Пример #1
        public void Initialize(LevelData data)
            int         levelLength      = data.length;
            ItemDeposit depositPrefab    = Resources.Load <ItemDeposit>("prefabs/items/ItemDeposit");
            GameObject  finishLinePrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("prefabs/misc/FinishLine");

            CollectedItems = new List <ItemData>();
            // todo define start and end, deploy deposits at correct locations
            foreach (DepositProbability prob in data.depositProbability)
                ItemData depositData  = prob.deposit;
                int      amount       = (int)Random.Range(prob.minAppearence, prob.maxAppearence);
                float    verticalStep = levelLength * .9f / Mathf.Max(2f, amount + 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++)
                    float randomHorizontal = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * HORIZONTAL_DEPOSIT_SPREAD;
                    // limit vertical spread to vertical step so nothing is generated after the finish line
                    float       randomVertical = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * Mathf.Min(verticalStep, VERTICAL_DEPOSIT_SPREAD);
                    ItemDeposit deposit        = Instantiate(depositPrefab, new Vector3(randomHorizontal, verticalStep * j + randomVertical), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    deposit.Initialize(depositData, Random.Range(prob.minContent, prob.maxContent));
                    deposit.ItemCollected += item => CollectedItems.Add(item);

            Instantiate(finishLinePrefab, Vector3.up * levelLength, Quaternion.identity, transform);
            ServiceLocator.Get <GameStateService>().GameFinishing += OnGameFinishing;
Пример #2
 private void RemoveVisibleDeposit(ItemDeposit deposit)
     if (!deposit.CanBeCollectedBy(_toolData))
Пример #3
        public override void Executed(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak)
            // do nothing if current target still has health
            // otherwise search deposits on screen (closest first) and pick a target
            // pick targets depending on unit equipment (tier, type)
            _closestDeposit = unit.GetClosestDeposit();

            _initPosition        = unit.transform.position;
            unit.Agent.isStopped = false;
            unit.Agent.speed     = unit.MovementSpeed + unit.MovementSpeed * streakBonus;
            if (_closestDeposit)
                Vector3 direction = (_closestDeposit.transform.position - unit.transform.position).normalized;
                unit.Agent.destination = _closestDeposit.transform.position - direction * GATHER_DISTANCE;
Пример #4
 private void UpdateClosestDeposit()
     _closestDeposit = unit.GetClosestDeposit();