Пример #1
        public String Recognition_Method(String imageFilePath)
            String Emotion_Result = null;

            //Clean return_finally_result,因為照片如果沒有偵測到臉部,必須要清空這值,不然上次紀錄會存在
            return_finally_result = null;

            var client = new HttpClient();

            // Request headers - replace this example key with your valid key.
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", "573bb4b3c5444fa2b721d4c962878b29");

            string uri = "https://westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/face/v1.0";

            HttpResponseMessage response;

            string responseContent;

            // Request body. Try this sample with a locally stored JPEG image.
            byte[] byteData = GetImageAsByteArray(imageFilePath);

            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))
                content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
                response        = client.PostAsync(uri, content).Result;
                responseContent = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            // A peek at the raw JSON response.
            // Console.WriteLine(responseContent);
            // Processing the JSON into manageable objects.
            JToken rootToken = JArray.Parse(responseContent).First;

            // First token is always the faceRectangle identified by the API.
            JToken faceRectangleToken = rootToken.First;

            // Second token is all emotion scores.
            JToken scoresToken = rootToken.Last;

            // Show all face rectangle dimensions
            JEnumerable <JToken> faceRectangleSizeList = faceRectangleToken.First.Children();

            foreach (var size in faceRectangleSizeList)

            // Show all scores
            JEnumerable <JToken> scoreList = scoresToken.First.Children();

            //Get Name and Value use JProperty. ex JProperty prop in scoreList.OfType<JProperty>()
            //取得Json的名字、值,需要用 JProperty prop in scoreList.OfType<JProperty>()
            //($"{prop.Value}") 把值拿出來
            foreach (JProperty prop in scoreList.OfType <JProperty>())
                //Get String Value
                String Emotion_Value = ($"{prop.Value}");

                //Get String Name
                String Emotion_Name = ($"{prop.Name}");

                //切割字串 取第一個        (從第幾個 , 取幾位)
                String Cut_String_word = Emotion_Value.Substring(0, 1);

                //將切割後的第一個字,轉為數值,在來進行判斷,如果大於0.99 就等於0,為了去除不必要的數據
                int Compare_Numbers = Convert.ToInt32(Cut_String_word);

                if (Compare_Numbers > Emotion_Threshold)
                    Emotion_Value = "0";
                    //使用委派,呼叫Emotion.cs 把雲端回傳資料傳到,Emotion.cs裡面,所註冊的委派方法
                    //e_Delegate.Invoke(Emotion_Name, Emotion_Value);

                    Emotion_Result += Emotion_Name + ":" + Emotion_Value + Environment.NewLine;
                {   //使用委派,呼叫Emotion.cs 把雲端回傳資料傳到,Emotion.cs裡面,所註冊的委派方法
                    //e_Delegate.Invoke(Emotion_Name, Emotion_Value);

                    Emotion_Result += Emotion_Name + ":" + Emotion_Value + Environment.NewLine;

                    String Cut_Second_Word       = Emotion_Value.Substring(2, 1);//要從第二位開始取,因為前面有小數點
                    int    Compare_Second_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Cut_Second_Word);

                    //Select maximum number from data
                    if (Compare_Second_Number >= Emotion_Max_Value)

                        return_finally_result = Emotion_Name;

            foreach (var score in scoreList)
            //return responseContent;
