Пример #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        j = Itterator.first();
        // creates a new fog object of a set size across the screen
        coordinatesx = new List <int>()
            0, 5, 5, -20, -20, 0, 5, 35, 37, 36, 13
        coordinatesy = new List <int>()
            0, -15, -30, -35, -20, -45, -60, -50, -39, -29, -41

        // This covers a whole section of the cave system
        while (!Itterator.isDone(11))
            Instantiate(fog, new Vector2(coordinatesx[j], coordinatesy[j]), transform.rotation);
            j = Itterator.next();