Пример #1
    public static void printCompartmentSummary(Ivr8.Model model, Ivr8.SolutionResponse solution)
        Console.WriteLine("\nCompartment Summary:");
        // for each vehicle, for each capacitated dimension create a template to populate for each column.
        // technically... we should be pulling the master list of compartments from the model, not the solution
        // response, but this method is quite nice looking the way it doesn't have a model as input. So we're going
        // to approximate the table here.
        int[] maxchar = new int[5] {
        };                                               // column widths for Stopid locationId, taskId, jobId, vehicleId, compartmentId
        foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
            maxchar[3] = Math.Max(maxchar[3], r.vehicleId.Length);
            foreach (var s in r.Stops)
                maxchar[0] = Math.Max(maxchar[0], s.locationId.Length);
                maxchar[1] = Math.Max(maxchar[1], s.taskId.Length);
                maxchar[2] = Math.Max(maxchar[2], s.jobId.Length);
                maxchar[4] = Math.Max(maxchar[4], s.compartmentId.Length);

        Dictionary <string, Ivr8.CompartmentSet> vehicleCset = new Dictionary <string, Ivr8.CompartmentSet>();

        foreach (var vc in model.vehicleClasses)
            if (vc.compartmentSetId != "")
                foreach (var v in model.Vehicles)
                    if (v.classId == v.classId)
                        vehicleCset[v.Id] = model.compartmentSets.Where(t => t.Id == vc.compartmentSetId).First();
        foreach (var v in model.Vehicles)
            if (v.compartmentSetId != "")
                // then this overrides anything at the class level
                vehicleCset[v.Id] = model.compartmentSets.Where(t => t.Id == v.compartmentSetId).First();
        Dictionary <string, Ivr8.Compartment> compartmentLookup = new Dictionary <string, Ivr8.Compartment>();

        foreach (var c in model.Compartments)
            compartmentLookup.Add(c.Id, c);

        foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
            if (r.Stops.Count > 2)
                string vid = r.vehicleId;
                Dictionary <string, float> compartmentValues = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                var cset = vehicleCset[vid];
                foreach (var comp in cset.compartmentIds)
                    compartmentValues.Add(comp, 0);
                HashSet <string> activeCaps = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var c in cset.compartmentIds)
                    foreach (var capdim in compartmentLookup[c].Capacities)

                foreach (var dim in activeCaps)
                    Console.WriteLine("Vehicle: " + vid + " dimension:" + dim);
                    string   formatLine = "|{0,-8}|";
                    int      nc         = cset.compartmentIds.Count;
                    object[] fargs      = new object[nc + 4];
                    fargs[0] = "";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= nc; i++)
                        formatLine += ("{" + i + ",6}|");
                        fargs[i]    = cset.compartmentIds[i - 1];
                    fargs[nc + 1] = fargs[nc + 2] = fargs[nc + 3] = "";
                    formatLine   += ("{" + (nc + 1) + "," + maxchar[1] + "}|"); // task
                    formatLine   += ("{" + (nc + 2) + "," + maxchar[3] + "}|"); // vehicle
                    formatLine   += ("{" + (nc + 3) + ",10}|");                 // dimension
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, fargs));
                    // then we can just add a line for the compartment capacities
                    fargs[0] = "capacity";
                    for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                        fargs[i + 1] = (int)compartmentLookup[cset.compartmentIds[i]].Capacities.Where(q => q.dimensionId == dim).First().capacity;
                    fargs[nc + 1] = "taskId";
                    fargs[nc + 2] = "vehicleId";
                    fargs[nc + 3] = "dimension";
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, fargs));

                    for (int si = 1; si < r.Stops.Count - 1; si++)
                    { // skip the first and last stop because we know there is no compartment interaction there.
                        var s = r.Stops[si];
                        if (s.compartmentId != "")
                            foreach (var a in s.Attributes)
                                if (a.dimId == dim)
                                    compartmentValues[s.compartmentId] += (a.endValue - a.startValue);
                        // print the row after each update over the attributes.
                        fargs[0] = "stop." + si;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= nc; i++)
                            fargs[i] = (int)(compartmentValues[cset.compartmentIds[i - 1]]);
                        fargs[nc + 1] = s.taskId;
                        fargs[nc + 2] = vid;
                        fargs[nc + 3] = dim;
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, fargs));
Пример #2
    public static void printSolution(Ivr8.SolutionResponse solution, bool printnodes = true,
                                     bool printaggstats = true,
                                     bool printTrrules  = true,
                                     bool printInfeas   = true)
        int[] maxchar = new int[5] {
        };                                                // column widths for Stopid locationId, taskId, jobId, vehicleId, compartmentId
        foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
            maxchar[3] = Math.Max(maxchar[3], r.vehicleId.Length);
            foreach (var s in r.Stops)
                maxchar[0] = Math.Max(maxchar[0], s.locationId.Length);
                maxchar[1] = Math.Max(maxchar[1], s.taskId.Length);
                maxchar[2] = Math.Max(maxchar[2], s.jobId.Length);
                maxchar[4] = Math.Max(maxchar[4], s.compartmentId.Length);
        string formatLine = "";

        if (printnodes)
            formatLine = "|{0,-7}|{1,-" + maxchar[0] + "}|{2,-" + maxchar[1] + "}|{3,-" + maxchar[2] + "}|{4,-" + maxchar[3] + "}|{5," + maxchar[4] + "}|";
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, "stopId", "locationId", "taskId", "jobId", "vehicleId", "compartmentId"));
            foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
                if (r.Stops.Count > 2)
                    foreach (var s in r.Stops)
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, s.Id, s.locationId, s.taskId, s.jobId, r.vehicleId, s.compartmentId));
                    Console.WriteLine(""); // pop a gap in for the next vehicle.
        // find all the dimensions in the model
        HashSet <string> dims = new HashSet <string>();

        foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
            foreach (var s in r.Stops)
                foreach (var a in s.Attributes)

        // because tables can't be too wide in c# we're just going to summarise the solution here by vehicle
        // into the cumulative, min, and max quantities per vehicle/dimension.
        Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, agg> > vehicleStats = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, agg> >();

        int  dimLenChar    = "dimension".Length;
        int  ruleIdCharLen = "ruleId".Length;
        bool hasTrRules    = false;

        foreach (var d in dims)
            dimLenChar = Math.Max(dimLenChar, d.Length);

        foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
            vehicleStats.Add(r.vehicleId, new Dictionary <string, agg>());
            foreach (var d in dims)
                vehicleStats[r.vehicleId].Add(d, new agg());
            foreach (var s in r.Stops)
                foreach (var a in s.Attributes)
                    vehicleStats[r.vehicleId][a.dimId].Add(a.endValue - a.startValue, a.Cost);
            foreach (var s in r.interStops)
                foreach (var a in s.Attributes)
                    vehicleStats[r.vehicleId][a.dimId].Add(a.endValue - a.startValue, a.Cost);
            foreach (var tr in r.transitRuleAttributes)
                ruleIdCharLen = Math.Max(ruleIdCharLen, tr.ruleId.Length);
                hasTrRules    = true;
        // lets print the summary data out. |vehicleId|dimension|Min|Max|Cumul|Cost
        if (printaggstats)
            Console.WriteLine("Vehilce dimension summary");
            formatLine = "|{0,-" + maxchar[3] + "}|{1,-" + dimLenChar + "}|{2,10}|{3,10}|{4,10}|{5,10}|";
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, "vehicleId", "dimension", "Min", "Max", "Cumul", "Cost"));
            foreach (var kvp in vehicleStats)
                foreach (var l in kvp.Value)
                    if (l.Value.min != (float)(1e30))
                    { // otherwise we know it had no values
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, kvp.Key, l.Key,
                                                        string.Format("{0:0.00}", l.Value.min),
                                                        string.Format("{0:0.00}", l.Value.max),
                                                        string.Format("{0:0.00}", l.Value.cumul),
                                                        string.Format("{0:0.00}", l.Value.totalCost)));
        // tabulate the tranist rules.
        // vehicleId|ruleId|dimID|fromstopid|tostopid|startvalue|endvalue|cost
        if (hasTrRules && printTrrules)
            Console.WriteLine("\nVehilce transit rule summary:");
            formatLine = "|{0,-" + maxchar[3] + "}|{1," + ruleIdCharLen + "}|{2,-" + dimLenChar + "}|{3,10}|{4,10}|{5,10}|{6,10}|{7,10}|";
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, "vehicleId", "ruleId", "dimension", "fromStopId", "toStopId", "startValue", "endValue", "cost"));
            foreach (var r in solution.Routes)
                foreach (var tr in r.transitRuleAttributes)
                                                    r.vehicleId, tr.ruleId, tr.dimId, tr.fromStopId, tr.toStopId,
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", tr.startValue),
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", tr.endValue),
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", tr.Cost)));
        // lastly, lets tabulate the infeasibilities
        if (printInfeas)
            int messageCharLen = "message".Length;
            foreach (var i in solution.Infeasibilities)
                foreach (var m in i.infeasibilityInfoes)
                    messageCharLen = Math.Max(messageCharLen, m.Message.Length);
                    dimLenChar     = Math.Max(m.dimId.Length, dimLenChar);
            formatLine = "|{0,-" + dimLenChar + "}|{1,-" + messageCharLen + "}|{2,10}|{3,10}|{4,10}|{5," + maxchar[1] + "}|";
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(formatLine, "dimenion", "message", "limit", "value", "count", "taskId"));
            foreach (var i in solution.Infeasibilities)
                foreach (var m in i.infeasibilityInfoes)
                                                    m.dimId, m.Message,
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", m.Limit),
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", m.Value),
                                                    string.Format("{0:0.00}", m.Count),