//NewPlayer function
        public void NewPlayer()
            //Story Line
            EOA.wd("You carefully aim your crossbow directly at the King's chest.");

            EOA.wd("A bloodstained crossbow loaded with a lead bolt sits in your \nsweaty hand as you observe the speech from a ramshackle building.");

            EOA.wd("Your finger pulls the trigger.");

            EOA.wd("You hear an instant uproar as the King's body topples down the \nstone stairs.");

            EOA.wd("In the midst of all the confusion, you begin running.");

            EOA.wd("Suddenly, a baton bludgeons you from behind.");
            if (!Character.dev)

            EOA.wd("You wake up in a mysterious place and realize where you are...");

            EOA.wd("You have been arrested for treason to the king. You are walked up \nto the gallows to which you will be executed.");

            EOA.wd("The executioner firms his grasp around the lever. Before he pulls \nthe lever he mumbles a quick prayer.");

            EOA.wd("[EXECUTIONER] Does anybody object to this her' hanging?");

            EOA.wd("Nothing but silence comes from the crowd.");

            EOA.wd("[TOWNFOLK] Just bloody pull the lever already!");

            EOA.wd("As the executioner moves his hand towards the lever, a voice shouts \nout.");

            EOA.wd("[VOICE] I object!");

            EOA.wd("The executioner's eyes fix upon the man who called.");

            EOA.wd("[EXECUTIONER] Arr, an' who d'ya think you ar'?");

            EOA.wd("[VOICE] Lord Wakehart, the explorer.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I wish to pardon this kid.");

            EOA.wd("The executioner has no choice but to obey the laws, Wakehart's lordship \ngrants him power to pardon anyone he wishes.");

            EOA.wd("The rope is loosened around your neck as you are escorted into the \ndisappointed audience by Lord Wakehart.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Hey kid, what's your name?");

            EOA.wd("> ", true);

            Character.name = Console.ReadLine();


            EOA.wd($"[LORD WAKEHART] Hey, {Character.name}. Don't think I'm pardoning \nyou for nothing, nah.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I've a quest for you, and if you succeed, you'll be \na very rich man.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Ha ha, I'm guessing you want to know what this quest \ninvolves!");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Well, I need a brave adventurer to go to the island \nof Scark.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I'll tell you more when we get there, kid.");

            EOA.wd("Before you can say anything, you are rushed off to a training fort...");


            //Training Fort

            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] So.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] I see that the idiot Wakehead or whatever the hell his name \nis has pardoned you.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Well, I guess I'll have to obey.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] So kid, how'll your flimsy little limbs fight, eh?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Don't know what I'm talking about?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Not surprised, from some wanna-be revolutionist like yourself.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Forgive me, but your attempt on the glorious King's life was \nfutile at best.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] At worst?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Ha ha ha ha.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Well anyways, I can train you in four classes.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Rouge, warrior, ranger or mage.");

            Console.WriteLine(@"The trainer asks you how you would like to fight.

Select a role by inputting it's respective number.
[1] Rouge
[2] Warrior
[3] Ranger
[4] Mage");

            bool userPickedOption = false;

            while (userPickedOption == false)
                Console.Write("> ");

                switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                case ConsoleKey.D1:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:     // Rouge
                    Character.characterClass = "Rouge";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Shortsword"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D2:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:     // Warrior
                    Character.characterClass = "Warrior";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Broadsword"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D3:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad3:     // Ranger
                    Character.characterClass = "Ranger";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Bow"));
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Leather Quiver"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D4:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad4:    // Mage
                    Character.characterClass = "Mage";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Book of Souls"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                    Console.WriteLine("Please input a valid number between 1 and 4!");

            //Sean Write Some More Story
Пример #2
 public ChestLoot(UIManager uiManager, Inventory inventory)
     : base(uiManager, inventory)
     items = new Item[MaxItems];
     int index = 0;
     if (StateMigrator.lastPortalActionTaken == PortalAction.GotoLevel1)
         items[index++] = new Coin((int)(1100 * Random.value) + 1);
         if (Percent(3.0f))
             items[index++] = new PowerfulPortalBinding();
     else if (StateMigrator.lastPortalActionTaken == PortalAction.GotoLevel2)
         items[index++] = new Coin((int)(6500 * Random.value) + 1);
         if (Percent(2.0f))
             items[index++] = new MysticPortalBinding();
     // Rings
     if (Percent(4.0))
         items[index++] = new AmethystRingOfPower();
     if (Percent(2.0))
         items[index++] = new AncientRing();
     if (Percent(40.0))
         items[index++] = new BronzeRing();
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new DyadRingOfSpeed();
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new RingOfFortitude();
     // Necklaces
     if (Percent(4.0))
         items[index++] = new EnchantedLocket();
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new GoldenPendant();
     if (Percent(18.0))
         items[index++] = new ThornyNecklace();
     // Weapons
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new DaggerOfSpeed();
     if (Percent(18.0))
         items[index++] = new IronShortsword();
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new ScimitarOfTheEast();
     if (Percent(4.0))
         items[index++] = new SharpAxeOfPower();
     if (Percent(2.0))
         items[index++] = new SteelLongswordOfStrength();
     // Waist
     if (Percent(18.0))
         items[index++] = new BlueSash();
     if (Percent(10.0))
         items[index++] = new GemstoneBelt();
     if (Percent(18.0))
         items[index++] = new GreenSash();