protected void InvokeInvalidCredentials() { InvalidCredentials?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); }
public void CreateScrapeSession(List <LoadManagerRule> rules, BillingCompanyInfo billingCompanyInfo) { Logging log = new Logging(); ReferenceGenerator refGen = new ReferenceGenerator(); string refNum = refGen.GenerateReference(); try { // Get scraping scripts per billing company log.LogMessage(Enumeration.LoggingPriority.Low, refNum, "Get scraping scripts per billing company"); BillingCompany getScrapingScripts = new BillingCompany(new BillingCompanyId(billingCompanyInfo.BillingCompanyId), billingCompanyInfo.BillingCompanyName); List <ScrapingScript> scrapingScripts = getScrapingScripts.GetScrapingScripts(); foreach (var scrapingScript in scrapingScripts) { // Process errors if (scrapingScript.ErrorCode == 91) { BrokenScript brokenScript = new BrokenScript(Enumeration.ErrorCode.BrokenScript, scrapingScript.ScriptSiteURL, DateTime.Now); } } // Call the 3rd party provider to perform the scrape log.LogMessage(Enumeration.LoggingPriority.Low, refNum, "Call the 3rd party provider to perform the scrape"); ScraperProvider scraperProvider = new ScraperProvider(); List <ScrapeData> scrapeData = scraperProvider.RequestScrape(); foreach (var data in scrapeData) { // Process errors if (data.ErrorCode == 91) { BillingCompanySiteDown siteDown = new BillingCompanySiteDown(Enumeration.ErrorCode.BillingCompanySiteDown, "", DateTime.Now); } else if (data.ErrorCode == 92) { CustomerActionRequired custActionReq = new CustomerActionRequired(Enumeration.ErrorCode.CustomerActionRequired, "", DateTime.Now); } else if (data.ErrorCode == 93) { IncorrectAccount incorrectAcc = new IncorrectAccount(Enumeration.ErrorCode.IncorrectAccount, "", DateTime.Now); } else if (data.ErrorCode == 94) { InvalidCredentials invalidCredentials = new InvalidCredentials(Enumeration.ErrorCode.InvalidCredentials, "", DateTime.Now); } } // Save scraped data to the Repo log.LogMessage(Enumeration.LoggingPriority.Low, refNum, "Save scraped data to the Repo"); ScrapeDataRepository scrapeDataRepo = new ScrapeDataRepository(); List <LoadManagerErrors> saveErrors = scrapeDataRepo.SaveScrapeData(scrapeData); foreach (var saveError in saveErrors) { // Process errors if (saveError.ErrorCode == 91) { UnableToCheckDataIntegrity unableToCheckDataIntegrity = new UnableToCheckDataIntegrity(Enumeration.ErrorCode.UnableToCheckDataIntegrity, saveError.Message, DateTime.Now); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Process errors log.LogMessage(Enumeration.LoggingPriority.High, refNum, ex); } }