private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
//public Transform content;//鼠标抬起之后返回到原来的位置 void Start() { initalPos = gameObject.transform.position; item_manager = FindObjectOfType <Item_Manager>(); Item_parent = GameObject.Find("Area").transform; content = item_manager.transform.Find("Canvas/Scroll View/Viewport/Content"); SeTriggerListener(gameObject).onDrag += OnDrag; SeTriggerListener(gameObject).onPointUp += OnPointerUp; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (GUILayout.Button("Spawn Debug Item")) { Item_Manager manager = (Item_Manager)target; manager.DebugSpawnItem(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Add Item to Player")) { Item_Manager manager = (Item_Manager)target; manager.DebugAddItemToPlayer(); } }
public void Init(Item producerAsItem, Producer _producer, Tile_Data _baseTile) { producer = _producer; if (_baseTile.AddProducer(producer) == false) { return; } base.InitMachine(producerAsItem, producer, _baseTile, ShipManager.instance); // The machine controller sets the list of Neighbor tiles, // then we Add the producers on neighbor tiles as well foreach (Tile_Data tile in neighborTiles) { tile.AddProducer(producer); } item_Manager = Item_Manager.instance; timer = new CountdownHelper(0); //storage_inventory = new Inventory(1); inventory_Controller = GetComponentInChildren <Inventory_Controller>(); inventory_Controller.Initialize(ID_Generator.instance.GetMachineID(this), 1); // Position the growth visuals X correctly according to the machine's tile width if (growth_visuals != null) { growth_visuals.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(producer.tileWidth > 1 ? 0.5f : 0, 0.5f); } Debug.Log("Initialized a producer with a blueprint for " + producer.current_Blueprint.itemProduced.itemName); // This runs when a producer has already started producing before if (producer.current_Blueprint.itemProduced.count > 0 && producer.productionStage >= 0) { if (producer.productionStage >= 3) { itemInProduction = item_Manager.CreateInstance(item_Manager.GetPrototype(producer.current_Blueprint.itemProduced.itemName)); SetGrowthVisuals(); CompleteProduction(); return; } StartProduction(true); return; } SetProductionStage(0); // Debug.Log("Producer INITIALIZED: " + " key ingredient = " + producer.productionBlueprints[0].keyIngredient.count + " " + producer.productionBlueprints[0].keyIngredient.itemName + // " secondary ingredient " + producer.productionBlueprints[0].secondaryIngredients[0].count + " " + producer.productionBlueprints[0].secondaryIngredients[0].itemName); }
public void LoadSavedTiles() { buildable_Manager = Buildable_Manager.instance; Item_Manager item_Manager = Item_Manager.instance; if (savedAreaTiles.savedTiles == null) { return; } if (savedAreaTiles.savedTiles.Length <= 0) { return; } SetCurrentArea((AreaID)savedAreaTiles.areaID); SetupGrid(); SetGridFromTileMap(); foreach (STile sTile in savedAreaTiles.savedTiles) { if (sTile.hasMachine == true) { MachinePrototype proto = buildable_Manager.GetMachinePrototype(sTile.machineName); proto.machineCondition = sTile.machineCondition; Item machineItem = item_Manager.CreateInstance(item_Manager.GetPrototype(; ShipManager.instance.PlaceMachine(machineItem, proto, new Vector2(sTile.world_x, sTile.world_y)); } else if (sTile.hasProducer == true) { ProducerPrototype proto = buildable_Manager.GetProducerPrototype(sTile.producerName); proto.machineCondition = sTile.machineCondition; proto.curProductionName = sTile.itemProduced; proto.productionStage = sTile.productionStage; Item prodItem = item_Manager.CreateInstance(item_Manager.GetPrototype(; Producer producer = buildable_Manager.CreateProducerInstance(proto); GameObject prodGObj = buildable_Manager.SpawnProducer(producer, new Vector2(sTile.world_x, sTile.world_y)); if (prodGObj == null) { return; } prodGObj.GetComponent <Producer_Controller>().Init(prodItem, producer, grid_data[sTile.grid_x, sTile.grid_y]); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { soundsManager = GameObject.Find("ScriptManager").GetComponent <SoundsManager>(); //アイテムが生成されると同時に矢印を生成 arrowInstantPos = GameObject.Find("ArrowInstantPos").transform; arrow = Instantiate(arrowPrefab, arrowInstantPos); //アイテムマネージャーを取得 item_manger = GameObject.Find("ItemManager").GetComponent <Item_Manager>(); //アイテムと矢印をアイテム削除時間後で削除 Destroy(this.gameObject, itemDestroyTime); Destroy(arrow, itemDestroyTime); //マスクオブジェクトの取得 maskObj = arrow.transform.Find("Mask_Base").gameObject; //マスクの位置をアイテム削除時間に合わせてずらしていく LeanTween.scaleZ(maskObj, 0, itemDestroyTime); //プレイヤーアビリティの取得 playerAbility = GameObject.Find("PlayerAbility").GetComponent <PlayerAbility>(); }
public Inventory LoadInventory(string owner_id) { Item_Manager item_Manager = Item_Manager.instance; // Try to load and return SavedInventory savedInventory = JsonLoader.instance.LoadSavedInventory(owner_id); if (savedInventory.maxSpace > 0 && savedInventory.items != null && savedInventory.items.Length > 0) { Inventory loadedInventory = new Inventory(savedInventory.maxSpace); foreach (ItemReference itemRef in savedInventory.items) { // TODO : Load the updated stats by updating the item prototype // To do this we might have to store Item stats in saved inventory with each item reference Item newItem = item_Manager.CreateInstance(item_Manager.GetPrototype(itemRef.itemName)); loadedInventory.AddItem(newItem, itemRef.count); } return(loadedInventory); } // if none found... return(null); }
public bool InsertItem(Item_Manager value) { if (!SetGrid) { return(false); } int EmptyNum = -1; int x = 0, y = 0; for (y = 0; y < Inven_Grid.GetLength(0); y++) { for (x = 0; x < Inven_Grid.GetLength(1); x++) { if (Inven_Grid[y, x] == 0) { EmptyNum = x + (y * Inven_Grid.GetLength(1)); break; } } if (EmptyNum != -1) { break; } } if (EmptyNum == -1) { return(false); } HaveItems[y, x] = value; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 1; UpdateGridUI(); return(true); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
void ReadItemInfo(string path, string name) { StreamReader sr = null; try { sr = File.OpenText(path + "//" + name); } catch (Exception e) { return; } string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] attr = line.Split(','); Item_Attribution temp = new Item_Attribution(); = int.Parse(attr[0]); temp.price = int.Parse(attr[1]); = attr[2]; switch (attr[3]) { case "onetime": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.One_Time; break; case "righthand": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.Right_Hand; break; case "lefthand": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.left_Hand; break; case "armor": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.Armor; break; case "headgear": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.Headgear; break; case "shoe": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.Shoe; break; case "accessory": temp.type = Item_Attribution.Item_Type.Accessory; break; } temp.num = 0; temp.armed = false; if (temp.type == Item_Attribution.Item_Type.One_Time) { temp.add_hp = int.Parse(attr[4]); temp.add_mp = int.Parse(attr[5]); } else { temp.add_ad = int.Parse(attr[4]); temp.add_ap = int.Parse(attr[5]); temp.add_df = int.Parse(attr[6]); } Item_Manager.AddItem(, temp); } sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); }
public bool Equip(int x, int y) { Item_Manager value = HaveItems[y, x]; if (value.equipable[0]) { if (LeftH == null) { LeftH = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; } else { Item_Manager temp = LeftH; LeftH = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; InsertItem(temp); } EquipItems[0] = value.ItemCode; } else if (value.equipable[1]) { if (RightH == null) { RightH = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; } else { Item_Manager temp = RightH; RightH = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; InsertItem(temp); } EquipItems[1] = value.ItemCode; } else if (value.equipable[2]) { if (Head == null) { Head = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; } else { Item_Manager temp = Head; Head = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; InsertItem(temp); } EquipItems[2] = value.ItemCode; } else if (value.equipable[3]) { if (Body == null) { Body = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; } else { Item_Manager temp = Body; Body = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; InsertItem(temp); } EquipItems[3] = value.ItemCode; } else if (value.equipable[4]) { if (Foot == null) { Foot = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; } else { Item_Manager temp = Foot; Foot = value; HaveItems[y, x] = null; Inven_Grid[y, x] = 0; InsertItem(temp); } EquipItems[4] = value.ItemCode; } else { return(false); } UpdateGridUI(); return(true); }
void Start() { initalPos = gameObject.transform.position; item_manager = FindObjectOfType <Item_Manager>(); }
public static News_Sentence_Manager news; // ニュース文章データ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ● 初期化(早) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void Awake() { game = new Item_Manager(); news = new News_Sentence_Manager(); }
void Start() { item_manager = FindObjectOfType <Item_Manager>(); targetPosition = FindObjectOfType <Collider2D>(); }