Пример #1
    private void BinData()
        string m_scrq1 = dateedtSCRQ1.Text.Trim();
        string m_scrq2 = dateedtSCRQ2.Text.Trim();
        string m_gxid  = cbGX.Value.ToString().Trim();
        string m_xxlx  = cbXXLX.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string tablename = Wage_Helper.GetBzMxTableName(m_gxid);

        string where = "SELECT sum(CZSL)CZSL,sum(SJCZBS)SJCZBS,sum(HGBS)HGBS,sum(BHGBS)BHGBS ";
        where        = string.Format(" {0},Cast(Cast(sum(BHGBS)As decimal(18,3))/Cast(sum(CZSL)As decimal(18,3))*1000 as  decimal(18,3)) YCBLL ", where);
        where        = string.Format("  {0},'{1}'as TABLENAME ,'{2}' as M_XXLX ,'{3}'as CZRQ1 ,'{4}'as CZRQ2", where, tablename, m_xxlx, m_scrq1, m_scrq2);
        where        = string.Format("  {0} FROM {1} MX  ", where, tablename);
        where        = string.Format(" {0} JOIN JC_CPXX CPXX ON MX.CPID=CPXX.CPID   WHERE 1=1", where);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_scrq1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_scrq2))
            where = string.Format(" {0} and CZRQ >= '{1}' AND CZRQ <= '{2}'", where, m_scrq1, m_scrq2);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_xxlx) && m_xxlx != "全部")
            if (m_xxlx == "其它")
                where = string.Format(" {0} and ( XXLX = '{1}' OR XXLX = NULL)", where, "");
            else if (m_xxlx == "三相")
                where = string.Format(" {0} and substring(XXLX,1,2) = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
                where = string.Format(" {0} and XXLX = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
        //where = string.Format(" {0} GROUP BY CZRQ", where);

        GG_BZZYMX valBzzymx  = new GG_BZZYMX();
        GG_BZZYMX condBzzymx = new GG_BZZYMX();
        JC_CPXX   valCpxx    = new JC_CPXX();
        JC_CPXX   condCpxx   = new JC_CPXX();
        JC_KHXX   valKhxx    = new JC_KHXX();
        JC_KHXX   condKhxx   = new JC_KHXX();

        valCpxx._XXLX      = "";
        valCpxx._SAPRemark = "";
        valCpxx._XH        = "";
        valKhxx._KHMC      = "";
        conn = "connMES";

        DataTable dtb = BLLTable <GG_BZZYMX> .Factory(conn).qDataTable(where);

        this.grid1.DataSource = dtb;
        grid1.DataBind();               //执行绑定
        ViewState["detailtable"] = dtb; //dtbRGZMX;
Пример #2
    private void BinData()
        string m_scrq1 = dateedtSCRQ1.Date.ToString("yyy-MM-dd");
        string m_scrq2 = dateedtSCRQ2.Date.ToString("yyy-MM-dd");
        string m_gxid = cbGX.Value.ToString().Trim();
        string m_xxlx = cbXXLX.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string tablename = Wage_Helper.GetBzMxTableName(m_gxid);

        string where = "SELECT sum(CZSL)CZSL,sum(SJCZBS)SJCZBS,sum(HGBS)HGBS,sum(BHGBS)BHGBS ";
        where = string.Format(" {0},Cast(Cast(sum(BHGBS)As decimal(18,3))/Cast(sum(CZSL)As decimal(18,3))*1000 as  decimal(18,3)) YCBLL ", where);
        where = string.Format("  {0},'{1}'as TABLENAME ,'{2}' as M_XXLX ,'{3}'as CZRQ1 ,'{4}'as CZRQ2", where, tablename, m_xxlx, m_scrq1, m_scrq2);
        where = string.Format("  {0} FROM {1} MX  ", where, tablename);
        where = string.Format(" {0} JOIN JC_CPXX CPXX ON MX.CPID=CPXX.CPID   WHERE 1=1", where);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_scrq1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_scrq2))
            where = string.Format(" {0} and CZRQ >= '{1}' AND CZRQ <= '{2}'", where, m_scrq1, m_scrq2);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_xxlx) && m_xxlx != "全部")
            if (m_xxlx == "其它")
                where = string.Format(" {0} and ( XXLX = '{1}' OR XXLX = NULL)", where, "");
            else if (m_xxlx == "三相")
                where = string.Format(" {0} and substring(XXLX,1,2) = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
                where = string.Format(" {0} and XXLX = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
        //where = string.Format(" {0} GROUP BY CZRQ", where);

        GG_BZZYMX valBzzymx = new GG_BZZYMX();
        GG_BZZYMX condBzzymx = new GG_BZZYMX();
        JC_CPXX valCpxx = new JC_CPXX();
        JC_CPXX condCpxx = new JC_CPXX();
        JC_KHXX valKhxx = new JC_KHXX();
        JC_KHXX condKhxx = new JC_KHXX();
        valCpxx._XXLX = "";
        valCpxx._SAPRemark = "";
        valCpxx._XH = "";
        valKhxx._KHMC = "";
        conn = "connMES";

        DataTable dtb = BLLTable<GG_BZZYMX>.Factory(conn).qDataTable(where);
        this.grid1.DataSource = dtb;
        grid1.DataBind();  //执行绑定
        ViewState["detailtable"] = dtb;//dtbRGZMX;