static IronOre() { _id = ItemID.IronOre; _name = "鐵礦"; _description = ""; _type = MineralType.Mine; }
static RawRubber() { _id = ItemID.Rubber; _name = "生橡膠"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Product; }
public ItemRow(ItemID id) { ItemId = id; var str = id.ToString(); switch (str) { case "RawStart": Name = "RawSoil"; break; case "RawEnd": Name = "RawHide"; break; case "FoodStart": Name = "Fruit"; break; case "FoodEnd": Name = "Sandwich"; break; case "DrinkStart": Name = "Milk"; break; case "DrinkEnd": Name = "Beer"; break; case "StorageStart": Name = "Crate"; break; case "StorageEnd": Name = "Bag"; break; case "FurnitureStart": Name = "WoodDoor"; break; case "FurnitureEnd": Name = "Statue"; break; case "WeaponStart": Name = "Sword"; break; case "WeaponEnd": Name = "Torch"; break; case "EquipmentStart": Name = "Helmet"; break; case "EquipmentEnd": Name = "LeatherBoot"; break; case "ToolStart": Name = "Pickaxe"; break; case "ToolEnd": Name = "FellingAxe"; break; default: Name = str; break; } }
static Brine() { _id = ItemID.Brine; _name = "海水"; _description = "海水敘述"; _type = LiquidType.Water; }
static Bamboo() { _id = ItemID.Bamboo; _name = "竹子"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Wood; }
//internal ItemID self; internal Item(ItemID item) { name = getItemName(item);; //Buff b; string d; switch(item){ case ItemID.blade: //TODO add buff d = "assassin wep"; break; case ItemID.bow: d = "archer wep"; break; case ItemID.gloves: d = "pyro wep"; break; case ItemID.mace: d = "vang wep"; break; case ItemID.staff: d = "puri wep"; break; case ItemID.blend: d = "bard wep"; break; default: throw new Exception("no item?"); } //buff = b; description = d; }
static Cotton() { _id = ItemID.Cotton; _name = "棉花"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Product; }
static Coal() { _id = ItemID.Coal; _name = "煤礦"; _description = ""; _type = MineralType.Fossil; }
static Coconut() { _id = ItemID.Coconut; _name = "椰子"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Product; }
static Water() { _id = ItemID.Water; _name = "淡水"; _description = "淡水敘述"; _type = LiquidType.Water; }
static CopperOre() { _id = ItemID.CopperOre; _name = "銅礦"; _description = ""; _type = MineralType.Mine; }
static Sand() { _id = ItemID.Sand; _name = "沙"; _description = ""; _type = MineralType.Stone; }
static Log() { _id = ItemID.Log; _name = "木頭"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Wood; }
static Rock() { _id = ItemID.Rock; _name = "石頭"; _description = ""; _type = MineralType.Stone; }
static Hemp() { _id = ItemID.Hemp; _name = "麻草"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Herb; }
static Clay() { _id = ItemID.Clay; _name = "黏土"; _description = ""; _type = (int)MineralType.Soil; }
private static Item CreatItemLegendary(ItemID itemID, int amount) { Item legendaryItem = new Item(); legendaryItem.Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(ItemID), itemID); legendaryItem.CurAmount = amount; legendaryItem.MaxAmount = MAX_AMOUNT_LEGENDARY; switch(itemID) { case ItemID.WingsBoots : legendaryItem.Point = 500; break; case ItemID.WandOfTruth : legendaryItem.Point = 700; break; case ItemID.FeatherPen : legendaryItem.Point = 900; break; case ItemID.LightCrystal : legendaryItem.Point = 1500; break; case ItemID.MixColor : legendaryItem.Point = 300; break; case ItemID.Gemstone : legendaryItem.Point = 2000; break; case ItemID.PhilosopherMap : legendaryItem.Point = 1000; break; default:break; } return legendaryItem; }
static Oak() { _id = ItemID.Oak; _name = "橡木"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Wood; }
static Cypress() { _id = ItemID.Cypress; _name = "檜木"; _description = ""; _type = PlantType.Wood; }
internal ChampItemPair(PlayerClassNum p, ItemID i) { hero = p; item = i; id = sID++; if (sID > 16) throw new Exception(); }
public Item() { Id = new ItemID(); X = 0; Y = 0; Z = 0; Hue = 0; }
public void SetItemVisibility(ItemID aItemID, bool aVisible = true) { PlayerItem item = FindPlayerItem(aItemID); if (item != null) { item.MakeVisible(aVisible); } }
public void DiscardItem(ItemID discardItemID, int discardCount) { var parameter = new Dictionary<byte, object> { { (byte)DiscardItemParameterItem.ItemID, discardItemID}, { (byte)DiscardItemParameterItem.DiscardCount, discardCount } }; peer.OpCustom((byte)OperationType.DiscardItem, parameter, true, 0, true); }
public Item() { _name = "Name"; _id = ItemID.None; _point = 0; _type = ItemTypes.Misc; _detail = "Detail"; _maxDur = 50; _curDur = _maxDur; }
public bool checkIngredient(int recipeIndex, ItemID itemID) { //_recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient[.Equals() bool flag = false; for(int i = 0; i < _recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient.Length; i++) { if(_recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient[i] == itemID) flag = true; } return flag; }
public int getIndexIngredientAmount(int recipeIndex, ItemID itemID) { //_recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient[.Equals() int index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < _recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient.Length; i++) { if(_recipeList[recipeIndex]._itemIngredient[i] == itemID) index = i; } return index; }
/****************************************************/ /*INVENTORY ITEM*/ /****************************************************/ public static bool checkSameItemInventory(ItemID itemID) { bool haveItem = false; for(int i=0; i < _inventory.Count; i++) { if(_inventory[i].Id == itemID && _inventory[i].CurAmount < _inventory[i].MaxAmount) { haveItem = true; } } return haveItem; }
private void DiscardItemEventAction(bool discardStatus, ItemID itemID, int itemCount) { if (discardStatus && GameGlobal.Inventory.Any(x=> == itemID)) { int discardCount = GameGlobal.Inventory.Where(x => == itemID).Sum(x => x.itemCount) - itemCount; GameGlobal.Inventory.Consume(GameGlobal.Inventory.First(x => == itemID).Instantiate(discardCount) as Item); inventoryPanelController.ShowInventory(); } inventoryPanelController.discardButton.enabled = true; inventoryPanelController.discardButton.image.color = inventoryPanelController.discardButtonOriginColor; }
private PlayerItem FindPlayerItem(ItemID aItemID) { for (int i = 0; i < m_PlayerItems.Length; i++) { if (m_PlayerItems[i] != null && m_PlayerItems[i].ItemID == aItemID) { return m_PlayerItems[i]; } } return null; }
public void SetAllItemOfSameTypeVisibility(ItemID aItemID, bool aVisible = true) { PlayerItem[] items = FindAllPlayerItemOfType(aItemID); if (items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { items[i].MakeVisible(aVisible); } } }
protected override RunStatus Run(object context) { if (!IsDone) { if (MerchantFrame.Instance == null || !MerchantFrame.Instance.IsVisible) { WoWPoint movetoPoint = _loc; WoWUnit unit = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().Where(o => o.Entry == NpcEntry). OrderBy(o => o.Distance).FirstOrDefault(); if (unit != null) { movetoPoint = WoWMathHelper.CalculatePointFrom(Me.Location, unit.Location, 3); } else if (movetoPoint == WoWPoint.Zero) { movetoPoint = MoveToAction.GetLocationFromDB(MoveToAction.MoveToType.NpcByID, NpcEntry); } if (movetoPoint != WoWPoint.Zero && ObjectManager.Me.Location.Distance(movetoPoint) > 4.5) { Util.MoveTo(movetoPoint); } else if (unit != null) { unit.Target(); unit.Interact(); } if (GossipFrame.Instance != null && GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible && GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries != null) { foreach (GossipEntry ge in GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries) { if (ge.Type == GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Vendor) { GossipFrame.Instance.SelectGossipOption(ge.Index); break; } } } } else { // check if we have merchant frame open at correct NPC if (NpcEntry > 0 && Me.GotTarget && Me.CurrentTarget.Entry != NpcEntry) { MerchantFrame.Instance.Close(); return(RunStatus.Success); } if (!_concludingSw.IsRunning) { if (BuyItemType == BuyItemActionType.SpecificItem) { var idList = new List <uint>(); string[] entries = ItemID.Split(','); if (entries.Length > 0) { foreach (string entry in entries) { uint temp; uint.TryParse(entry.Trim(), out temp); idList.Add(temp); } } else { Professionbuddy.Err("No ItemIDs are specified"); IsDone = true; return(RunStatus.Failure); } foreach (uint id in idList) { BuyItem(id, (uint)(!BuyAdditively ? Count - Util.GetCarriedItemCount(id) : Count)); } } else if (BuyItemType == BuyItemActionType.Material) { foreach (var kv in Pb.MaterialList) { // only buy items if we don't have enough in bags... int amount = kv.Value - (int)Ingredient.GetInBagItemCount(kv.Key); if (amount > 0) { BuyItem(kv.Key, (uint)amount); } } } _concludingSw.Start(); } if (_concludingSw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 2000) { Professionbuddy.Log("BuyItemAction Completed "); IsDone = true; } } if (!IsDone) { return(RunStatus.Success); } } return(RunStatus.Failure); }
void ItemSelChanged(ItemID itemID) { Notify("ItemString"); }
public ItemFilter(ItemID itemID, MaterialCategory materialCategory) { m_itemIDMask = new ItemIDMask(itemID); m_materialCategoryMask = new MaterialCategoryMask(materialCategory); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemID < 1) { function.WriteErrMsg("[产生错误的可能原因:内容信息不存在或未开放!调用方法:Content.aspx?ID=内容ID]"); } M_CommonData ItemInfo = bcontent.GetCommonData(ItemID); M_Node nodeinfo = bnode.GetNode(ItemInfo.NodeID); if (ItemInfo.IsNull) { function.WriteErrMsg("[产生错误的可能原因:内容信息不存在或未开放!]"); } else if (ItemInfo.Status == -2) { function.WriteErrMsg("[对不起,当前信息已删除,您无法浏览!]"); } else if (ItemInfo.Status == 0 && ItemInfo.NodeID != 37) { function.WriteErrMsg("[对不起,当前信息待审核状态,您无法浏览!]"); } else if (ItemInfo.Status < 0) { function.WriteErrMsg("[对不起,当前信息未通过审核,您无法浏览!]"); } if (nodeinfo.PurviewType) { if (!buser.CheckLogin()) { function.WriteErrMsg("该信息所属栏目需登录验证,请先<a href='/User/login.aspx' target='_top'>登录</a>再进行此操作!", "/User/login.aspx"); } else { //此处以后可以加上用户组权限检测 } } if (nodeinfo.ConsumePoint > 0) { M_UserInfo userinfo = buser.GetUserByUserID(buser.GetLogin().UserID); int groupID = 0; //会员级别id int groupNum = 0; //浏览文章的次数 if (nodeinfo.Viewinglimit != "" || nodeinfo.Viewinglimit != null) { #region 查找当前登录会员浏览该文章规定的次数 string Viewinglimits = nodeinfo.Viewinglimit; string[] ViewinglimitArray = Viewinglimits.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (ViewinglimitArray.Length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ViewinglimitArray.Length; i++) { if (userinfo.GroupID == int.Parse(ViewinglimitArray[i].Substring(0, ViewinglimitArray[i].IndexOf("=")))) { groupID = int.Parse(ViewinglimitArray[i].Substring(0, ViewinglimitArray[i].IndexOf("="))); groupNum = int.Parse(ViewinglimitArray[i].Substring(ViewinglimitArray[i].IndexOf("=") + 1, ViewinglimitArray[i].Length - ViewinglimitArray[i].Substring(0, ViewinglimitArray[i].IndexOf("=") + 1).Length)); break; } } } #endregion } if (buser.CheckLogin() && (userinfo.UserPoint - nodeinfo.ConsumePoint) > 0) { B_CompleteHistory bcomhistory = new B_CompleteHistory(); switch (nodeinfo.ConsumeType) { case 0: //0-不重复收费 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; case 1: //1-距离上次收费时间多少小时后重新收费 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; case 2: //2-重复阅读内容多少次重新收费 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; case 3: //3-上述两者都满足时重新收费 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; case 4: //4- 1、2两者任一个满足时就重新收费 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; case 5: //5-每阅读一次就重复收费一次 ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); break; default: ReadArticleStandardCharges(userinfo, nodeinfo, buser, bcomhistory, ItemInfo.GeneralID, nodeinfo.ConsumeType, groupID, groupNum); //不重复收费 break; } } else { function.WriteErrMsg("您的点券不足,请充值!"); } } M_ModelInfo modelinfo = bmode.GetModelById(ItemInfo.ModelID); string TempNode = bnode.GetModelTemplate(ItemInfo.NodeID, ItemInfo.ModelID); string TempContent = ItemInfo.Template; string TemplateDir = modelinfo.ContentModule; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempContent)) { TemplateDir = TempContent; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempNode)) { TemplateDir = TempNode; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TemplateDir)) { function.WriteErrMsg("该内容所属模型未指定模板"); } else { GetNodePreate(nodeinfo.NodeID); if (!(TemplateDir.ToLower().IndexOf("site") > 0 && TemplateDir.ToLower().IndexOf("site") <= 2)) { TemplateDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/" + TemplateDir; } else { TemplateDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "/" + TemplateDir; } int pid = bnode.GetContrarily(DataConverter.CLng(ItemInfo.NodeID), 5); //子站判断 M_Node mn = bnode.GetNodeXML(DataConverter.CLng(pid)); mn = bnode.dal_GetNode(DataConverter.CLng(pid)); if (mn.NodeBySite == 5) { string NodeDir = mn.NodeDir; mn = bnode.GetNodeXML(DataConverter.CLng(ItemInfo.NodeID)); TemplateDir = modelinfo.ContentModule; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempNode)) { TemplateDir = TempNode; } if (TemplateDir.IndexOf("SiteTemplate") < 0) { TemplateDir = "\\Site\\" + NodeDir + "\\Template" + TemplateDir; } TemplateDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + TemplateDir; // "\\Site\\" + NodeDir + "\\Template" + } TemplateDir = TemplateDir.Replace("/", @"\").Replace(@"\\", @"\"); string Templatestrstr = FileSystemObject.ReadFile(TemplateDir); string ContentHtml = this.bll.CreateHtml(Templatestrstr, Cpage, ItemID, "0"); //Templatestrstr:模板页面字符串,页码,该文章ID /* --------------------判断是否分页 并做处理------------------------------------------------*/ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentHtml)) { string infoContent = ""; //进行处理的内容字段 string pagelabel = ""; string infotmp = ""; #region 分页符分页 string pattern = @"{\#PageCode}([\s\S])*?{\/\#PageCode}"; //查找要分页的内容 if (Regex.IsMatch(ContentHtml, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { infoContent = Regex.Match(ContentHtml, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; infotmp = infoContent; infoContent = infoContent.Replace("{#PageCode}", "").Replace("{/#PageCode}", ""); //查找分页标签 bool isPage = false; string pattern1 = @"{ZL\.Page([\s\S])*?\/}"; if (Regex.IsMatch(ContentHtml, pattern1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { pagelabel = Regex.Match(ContentHtml, pattern1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; isPage = true; } if (isPage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoContent)) //没有设定要分页的字段内容 { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, ""); } else //进行内容分页处理 { //文件名 string file1 = "Content.aspx?ID=" + ItemID.ToString(); //取分页标签处理结果 返回字符串数组 根据数组元素个数生成几页 string ilbl = pagelabel.Replace("{ZL.Page ", "").Replace("/}", "").Replace(" ", ","); string lblContent = ""; IList <string> ContentArr = new List <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ilbl)) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent); } else { string[] paArr = ilbl.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paArr.Length == 0) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent); } else { string lblname = paArr[0].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1].Replace("\"", ""); B_Label blbl = new B_Label(); lblContent = blbl.GetLabelXML(lblname).Content; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblContent)) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 } ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent); } } if (ContentArr.Count > 0) //存在分页数据 { if (Cpage == 0) //显示全部 { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, infoContent); ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace("[PageCode/]", ""); } else { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, ContentArr[Cpage - 1]); } ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, this.bll.GetPage(lblContent, ItemID, Cpage, ContentArr.Count, ContentArr.Count)); //输出分页 } else { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, infoContent); ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, ""); } } } else //没有分页标签 { //如果设定了分页内容字段 将该字段内容的分页标志清除 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoContent)) { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, infoContent); } } } #endregion pattern = @"{\#Content}([\s\S])*?{\/\#Content}"; //查找要分页的内容 if (Regex.IsMatch(ContentHtml, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { infoContent = Regex.Match(ContentHtml, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; infotmp = infoContent; infoContent = infoContent.Replace("{#Content}", "").Replace("{/#Content}", ""); //查找分页标签 bool isPage = false; string pattern1 = @"{ZL\.Page([\s\S])*?\/}"; if (Regex.IsMatch(ContentHtml, pattern1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { pagelabel = Regex.Match(ContentHtml, pattern1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; isPage = true; } if (isPage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoContent)) //没有设定要分页的字段内容 { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, ""); } else //进行内容分页处理 { //文件名 string file1 = "Content.aspx?ID=" + ItemID.ToString(); //取分页标签处理结果 返回字符串数组 根据数组元素个数生成几页 string ilbl = pagelabel.Replace("{ZL.Page ", "").Replace("/}", "").Replace(" ", ","); string lblContent = ""; int NumPerPage = 500; IList <string> ContentArr = new List <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ilbl)) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent, NumPerPage); } else { string[] paArr = ilbl.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paArr.Length == 0) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent, NumPerPage); } else { string lblname = paArr[0].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1].Replace("\"", ""); if (paArr.Length > 1) { NumPerPage = DataConverter.CLng(paArr[1].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1].Replace("\"", "")); } B_Label blbl = new B_Label(); lblContent = blbl.GetLabelXML(lblname).Content; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblContent)) { lblContent = "{loop}<a href=\"{$pageurl/}\">{$pageid/}</a>$$$<b>[{$pageid/}]</b>{/loop}"; //默认格式的分页导航 } ContentArr = this.bll.GetContentPage(infoContent, NumPerPage); } } if (ContentArr.Count > 0) //存在分页数据 { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, ContentArr[Cpage - 1]); ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, this.bll.GetPage(lblContent, ItemID, Cpage, ContentArr.Count, NumPerPage)); } else { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, infoContent); ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabel, ""); } } } else //没有分页标签 { //如果设定了分页内容字段 将该字段内容的分页标志清除 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoContent)) { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(infotmp, infoContent); } } } } string patterns = @"{ZL\.Page([\s\S])*?\/}"; string pagelabels = Regex.Match(ContentHtml, patterns, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; if (pagelabels != "") { ContentHtml = ContentHtml.Replace(pagelabels, ""); } if (nodeinfo.SafeGuard == 1 && File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/JS/Guard.js"))) { ContentHtml = ContentHtml + SafeSC.ReadFileStr("/JS/Guard.js"); } if (SiteConfig.SiteOption.IsSensitivity == 1) { ContentHtml = sell.ProcessSen(ContentHtml); } Response.Write(ContentHtml); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(ItemID.GetHashCode() ^ RandomPropertiesSeed.GetHashCode() ^ RandomPropertiesID.GetHashCode() ^ ItemBonus.GetHashCode() ^ Modifications.GetHashCode()); }
protected override void PageIndexChange(int Index) { string searchString = string.Empty; if (txtSearch.Text.Length > 0 && txtSearch.Text != "Search...") { searchString = txtSearch.Text; } PageIndex = Index; string url = QueryStringParameter(CurrentURL, Request.QueryString, new string[] { "ID", "PageIndex", "Filter" }, new string[] { ItemID.ToString(), PageIndex.ToString(), searchString }); Response.Redirect(url, false); }
public ItemDefinition(int type) : base(ItemID.GetUniqueKey(type)) { }