public override IpAddresses DetectDNS() { IpAddresses list = new IpAddresses(); // Method1: Don't return DHCP DNS string networksetupPath = LocateExecutable("networksetup"); if (networksetupPath != "") { string[] interfaces = GetInterfaces(); foreach (string i in interfaces) { string i2 = i.Trim(); string current = SystemShell.Shell(networksetupPath, new string[] { "-getdnsservers", SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2) }); foreach (string line in current.Split('\n')) { string field = line.Trim(); list.Add(field); } } } // Method2 - More info about DHCP DNS string scutilPath = LocateExecutable("scutil"); if (scutilPath != "") { string scutilOut = SystemShell.Shell1(scutilPath, "--dns"); List <List <string> > result = UtilsString.RegExMatchMulti(scutilOut.Replace(" ", ""), "nameserver\\[[0-9]+\\]:([0-9:\\.]+)"); foreach (List <string> match in result) { foreach (string field in match) { list.Add(field); } } } // Method3 - Compatibility if (FileExists("/etc/resolv.conf")) { string o = FileContentsReadText("/etc/resolv.conf"); foreach (string line in o.Split('\n')) { if (line.Trim().StartsWith("#")) { continue; } if (line.Trim().StartsWith("nameserver")) { string field = line.Substring(11).Trim(); list.Add(field); } } } return(list); }
public override IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host) { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); string getentPath = LocateExecutable("getent"); if (getentPath != "") { // Note: CNAME record are automatically followed. SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = getentPath; s.Arguments.Add("ahosts"); s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeHost(host)); s.NoDebugLog = true; if (s.Run()) { string o = s.Output; o = o.CleanSpace(); foreach (string line in o.Split('\n')) { string[] fields = line.Split(' '); if (fields.Length < 2) { continue; } if (fields[1].Trim() != "STREAM") { continue; } result.Add(fields[0].Trim()); } } } return(result); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchDo(IpAddresses dns) { string mode = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("dns.mode"); if (mode == "auto") { string[] interfaces = GetInterfaces(); foreach (string i in interfaces) { string i2 = i.Trim(); string currentStr = SystemShell.Shell("/usr/sbin/networksetup", new string[] { "-getdnsservers", SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2) }); // v2 IpAddresses current = new IpAddresses(); foreach (string line in currentStr.Split('\n')) { string ip = line.Trim(); if (IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) { current.Add(ip); } } if (dns.Equals(current) == false) { DnsSwitchEntry e = new DnsSwitchEntry(); e.Name = i2; e.Dns = current.Addresses; m_listDnsSwitch.Add(e); SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = LocateExecutable("networksetup"); s.Arguments.Add("-setdnsservers"); s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2)); if (dns.IPs.Count == 0) { s.Arguments.Add("empty"); } else { foreach (IpAddress ip in dns.IPs) { s.Arguments.Add(ip.Address); } } s.Run(); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.NetworkAdapterDnsDone, i2, ((current.Count == 0) ? "Automatic" : current.Addresses), dns.Addresses)); } } Recovery.Save(); } base.OnDnsSwitchDo(dns); return(true); }
private void FillCollection_Button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IpAddresses.Add(new Address("","Google")); } }
/// <summary> /// Specify the IPAddress of the entitled machine /// </summary> /// <param name="address">IP Address of the machine to run the entitled application(s).</param> /// <returns>A new entitlement</returns> public NodeEntitlements AddIpAddress(IPAddress address) { if (address == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address)); } return(new NodeEntitlements(this, addresses: IpAddresses.Add(address))); }
private void ScannerOnVlcHostFound(object sender, string s) { if (ComputerAdapter.Computers.Any(i => i.Ip == s)) { return; } IpAddresses.Add(new ComputerModel(s)); RunOnUiThread(() => ComputerAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged()); }
public override IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host) { // Base method with Dns.GetHostEntry have cache issue, for example on Fedora. OS X it's based on Mono. // Also, base methods with Dns.GetHostEntry sometime don't fetch AAAA IPv6 addresses. IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); string hostPath = LocateExecutable("host"); if (hostPath != "") { // Note: CNAME record are automatically followed. SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = "/usr/bin/host"; s.Arguments.Add("-W 5"); s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeHost(host)); s.NoDebugLog = true; if (s.Run()) { string hostout = s.Output; foreach (string line in hostout.Split('\n')) { string ipv4 = Utils.RegExMatchOne(line, "^.*? has address (.*?)$"); if (ipv4 != "") { result.Add(ipv4.Trim()); } string ipv6 = Utils.RegExMatchOne(line, "^.*? has IPv6 address (.*?)$"); if (ipv6 != "") { result.Add(ipv6.Trim()); } } } } return(result); }
public bool DoVote(int voteId, string ipAddr) { bool alreadyVoted = alreadyVoted = CheckIfAlreadyVotedToday(ipAddr); if (!alreadyVoted) { Answers[voteId].Votes++; IpAddresses.Add(new IpAddressItem(ipAddr, DateTime.Now)); Save(); } else { SaveIfModified(); } return(!alreadyVoted); }
public override IpAddresses GetNetworkLockAllowedIps() { IpAddresses result = base.GetNetworkLockAllowedIps(); // Hosts XmlNodeList nodesUrls = Storage.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//urls/url"); foreach (XmlNode nodeUrl in nodesUrls) { string url = nodeUrl.Attributes["address"].Value; string host = Utils.HostFromUrl(url); result.Add(host); } return(result); }
public override IpAddresses GetNetworkLockAllowedIps() { IpAddresses result = base.GetNetworkLockAllowedIps(); List <string> urls = GetBootstrapUrls(); foreach (string url in urls) { string host = UtilsCore.HostFromUrl(url); if (host != "") { result.Add(host); } } return(result); }
private void ParseXML(XDocument pollXml) { Answers.Clear(); IpAddresses.Clear(); Question = pollXml.Element("poll").Element("question").Attribute("text").Value; foreach (var answer in pollXml.Element("poll").Elements("answer")) { Answers.Add(new AnswerItem(answer.Attribute("text").Value, int.Parse(answer.Value))); } foreach (var ipaddr in pollXml.Element("poll").Elements("ipaddr")) { IpAddresses.Add(new IpAddressItem(ipaddr.Value, DateTime.ParseExact(ipaddr.Attribute("dateEntered").Value, "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } }
private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Ip_TextBox.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name_TextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("IP-адрес и наименование должны быть заполнены!", "Ошибка!", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } var parse = DataInteract.IsIp(Ip_TextBox.Text); if (!parse) { MessageBox.Show("Проверьте правильность ввода IP адреса!"); return; } IpAddresses.Add(new Address(Ip_TextBox.Text, Name_TextBox.Text)); Ip_TextBox.Clear(); Name_TextBox.Clear(); }
public IpAddresses DiscoverExit() { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); string[] layers = new string[] { "4", "6" }; foreach (string layer in layers) { Json jDoc = DiscoverIpData("", layer); if ((jDoc != null) && (jDoc.HasKey("ip"))) { string ip = (jDoc["ip"].Value as string).Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); result.Add(ip); } } return(result); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchRestore() { foreach (DnsSwitchEntry e in m_listDnsSwitch) { /* * string v = e.Dns; * if (v == "") * v = "empty"; * v = v.Replace(",", "\" \""); * * SystemShell.Shell("/usr/sbin/networksetup", new string[] { "-setdnsservers", SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(e.Name), v }); */ IpAddresses dns = new IpAddresses(); dns.Add(e.Dns); SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = LocateExecutable("networksetup"); s.Arguments.Add("-setdnsservers"); s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(e.Name)); if (dns.Count == 0) { s.Arguments.Add("empty"); } else { foreach (IpAddress ip in dns.IPs) { s.Arguments.Add(ip.Address); } } s.Run(); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.NetworkAdapterDnsRestored, e.Name, ((e.Dns == "") ? "Automatic" : e.Dns))); } m_listDnsSwitch.Clear(); Recovery.Save(); base.OnDnsSwitchRestore(); return(true); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchRestore() { foreach (DnsSwitchEntry e in m_listDnsSwitch) { IpAddresses dns = new IpAddresses(); dns.Add(e.Dns); string result = Engine.Instance.Elevated.DoCommandSync("dns-switch-restore", "interface", e.Name, "dns", dns.ToString()); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, LanguageManager.GetText("OsMacNetworkAdapterDnsRestored", e.Name, ((e.Dns == "") ? "Automatic" : e.Dns))); } m_listDnsSwitch.Clear(); Recovery.Save(); base.OnDnsSwitchRestore(); return(true); }
public override IpAddresses DetectDNS() { IpAddresses list = new IpAddresses(); if (FileExists("/etc/resolv.conf")) { string o = FileContentsReadText("/etc/resolv.conf"); foreach (string line in o.Split('\n')) { if (line.Trim().StartsWith("#", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { continue; } if (line.Trim().StartsWith("nameserver", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { list.Add(line.Substring(11).Trim()); } } } return(list); }
public override IpAddresses DetectDNS() { IpAddresses list = new IpAddresses(); string networksetupPath = LocateExecutable("networksetup"); if (networksetupPath != "") { string[] interfaces = GetInterfaces(); foreach (string i in interfaces) { string i2 = i.Trim(); string current = SystemShell.Shell(networksetupPath, new string[] { "-getdnsservers", SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2) }); list.Add(current); } } return(list); }
public IpAddresses DiscoverExit() { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); string[] methods = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("discover.ip_webservice.list").Split(';'); bool onlyFirstResponse = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("discover.ip_webservice.first"); string[] layers = new string[] { "4", "6" }; foreach (string layer in layers) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = DiscoverIpData("", layer); if (xmlDoc != null) { string ip = Utils.XmlGetBody(xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ip") as XmlElement).ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); result.Add(ip); } } return(result); }
private void AddComputerButtonOnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { var dialogBuilder = new MaterialDialog.Builder(this) .Title(Resource.String.app_addcomputer_title) .CustomView(Resource.Layout.dialog_addcomputer, true) .PositiveText(Resource.String.app_addcomputer_connect) .NegativeText(Resource.String.app_addcomputer_cancel) .OnPositive((dialog, w) => { IpAddresses.Add(new ComputerModel( dialog.CustomView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.ipAddress).Text, dialog.CustomView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.password).Text)); BlobCache.UserAccount.InsertObject("ipaddresses", IpAddresses); }).Build(); var positiveAction = dialogBuilder.GetActionButton(DialogAction.Positive); var ipControl = dialogBuilder.CustomView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.ipAddress); var token = new CancellationTokenSource(); positiveAction.Enabled = false; ipControl.TextChanged += (o, args) => { token.Cancel(); token = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (ValidateIPv4(ipControl.Text) && IpAddresses.All(i => i.Ip != ipControl.Text)) { Task.Factory.StartNew( async() => positiveAction.Enabled = await Scanner.CheckHostForVlc(ipControl.Text), token.Token); } else { positiveAction.Enabled = false; } }; dialogBuilder.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="itemType"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> private void AddItem(ItemType itemType, object value) { if (value.ToString().Length == 0) { return; } switch (itemType) { case ItemType.IpAddress: var ipAddresses = from ipAddress in IpAddresses where ipAddress.Text.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select ipAddress; if (ipAddresses.Count() == 0) { IpAddress ipAddress = new IpAddress(); ipAddress.Text = (string)value; IpAddresses.Add(ipAddress); } break; case ItemType.HostName: var hosts = from host in HostNames where host.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select host; if (hosts.Count() == 0) { HostNames.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.Port: var ports = from port in Ports where port == (int)value select port; if (ports.Count() == 0) { Ports.Add((int)value); } break; case ItemType.Protocol: var protocols = from protocol in Protocols where protocol.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select protocol; if (protocols.Count() == 0) { Protocols.Add(((string)value).ToUpper()); } break; case ItemType.Service: var services = from service in Services where service.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select service; if (services.Count() == 0) { Services.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.State: var states = from state in States where state.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select state; if (states.Count() == 0) { States.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.Severities: var severities = from severity in Severities where severity.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select severity; if (severities.Count() == 0) { Severities.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.PluginFamily: var pluginFamilies = from pluginFamily in PluginFamilys where pluginFamily.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select pluginFamily; if (pluginFamilies.Count() == 0) { PluginFamilys.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.PluginId: var pluginIds = from pluginId in PluginIds where pluginId.ToString().ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select pluginId; if (pluginIds.Count() == 0) { PluginIds.Add(int.Parse(value.ToString())); } break; case ItemType.PluginName: var pluginNames = from pluginName in PluginNames where pluginName.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select pluginName; if (pluginNames.Count() == 0) { PluginNames.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.Product: var products = from product in Products where product.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select product; if (products.Count() == 0) { Products.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.Versions: var versions = from version in Versions where version.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select version; if (versions.Count() == 0) { Versions.Add((string)value); } break; case ItemType.ExploitAvailable: var exploitAvailable = from e in ExploitAvailable where e.ToUpper() == ((string)value).ToUpper() select e; if (exploitAvailable.Count() == 0) { ExploitAvailable.Add((string)value); } break; default: break; } }