public static List <ItemBLL> DALGetAllAttribute(ItemCategoryBLL ic) { List <ItemBLL> ctList = new List <ItemBLL>(); using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"])) { try { SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[2]; par[0] = new SqlParameter("@categoryId", ic.categoryICId); par[1] = new SqlParameter("@Status", 11); par[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(con, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "spSelectAttributeByCategory", par)) { while (dr.Read()) { ItemBLL itl = new ItemBLL(); itl.attributeId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["attributeId"])); ctList.Add(itl); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } } return(ctList); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { itemBLL = new ItemBLL(); string iditem = txtIditem.Text; iditem = iditem.ToUpper().ToString(); if (!itemBLL.verifyitem(iditem)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Wrong item ID", "ERROR!"); txtIditem.Focus(); txtIditem.SelectAll(); } else { if (!receiptBLL.verifyreceiptdetail(iditem)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "This item is already exists!", "ERROR!"); txtIditem.Focus(); txtIditem.SelectAll(); } else { lbMaxquantity.Text = "/ " + itemBLL.getmaxquantity().ToString(); txtQuantity.Maximum = itemBLL.getmaxquantity(); enablequantity(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR"); } }
public JsonResult AddItemToCart(int id, string mySessionID) { if(mySessionID != null) { var myCart = ShoppingCartManager.getInstance().getMyShoppingCart(mySessionID); if(myCart == null) { myCart = new ShoppingCart(); myCart.Items = new List<Item>(); ShoppingCartManager.getInstance().addShoppingCartToList(myCart); } var newItem = new ItemBLL().GetById(id); if (newItem.InStock > 0) { myCart.Items.Add(newItem); myCart.SessionID = mySessionID; ShoppingCartManager.getInstance().updateCartTotalPrice(myCart); return this.Json(myCart); } } return null; }
protected void btnItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemBLL objBll = new ItemBLL(); objBll.GetItemsNoPicutre(); SessionSet.PageMessage = "整理成功!"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { { string idpedido = Request["IDPedido"]; if (idpedido != null) { PedidoBLL pbll = new PedidoBLL(); PessoaFisicaBLL pfbll = new PessoaFisicaBLL(); PessoaJuridicaBLL pjbll = new PessoaJuridicaBLL(); ItemBLL ibll = new ItemBLL(); ProdutoBLL prbll = new ProdutoBLL(); var pedido = pbll.GetPedido(idpedido); lblCodigoPedido.Text = pedido.CodigoPedido; lblNomePessoa.Text = pfbll.GetPessoaFisica(pedido.CodigoComprador).NomePessoa; lblNomeFornecedor.Text = pjbll.GetPessoaJuridica(pedido.CodigoVendedor).NomePessoa; var items = ibll.GetItems().Where(p => p.CodigoPedido == pedido.CodigoPedido).ToList(); double total = 0; List <Produto> produtos = new List <Produto>(); foreach (var item in items) { //var produto = prbll.GetProduto(item.CodigoProduto); //produtos.Add(produto); total += double.Parse(item.ValorTotal); //labelitens += "<br/>Produto: "+produto.Nome+"| Qtd: "+item.Qtd+"| Preço: "+produto.Preco; } grvProdutos.DataSource = items; grvProdutos.DataBind(); lblTotal.Text = total.ToString(); } } }
//数据加载(修改进入) private void DataLoadForEdit(int itemID) { //加载主题数据 ItemBLL itemBLL = new ItemBLL(); RailExam.Model.Item mainItem = itemBLL.GetItem(itemID); if (mainItem != null) { DataLoadForEditOnMain(mainItem); //主题加载完之后加载第一小题 txtTestCount_TextChanged(null, null); this.dropTestNo.SelectedValue = "1"; //保存当前变化前的题号 this.hfTestNoBefore.Value = "1"; IList <RailExam.Model.Item> subItemList = itemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(itemID); foreach (RailExam.Model.Item item in subItemList) { if (item.ItemIndex.ToString() == "1") { //加载第一题 DataLoadForEditOnSubsidiary(item); break; } } } }
//切换题号后保存刚才一小题的数据,并显示新小题的数据 protected void dropTestNo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DataCheck()) { int testNo = Int32.Parse(this.hfTestNoBefore.Value); switch (this.hfMode.Value) { case "insert": DataInsert(testNo); this.hfTestNoBefore.Value = this.dropTestNo.SelectedValue; break; case "edit": DataUpdate(testNo); //加载下一题 ItemBLL itemBLL = new ItemBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Item> subItemList = itemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(Convert.ToInt32(this.Request["id"])); foreach (RailExam.Model.Item item in subItemList) { if (item.ItemIndex.ToString() == this.dropTestNo.SelectedValue) { //保存当前变化前的题号 this.hfTestNoBefore.Value = item.ItemIndex.ToString(); DataLoadForEditOnSubsidiary(item); break; } } break; default: break; } } }
protected void itemsGrid_DeleteCommand(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { ItemBLL itemBLL = new ItemBLL(); itemBLL.DeleteItem(int.Parse(e.Item["ItemId"].ToString())); itemsGrid.DataBind(); }
public void BindItem(bool search) { if (!search) { ddlItem.Items.Clear(); ddlItem.Items.Add(new ListItem("Select", "")); if (ddlItemType.SelectedValue != string.Empty) { DataTable dtItem = ItemBLL.GetItem(new Guid(ddlItemType.SelectedValue)); ddlItem.DataSource = dtItem; ddlItem.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlItem.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlItem.DataBind(); } } else { ddlSItem.Items.Clear(); ddlSItem.Items.Add(new ListItem("Select", "")); if (ddlSItemType.SelectedValue != string.Empty) { DataTable dtItem = ItemBLL.GetItem(new Guid(ddlSItemType.SelectedValue)); ddlSItem.DataSource = dtItem; ddlSItem.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlSItem.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlSItem.DataBind(); } } }
public ActionResult CompleteOrder() { var myCart = getMyShoppingCart(); User myUser = new UserBLL().getUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); if(myUser == null) SetSessionMessage(View(), SESSIONMESSAGE.FAIL, "Something went wrong. Please try again"); var myOrder = new Order(); myOrder.User = myUser; myOrder.DateTime = DateTime.Now; myOrder.Items = new List<OrderLine>(); var itemTransaction = new ItemBLL(); foreach(var item in myCart.Items) { item.InStock--; itemTransaction.Update(item); var orderLine = new OrderLine() { Amount = 1, Discount = 0, Item = item }; myOrder.Items.Add(orderLine); } var updatedOrder = new OrderBLL().Insert(myOrder); if(updatedOrder == null) SetSessionMessage(View(), SESSIONMESSAGE.FAIL, "Something went wrong. The order is not registered"); myCart.EmptyCart(); return SetSessionMessage(RedirectToAction("ListAll", "DisplayItems", new { area = "Common" }), SESSIONMESSAGE.SUCCESS, "The order is registered"); }
protected void fvBookChapter_ItemUpdated(object sender, FormViewUpdatedEventArgs e) { ItemBLL objBll = new ItemBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Item> objList = objBll.GetItemsByBookChapterId(Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys["BookId"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys["ChapterId"].ToString()), 0, 0); if (objList.Count > 0) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "jsSelectFirstNode", @"var ret = window.showModalDialog('/RailExamBao/Book/ItemEnabled.aspx?BookID=" + e.Keys["BookId"] + @"&ChapterID=" + e.Keys["ChapterId"] + @"','','help:no; status:no;dialogWidth:300px;dialogHeight:120px;'); window.parent.tvBookChapterChangeCallBack.callback(" + e.Keys["ChapterId"] + @", 'Rebuild'); if(window.parent.tvBookChapter.get_nodes().get_length() > 0) { window.parent.tvBookChapter.get_nodes().getNode(0).select(); } ", true); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "jsSelectFirstNode", @"window.parent.tvBookChapterChangeCallBack.callback(" + e.Keys["ChapterId"] + @", 'Rebuild'); if(window.parent.tvBookChapter.get_nodes().get_length() > 0) { window.parent.tvBookChapter.get_nodes().getNode(0).select(); }", true); } }
public CDMarzoAutoShopMethods() { customerinfobll = new CustomerInfoDAL(); itembll = new ItemDAL(); orderinfobll = new OrderInfoDAL(); salesbll = new SalesDAL(); }
protected void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BookBLL bookBLL = new BookBLL(); for (int i = 0; i < gvBook.Rows.Count; i++) { bool bChecked = ((CheckBox)gvBook.Rows[i].FindControl("chSelect")).Checked; if (bChecked) { ItemBLL objBll = new ItemBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Item> objItemList = objBll.GetItemsByBookBookId(Convert.ToInt32(gvBook.DataKeys[i].Value.ToString())); foreach (RailExam.Model.Item item in objItemList) { item.StatusId = 2; objBll.UpdateItem(item); } if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("../Online/Book/" + gvBook.DataKeys[i].Value + "/"))) { DeleteFile(Server.MapPath("../Online/Book/" + gvBook.DataKeys[i].Value + "/")); } bookBLL.DeleteBook(Convert.ToInt32(gvBook.DataKeys[i].Value.ToString())); } } BindGrid(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double purchase_price = Double.Parse(txt_purchase_price.Text); double sale_price = Double.Parse(txt_sale_price.Text); item_props_object = new ItemProps(); item_props_object.Id = Int32.Parse(txt_id.Text); item_props_object.Name = txt_name.Text.ToUpper(); item_props_object.Barcode = txt_barcode.Text; item_props_object.Purchase_price = purchase_price; item_props_object.Sale_price = sale_price; item_props_object.Manufacturer = txt_manufacturer.Text.ToUpper(); item_props_object.Supplier = ddn_supplier.Text; item_props_object.Status = Int32.Parse(ddn_status.Text); item_bll_object = new ItemBLL(); bool status = item_bll_object.InsertBLL(item_props_object); if (status) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Item Inserted Successfully')</script>"); get_last_id(); show_all_items(); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Item Insertion Failed ')</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { hfChapterID.Value = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (fvBookChapter.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { if (hfInsert.Value == "-1") { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfParentID")).Value = Request.QueryString["ParentID"]; ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfBookID")).Value = Request.QueryString["BookID"]; } else { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfParentId")).Value = hfInsert.Value; ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfBookID")).Value = Request.QueryString["BookID"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] == "Edit") { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfIsEdit")).Value = "true"; } else { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfIsEdit")).Value = "false"; } } else if (fvBookChapter.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit) { if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] == "Edit") { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfIsEdit")).Value = "true"; } else { ((HiddenField)fvBookChapter.FindControl("hfIsEdit")).Value = "false"; } } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGrid(); } string strRefreshGrid = Request.Form.Get("RefreshGrid"); if (strRefreshGrid != null & strRefreshGrid != "") { fvBookChapter.DataBind(); BindGrid(); } string strRefresh = Request.Form.Get("Refresh"); if (strRefresh != null & strRefresh != "") { ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); objItemBll.DeleteItem(Convert.ToInt32(strRefresh)); BindGrid(); } }
// GET: Item/Create public ActionResult Create() { ItemBLL defItem = new ItemBLL(); defItem.ItemID = 0; ViewBag.Users = GetUserItems(); return(View(defItem)); }
public void get_last_id() { item_bll_object = new ItemBLL(); int last_id = item_bll_object.GET_LAST_ID_BLL(); last_id = last_id + 1; txt_id.Text = last_id.ToString(); }
protected void btnAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemBLL objBll = new ItemBLL(); objBll.UpdateItemEnabled(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BookID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ChapterID"].ToString()), 2); Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';window.close();</script>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strItemTypeID = Request.QueryString.Get("itemTypeID"); if (strItemTypeID == null) { strItemTypeID = "1"; hfItemType.Value = "1"; } else { hfItemType.Value = strItemTypeID; } ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); BookBLL bookBLL = new BookBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.Book> bookList = null; int postID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("PostID")); int orgID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("OrgID")); int leader = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("Leader")); int techID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("Tech")); bookList = bookBLL.GetEmployeeStudyBookInfoByKnowledgeID(-1, orgID, postID, leader, techID, 0); if (bookList.Count > 0) { TreeViewNode tvn = null; foreach (RailExam.Model.Book book in bookList) { tvn = new TreeViewNode(); tvn.ID = book.bookId.ToString(); tvn.Value = book.bookId.ToString(); int n = objItemBll.GetItemsByBookID(book.bookId, Convert.ToInt32(strItemTypeID)); if (n > 0) { tvn.Text = book.bookName + "£¨" + n + "Ì⣩"; } else { tvn.Text = book.bookName; } tvn.ToolTip = book.bookName; tvn.Attributes.Add("isBook", "true"); tvn.ImageUrl = "/RailExamBao/App_Themes/" + StyleSheetTheme + "/Images/TreeView/Book.gif"; tvn.ShowCheckBox = true; tvn.ContentCallbackUrl = "/RailExamBao/Common/GetBookChapter.aspx?itemTypeID=" + strItemTypeID + "&flag=2&id=" + book.bookId; tvBookChapter.Nodes.Add(tvn); } } }
public void show_all_items() { item_bll_object = new ItemBLL(); DataTable ds = new DataTable(); ds = item_bll_object.ALL_ITEMS_BLL(); items_table.DataSource = ds; items_table.DataBind(); }
private void DeleteData(int nBookChapterUpdateID) { BookUpdateBLL BookChapterUpdateBLL = new BookUpdateBLL(); ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); objItemBll.DeleteItemByChapterID(nBookChapterUpdateID, ""); BookChapterUpdateBLL.DeleteBookUpdate(nBookChapterUpdateID); BindGrid(); }
public static List <string> GetIems(string prefixText) { List <string> items = new List <string>(); if (ItemType != null) { items = ItemBLL.GetItemCodes(ItemType, prefixText); } return(items); }
// <summary> // 发布教材 // </summary> // <param name="strID"></param> //private void GetIndex(string strID) //{ // string strItem; // BookBLL objBll = new BookBLL(); // RailExam.Model.Book objBook = objBll.GetBook(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); // string strBookName = objBook.bookName; // string strBookUrl = objBook.url; // if (strBookUrl == "" || objBook.url == null) // { // strItem = "var TREE_ITEMS = [ ['" + strBookName + "', 'empty.htm',"; // } // else // { // strItem = "var TREE_ITEMS = [ ['" + strBookName + "', 'cover.htm',"; // } // BookChapterBLL objBookChapterBll = new BookChapterBLL(); // IList<RailExam.Model.BookChapter> objBookChapter = objBookChapterBll.GetBookChapterByBookID(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); // foreach (RailExam.Model.BookChapter chapter in objBookChapter) // { // if(chapter.ParentId == 0) // { // if (chapter.Url == "" || chapter.Url == null) // { // strItem += "['" + chapter.ChapterName + "', 'empty.htm',"; // } // else // { // strItem += "['" + chapter.ChapterName + "', '" + chapter.ChapterId + ".htm',"; // } // strItem = Get(chapter.ChapterId, strItem); // } // } // strItem += "]];"; // string strPath = "../Online/Book/" + strID + "/tree_items.js"; // File.Delete(Server.MapPath(strPath)); // File.AppendAllText(Server.MapPath(strPath), strItem, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // string[] strIndex = File.ReadAllLines(Server.MapPath("../Online/Book/" + strID + "/index.html"), System.Text.Encoding.Default); // for (int i = 0; i < strIndex.Length; i++) // { // if (strIndex[i].IndexOf("<title>") != -1) // { // strIndex[i] = "\t<title> " + strBookName + " </title>"; // } // } // File.WriteAllLines(Server.MapPath("../Online/Book/" + strID + "/index.html"), strIndex, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // ViewState["NowID"] = strID; // Response.Write("<script>var re ='Book/"+strID+"/index.html','index','top=0,left=0,width='+(window.screen.width-10)+',height='+(window.screen.height-65)+',resizable=yes,status=no');re.focus();</script>"); //} //private string Get(int strParentID, string strItem) //{ // BookChapterBLL objBookChapterBll = new BookChapterBLL(); // IList<RailExam.Model.BookChapter> objBookChapter = objBookChapterBll.GetBookChapterByParentID(strParentID); // foreach (RailExam.Model.BookChapter chapter in objBookChapter) // { // if (chapter.Url == "" || chapter.Url == null) // { // strItem += "['" + chapter.ChapterName + "', 'empty.htm'"; // } // else // { // strItem += "['" + chapter.ChapterName + "', '" + chapter.ChapterId + ".htm'"; // } // strItem = Get(chapter.ChapterId, strItem); // } // strItem += "],"; // return strItem; //} // <summary> // 复写Render方法 // </summary> // <param name="writer">书写器</param> //protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) //{ // base.Render(writer); // if ((string)ViewState["NowID"] != "false") // { // ViewState["NowCheck"] = "false"; // writer.Write("<script>var re ='../Online/Book/" + ViewState["NowID"].ToString() + "/index.html','index','top=0,left=0,width='+(window.screen.width-10)+',height='+(window.screen.height-65)+',resizable=yes,status=no');re.focus();</script>"); // } //} #endregion private void DelBook(string strID) { ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); objItemBll.UpdateItemEnabled(Convert.ToInt32(strID), 0, 2); BookBLL objBll = new BookBLL(); objBll.DeleteBook(Convert.ToInt32(strID)); }
private void delete_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int n; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(this.price.Text, out n); int n2; bool isNumeric2 = int.TryParse(this.size.Text, out n2); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { pid.Background = Brushes.Red; } MessageBox.Show("Validate"); return; } if ((isNumeric == false) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.category.Text) || (isNumeric2 == false) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.color.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.brand.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.entryDate.Text)) { search_btn_Click(sender, e); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { return; } } ItemBO item = new ItemBO(); item.Pid =; ItemBLL itenbl = new ItemBLL(); int rv = itenbl.deleteItem(item); if (rv == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Deleted"); = null; this.price.Text = null; this.category.Text = null; this.size.Text = null; this.color.Text = null; this.brand.Text = null; this.entryDate.Text = null; //this.quantity.Text = null; } else if (rv == 3) { MessageBox.Show("Product ID do not Exist"); = null; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error"); } = true; }
private int GetMaxNumByItemType(int itemTypeID) { int num = 0; ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _htBook) { num = num + objItemBll.GetItemsByBookID(Convert.ToInt32(entry.Key), itemTypeID); } return(num); }
public void FixedAssetdItem() { DataTable dtItem = ItemBLL.GetItem(new Guid("45874e2b-da53-46c9-a5ae-1638d540f682"));// temporary ddlItem.DataSource = dtItem; ddlItem.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlItem.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlItem.DataBind(); ddlSItem.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlSItem.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlSItem.DataBind(); }
// GET: Common/Item/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int? id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } Item item = new ItemBLL().GetById(id); if (item == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(item); }
// GET: Common/Item public ActionResult ListAll() { List<Item> domainItems = new List<Item>(); try { domainItems = new ItemBLL().GetList(); return View(domainItems.AsEnumerable()); } catch (Exception) { return SetSessionMessage(View(domainItems), SESSIONMESSAGE.FAIL, "We could not retrieve products from the database"); } }
protected void btnTrue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] itemvalue = hfItemID.Value.Split('|'); ItemBLL objItemBll = new ItemBLL(); for (int i = 0; i < itemvalue.Length; i++) { objItemBll.UpdateItemEnabled(Convert.ToInt32(itemvalue[i]), 1); } itemsGrid.DataBind(); }
private void add_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int n; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(this.price.Text, out n); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( || (isNumeric == false)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { pid.Background = Brushes.Red; } if (isNumeric == false) { price.Background = Brushes.Red; } MessageBox.Show("Validate"); return; } ItemBO item = new ItemBO(); item.Pid =; item.Price = Convert.ToInt32(this.price.Text); item.Category = this.category.Text; item.Size = Convert.ToInt32(this.size.Text); item.Color = this.color.Text; item.Brand = this.brand.Text; item.Date = this.entryDate.Text; item.Quantity = 1; //MessageBox.Show(item.Pid + " " + item.Price + " " + item.Category + " " + item.Size + " " + item.Color + " " + item.Brand + " " + item.Date); ItemBLL itenbl = new ItemBLL(); int rv = itenbl.addItem(item); if (rv == 0) { MessageBox.Show("INSERTED"); = null; this.price.Text = null; //this.quantity.Text = null; } else if (rv == 3) { MessageBox.Show("Product ID Already Exist"); = null; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error"); } }
// Return true or false for ownership bool IsThisMine(ContextBLL ctx, ItemBLL mine) { if (User.IsInRole(Constants.AdminRoleName)) { return(true); } UserBLL me = ctx.User_FindByUserName(User.Identity.Name); if (me == null) { return(false); } return(me.UserID == mine.UserID); }
//Get Selected Item For updation public void GetSelectedItem(ItemBLL it) { try { itemBLLObj.BLLGetSelectedItem(it); txtItemName.Text = itemBLLObj.itemName; txtItemDescription.Text = itemBLLObj.itemDescription; cmbCity.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(itemBLLObj.cityId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void search_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string from = this.from.Text; string to =; if (DateTime.Parse(to) < DateTime.Parse(from)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Dates"); return; } ItemBLL ib = new ItemBLL(); List <ServiceForUpdateBO> ls = ib.getUserServiceReportBW(from, to); this.dataGrid.ItemsSource = ls; }
public void removeItem() { Console.Clear(); System.Console.WriteLine("Remove Item:- \n\n"); System.Console.Write("Enter Item ID: "); int id; String c = System.Console.ReadLine(); if (c.Length != 0) { id = int.Parse(c); } else { id = 0; } ItemBLL itemB = new ItemBLL(); ItemBO o = itemB.find(id); if (o.Itemid != 0) { System.Console.Write("Confirm removal? (Y/N): "); c = System.Console.ReadLine(); if (c.Length != 0 && (c[0] == 'Y' || c[0] == 'y')) { itemB.remove(o); Console.Clear(); System.Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\n\n ***Removal Successful***"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { Console.Clear(); System.Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\n\n ***Removal NOT Successful***"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("\nError! Item NOT found"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } }