private void ItemContainer_OnClick(ItemContainer container, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData pointerEventData) { if (DebugConfigs.DEBUG_LOG) { Debug.Log("ItemController::ItemContainer_OnClick::PLANTED" + pointerEventData.position); } GameObject ItemGO = Instantiate(itemPrefab); ItemGO.transform.SetParent(ItemContainerToGO[container].transform, false); ItemGO.transform.Find("Image").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Images\\Animals\\" + selecteditem); ItemGO.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = selecteditem; //ItemGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); if (DebugConfigs.DEBUG_LOG) { Debug.Log("Update event added to Item."); } ItemController ItemController = ItemGO.GetComponent <ItemController>(); Item item = ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(selecteditem).item.Clone() as Item; item.Planted += itemPlanted; item.Planted += UpgradeablePanelController.Instance.ItemPlanted; item.UpdateEvent += ItemUpdate; //planted eventları GameController.Instance.planteditemsToGOs[item] = ItemGO; GameController.Instance.ItemContainerToitem[container] = item; container.hasItem = true; ItemController.item = item as Item; ItemControllers.Add(ItemController); // After Item planted selected Item gets set to null so be carefull where you do this item.ItemPlanted(); }
public void ItemPlanted(Item item) { //find the copied Item in the upgradeable panel Button button = itemNameToUpgradeContainer[item.Name].GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); button.transform.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Upgrade\n" + Extensions.Format(item.requiredMoneyForUpgrade); button.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); button.onClick.AddListener(() => { UpgradeItemButtonClicked(itemNameToUpgradeContainer[item.Name], item); }); item.Upgraded += ItemUpgraded; -= item.requiredMoneyForPlant; //for second time to plant an item we will set the price to 0 in the proto //ikinci kez aynı nesneyi plant etmek için bir ücret istemiyoruz(tartışmaya açık) ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(item.Name).item.requiredMoneyForPlant = 0; //itemler startta isimleri ile ekleniyorlar if (itemNameToActiveItem.ContainsKey(item.Name)) { //her seferinde burada referans değişmeli. Biz bir item ekledik ve sonra onu son seviye yaptık. //button tekrar plant olacak ve yeni bir item plant edeceğiz artık takip etmemiz gereken item o olacak itemNameToActiveItem[item.Name] = item; } else { Debug.LogError("How did this happen?? This item should not be exist!!!"); } }
public Item CreateInstance(ItemPrototype prototype) { if ( == "Empty") { return(null); } return(Item.CreateInstance(prototype)); }
public bool GetItemPrototype(int id, out ItemPrototype prototype) { if (itemsProto.TryGetValue(id, out prototype)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void SpawnItem(ItemPrototype prototype, Vector2 position) { if ( == "Empty") { return; } Item item = CreateInstance(prototype); if (item == null) { return; } Spawn(item, position); }
private void BlockController() { PlayerInventory playerInventory = player.GetComponent <PlayerInventory>(); if (Physics.Raycast(mainCam.position, mainCam.forward, out var hitInfo, 10f, rayCastMask)) { ChunkManager chunkManager = ChunkManager.Instance; Vector3 hitInfoPoint = hitInfo.point - hitInfo.normal / 2; hitInfoPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.CeilToInt(hitInfoPoint.x), Mathf.FloorToInt(hitInfoPoint.y), Mathf.FloorToInt(hitInfoPoint.z)); hightBlock.SetActive(true); hightBlock.transform.position = hitInfoPoint; Block oldBlock = null; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { hitInfoPoint = hitInfoPoint + hitInfo.normal; Vector3Int chunkSerial = ChunkManager.Instance.PositionToChunkSerial(hitInfoPoint); Chunk chunk = ChunkManager.Instance.GetChunk(chunkSerial); int curSelectIndex = UIManager.Instance.toolBarPanel.CurSelectIndex; ItemEntity curSelEntity = playerInventory.toolBarItems.GetItemFromSlot(curSelectIndex); if (curSelEntity != null) { oldBlock = chunk.SetBlock(hitInfoPoint - new Vector3(chunkSerial.x * chunkManager.length, 0, chunkSerial.z * chunkManager.width), BlockManager.Instance.GetBlock(curSelEntity.ItemPrototype.bindBlock)); ItemManager.Instance.RemoveItemFromPlayerToolbar(curSelectIndex); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector3Int chunkSerial = ChunkManager.Instance.PositionToChunkSerial(hitInfoPoint); //Debug.Log($"{hitInfoPoint} {hightBlock.transform.position} {ChunkManager.Instance.GetNoiseValue( hitInfoPoint.x,hitInfoPoint.y,hitInfoPoint.z)}"); Chunk chunk = ChunkManager.Instance.GetChunk(chunkSerial); oldBlock = chunk.SetBlock(hitInfoPoint - new Vector3(chunkSerial.x * chunkManager.length, 0, chunkSerial.z * chunkManager.width), null); } if (oldBlock != null) { ItemPrototype itemPrototype = ItemManager.Instance.GetItemPrototype(oldBlock.blockID); if (itemPrototype != null) { ItemManager.Instance.CreateDropEntity(, hitInfoPoint + new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); } } //Debug.Log($"{hitInfo.point} {hitInfo.normal}"); Debug.DrawLine(mainCam.position, hitInfo.point); }
protected Item(ItemPrototype b) { =; this.itemType = b.itemType; this.stackCount = b.stackCount; this.itemQuality = b.itemQuality; this.stats = new Stat[b.stats.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.stats.Length; i++) { this.stats[i] = new Stat(b.stats[i].statType, b.stats[i].minValue, b.stats[i].maxValue); } this.sprite = Sprite_Manager.instance.GetSprite(b.sprite); this.itemUseType = b.itemUseType; this.cost = b.cost; this.timeToCreate = b.timeToCreate; }
void Update() { if (targetInventory.Get(index) != null) { ItemPrototype proto = targetInventory.Get(index).Prototype(); imgObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = root.itemIcons[proto.iconIndex]; if (targetInventory.Get(index).Prototype().consumptionBehaviour != ConsumptionBehaviour.nonconsumable || targetInventory.Get(index).stackCount > 1) { textObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = targetInventory.Get(index).stackCount.ToString(); } } else { imgObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = root.nullIcon; textObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = ""; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (Instance != null) { return; } //TODO:hghjgj Instance = this; itemNameToUpgradeContainer = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>(); itemNameToActiveItem = new Dictionary <string, Item>(); GameController.Instance.LeveledUp += Player_LeveledUp; foreach (ItemInfo itemInfo in ItemPrototype.GetItemInfos()) { Item proto = itemInfo.item; GameObject upgradeableGO = Instantiate(upgradeablePrefab); upgradeableGO.transform.SetParent(parentObjectTransform, false); upgradeableGO.transform.Find("Name").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = proto.Name; upgradeableGO.transform.Find("Image").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Images\\Animals\\" + proto.Name); // Debug.Log(proto.Name); Button btn = upgradeableGO.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); btn.onClick.AddListener(() => { Plant(proto.Name); }); if (proto.requiredLevel > GameController.Instance.level) { btn.interactable = false; btn.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Required Level " + proto.requiredLevel; } itemNameToUpgradeContainer.Add(proto.Name, upgradeableGO); itemNameToActiveItem.Add(proto.Name, null); //we need to set behaviour of this upgradeable or plantable Item objects //for example is this object active? //is this upgradeable or plantable //yerleştirilmiş ve son seviyeye kadar geliştirilmiş objeler nasıl davranacak? //son seviyeye geldiği zaman yerleştirme aktif olacak yani artık buton başka bir obje için çalışacak diğeri ile olan bağı kopacak //bu durumda buttonlar hangi objeye bağlı olduğunu bilecek //plant yaparken bunu bildirebiliriz //bunun için mantıklı bir yöntem düşün } }
public ItemPrototype GetPrototype(string itemName) { /* if (itemType == ItemType.Cargo) * return GetCargoProto(itemName); * if (itemType == ItemType.Machine) * return GetMachineProto(itemName); */ foreach (ItemPrototype prototype in available_Items) { if ( == itemName) { return(prototype); } } ItemPrototype empty = new ItemPrototype(); = "Empty"; return(empty); }
public ItemsManager() { lastItemId = DatabaseManager.GetLastInsertedId("items"); DataTable itemsProtoTable = DatabaseManager.ReturnQuery("SELECT * FROM items_proto"); for (int i = 0; i < itemsProtoTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = itemsProtoTable.Rows[i]; ItemPrototype data = new ItemPrototype() { id = (int)row["id"], name = (string)row["name"], reqLvl = (sbyte)row["req_level"], price = (int)row["price"], }; itemsProto.Add(, data); } }
private void OnEnable() { if (Instance != null) { return; } Instance = this; shelves = new List <Item[]>(); // instantiate planted Items to game object dictionary // this will store all Item models that planted and link them to the game objects in the game planteditemsToGOs = new Dictionary <Item, GameObject>(); ItemContainerToGO = new Dictionary <ItemContainer, GameObject>(); ItemContainerToitem = new Dictionary <ItemContainer, Item>(); ItemControllers = new List <ItemController>(); ItemPrototype.InitializeObjects(); CleanShelf(); CreateShelf(); CreateShelf(); }
private void Update() { foreach (string itemName in itemNameToActiveItem.Keys) { Button button = itemNameToUpgradeContainer[itemName].GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); if (ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(itemName).item.requiredLevel > GameController.Instance.level) { button.interactable = false; return; } Item item = itemNameToActiveItem[itemName]; //this means we can plant this but we did not do that yet if (item == null) { if (ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(itemName).item.requiredMoneyForPlant > { button.interactable = false; } else { button.interactable = true; } } //this means we planted an item else { if (item.requiredMoneyForUpgrade > { button.interactable = false; } else { button.interactable = true; } } } }
private void Player_LeveledUp(int level) { foreach (string itemName in itemNameToUpgradeContainer.Keys) { if (ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(itemName).item.requiredLevel <= GameController.Instance.level) { Button button = itemNameToUpgradeContainer[itemName].GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); if (itemNameToActiveItem[itemName] == null) { int reqMoney = ItemPrototype.GetItemInfo(itemName).item.requiredMoneyForPlant; string plantInfo = "Plant\n" + (reqMoney > 0 ? Extensions.Format(reqMoney) : ""); button.transform.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = plantInfo; button.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); button.onClick.AddListener(() => { Plant(itemName); }); } else { continue; } Debug.Log(itemName + ":" + (itemNameToActiveItem[itemName] == null)); button.interactable = true; } } }
public static Item CreateInstance(ItemPrototype prototype) { return(new Item(prototype)); }
public void Add(ItemPrototype item) { _Items[item.Name] = item; }
void DefinePrototypes() { ItemPrototype bumbel; bumbel = new ItemPrototype(); = "Oil"; bumbel.iconIndex = 0; bumbel.maxStackCount = 10; bumbel.craftable = true; bumbel.consumptionBehaviour = ConsumptionBehaviour.consumable; bumbel.Use = (Player p, Inventory container, int index) => { Debug.Log(p.backpack.maxSize); }; prototypes.Add(bumbel); bumbel = new ItemPrototype(); = "Wood"; bumbel.iconIndex = 1; bumbel.maxStackCount = 10; bumbel.craftable = true; bumbel.consumptionBehaviour = ConsumptionBehaviour.consumable; bumbel.Use = (Player p, Inventory container, int index) => { Debug.Log("USED WOOD"); }; prototypes.Add(bumbel); bumbel = new ItemPrototype(); = "Campfire Schematic"; bumbel.iconIndex = 6; bumbel.maxStackCount = 10; bumbel.craftable = true; bumbel.consumptionBehaviour = ConsumptionBehaviour.consumable; bumbel.Use = (Player p, Inventory container, int index) => { UnderCursorDisplay underCursorDisplay = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UnderCursorDisplay").GetComponent <UnderCursorDisplay>(); underCursorDisplay.itemUsedFromInventory = container; underCursorDisplay.itemUsedFromIndex = index; underCursorDisplay.structure = structurePrototypes[0]; container.Get(index).inUse = true; }; bumbel.Callback = (Player p, Inventory container, int index, bool successFlag) => { UnderCursorDisplay cursorHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UnderCursorDisplay").GetComponent <UnderCursorDisplay>(); container.Get(index).inUse = false; cursorHandler.itemUsedFromInventory = null; cursorHandler.itemUsedFromIndex = -1; if (successFlag) { GameObject construction = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/firepit")); Camera mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); Vector3 mouseCoordinates = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, mainCamera.nearClipPlane)); mouseCoordinates.x = Mathf.Round(mouseCoordinates.x * 2) / 2f; mouseCoordinates.y = Mathf.Round(mouseCoordinates.y * 2) / 2f; construction.transform.position = new Vector3(mouseCoordinates.x, mouseCoordinates.y, -0.5f); cursorHandler.structure = null; container.Get(index).Decrement(container, index); } else { cursorHandler.structure = null; } }; prototypes.Add(bumbel); StructurePrototype structurePrototype; structurePrototype = new StructurePrototype(); structurePrototype.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/firepit"); structurePrototype.size = 2; = "firepit"; structurePrototypes.Add(structurePrototype); }
public ItemEntity(ItemEntity itemEntity, int count) : this() { itemPrototypeID = itemEntity.itemPrototypeID; itemPrototype = itemEntity.itemPrototype; itemCount = count; }
public ItemEntity(ItemPrototype itemPrototypePrototype, int count) : this(itemPrototypePrototype) { itemCount = count; }
public ItemEntity(ItemPrototype itemPrototypePrototype) : this() { itemPrototypeID =; itemPrototype = itemPrototypePrototype; }
public ItemEntity(string id) : this() { itemPrototypeID = id; itemPrototype = ItemManager.Instance.GetItemPrototype(id); }
public ItemEntity() { itemPrototypeID = ""; itemPrototype = null; itemCount = 1; }