy = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.corpId == strcorpid);
                        if (qy == null)
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "当前企业号未注册此平台";
                            if (context.Request.Cookies["szhlcode"] != null)
                                //string szhlcode = "5ab470be-4988-4bb3-9658-050481b98fca";
                                string szhlcode = context.Request.Cookies["szhlcode"].Value.ToString();
                                var jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByPCCode(szhlcode);
                                if (jau == null)
                                    Model.ErrorMsg = "用户Code不存在";
                                    if (new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.ComId == jau.ComId.Value).corpId != strcorpid)
                                        Model.ErrorMsg = "企业需要重新选择";
                        Model.ErrorMsg = "企业号连接有误,请重新连接";
                #region 发送提醒
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "AUTOALERT")
                #region 获取SuiteTicket
                if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                    string signature = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["msg_signature"];//企业号的 msg_signature
                    string timestamp = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
                    string nonce     = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["nonce"];

                    // 获得客户端RAW HttpRequest
                    StreamReader srResult = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
                    string       str      = srResult.ReadToEnd();

                    XmlDocument XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

                    string ToUserName = string.Empty;
                    string Encrypt    = string.Empty;

                    string strde       = string.Empty;
                    string strinfotype = string.Empty;

                    foreach (XmlNode xn in XmlDocument.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                        if (xn.Name == "ToUserName")
                            ToUserName = xn.InnerText;
                        if (xn.Name == "Encrypt")
                            Encrypt = xn.InnerText;

                    var pj = new JH_Auth_WXPJB().GetEntity(p => p.TJID == ToUserName);

                    Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt wxcpt = new Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt(pj.Token, pj.EncodingAESKey, ToUserName);
                    int n = wxcpt.DecryptMsg(signature, timestamp, nonce, str, ref strde);

                    string strtct         = string.Empty;
                    string strSuiteId     = string.Empty;
                    string strtAuthCorpId = string.Empty;

                    XmlDocument XmlDocument1 = new XmlDocument();

                    foreach (XmlNode xn1 in XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                        if (xn1.Name == "SuiteId")
                            strSuiteId = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "SuiteTicket")
                            strtct = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "InfoType")
                            strinfotype = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "AuthCorpId")
                            strtAuthCorpId = xn1.InnerText;
                    if (strinfotype == "suite_ticket")
                        pj.Ticket = strtct;

                        new JH_Auth_WXPJB().Update(pj);



            IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter();
            timeConverter.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            string Result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, timeConverter).Replace("null", "\"\"");
Пример #14
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST,GET,OPTIONS,DELETE"); //支持的http 动作
            context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Accept, Origin, Content-type,authorization");
            context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
            context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
            context.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "");
            context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
            string strAction = context.Request["Action"] ?? "";
            string UserName  = context.Request["UserName"] ?? "";
            string strIP     = CommonHelp.getIP(context);

            Msg_Result Model = new Msg_Result()
                Action = strAction.ToUpper(), ErrorMsg = ""

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAction))
                #region 企业号应用callback
                if (strAction == "XXJS")
                    String strCorpID = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";
                    string strCode   = context.Request["Code"] ?? "";
                        JH_Auth_QY    jaq = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().FirstOrDefault();
                        JH_Auth_Model jam = new JH_Auth_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ModelCode == strCode);
                        //if (jaq != null && jam != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jam.TJId))
                        if (jaq != null && jam != null)
                            #region POST
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                                string signature = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["msg_signature"];//企业号的 msg_signature
                                string timestamp = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
                                string nonce     = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["nonce"];

                                // 获得客户端RAW HttpRequest
                                StreamReader srResult    = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
                                string       str         = srResult.ReadToEnd();
                                XmlDocument  XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
                                string ToUserName = string.Empty;
                                string strde      = string.Empty;
                                string msgtype    = string.Empty;//微信响应类型
                                foreach (XmlNode xn in XmlDocument.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (xn.Name == "ToUserName")
                                        ToUserName = xn.InnerText;
                                var pj = new JH_Auth_WXPJB().GetEntity(p => p.TJID == jam.TJId);
                                //Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt wxcpt = new Tencent.WXBizMsgCrypt(pj.Token, pj.EncodingAESKey, ToUserName);
                                //int n = wxcpt.DecryptMsg(signature, timestamp, nonce, str, ref strde);
                                XmlDocument XmlDocument1 = new XmlDocument();
                                foreach (XmlNode xn1 in XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (xn1.Name == "MsgType")
                                        msgtype = xn1.InnerText;
                                if (msgtype == "event")//处理事件
                                    string strEvent    = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Event"].InnerText;
                                    string strUserName = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                    string strAgentID  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["AgentID"].InnerText;
                                    string strEventKey = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["EventKey"].InnerText;

                                    if (strEvent.ToLower() == "enter_agent" || strEvent.ToLower() == "view")
                                        //JH_Auth_User jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.UserName == strUserName);
                                        //JH_Auth_QY_Model jhqm = new JH_Auth_QY_ModelB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.AgentId == strAgentID);
                                        //if (jau != null && jhqm != null)
                                        //    JH_Auth_YYLog jay = new JH_Auth_YYLog();
                                        //    jay.ComId = jaq.ComId;
                                        //    jay.AgentID = strAgentID;
                                        //    jay.CorpID = strCorpID;
                                        //    jay.CRDate = DateTime.Now;
                                        //    jay.CRUser = strUserName;
                                        //    jay.Event = strEvent;
                                        //    jay.EventKey = strEventKey;
                                        //    jay.ModelCode = strCode;
                                        //    jay.ModelID = jhqm.ModelID;
                                        //    jay.QYName = jaq.QYName;
                                        //    jay.TJID = jam.TJId;
                                        //    jay.Type = msgtype;
                                        //    jay.UserName = strUserName;
                                        //    jay.UserRealName = jau.UserRealName;

                                        //    new JH_Auth_YYLogB().Insert(jay);

                                        //    if (strEvent.ToLower() == "enter_agent")
                                        //    {
                                        //        var jays = new JH_Auth_YYLogB().GetEntities(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.Event == "enter_agent" && p.AgentID == strAgentID && p.CRUser == strUserName);
                                        //        if (jays.Count() <= 1)
                                        //        {
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                                if (new List <string> {
                                    "text", "image", "voice", "video", "shortvideo", "link"
                                }.Contains(msgtype))                                                                               //处理消息事件
                                    if (XmlDocument1.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                        JH_Auth_WXMSG wxmsgModel = new JH_Auth_WXMSG();
                                        wxmsgModel.AgentID      = int.Parse(XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["AgentID"].InnerText);
                                        wxmsgModel.ComId        = jaq.ComId;
                                        wxmsgModel.ToUserName   = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ToUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.FromUserName = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.CRDate       = DateTime.Now;
                                        wxmsgModel.CRUser       = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["FromUserName"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.MsgId        = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MsgId"].InnerText;
                                        wxmsgModel.MsgType      = msgtype;
                                        wxmsgModel.ModeCode     = strCode;
                                        wxmsgModel.Tags         = "微信收藏";

                                        switch (msgtype)
                                        case "text":
                                            wxmsgModel.MsgContent = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Content"].InnerText;

                                        case "image":
                                            wxmsgModel.PicUrl  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["PicUrl"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "voice":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.Format  = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Format"].InnerText;

                                        case "video":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.ThumbMediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ThumbMediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "shortvideo":
                                            wxmsgModel.MediaId      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["MediaId"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.ThumbMediaId = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["ThumbMediaId"].InnerText;

                                        case "link":
                                            wxmsgModel.Description = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Description"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.Title       = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Title"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.URL         = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["Url"].InnerText;
                                            wxmsgModel.PicUrl      = XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0]["PicUrl"].InnerText;
                                        if (new List <string>()
                                            "link", "text"
                                            if (msgtype == "link")
                                                var jaw = new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.MsgId == wxmsgModel.MsgId);
                                                if (jaw == null)
                                                    string strMedType = ".jpg";
                                                    JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo();
                                                    UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(jaq.ComId, wxmsgModel.FromUserName);
                                                    //  string fileID = CommonHelp.ProcessWxIMGUrl(wxmsgModel.PicUrl, UserInfo, strMedType);

                                                    //wxmsgModel.FileId = fileID;
                                                    //new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);

                                                    //if (strCode == "TSSQ")
                                                    //    SZHL_TXSX tx1 = new SZHL_TXSX();
                                                    //    tx1.ComId = jaq.ComId;
                                                    //    tx1.APIName = "TSSQ";
                                                    //    tx1.MsgID = wxmsgModel.ID.ToString();
                                                    //    tx1.FunName = "SENDWXMSG";
                                                    //    tx1.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                                    //    tx1.CRUser = wxmsgModel.CRUser;
                                                    //    tx1.CRDate = DateTime.Now;
                                                    //    TXSX.TXSXAPI.AddALERT(tx1); //时间为发送时间
                                                new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wxmsgModel.MediaId))
                                            var jaw = new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == jaq.ComId && p.MediaId == wxmsgModel.MediaId);
                                            if (jaw == null)
                                                string strMedType = ".jpg";
                                                if (strCode == "QYWD" || strCode == "CRM")             //判断模块
                                                    if (msgtype == "shortvideo" || msgtype == "video") //视频,小视频
                                                        strMedType = ".mp4";
                                                    if (new List <string>()
                                                        "image", "shortvideo", "video", "voice"
                                                    }.Contains(msgtype))                                                                 //下载到本地服务器
                                                        JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo();
                                                        UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(jaq.ComId, wxmsgModel.FromUserName);
                                                        //  string fileID = CommonHelp.ProcessWxIMG(wxmsgModel.MediaId, strCode, UserInfo, strMedType);
                                                        //  wxmsgModel.FileId = fileID;
                                                        // new JH_Auth_WXMSGB().Insert(wxmsgModel);

                            #region GET
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "GET")
                                Auth(jam.Token, jam.EncodingAESKey, jaq.corpId);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Model.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();

                #region 获取唯一code
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "GetUserCodeByCode".ToUpper())
                    #region 获取Code
                    Model.ErrorMsg = "获取Code错误,请重试";

                    string strCode      = context.Request["code"] ?? "";
                    string strCorpID    = context.Request["corpid"] ?? "";
                    string strModelCode = context.Request["funcode"] ?? "";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCode))
                        var qy = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.corpId == strCorpID);
                        if (qy != null)
                                WXHelp wx       = new WXHelp(qy);
                                string username = wx.GetUserDataByCode(strCode, strModelCode);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                                    var jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByUserName(qy.ComId, username);

                                    if (jau != null)
                                        if (jau.logindate == null)
                                            jau.logindate = DateTime.Now;
                                        TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(jau.logindate.Value.Ticks).Subtract(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)).Duration();
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jau.pccode) || ts.TotalMinutes > 60)
                                            string strGuid = CommonHelp.CreatePCCode(jau);
                                            jau.pccode    = strGuid;
                                            jau.logindate = DateTime.Now;
                                            new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(jau);
                                        Model.ErrorMsg = "";
                                        Model.Result   = jau.pccode;
                                        Model.Result1  = jau.UserName;
                                        Model.Result2  = ts.TotalMinutes;
                                        Model.Result3  = qy.FileServerUrl;
                                    Model.ErrorMsg = "当前用户不存在";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Model.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "当前企业号未在电脑端注册";
                        Model.ErrorMsg = "Code为空";
                #region 是否存在
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "isexist".ToUpper())
                    if (context.Request["szhlcode"] != null)
                        //string szhlcode = "5ab470be-4988-4bb3-9658-050481b98fca";
                        string szhlcode = context.Request["szhlcode"].ToString();
                        var jau = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByPCCode(szhlcode);
                        if (jau == null)
                            Model.Result = "NOCODE";
                #region 发送提醒
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "AUTOALERT")
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "ZMNOTICE")
                    #region 转码通知

                    Stream       stream = context.Request.InputStream;
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                    string       text   = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        JObject jo      = JObject.Parse(text);
                        JObject message = JObject.Parse(jo["Message"].ToString());

                        string RunId = message["RunId"].ToString();
                        string State = message["State"].ToString();
                        if (State.ToUpper() == "SUCCESS")
                            JObject MediaWorkflowExecution = JObject.Parse(message["MediaWorkflowExecution"].ToString());
                            string  InputFileobject        = MediaWorkflowExecution["Input"]["InputFile"]["Object"].ToString();

                            if (MediaWorkflowExecution["State"].ToString().ToUpper() == "COMPLETED")
                                JArray ActivityList = JArray.Parse(MediaWorkflowExecution["ActivityList"].ToString());
                                foreach (var al in ActivityList)
                                    string alType = al["Type"].ToString();
                                    CommonHelp.WriteLOG("alType:" + alType);

                                    if (alType.ToUpper() == "TRANSCODE")
                                        string alname = al["Name"].ToString();
                                        string md5    = InputFileobject.Substring(0, InputFileobject.LastIndexOf("."));

                                        var files = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(p => p.FileMD5 == md5);
                                        foreach (var v in files)
                                            v.YLUrl = string.Format("http://chengyanout.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/{0}/{1}/{2}", alname, RunId, InputFileobject);
                                            new FT_FileB().Update(v);

                        //OssClient client = new OssClient("",);

                        context.Response.Write("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
                    context.Response.Write("HTTP/1.1 500 No Content");

                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "WXAPPSIGNATURE")//上传签名
                    var sign = QJY.API.BusinessCode.Signature.GetUploadSignature();
                    Model.Result = sign;
                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "CHECKBINDYH")//判断是否绑定账号
                    //string code = context.Request["code"] ?? "";
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                    //    Model.ErrorMsg = "请先获取微信code";
                    //    string openid = WXApp.OnLogin(code);
                    //    if (openid == "")
                    //    {
                    //        Model.ErrorMsg = "获取openid失败,请重试";
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        Model.Result = openid;
                    //        //判断是否绑定
                    //        var user = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(p => p.weixinCard == openid);
                    //        if (user != null)
                    //        {
                    //            Model.Result1 = "Y";
                    //            Model.Result2 = user;
                    //        }
                    //    }

                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "BINDYH")//绑定用户
                    string password = context.Request["password"] ?? "";
                    string username = context.Request["UserName"] ?? "";
                    string wxopenid = context.Request["wxopenid"] ?? "";
                    string nickname = context.Request["nickname"] ?? "";
                    string txurl    = context.Request["txurl"] ?? "";

                    JH_Auth_QY qyModel = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().First();
                    password = CommonHelp.GetMD5(password);
                    JH_Auth_User userInfo = new JH_Auth_User();

                    List <JH_Auth_User> userList = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntities(d => (d.UserName == username || d.mobphone == username) && d.UserPass == password).ToList();
                    if (userList.Count() == 0)
                        Model.ErrorMsg = "用户名或密码不正确";
                        userInfo = userList[0];
                        if (userInfo.IsUse != "Y")
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "用户被禁用,请联系管理员";
                        if (Model.ErrorMsg == "")
                            userInfo.weixinCard = wxopenid;
                            userInfo.NickName   = nickname;
                            userInfo.txurl      = txurl;
                            new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(userInfo);
                            Model.Result  = userInfo.pccode;
                            Model.Result1 = userInfo.UserName;
                            Model.Result2 = qyModel.FileServerUrl;
                            Model.Result4 = userInfo;

                if (strAction.ToUpper() == "LOGIN")
                    string password = context.Request["password"] ?? "";
                    string username = context.Request["UserName"] ?? "";
                    string chkcode  = context.Request["chkcode"] ?? "";
                    Model.ErrorMsg = "";

                    if (chkcode.ToUpper() != "APP")
                        if (context.Session["chkcode"] != null)
                            if (!chkcode.ToUpper().Equals(context.Session["chkcode"].ToString()))
                                Model.ErrorMsg = "验证码不正确";
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "验证码已过期";

                    JH_Auth_QY qyModel = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().First();
                    password = CommonHelp.GetMD5(password);
                    JH_Auth_User userInfo = new JH_Auth_User();

                    List <JH_Auth_User> userList = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntities(d => (d.UserName == username || d.mobphone == username) && d.UserPass == password).ToList();
                    if (userList.Count() == 0)
                        Model.ErrorMsg = "用户名或密码不正确";
                        userInfo = userList[0];
                        if (userInfo.IsUse != "Y")
                            Model.ErrorMsg = "用户被禁用,请联系管理员";
                        if (Model.ErrorMsg == "")
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.pccode))
                                userInfo.pccode = CommonHelp.CreatePCCode(userInfo);
                            userInfo.logindate = DateTime.Now;
                            new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(userInfo);

                            Model.Result  = userInfo.pccode;
                            Model.Result1 = userInfo.UserName;
                            Model.Result2 = qyModel.FileServerUrl;
                            Model.Result4 = userInfo;

                #region 获取SuiteTicket
                if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                    string signature = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["msg_signature"];//企业号的 msg_signature
                    string timestamp = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
                    string nonce     = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["nonce"];

                    // 获得客户端RAW HttpRequest
                    StreamReader srResult = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
                    string       str      = srResult.ReadToEnd();

                    XmlDocument XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

                    string ToUserName = string.Empty;
                    string Encrypt    = string.Empty;

                    string strde       = string.Empty;
                    string strinfotype = string.Empty;

                    foreach (XmlNode xn in XmlDocument.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                        if (xn.Name == "ToUserName")
                            ToUserName = xn.InnerText;
                        if (xn.Name == "Encrypt")
                            Encrypt = xn.InnerText;

                    var pj = new JH_Auth_WXPJB().GetEntity(p => p.TJID == ToUserName);

                    int    n              = new WXHelp().DecryptMsg(pj.Token, pj.EncodingAESKey, ToUserName, signature, timestamp, nonce, str, ref strde);
                    string strtct         = string.Empty;
                    string strSuiteId     = string.Empty;
                    string strtAuthCorpId = string.Empty;

                    XmlDocument XmlDocument1 = new XmlDocument();

                    foreach (XmlNode xn1 in XmlDocument1.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                        if (xn1.Name == "SuiteId")
                            strSuiteId = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "SuiteTicket")
                            strtct = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "InfoType")
                            strinfotype = xn1.InnerText;
                        if (xn1.Name == "AuthCorpId")
                            strtAuthCorpId = xn1.InnerText;
                    if (strinfotype == "suite_ticket")
                        pj.Ticket = strtct;

                        new JH_Auth_WXPJB().Update(pj);



            IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter();
            timeConverter.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            string Result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, timeConverter).Replace("null", "\"\"");