Пример #1
        protected ItemWithItemCount ExtractItemWithItemCount(string input)
            ItemWithItemCount result = new ItemWithItemCount();

            int xPosition = input.LastIndexOf(CountCharacter);

            if (xPosition == -1) //there is no count
                result.ItemName  = input.Trim();
                result.ItemCount = 0;
            else //the count number will be the string after the "x", turned into a number. the item name is the part before the x
                string preCountSection = input.Remove(xPosition);

                string postCountSection = input.Substring(xPosition + 1);
                int    itemCount        = Convert.ToInt32(postCountSection);

                result.ItemName  = preCountSection.Trim();
                result.ItemCount = itemCount;

Пример #2
        protected IEnumerable <ItemWithCountAndStarLevel> ExtractItemWithCountAndStarLevel(string input)
            List <ItemWithCountAndStarLevel> iwcaslList = new List <ItemWithCountAndStarLevel>();

                //see if we need to jump out to the more complex multi item, single count reward parsing
                if (input.Contains(RewardAndToken))
                    int      andIndex               = input.IndexOf(RewardAndToken);
                    string   lastPhrase             = input.Substring(andIndex + 5);
                    string[] lastPhraseParts        = lastPhrase.Split(Space.ToCharArray());
                    string   firstWordOfLastPhrase  = lastPhraseParts[0];
                    string   rewardPartOfLastPhrase = lastPhrase.Replace(firstWordOfLastPhrase, String.Empty).Trim();

                    string inputAndReplaced = input.Replace(RewardAndToken, CommaWithSpace);

                    string inputRewardRemoved = inputAndReplaced.Replace(rewardPartOfLastPhrase, String.Empty).Trim();

                    string[] rewardTypes = inputRewardRemoved.Split(Comma.ToCharArray());

                    string[] rewardTypesAndCounts = rewardTypes.Select(r => $"{r} {rewardPartOfLastPhrase}").ToArray();
                    string   convertedInput       = String.Join(CommaWithSpace, rewardTypesAndCounts);

                    input = convertedInput;

                //turn reward string into a list, if needed
                IList <string> rewardStrings = ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToList(input);

                //for each reward, turn it into an item name and a count
                IList <ItemWithItemCount> rewardItemsWithItemCounts = new List <ItemWithItemCount>();

                foreach (var rewardString in rewardStrings)
                    ItemWithItemCount itemWithItemCount = ExtractItemWithItemCount(rewardString);

                //now for each reward item, extract the star level if applicable
                foreach (ItemWithItemCount iwc in rewardItemsWithItemCounts)
                    ItemWithCountAndStarLevel iwcasl = new ItemWithCountAndStarLevel();

                    ItemWithStarLevel iwsl = ExtractItemWithStarLevel(iwc.ItemName);

                    iwcasl.ItemName      = iwsl.ItemName;
                    iwcasl.ItemCount     = iwc.ItemCount > 0 ? iwc.ItemCount : !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iwsl.ItemName) ? 1 : 0;
                    iwcasl.ItemStarLevel = iwsl.ItemStarLevel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogWarning("ItemWithCountAndStarLevel String {iwcaslString} could not be parsed; {Message}", input, ex.Message);
