static void Main(string[] args) { // Create query parameters // TODO: pass these in on command line, or in a settings file? RiotQuerySettings querySettings = new RiotQuerySettings(Queue.RankedSolo5x5); // Parse api key from args if (args.Length == 0) return; // Check if no-download mode is requested // NOTE: will only disable player/match queries if (args.Contains("-nodownload")) { querySettings.NoDownload = true; args = args.Where(arg => arg != "-nodownload").ToArray(); } string apiKey = args[0]; // Check if rates were included in the args RiotApi api = null; if (args.Length >= 3) { int rateper10s, rateper10m; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out rateper10s) && int.TryParse(args[2], out rateper10m)) { // Create a production API api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey, rateper10s, rateper10m); } } if (api == null) { // No rates, create a non-production API api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey); } // Get static API and initialize static data StaticRiotApi staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey); StaticDataStore.Initialize(staticApi); // Create pipeline //ChampionWinCounter winCounter = new ChampionWinCounter(); ItemPurchaseRecorder purchaseRecorder = new ItemPurchaseRecorder(); MatchPipeline pipeline = new MatchPipeline(api, querySettings, purchaseRecorder); pipeline.Process(); // Get stats var championPurchaseStats = purchaseRecorder.ChampionPurchaseTrackers.ToDictionary( kvp => kvp.Value.ChampionId, kvp => kvp.Value.GetStats()); // Generate item sets Dictionary<PurchaseSetKey, ItemSet> itemSets = ItemSetGenerator.generateAll(championPurchaseStats); // Write all sets to disk string itemSetRoot = "itemsets"; string webDataRoot = "web"; string webItemSetRoot = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, itemSetRoot); // Create web directory if it doesn't exist if (!Directory.Exists(webDataRoot)) Directory.CreateDirectory(webDataRoot); // Clear old item sets if (Directory.Exists(webItemSetRoot)) Directory.Delete(webItemSetRoot, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(webItemSetRoot); // Filter out sets we don't consider valid long minMatchCount = Math.Min( SetBuilderSettings.FilterMatchMinCount, (long)((double)pipeline.MatchCount * SetBuilderSettings.FilterMatchMinPercentage)); var filteredSets = itemSets.Where(kvp => { // Filter out item sets without a minimum percentage of matches if (kvp.Value.MatchCount < minMatchCount) return false; // While smiteless-jungle might be viable, from the data this looks more like a // situation where the champion in question was roaming a lot, so the lane was // misidentified as jungle. We'll just exclude these for now. if (SetBuilderSettings.FilterExcludeNoSmiteJungle && kvp.Value.SetKey.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !kvp.Value.SetKey.HasSmite) return false; // All other sets are fine return true; }); // Group sets var groupedSets = filteredSets.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.ChampionId); // Combine sets var smiteSpell = StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells.SummonerSpells["SummonerSmite"]; var combinedSets = groupedSets.Select(g => { // If there aren't two sets, or the two sets both do or don't have smite if (g.Count() != 2 || !(g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite) && g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite))) return new { Key = g.Key, Sets = g.ToList(), HasOtherLane = false, OtherLane = Lane.Bot }; var seta = g.ElementAt(0); var setb = g.ElementAt(1); var smiteset = seta.Key.HasSmite ? seta : setb; var nosmiteset = seta.Key.HasSmite ? setb : seta; // Mark set blocks as smite required or not required smiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell = smiteSpell.Key); nosmiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.hideIfSummonerSpell = smiteSpell.Key); // Combine into smite set smiteset.Value.MatchCount = Math.Max(smiteset.Value.MatchCount, nosmiteset.Value.MatchCount); smiteset.Value.blocks.AddRange(nosmiteset.Value.blocks); // Return combined block return new { Key = g.Key, Sets = Enumerable.Repeat(smiteset, 1).ToList(), HasOtherLane = true, OtherLane = nosmiteset.Key.Lane }; }).ToList(); // Generate names for item sets var setsWithNames = combinedSets.SelectMany(g => { var champion = StaticDataStore.Champions.GetChampionById(g.Key); // Ensure the champion directory exists string webpath = Path.Combine(itemSetRoot, champion.Key, "Recommended"); string path = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, webpath); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); // Find differentiating fields bool diffHasSmite = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.HasSmite != g.Sets.First().Key.HasSmite); bool diffLane = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.Lane != g.Sets.First().Key.Lane); // Create name for each based on differentiating fields return g.Sets.Select(setkvp => { string filename = "ProBuilds_" + champion.Key; string title = ""; // Always handle combined sets specially if (g.Sets.Count == 1 && g.HasOtherLane == true) { title += g.OtherLane.ToString() + " / " + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString(); filename += "_" + g.OtherLane.ToString() + "_" + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString(); } else { // We always write out jungle // We always write out the lane if it has smite (to differentiate it from jungle) if (g.Sets.Count == 1 || diffLane || (setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !setkvp.Value.blocks.Any(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell != "")) || setkvp.Key.HasSmite) { title += setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString(); filename += "_" + setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString(); } if (diffHasSmite) { // Add smite information to title if jungling without smite, or taking smite without jungling if ((setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane != Lane.Jungle) || (!setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle)) { title += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? " with Smite" : " without Smite"; } filename += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? "_Smite" : "_NoSmite"; } } // Set the title setkvp.Value.title = title; filename += ".json"; return new { Name = filename, WebPath = webpath, FilePath = path, Key = setkvp.Key, Set = setkvp.Value }; }); }).ToList(); // Write item sets var setfiles = setsWithNames.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).Select(set => { string filename = set.Name; string file = Path.Combine(set.FilePath, filename); string setJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(set.Set); File.WriteAllText(file, setJson); return new { Key = set.Key, File = Path.Combine(set.WebPath, filename).Replace('\\', '/'), Title = set.Set.title }; }).GroupBy(set => set.Key.ChampionId).ToDictionary( g => StaticDataStore.Champions.Keys[g.Key], g => g.ToList()); // Write static data string championsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "champions.json"); string itemsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "items.json"); string summonerspellsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "summonerspells.json"); string championsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Champions); string itemsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Items); string summonerspellsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells); File.WriteAllText(championsfile, championsjson); File.WriteAllText(itemsfile, itemsjson); File.WriteAllText(summonerspellsfile, summonerspellsjson); // Write item set manifest var manifest = new { root = itemSetRoot + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, sets = setfiles }; string manifestfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "setmanifest.json"); string manifestjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest); File.WriteAllText(manifestfile, manifestjson); // Zip all item sets string zipSource = webItemSetRoot; string zipOutputFilename = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, ""); if (File.Exists(zipOutputFilename)) File.Delete(zipOutputFilename); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(zipSource, zipOutputFilename); // Serialize all purchase stats //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(championPurchaseStats); // Complete Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Complete, press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create query parameters // TODO: pass these in on command line, or in a settings file? RiotQuerySettings querySettings = new RiotQuerySettings(Queue.RankedSolo5x5); // Parse api key from args if (args.Length == 0) { return; } // Check if no-download mode is requested // NOTE: will only disable player/match queries if (args.Contains("-nodownload")) { querySettings.NoDownload = true; args = args.Where(arg => arg != "-nodownload").ToArray(); } string apiKey = args[0]; // Check if rates were included in the args RiotApi api = null; if (args.Length >= 3) { int rateper10s, rateper10m; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out rateper10s) && int.TryParse(args[2], out rateper10m)) { // Create a production API api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey, rateper10s, rateper10m); } } if (api == null) { // No rates, create a non-production API api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey); } // Get static API and initialize static data StaticRiotApi staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey); StaticDataStore.Initialize(staticApi); // Create pipeline //ChampionWinCounter winCounter = new ChampionWinCounter(); ItemPurchaseRecorder purchaseRecorder = new ItemPurchaseRecorder(); MatchPipeline pipeline = new MatchPipeline(api, querySettings, purchaseRecorder); pipeline.Process(); // Get stats var championPurchaseStats = purchaseRecorder.ChampionPurchaseTrackers.ToDictionary( kvp => kvp.Value.ChampionId, kvp => kvp.Value.GetStats()); // Generate item sets Dictionary <PurchaseSetKey, ItemSet> itemSets = ItemSetGenerator.generateAll(championPurchaseStats); // Write all sets to disk string itemSetRoot = "itemsets"; string webDataRoot = "web"; string webItemSetRoot = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, itemSetRoot); // Create web directory if it doesn't exist if (!Directory.Exists(webDataRoot)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(webDataRoot); } // Clear old item sets if (Directory.Exists(webItemSetRoot)) { Directory.Delete(webItemSetRoot, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(webItemSetRoot); // Filter out sets we don't consider valid long minMatchCount = Math.Min( SetBuilderSettings.FilterMatchMinCount, (long)((double)pipeline.MatchCount * SetBuilderSettings.FilterMatchMinPercentage)); var filteredSets = itemSets.Where(kvp => { // Filter out item sets without a minimum percentage of matches if (kvp.Value.MatchCount < minMatchCount) { return(false); } // While smiteless-jungle might be viable, from the data this looks more like a // situation where the champion in question was roaming a lot, so the lane was // misidentified as jungle. We'll just exclude these for now. if (SetBuilderSettings.FilterExcludeNoSmiteJungle && kvp.Value.SetKey.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !kvp.Value.SetKey.HasSmite) { return(false); } // All other sets are fine return(true); }); // Group sets var groupedSets = filteredSets.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.ChampionId); // Combine sets var smiteSpell = StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells.SummonerSpells["SummonerSmite"]; var combinedSets = groupedSets.Select(g => { // If there aren't two sets, or the two sets both do or don't have smite if (g.Count() != 2 || !(g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite) && g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite))) { return new { Key = g.Key, Sets = g.ToList(), HasOtherLane = false, OtherLane = Lane.Bot } } ; var seta = g.ElementAt(0); var setb = g.ElementAt(1); var smiteset = seta.Key.HasSmite ? seta : setb; var nosmiteset = seta.Key.HasSmite ? setb : seta; // Mark set blocks as smite required or not required smiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell = smiteSpell.Key); nosmiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.hideIfSummonerSpell = smiteSpell.Key); // Combine into smite set smiteset.Value.MatchCount = Math.Max(smiteset.Value.MatchCount, nosmiteset.Value.MatchCount); smiteset.Value.blocks.AddRange(nosmiteset.Value.blocks); // Return combined block return(new { Key = g.Key, Sets = Enumerable.Repeat(smiteset, 1).ToList(), HasOtherLane = true, OtherLane = nosmiteset.Key.Lane }); }).ToList(); // Generate names for item sets var setsWithNames = combinedSets.SelectMany(g => { var champion = StaticDataStore.Champions.GetChampionById(g.Key); // Ensure the champion directory exists string webpath = Path.Combine(itemSetRoot, champion.Key, "Recommended"); string path = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, webpath); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } // Find differentiating fields bool diffHasSmite = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.HasSmite != g.Sets.First().Key.HasSmite); bool diffLane = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.Lane != g.Sets.First().Key.Lane); // Create name for each based on differentiating fields return(g.Sets.Select(setkvp => { string filename = "ProBuilds_" + champion.Key; string title = ""; // Always handle combined sets specially if (g.Sets.Count == 1 && g.HasOtherLane == true) { title += g.OtherLane.ToString() + " / " + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString(); filename += "_" + g.OtherLane.ToString() + "_" + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString(); } else { // We always write out jungle // We always write out the lane if it has smite (to differentiate it from jungle) if (g.Sets.Count == 1 || diffLane || (setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !setkvp.Value.blocks.Any(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell != "")) || setkvp.Key.HasSmite) { title += setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString(); filename += "_" + setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString(); } if (diffHasSmite) { // Add smite information to title if jungling without smite, or taking smite without jungling if ((setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane != Lane.Jungle) || (!setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle)) { title += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? " with Smite" : " without Smite"; } filename += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? "_Smite" : "_NoSmite"; } } // Set the title setkvp.Value.title = title; filename += ".json"; return new { Name = filename, WebPath = webpath, FilePath = path, Key = setkvp.Key, Set = setkvp.Value }; })); }).ToList(); // Write item sets var setfiles = setsWithNames.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).Select(set => { string filename = set.Name; string file = Path.Combine(set.FilePath, filename); string setJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(set.Set); File.WriteAllText(file, setJson); return(new { Key = set.Key, File = Path.Combine(set.WebPath, filename).Replace('\\', '/'), Title = set.Set.title }); }).GroupBy(set => set.Key.ChampionId).ToDictionary( g => StaticDataStore.Champions.Keys[g.Key], g => g.ToList()); // Write static data string championsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "champions.json"); string itemsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "items.json"); string summonerspellsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "summonerspells.json"); string championsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Champions); string itemsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Items); string summonerspellsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells); File.WriteAllText(championsfile, championsjson); File.WriteAllText(itemsfile, itemsjson); File.WriteAllText(summonerspellsfile, summonerspellsjson); // Write item set manifest var manifest = new { root = itemSetRoot + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, sets = setfiles }; string manifestfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "setmanifest.json"); string manifestjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest); File.WriteAllText(manifestfile, manifestjson); // Zip all item sets string zipSource = webItemSetRoot; string zipOutputFilename = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, ""); if (File.Exists(zipOutputFilename)) { File.Delete(zipOutputFilename); } ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(zipSource, zipOutputFilename); // Serialize all purchase stats //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(championPurchaseStats); // Complete Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Complete, press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }