/// <summary> /// Handles the FocusedRowChanged event of the gridViewReferences control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> private void gridViewReferences_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { if (e != null && e.PrevFocusedRowHandle < -1) { return; } dtDate.Value = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; _reprintId = null; DataRow dr = gridViewReferences.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr == null) { return; } string[] referenceNo = new string[2]; referenceNo[0] = dr["RefNo"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isConvertedDN"])) { _isConvertedDn = true; _stvLogIdChosen = (int?)dr["IsReprintOf"]; } else if (dr != null && dr["ID"] != DBNull.Value) { _isConvertedDn = false; _stvLogIdChosen = (int?)dr["ID"]; } UpdateReprintedNumbers(dr); // Enable and disable STV reprint // STV SHouldn't be reprinted off a reprint. if (dr["IsReprintOf"] != DBNull.Value && !Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isConvertedDN"])) { btnExport.Enabled = btnReprint.Enabled = false; var permission = (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) ? this.HasPermission("Print") : true; btnPrint.Enabled = permission; _reprintId = _stvLogIdChosen; _stvLogIdChosen = Convert.ToInt32(dr["IsReprintOf"]); } else if (dr["IsDeliveryNote"] != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsDeliveryNote"])) { btnExport.Enabled = false; btnReprint.Enabled = (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) ? this.HasPermission("Re-Print") : true; btnPrint.Enabled = false; } else { btnPrint.Enabled = this.HasPermission("Print"); btnReprint.Enabled = this.HasPermission("Re-Print"); btnExport.Enabled = this.HasPermission("Export"); } if (_stvLogIdChosen != null) { Issue log = new Issue(); log.LoadByPrimaryKey(_stvLogIdChosen.Value); Institution rus = new Institution(); IssueDoc iss = new IssueDoc(); if (!log.IsColumnNull("ReceivingUnitID")) { rus.LoadByPrimaryKey(log.ReceivingUnitID); //FacilityName.Text = rus.Name; HeaderSection.Text = rus.Name; var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(log.StoreID); lblActivity.Text = activity.Name; lblSubAccount.Text = activity.SubAccountName; lblMode.Text = activity.ModeName; lblAccount.Text = activity.AccountName; lblRegion.Text = rus.RegionName; lblWoreda.Text = rus.WoredaName; lblZone.Text = rus.ZoneName; lblInstType.Text = rus.InstitutionTypeName; var ownership = new OwnershipType(); ownership.LoadByPrimaryKey(rus.Ownership); lblOwnership.Text = ownership.Name; lblVoidConDate.Text = (dr["approvalDate"]) != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr["approvalDate"]).ToShortDateString(): "-"; lblIssueType.Text = (string)dr["OrderType"]; User user = new User(); if (dr["approvedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { user.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["approvedBy"])); lblConfirmedBy.Text = user.FullName; } else { lblConfirmedBy.Text = "-"; } var doc = new DocumentType(); doc.LoadByPrimaryKey(log.DocumentTypeID); lblDocType.Text = doc.Name; lblPrintedDate.Text = log.PrintedDate.ToShortDateString(); var pt = new PaymentType(); if (!rus.IsColumnNull("PaymentTypeID")) { pt.LoadByPrimaryKey(rus.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = pt.Name; } else { lblPaymentType.Text = "-"; } // Show user name user.LoadByPrimaryKey(log.UserID); lblPrintedBy.Text = (user.FullName == "") ? user.UserName : user.FullName; // show contact person PickList pl = new PickList(); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(log.PickListID); Order order = new Order(); order.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.OrderID); var os = new OrderStatus(); os.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.OrderStatusID); lblIssueStatus.Text = os.OrderStatus; if (!order.IsColumnNull("ContactPerson")) { lblRecivedBy.Text = order.ContactPerson; } else { lblRecivedBy.Text = @"-"; } lblReceivedDate.Text = order.EurDate.ToShortDateString(); } dtDate.Value = log.PrintedDate; //PrintedDate.Text = dtDate.Text; lblPrintedDate.Text = dtDate.Text; gridTransactions.DataSource = iss.GetIssueBySTV(_stvLogIdChosen.Value); layoutUnconfirmedSTVs.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; if (BLL.Settings.ShowMissingSTVsOnIssueLog) { DataView view = iss.GetPossibleUnconfirmedIssues(_stvLogIdChosen.Value); if (view.Count > 0) { gridUnconfirmed.DataSource = view; layoutUnconfirmedSTVs.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; } else { layoutUnconfirmedSTVs.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; } } } }