//=====================================================================================================================/ //====================================================================================================================/ //=====================BTNSTART============================================================================= private async void btnSart_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblPatience.Visible = true; var sIpDestinataire = tbxIP1.Text + "." + tbxIP2.Text + "." + tbxIP3.Text + "." + tbxIP4.Text; if (sIpDestinataire == lblIPPersonnel.Text) { tbxIP4.BackColor = Color.Red; } if (tbxIP1.BackColor != Color.Red) { if (tbxIP2.BackColor != Color.Red) { if (tbxIP3.BackColor != Color.Red) { if (tbxIP4.BackColor != Color.Red) { if (tbxIP4.BackColor != Color.PaleGreen) { lblPatience.Visible = true; lblEtatPing.Visible = false; lblNomPCDest.Visible = false; lblEtatPing.Visible = true; var sNameDestinataire = Ip.GetHostName(sIpDestinataire); var bResultPing = await Task.Run(() => Ip.PingDest(sIpDestinataire)); if (bResultPing) { lblEtatPing.Text = @"Ping : OK"; lblEtatPing.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (btnSart.Text == @"Check IP") { if (sNameDestinataire == "") { lblNomPCDest.Text = "Name :" + "\r\n" + "Not found"; lblNomPCDest.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblNomPCDest.Visible = true; tbxIP4.BackColor = Color.Red; } else { btnSart.Text = "Start"; lblNomPCDest.Visible = true; lblNomPCDest.Text = "Name :" + "\r\n" + sNameDestinataire; lblNomPCDest.ForeColor = Color.Black; } } else { //___________MinimiserLaFenetre________________ this.Width = 620; lblDescription.Visible = false; btnSart.Visible = false; lblDescription2.Visible = true; lblIPDESTINATAIRE.Visible = false; pbxLogo1.Visible = false; pbxLogoPetit.Visible = true; lblIPPersonnel.Visible = false; lblFixeCePC.Visible = false; NomDestinataireToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; tbxIP1.Visible = false; tbxIP2.Visible = false; tbxIP3.Visible = false; tbxIP4.Visible = false; NomDestinataireToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Recipient : " + sNameDestinataire; lblNomPCDest.Visible = false; iPPersonnelToolStripMenuItem.Text = "My IP : " + lblIPPersonnel.Text; iPPersonnelToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; //______________________________________________ //FichierConfig--------------------------------- if (XmlManipulation.GetValue("EnableLastIpConnexion") == "ON") { XmlManipulation.ModifyElementXml("LastIpConnexion", sIpDestinataire); } else { XmlManipulation.ModifyElementXml("LastIpConnexion", ""); } _recipientIp = sIpDestinataire; try { _epLocal = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(lblIPPersonnel.Text), 3056);//Use 3056 port _sck.Bind(_epLocal); _epRemote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(sIpDestinataire), 3056); _sck.Connect(_epRemote); var buffer = new byte[1500]; _sck.BeginReceiveFrom(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref _epRemote, MessageReceived, buffer); btnSart.Text = @"Connected"; btnSart.Enabled = false; btnEnvoi.Enabled = true; tbxMessageEnvoit.Focus(); EnvoiDuMessage("tuiFZCz56786casdcssdcvuivgboRTSDetre67Rz7463178", KMessage.Type.Init()); if (XmlManipulation.GetValue("SaveDiscussion") == "ON") { var temp = ChatData.Import(_recipientIp); if (temp.Count() != 0) { foreach (var element in temp) { lbxTchat.Items.Add(element); } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("An error occured. \r\nPlease restart Kubeah Chat" + "\r\n" + "\r\n", "An error occurred"); Application.Exit(); } //Send the key to the other client to connect } } else { lblEtatPing.Text = "Ping : Fail"; lblEtatPing.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblNomPCDest.Visible = false; tbxIP4.BackColor = Color.Red; } } } } } } lblPatience.Visible = false; }