Пример #1
 public void RegisterSuccessfulTimestamp(int frameNo, IotaVtiTimeStamp oddFieldOSD, IotaVtiTimeStamp evenFieldOSD, DateTime oddFieldTimestamp, DateTime evenFieldTimestamp)
     m_PrevFrameNo = frameNo;
     m_PrevOddTicks = oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks;
     m_PrevEvenTicks = evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks;
     m_PrevOddFieldNo = oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber;
     m_PrevEvenFieldNo = evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber;
     m_PrevOddFieldOSD = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(oddFieldOSD);
     m_PrevEvenFieldOSD = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(evenFieldOSD);
Пример #2
        public void TestIotaVtiTimeStamp_FrameNo(string frameNo, int expectedFrameNo)
            var str = new IotaVtiTimeStampStrings()
                NumSat  = ' ',
                HH      = "",
                MM      = "",
                SS      = "",
                FFFF1   = "",
                FFFF2   = "",
                FRAMENO = frameNo

            var ts = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(str);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFrameNo, ts.FrameNumber);
Пример #3
        public void TestIotaVtiTimeStamp_Seconds(string ss, int expectedSeconds)
            var str = new IotaVtiTimeStampStrings()
                NumSat  = ' ',
                HH      = "",
                MM      = "",
                SS      = ss,
                FFFF1   = "",
                FFFF2   = "",
                FRAMENO = ""

            var ts = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(str);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSeconds, ts.Seconds);
Пример #4
        public void TestIotaVtiTimeStamp_Minutes(string mm, int expectedMinutes)
            var str = new IotaVtiTimeStampStrings()
                NumSat  = ' ',
                HH      = "",
                MM      = mm,
                SS      = "",
                FFFF1   = "",
                FFFF2   = "",
                FRAMENO = ""

            var ts = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(str);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinutes, ts.Minutes);
Пример #5
        public void TestIotaVtiTimeStamp_Hours(string hh, int expectedHours)
            var str = new IotaVtiTimeStampStrings()
                NumSat  = ' ',
                HH      = hh,
                MM      = "",
                SS      = "",
                FFFF1   = "",
                FFFF2   = "",
                FRAMENO = ""

            var ts = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(str);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHours, ts.Hours);
Пример #6
        public void TestIotaVtiTimeStamp_FFF2(string fff2, int expectedFFF)
            var str = new IotaVtiTimeStampStrings()
                NumSat  = ' ',
                HH      = "",
                MM      = "",
                SS      = "",
                FFFF1   = "",
                FFFF2   = fff2,
                FRAMENO = ""

            var ts = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(str);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFFF, ts.Milliseconds10);
Пример #7
        private bool RecognizedTimestampsConsistent(IotaVtiOcrProcessor stateManager, List<CalibratedBlockPosition> normalizedPositions)
            var allTimeStamps = new List<IotaVtiTimeStamp>();
            int index = 0;
            int totalTimestamps = normalizedPositions.Count;

            for (; ; )
                if (index == totalTimestamps - 1)

                IotaVtiTimeStampStrings timeStampStrings = IotaVtiOcrCalibratedState.OcrField(normalizedPositions[index].Image, stateManager, normalizedPositions[index].IsOddField);
                if (!timeStampStrings.AllCharsPresent())
                    return false;

                var timeStamp = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(timeStampStrings);

                if (stateManager.SwapFieldsOrder)
                    if (index + 1 == totalTimestamps - 1)

                    IotaVtiTimeStampStrings timeStampStrings2 = IotaVtiOcrCalibratedState.OcrField(normalizedPositions[index + 1].Image, stateManager, normalizedPositions[index + 1].IsOddField);
                    if (!timeStampStrings2.AllCharsPresent())
                        return false;
                    var timeStamp2 = new IotaVtiTimeStamp(timeStampStrings2);




            float fieldDurationMS = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < allTimeStamps.Count - 1; i++)
                if (allTimeStamps[i].FrameNumber != allTimeStamps[i + 1].FrameNumber - 1 &&
                    allTimeStamps[i].FrameNumber != allTimeStamps[i + 1].FrameNumber + 1)
                    return false;

                int totalMillisecondsThis = (allTimeStamps[i].Hours * 3600 + allTimeStamps[i].Minutes * 60 + allTimeStamps[i].Seconds) * 10000 + allTimeStamps[i].Milliseconds10;
                int totalMillisecondsNext = (allTimeStamps[i + 1].Hours * 3600 + allTimeStamps[i + 1].Minutes * 60 + allTimeStamps[i + 1].Seconds) * 10000 + allTimeStamps[i + 1].Milliseconds10;

                fieldDurationMS = Math.Abs((totalMillisecondsNext - totalMillisecondsThis) / 10f);

                if (Math.Abs(fieldDurationMS - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL) > 0.15 && Math.Abs(fieldDurationMS - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC) > 0.15)
                    return false;

            if (Math.Abs(fieldDurationMS - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL) < 0.15)
                stateManager.VideoFormat = VideoFormat.PAL;
            else if (Math.Abs(fieldDurationMS - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC) < 0.15)
                stateManager.VideoFormat = VideoFormat.NTSC;
                stateManager.VideoFormat = null;

            return true;
Пример #8
        internal DateTime ExtractDateTime(int frameNo, int frameStep, IotaVtiTimeStamp oddFieldOSD, IotaVtiTimeStamp evenFieldOSD)
            bool failedValidation = false;
            string failedReason = null;

            if (oddFieldOSD == null || evenFieldOSD == null)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            if (frameStep != m_FrameStep)
                m_FrameStep = frameStep;

            if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber - 1 &&
                oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber + 1)
                // Video fields are not consequtive
                failedValidation = true;
                failedReason = "Video fields are not consequtive";

                DateTime oddFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);
                DateTime evenFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);

                double fieldDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks - evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks).TotalMilliseconds);

                if (m_Processor.VideoFormat.Value == VideoFormat.PAL &&
                    (Math.Abs(fieldDuration - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL) > 1.0))
                    // PAL field is not 20 ms
                    failedValidation = true;
                    failedReason = string.Format("PAL field is not 20 ms. It is {0} ms", fieldDuration);

                if (m_Processor.VideoFormat.Value == VideoFormat.NTSC &&
                    (Math.Abs(fieldDuration - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC) > 1.0))
                    // NTSC field is not 16.68 ms
                    failedValidation = true;
                    failedReason = string.Format("NTSC field is not 16.68 ms. It is {0} ms", fieldDuration);

                int oddEvenFieldDirection = oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks - evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                if (m_Corrector.OddEvenFieldDirectionIsKnown() &&
                    oddEvenFieldDirection != m_Corrector.GetOddEvenFieldDirection())
                    // Field timestamps are wrong have changed order (did they swap)?
                    failedValidation = true;
                    failedReason = "Field timestamps are wrong have changed order (did they swap)?";

                if (failedValidation)
                    string correctionInfo;
                    failedValidation = !m_Corrector.TryToCorrect(frameNo, frameStep, null, oddFieldOSD, evenFieldOSD, m_Processor.EvenBeforeOdd, ref oddFieldTimestamp, ref evenFieldTimestamp, out correctionInfo);
                    failedReason += ". " + correctionInfo;

                if (failedValidation)
                    string errorText = string.Format("OCR ERR: FrameNo: {0}, Odd Timestamp: {1}:{2}:{3}.{4} {5}, Even Timestamp: {6}:{7}:{8}.{9} {10}, {11}",
                        frameNo, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber,
                        evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber, failedReason);


                    if (m_CalibrationErrors.Count < 16)
                        var copy = new List<uint>();
                        m_CalibrationImages.Add(string.Format("ocrerr_{0}.bmp", frameNo), copy.ToArray());

                    if (m_VideoController != null)
                    m_Corrector.RegisterSuccessfulTimestamp(frameNo, oddFieldOSD, evenFieldOSD, oddFieldTimestamp, evenFieldTimestamp);

                if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber == evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber - 1)
                    return failedValidation ? DateTime.MinValue : oddFieldTimestamp;
                    return failedValidation ? DateTime.MinValue : evenFieldTimestamp;
            catch(Exception ex)

                return DateTime.MinValue;
Пример #9
        internal DateTime ExtractAAVDateTime(int frameNo, int frameStep, IotaVtiTimeStamp oddFieldOSD, IotaVtiTimeStamp evenFieldOSD)
            bool failedValidation = false;
            string failedReason = null;

            if (oddFieldOSD == null || evenFieldOSD == null)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            int integratedAavFields = 2 * m_InitializationData.IntegratedAAVFrames;

            if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber - integratedAavFields + 1 &&
                oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber + integratedAavFields - 1)
                // Video fields are not consequtive
                failedValidation = true;
                failedReason = "Integration interval is incomplete";

                //   | e               e |        |   o              o|
                //   |.e.o|.e.o|.e.o|.e.o|        |.e.o|.e.o|.e.o|.e.o|

                DateTime oddFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);
                DateTime evenFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);

                double integrationPeriodDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks - evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks).TotalMilliseconds);

                if (m_Processor.VideoFormat != null)
                    if (m_Processor.VideoFormat.Value == VideoFormat.PAL)
                        var calcDuration = (integrationPeriodDuration + IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL) / integratedAavFields;
                        if ((Math.Abs(calcDuration - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL) > 1.0))
                            // PAL field is not 20 ms
                            failedValidation = true;
                            failedReason = string.Format("PAL field is not 20 ms. It is {0} ms", calcDuration);

                    if (m_Processor.VideoFormat.Value == VideoFormat.NTSC)
                        var calcDuration = (integrationPeriodDuration + IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC) / integratedAavFields;
                        if (Math.Abs(calcDuration - IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC) > 1.0)
                            // NTSC field is not 16.68 ms
                            failedValidation = true;
                            failedReason = string.Format("NTSC field is not 16.68 ms. It is {0} ms", calcDuration);

                if (failedValidation)
                    string correctionInfo;
                    failedValidation = !m_Corrector.TryToCorrect(frameNo, frameStep, integratedAavFields, oddFieldOSD, evenFieldOSD, m_Processor.EvenBeforeOdd, ref oddFieldTimestamp, ref evenFieldTimestamp, out correctionInfo);
                    failedReason += ". " + correctionInfo;

                if (failedValidation)
                    string errorText = string.Format("OCR ERR: FrameNo: {0}, Odd Timestamp: {1}:{2}:{3}.{4} {5}, Even Timestamp: {6}:{7}:{8}.{9} {10}, {11}",
                        frameNo, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber,
                        evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber, failedReason);


                    if (m_CalibrationErrors.Count < 16)
                        var copy = new List<uint>();
                        m_CalibrationImages.Add(string.Format("ocrerr_{0}.bmp", frameNo), copy.ToArray());

                    if (m_VideoController != null)
                    m_Corrector.RegisterSuccessfulTimestamp(frameNo, oddFieldOSD, evenFieldOSD, oddFieldTimestamp, evenFieldTimestamp);

                if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber == evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber - integratedAavFields + 1)
                    return failedValidation ? DateTime.MinValue : oddFieldTimestamp;
                    return failedValidation ? DateTime.MinValue : evenFieldTimestamp;
            catch (Exception ex)

                return DateTime.MinValue;
Пример #10
        public bool TryToCorrect(int frameNo, int frameStep, int? aavIntegratedFields, IotaVtiTimeStamp oddFieldOSD, IotaVtiTimeStamp evenFieldOSD, bool evenBeforeOdd, ref DateTime oddFieldTimestamp, ref DateTime evenFieldTimestamp, out string correctionDebugInfo)
            if (m_PrevFrameNo == -1 || m_PrevOddTicks == -1 || m_PrevEvenTicks == -1)
                correctionDebugInfo = "Cannot correct. m_PrevFrameNo == -1 || m_PrevOddTicks == -1 || m_PrevEvenTicks == -1";
                return false;

            correctionDebugInfo = string.Format("IOTA-VTI Correction Attempt for Frame {0}. {1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}.{4:D4} ({5}) - {6:D2}:{7:D2}:{8:D2}.{9:D4} ({10}). FrameStep: {11}",
                    oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber,
                    evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10, evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber,

            float knownFrameDuration = m_VideoFormat == VideoFormat.PAL
                        ? 2 * IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL
                        : 2 * IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC;

            double fieldDuration;

            if (!evenBeforeOdd)
                DateTime oddTimestampToCheck = oddFieldTimestamp;

                fieldDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks - m_PrevEvenTicks).TotalMilliseconds) - (frameStep - 1) * knownFrameDuration;

                if (!IsFieldDurationOkay(fieldDuration))
                    if (!TryCorrectTimestamp(m_PrevEvenTicks, oddFieldTimestamp, oddFieldOSD, frameStep, null, aavIntegratedFields != null))
                        Trace.WriteLine("IOTA-VTI Correction Failed: Cannot correct field duration PrevEven -> CurrOdd.");
                        return false;
                        oddTimestampToCheck = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);

                fieldDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(oddTimestampToCheck.Ticks - evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks).TotalMilliseconds);
                if (aavIntegratedFields != null) fieldDuration = fieldDuration / (aavIntegratedFields.Value - 1);

                if (!IsFieldDurationOkay(fieldDuration))
                    if (!TryCorrectTimestamp(oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks, evenFieldTimestamp, evenFieldOSD, 1, aavIntegratedFields, aavIntegratedFields != null))
                        Trace.WriteLine("IOTA-VTI Correction Failed: Cannot correct field duration CurrOdd -> CurrEven.");
                        return false;
                DateTime evenTimestampToCheck = evenFieldTimestamp;

                fieldDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks - m_PrevOddTicks).TotalMilliseconds) - (frameStep - 1) * knownFrameDuration;

                if (!IsFieldDurationOkay(fieldDuration))
                    if (!TryCorrectTimestamp(m_PrevOddTicks, evenFieldTimestamp, evenFieldOSD, frameStep, null, aavIntegratedFields != null))
                        Trace.WriteLine("IOTA-VTI Correction Failed: Cannot correct field duration PrevOdd -> CurrEven.");
                        return false;
                        evenTimestampToCheck = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);

                fieldDuration = Math.Abs(new TimeSpan(evenTimestampToCheck.Ticks - oddFieldTimestamp.Ticks).TotalMilliseconds);
                if (aavIntegratedFields != null) fieldDuration = fieldDuration / (aavIntegratedFields.Value - 1);

                if (!IsFieldDurationOkay(fieldDuration))
                    if (!TryCorrectTimestamp(evenFieldTimestamp.Ticks, oddFieldTimestamp, oddFieldOSD, 1, aavIntegratedFields, aavIntegratedFields != null))
                        Trace.WriteLine("IOTA-VTI Correction Failed: Cannot correct field duration CurrEven -> CurrOdd.");
                        return false;

            if (!evenBeforeOdd)
                if (m_PrevEvenFieldNo + 1 != oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber)
                    // We don't correct Field numbers as they are not used anywhere for now, we just ignore them as no errors

                if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber + 1 != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber)
                    // We don't correct Field numbers as they are not used anywhere for now, we just ignore them as no errors
                if (m_PrevEvenFieldNo + 1 != oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber)
                    // We don't correct Field numbers as they are not used anywhere for now, we just ignore them as no errors

                if (oddFieldOSD.FrameNumber + 1 != evenFieldOSD.FrameNumber)
                    // We don't correct Field numbers as they are not used anywhere for now, we just ignore them as no errors

            oddFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, oddFieldOSD.Hours, oddFieldOSD.Minutes, oddFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, oddFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);
            evenFieldTimestamp = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, evenFieldOSD.Hours, evenFieldOSD.Minutes, evenFieldOSD.Seconds).AddMilliseconds(Math.Min(10000, evenFieldOSD.Milliseconds10) / 10.0f);

            return true;
Пример #11
        private bool TryCorrectTimestamp(long prevFieldTimestamp, DateTime fieldToCorrectTimestamp, IotaVtiTimeStamp fieldToCorrect, int frameStep, int? aavIntegratedFields, bool isAav)
            double stepCorrection = frameStep > 1 ? ((20000 * (frameStep - 1) * (m_VideoFormat == VideoFormat.PAL ? IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL : IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC))) : 0;
            double fieldDistance = (10000 * (m_VideoFormat == VideoFormat.PAL ? IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL : IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC));
            double aavCorrection = aavIntegratedFields.HasValue ? (10000 * (aavIntegratedFields.Value - 2) * (m_VideoFormat == VideoFormat.PAL ? IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_PAL : IotaVtiOcrProcessor.FIELD_DURATION_NTSC)) : 0;
            long expectedTimestamp =
                prevFieldTimestamp + (long)Math.Round(stepCorrection + fieldDistance + aavCorrection);

            // NOTE: We ignore the last digit from the milliseconds when comparing this timestamps. While this allows for incorectly read 10th of milliseconds to be passed
            //       unactioned, it doesn't create any timing or measurement issues
            DateTime expectedDateTime = new DateTime(expectedTimestamp);
            string expectedTimestampString = expectedDateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
            string expectedTimestampStringM1 = expectedDateTime.AddMilliseconds(-1).ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
            string expectedTimestampStringP1 = expectedDateTime.AddMilliseconds(1).ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
            string actualTimestampString = fieldToCorrectTimestamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");

            string difference = XorStrings(expectedTimestampString, actualTimestampString);
            long numberDifferences = difference.ToCharArray().Count(c => c != '\0');
            string differenceM1 = XorStrings(expectedTimestampStringM1, actualTimestampString);
            long numberDifferencesM1 = differenceM1.ToCharArray().Count(c => c != '\0');
            string differenceP1 = XorStrings(expectedTimestampStringP1, actualTimestampString);
            long numberDifferencesP1 = differenceP1.ToCharArray().Count(c => c != '\0');

            if (numberDifferences < numberDifferencesM1 && numberDifferences < numberDifferencesP1)
                // Already correct
            else if (numberDifferencesM1 < numberDifferences && numberDifferencesM1 < numberDifferencesP1)
                numberDifferences = numberDifferencesM1;
                expectedDateTime = expectedDateTime.AddMilliseconds(-1);
            else if (numberDifferencesP1 < numberDifferences && numberDifferencesP1 < numberDifferencesM1)
                numberDifferences = numberDifferencesP1;
                expectedDateTime = expectedDateTime.AddMilliseconds(1);

            if (numberDifferences <= TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.OcrMaxNumberErrorsToAutoCorrect ||
                (isAav && fieldToCorrect.Milliseconds10 == 0) /* Duplicated video field in AAV */)
                // We can correct the one or two offending characters

                fieldToCorrect.Hours = expectedDateTime.Hour;
                fieldToCorrect.Minutes = expectedDateTime.Minute;
                fieldToCorrect.Seconds = expectedDateTime.Second;
                fieldToCorrect.Milliseconds10 = (int)Math.Round((expectedDateTime.Ticks % 10000000) / 1000.0);

                return true;
                // Cannot correct more than one differences. Why not??
                return false;