Пример #1
        public static InventoryUIDragLookup BeginDrag(InventoryUIItemWrapper toDrag, uint startIndex, ItemCollectionBase collection, PointerEventData eventData)
            if (draggingItem != null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Item still attached to cursor, can only drag one item at a time", draggingItem.gameObject);
                return(null); // Can only drag one item at a time

            if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)

            draggingItem = toDrag;
            //draggingButtonCollection = collection;

            // Canvas group allows object to ignore raycasts.
            CanvasGroup group = draggingItem.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

            if (group == null)
                group = draggingItem.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasGroup>();

            group.blocksRaycasts = false; // Allows rays to go through so we can hover over the empty slots.
            group.interactable   = false;

            var lookup = new InventoryUIDragLookup();

            lookup.startIndex          = (int)startIndex;
            lookup.startItemCollection = collection;

Пример #2
        public static InventoryUIDragLookup EndDrag(InventoryUIItemWrapper toDrag, uint startSlot, ItemCollectionBase handler, PointerEventData eventData)
            if (eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
                var lookup = new InventoryUIDragLookup();
                lookup.startIndex          = (int)draggingItem.index;
                lookup.startItemCollection = draggingItem.itemCollection;

                if (hoveringItem != null)
                    lookup.endIndex          = (int)hoveringItem.index;
                    lookup.endItemCollection = hoveringItem.itemCollection;

                Object.Destroy(draggingItem.gameObject); // No longer need it

                draggingItem = null;
                //draggingButtonCollection = null;


        public static InventoryUIDragLookup BeginDrag(InventoryUIItemWrapper toDrag, uint startIndex, ItemCollectionBase collection, PointerEventData eventData)
            if (draggingItem != null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Item still attached to cursor, can only drag one item at a time", draggingItem.gameObject);
                return null; // Can only drag one item at a time

            if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
                return null;

            draggingItem = toDrag;
            //draggingButtonCollection = collection;

            // Canvas group allows object to ignore raycasts.
            CanvasGroup group = draggingItem.gameObject.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
            if(group == null)
                group = draggingItem.gameObject.AddComponent<CanvasGroup>();

            group.blocksRaycasts = false; // Allows rays to go through so we can hover over the empty slots.
            group.interactable = false;

            var lookup = new InventoryUIDragLookup();
            lookup.startIndex = (int)startIndex;
            lookup.startItemCollection = collection;

            return lookup;
        public static InventoryUIDragLookup EndDrag(InventoryUIItemWrapper toDrag, uint startSlot, ItemCollectionBase handler, PointerEventData eventData)
            if(eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
                var lookup = new InventoryUIDragLookup();
                lookup.startIndex = (int)draggingItem.index;
                lookup.startItemCollection = draggingItem.itemCollection;

                if (hoveringItem != null)
                    lookup.endIndex = (int)hoveringItem.index;
                    lookup.endItemCollection = hoveringItem.itemCollection;

                Object.Destroy(draggingItem.gameObject); // No longer need it

                draggingItem = null;
                //draggingButtonCollection = null;

                return lookup;

            return null;