protected override void LoadSettings(BagInstance Data) { if (Data != null) { this.Size = Data.Size; this.Autofill = Data.Autofill; this.BaseName = ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleBagName"); this.DescriptionAlias = ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleBagDescription"); Contents.Clear(); foreach (BagItem Item in Data.Contents) { this.Contents.Add(Item.ToObject()); } if (Data.IsCustomIcon) { this.CustomIconSourceTexture = BagType.SourceTexture.SpringObjects; this.CustomIconTexturePosition = Data.OverriddenIcon; } else { ResetIcon(); } } }
/// <param name="Autofill">If true, then when the player picks up an item that can be stored in this bag, it will automatically be stored if there is space for it.</param> public BoundedBag(BagType TypeInfo, ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo), "", Size, TypeInfo.GetIconTexture(), TypeInfo.IconSourceRect, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == Size); if (SizeInfo == null) // This should never happen but just in case... { SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.First(); } this.Autofill = Autofill; _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})", BagType.GetTranslatedDescription(TypeInfo), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } })); if (SizeInfo.Size != Size) { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(new List <AllowedObject>()); } else { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(SizeInfo.Items.Select(x => new AllowedObject(x)).ToList()); } this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); }
/// <summary>Default parameterless constructor intended for use by XML Serialization. Do not use this constructor to instantiate a bag.</summary> public BoundedBag() : base(ItemBagsMod.Translate("DefaultBagName"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("DefaultBagDescription"), ContainerSize.Small, null, null, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.First(); this.Autofill = false; this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); }
/// <param name="Size">Must be a Size within <see cref="ValidSizes"/></param> public BundleBag(ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleBagName"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleBagDescription"), Size, true) { if (!ValidSizes.Contains(Size)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Size '{0}' is not valid for BundleBag types", Size.ToString())); } this.Autofill = Autofill; }
/// <summary>Default parameterless constructor intended for use by XML Serialization. Do not use this constructor to instantiate a bag.</summary> public BoundedBag() : base(ItemBagsMod.Translate("DefaultBagName"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("DefaultBagDescription"), ContainerSize.Small, null, null, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.First(); this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == ContainerSize.Small); this.Autofill = false; _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); this.AllowedObjects = new List <AllowedObject>().AsReadOnly(); this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); }
public void DrawToolTips(SpriteBatch b) { // Draw tooltips on the hovered item inside the bag if (HoveredSlot.HasValue) { Object HoveredItem = GetHoveredItem(); if (HoveredItem != null) { Rectangle Location; if (IsNavigatingWithGamepad) { Location = HoveredSlot.Value; //new Rectangle(HoveredSlot.Value.Right, HoveredSlot.Value.Bottom, 1, 1); } else { Location = new Rectangle(Game1.getMouseX() - 8, Game1.getMouseY() + 36, 8 + 36, 1); } DrawHelpers.DrawToolTipInfo(b, Location, HoveredItem, true, true, true, true, true, true, Bag.MaxStackSize); } } // Draw tooltips on the sidebar buttons if (IsRightSidebarVisible && HoveredContentsButton.HasValue) { string ButtonToolTip = ""; if (HoveredContentsButton.Value == ContentsSidebarButton.SortingProperty) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate(string.Format("RucksackSortProperty{0}ToolTip", Rucksack.SortProperty.ToString())); } else if (HoveredContentsButton.Value == ContentsSidebarButton.SortingOrder) { if (Rucksack.SortOrder == SortingOrder.Ascending) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("RucksackSortOrderAscendingToolTip"); } else if (Rucksack.SortOrder == SortingOrder.Descending) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("RucksackSortOrderDescendingToolTip"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ButtonToolTip)) { int Margin = 16; Vector2 ToolTipSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(ButtonToolTip); DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, HoveredContentsButtonBounds.Value.Left - (int)(ToolTipSize.X + Margin * 2), HoveredContentsButtonBounds.Value.Top, (int)(ToolTipSize.X + Margin * 2), (int)(ToolTipSize.Y + Margin * 2)); b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, ButtonToolTip, new Vector2(HoveredContentsButtonBounds.Value.Left - Margin - ToolTipSize.X, HoveredContentsButtonBounds.Value.Top + Margin), Color.Black); } } }
protected override void LoadSettings(BagInstance Data) { if (Data != null) { this.Size = Data.Size; string SizeName = ItemBagsMod.Translate(string.Format("Size{0}Name", Size.GetDescription())); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})\n({2})", ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagDescription"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } }), ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagCapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "size", SizeName } }) ); this.NestedBags.Clear(); foreach (BagInstance NestedInstance in Data.NestedBags) { if (NestedInstance.TryDecode(out ItemBag NestedBag)) { this.NestedBags.Add(NestedBag); } } Contents.Clear(); foreach (BagItem Item in Data.Contents) { this.Contents.Add(Item.ToObject()); } if (Data.IsCustomIcon) { this.CustomIconSourceTexture = BagType.SourceTexture.SpringObjects; this.CustomIconTexturePosition = Data.OverriddenIcon; } else { ResetIcon(); } } }
public static string GetTranslatedName(BagType Type) { string TranslationKey = string.Format("{0}Name", Type.Name.Replace(" ", "")); try { string Translated = ItemBagsMod.Translate(TranslationKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Translated)) { return(Translated); } else { return(Type.Name); } } catch (Exception) { return(Type.Name); } }
/// <summary>Default parameterless constructor intended for use by XML Serialization. Do not use this constructor to instantiate a bag.</summary> public OmniBag() : base(ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagName"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagDescription"), ContainerSize.Small, null, null, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { string SizeName = ItemBagsMod.Translate(string.Format("Size{0}Name", Size.GetDescription())); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})\n({2})", ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagDescription"), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } }), ItemBagsMod.Translate("OmniBagCapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "size", SizeName } }) ); this.NestedBags = new List <ItemBag>(); LoadTextures(); }
protected override void LoadSettings(BagInstance Data) { if (Data != null) { this.Size = Data.Size; this.Autofill = Data.Autofill; this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); foreach (var KVP in Data.ExcludedAutofillItems) { this.ExcludedAutofillItems.Add(KVP.Key, KVP.Value); } // Load the type this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Data.TypeId); if (TypeInfo == null) { string Warning = string.Format("Warning - no BagType with Id = {0} was found. Did you manually edit your {1} json file or delete a .json file from 'Modded Bags' folder? The saved bag cannot be properly loaded without a corresponding type!" + " To prevent crashes, this bag will be automatically converted to a default BagType.", Data.TypeId, ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey); ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn); // To prevent crashes, convert this bag into a different bag type that exists this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.GetDefaultBoundedBagType(); } // Load the size configuration this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == Size); if (SizeInfo == null) { string Warning = string.Format("Warning - BagType with Id = {0} does not contain any settings for Size={1}. Did you manually edit your {2} json file?" + " The saved bag cannot be properly loaded without the corresponding settings for this size! To prevent crashes, this bag will be automatically converted to a default size for this BagType.", this.TypeInfo.Id, this.Size.ToString(), ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey); ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn); this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.First(); } _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); this.BaseName = BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})", BagType.GetTranslatedDescription(TypeInfo), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } })); if (SizeInfo.Size != Size) { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(new List <AllowedObject>()); } else { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(SizeInfo.Items.Select(x => new AllowedObject(x)).ToList()); } this.Contents.Clear(); foreach (BagItem Item in Data.Contents) { this.Contents.Add(Item.ToObject()); } if (Data.IsCustomIcon) { this.Icon = Game1.objectSpriteSheet; this.IconTexturePosition = Data.OverriddenIcon; } else { ResetIcon(); } } }
public sealed override void draw(SpriteBatch b) { try { DrawBox(b, xPositionOnScreen, yPositionOnScreen, width, height); int SeparatorHeight = 24; DrawHorizontalSeparator(b, xPositionOnScreen, InventoryMenu.TopLeftScreenPosition.Y - InventoryMargin - SeparatorHeight / 2, width, SeparatorHeight); InventoryMenu.Draw(b); if (IsLeftSidebarVisible || IsRightSidebarVisible) { if (IsLeftSidebarVisible) { // Draw the deposit/withdraw-all buttons Rectangle ArrowUpIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(421, 459, 12, 12); Rectangle ArrowDownIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(421, 472, 12, 12); int ArrowSize = (int)(ArrowUpIconSourceRect.Width * 1.5 / 32.0 * DepositAllBounds.Width); b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, DepositAllBounds, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(DepositAllBounds.X + (DepositAllBounds.Width - ArrowSize) / 2, DepositAllBounds.Y + (DepositAllBounds.Height - ArrowSize) / 2, ArrowSize, ArrowSize), ArrowUpIconSourceRect, Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, WithdrawAllBounds, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(WithdrawAllBounds.X + (WithdrawAllBounds.Width - ArrowSize) / 2, WithdrawAllBounds.Y + (WithdrawAllBounds.Height - ArrowSize) / 2, ArrowSize, ArrowSize), ArrowDownIconSourceRect, Color.White); // Draw the autofill togglebutton Rectangle HandIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(32, 0, 10, 10); int HandIconSize = (int)(HandIconSourceRect.Width * 2.0 / 32.0 * AutolootBounds.Width); b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, AutolootBounds, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(AutolootBounds.X + (AutolootBounds.Width - HandIconSize) / 2, AutolootBounds.Y + (AutolootBounds.Height - HandIconSize) / 2, HandIconSize, HandIconSize), HandIconSourceRect, Color.White); if (Bag is BoundedBag BB) { if (!BB.Autofill) { Rectangle DisabledIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(322, 498, 12, 12); int DisabledIconSize = (int)(DisabledIconSourceRect.Width * 1.5 / 32.0 * AutolootBounds.Width); Rectangle Destination = new Rectangle(AutolootBounds.Right - DisabledIconSize - 2, AutolootBounds.Bottom - DisabledIconSize - 2, DisabledIconSize, DisabledIconSize); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Destination, DisabledIconSourceRect, Color.White); } } else if (Bag is Rucksack RS) { if (!RS.Autofill) { Rectangle DisabledIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(322, 498, 12, 12); int DisabledIconSize = (int)(DisabledIconSourceRect.Width * 1.5 / 32.0 * AutolootBounds.Width); Rectangle Destination = new Rectangle(AutolootBounds.Right - DisabledIconSize - 2, AutolootBounds.Bottom - DisabledIconSize - 2, DisabledIconSize, DisabledIconSize); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Destination, DisabledIconSourceRect, Color.White); } else { if (RS.AutofillPriority == AutofillPriority.Low) { Rectangle LowPriorityIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(421, 472, 12, 12); int LowPriorityIconSize = (int)(LowPriorityIconSourceRect.Width * 1.0 / 32.0 * AutolootBounds.Width); Rectangle Destination = new Rectangle(AutolootBounds.Right - LowPriorityIconSize - 2, AutolootBounds.Bottom - LowPriorityIconSize - 2, LowPriorityIconSize, LowPriorityIconSize); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Destination, LowPriorityIconSourceRect, Color.White); } else if (RS.AutofillPriority == AutofillPriority.High) { Rectangle HighPriorityIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(421, 459, 12, 12); int HighPriorityIconSize = (int)(HighPriorityIconSourceRect.Width * 1.0 / 32.0 * AutolootBounds.Width); Rectangle Destination = new Rectangle(AutolootBounds.Right - HighPriorityIconSize - 2, AutolootBounds.Bottom - HighPriorityIconSize - 2, HighPriorityIconSize, HighPriorityIconSize); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Destination, HighPriorityIconSourceRect, Color.White); } } } } if (IsRightSidebarVisible) { // Draw the help button Rectangle HelpIconSourceRect = new Rectangle(176, 425, 9, 12); int HelpIconWidth = (int)(HelpIconSourceRect.Width * 1.5 / 32.0 * HelpInfoBounds.Width); int HelpIconHeight = (int)(HelpIconSourceRect.Height * 1.5 / 32.0 * HelpInfoBounds.Height); b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, HelpInfoBounds, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(HelpInfoBounds.X + (HelpInfoBounds.Width - HelpIconWidth) / 2, HelpInfoBounds.Y + (HelpInfoBounds.Height - HelpIconHeight) / 2, HelpIconWidth, HelpIconHeight), HelpIconSourceRect, Color.White); if (Bag.CanCustomizeIcon()) { // Draw the customize icon button Rectangle CustomizeSourceRect = new Rectangle(121, 471, 12, 12); int CustomizeIconWidth = CustomizeIconBounds.Width; int CustomizeIconHeight = CustomizeIconBounds.Height; b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(CustomizeIconBounds.X + (CustomizeIconBounds.Width - CustomizeIconWidth) / 2, CustomizeIconBounds.Y + (CustomizeIconBounds.Height - CustomizeIconHeight) / 2, CustomizeIconWidth, CustomizeIconHeight), CustomizeSourceRect, Color.White); b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, CustomizeIconBounds, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); } } // Draw a yellow border around the hovered sidebar button if (HoveredButton.HasValue) { Rectangle HoveredBounds = HoveredButtonBounds.Value; Color HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; Texture2D Highlight = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, HighlightColor); b.Draw(Highlight, HoveredBounds, Color.White * 0.25f); int BorderThickness = HoveredBounds.Width / 16; DrawBorder(b, HoveredBounds, BorderThickness, HighlightColor); } } Content.Draw(b); if (IsShowingModalMenu && CustomizeIconMenu != null) { CustomizeIconMenu.Draw(b); } else { InventoryMenu.DrawToolTips(b); Content.DrawToolTips(b); // Draw tooltips on the sidebar buttons if ((IsLeftSidebarVisible || IsRightSidebarVisible) && HoveredButton.HasValue) { if (IsLeftSidebarVisible) { string ButtonToolTip = ""; if (HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.DepositAll) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("DepositAllToolTip"); } else if (HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.WithdrawAll) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("WithdrawAllToolTip"); } else if (HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.Autoloot) { if (Bag is BoundedBag BB) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate(BB.Autofill ? "AutofillOnToolTip" : "AutofillOffToolTip"); } else if (Bag is Rucksack RS) { string TranslationKey; if (RS.Autofill) { if (RS.AutofillPriority == AutofillPriority.Low) { TranslationKey = "RucksackAutofillLowPriorityToolTip"; } else if (RS.AutofillPriority == AutofillPriority.High) { TranslationKey = "RucksackAutofillHighPriorityToolTip"; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unrecognized Rucksack AutofillPriority: {0}", RS.AutofillPriority.ToString())); } } else { TranslationKey = "RucksackAutofillOffToolTip"; } ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate(TranslationKey); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ButtonToolTip)) { int Margin = 16; Vector2 ToolTipSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(ButtonToolTip); DrawBox(b, HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Right, HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Top, (int)(ToolTipSize.X + Margin * 2), (int)(ToolTipSize.Y + Margin * 2)); b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, ButtonToolTip, new Vector2(HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Right + Margin, HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Top + Margin), Color.Black); } } if (IsRightSidebarVisible) { string ButtonToolTip = ""; if (HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.HelpInfo) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("HelpInfoToolTip"); } else if (HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.CustomizeIcon) { ButtonToolTip = ItemBagsMod.Translate("CustomizeIconToolTip"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ButtonToolTip)) { int Margin = 16; Vector2 ToolTipSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(ButtonToolTip); DrawBox(b, HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Left - (int)(ToolTipSize.X + Margin * 2), HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Top, (int)(ToolTipSize.X + Margin * 2), (int)(ToolTipSize.Y + Margin * 2)); b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, ButtonToolTip, new Vector2(HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Left - Margin - ToolTipSize.X, HoveredButtonBounds.Value.Top + Margin), Color.Black); } } } } upperRightCloseButton.draw(b); if (!Game1.options.hardwareCursor && !Game1.options.gamepadControls) { drawMouse(b); } } catch (Exception ex) { ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(string.Format("Unhandled error in ItemBagMenu.Draw: {0}", ex.Message), LogLevel.Error); } }
public void DrawToolTips(SpriteBatch b) { if (!IsJojaMember) { if (HoveredBundleItem != null) { Object HoveredItem = GetHoveredItem(); if (HoveredItem != null) { Rectangle Location; if (IsNavigatingWithGamepad) { Location = ItemSlotPositions[HoveredBundleItem].GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition); } else { Location = new Rectangle(Game1.getMouseX() - 8, Game1.getMouseY() + 36, 8 + 36, 1); } DrawHelpers.DrawToolTipInfo(b, Location, HoveredItem, true, true, true, true, true, true, HoveredBundleItem.Quantity, !HoveredBundleItem.IsCompleted, Color.White); } } if (HoveredBundleTask != null) { Rectangle ToolTipAnchorPoint = TaskHeaderPositions[HoveredBundleTask].GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition); int Padding = 20; int TaskImageSize = 96; int RewardIconSize = 48; int RewardWidth = RewardIconSize + 12 + RewardIconSize; // Compute header SpriteFont HeaderFont = Game1.dialogueFont; float HeaderScale = 1f; string HeaderText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HoveredBundleTask.TranslatedName) ? HoveredBundleTask.TranslatedName : HoveredBundleTask.Name + " Bundle"; Vector2 HeaderSize = HeaderFont.MeasureString(HeaderText) * HeaderScale; // Compute description int ReadyToComplete = 0; foreach (BundleItem BI in HoveredBundleTask.Items) { if (!BI.IsCompleted && ItemPlaceholders.TryGetValue(BI, out Object Placeholder) && Placeholder.Stack >= BI.Quantity) { ReadyToComplete++; } } SpriteFont BodyFont = Game1.smallFont; float BodyScale = 1.0f; string BodyText = HoveredBundleTask.IsCompleted ? ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleTaskCompletedToolTip") : ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleTaskIncompleteToolTip", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "CompletedCount", HoveredBundleTask.Items.Count(x => x.IsCompleted).ToString() }, { "TotalCount", HoveredBundleTask.Items.Count.ToString() }, { "ReadyToCompleteCount", ReadyToComplete.ToString() }, { "RequiredCount", HoveredBundleTask.RequiredItemCount.ToString() } }); Vector2 BodySize = BodyFont.MeasureString(BodyText) * BodyScale; int ToolTipWidth = (int)new List <float>() { TaskImageSize, HeaderSize.X, BodySize.X, RewardWidth }.Max() + Padding * 2; int ToolTipHeight = Padding + TaskImageSize + 16 + (int)HeaderSize.Y + 12 + (int)BodySize.Y + 12 + RewardIconSize + Padding; // Ensure tooltip is fully visible on screen Rectangle Position = new Rectangle(ToolTipAnchorPoint.Right, ToolTipAnchorPoint.Top, ToolTipWidth, ToolTipHeight); if (Position.Right > Game1.viewport.Size.Width) { Position = new Rectangle(ToolTipAnchorPoint.Left - ToolTipWidth, Position.Top, Position.Width, Position.Height); } if (Position.Bottom > Game1.viewport.Size.Height) { Position = new Rectangle(Position.X, ToolTipAnchorPoint.Bottom - ToolTipHeight, Position.Width, Position.Height); } DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, Position); int CurrentY = Position.Y + Padding; // Draw image associated with this task Rectangle TaskImagePosition = new Rectangle(Position.X + (Position.Width - TaskImageSize) / 2, CurrentY, TaskImageSize, TaskImageSize); DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, new Rectangle(TaskImagePosition.Left - 4, TaskImagePosition.Top - 4, TaskImagePosition.Width + 8, TaskImagePosition.Height + 8), 4, Color.Black); b.Draw(HoveredBundleTask.ActualLargeIconTexture, TaskImagePosition, HoveredBundleTask.ActualLargeIconPosition, Color.White); CurrentY += TaskImageSize + 16; // Draw header text (Task's name) Vector2 HeaderPosition = new Vector2(Position.X + (Position.Width - HeaderSize.X) / 2, CurrentY); b.DrawString(HeaderFont, HeaderText, HeaderPosition, Color.Black, 0f, Vector2.Zero, HeaderScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); CurrentY += (int)(HeaderSize.Y + 12); // Draw description text Vector2 BodyPosition = new Vector2(Position.X + (Position.Width - BodySize.X) / 2, CurrentY); b.DrawString(BodyFont, BodyText, BodyPosition, Color.SlateGray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, BodyScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); CurrentY += (int)(BodySize.Y + 12); // Draw reward item Rectangle RewardPosition = new Rectangle(Position.X + (Position.Width - RewardWidth) / 2, CurrentY, RewardWidth, RewardIconSize); b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JunimoNoteTexture, new Rectangle(RewardPosition.X, RewardPosition.Y, RewardIconSize, RewardIconSize), new Rectangle(548, 264, 18, 18), Color.White); if (HoveredBundleTask.Reward != null) { DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, new Rectangle(RewardPosition.Right - RewardIconSize, RewardPosition.Y, RewardIconSize, RewardIconSize), HoveredBundleTask.Reward.ToItem(), true, true, 1f, 1f, Color.White, Color.White); } } } }