Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the contents of the given comment string to determine whether the comment appears
        /// to be a valid English-language sentence, or whether it appears to be garbage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comment">The comment to check.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the type of the comment.</returns>
        public static InvalidCommentType IsGarbageComment(string comment)
            Param.AssertNotNull(comment, "comment");

            InvalidCommentType invalid        = InvalidCommentType.Valid;
            string             trimmedComment = comment.Trim();

            // Make sure the comment string is valid.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedComment))
                invalid |= InvalidCommentType.Empty;
                // Check for the minimum length.
                if (trimmedComment.Length < MinimumHeaderCommentLength)
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.TooShort;

                // Verify that the comment starts with a capital letter.
                if (!char.IsUpper(trimmedComment[0]) && !char.IsDigit(trimmedComment[0]))
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoCapitalLetter;

                // Verify that the comment ends with a period.
                if (trimmedComment[trimmedComment.Length - 1] != '.')
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoPeriod;

                // Verify that at least 40% of the characters in the comment are letters, and that the comment contains
                // at least one space between words.
                float charCount    = 0;
                float nonCharCount = 0;
                bool  space        = false;

                foreach (char character in trimmedComment)
                    if (char.IsLetter(character))
                        if (char.IsWhiteSpace(character))
                            space = true;

                if (charCount == 0 || ((charCount / (charCount + nonCharCount)) * 100) < MinimumCharacterPercentage)
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.TooFewCharacters;

                if (!space)
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoWhitespace;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the contents of the given comment string to determine whether the comment appears
        /// to be a valid English-language sentence, or whether it appears to be garbage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commentWithAttributesRemoved">
        /// The comment to check (which has had its attributes removed).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="commentWithAttributesPreserved">
        /// The comment to check with attribute values inserted into the text.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="element">
        /// The element containing the text we're checking.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="spellingError">
        /// Returns the first word encountered as a spelling error.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the type of the comment.
        /// </returns>
        public static InvalidCommentType IsGarbageComment(
            string commentWithAttributesRemoved, string commentWithAttributesPreserved, CsElement element, out string spellingError)
            Param.AssertNotNull(commentWithAttributesRemoved, "commentWithAttributesRemoved");
            Param.AssertNotNull(commentWithAttributesPreserved, "commentWithAttributesPreserved");
            spellingError = null;

            InvalidCommentType invalid = InvalidCommentType.Valid;

            string trimmedCommentWithoutAttributes = commentWithAttributesRemoved.Trim();

            string trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved = commentWithAttributesPreserved.Trim();

            string trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreservedWithoutPeriod = trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved.TrimEnd(new[] { '.' }).Trim();

            // Make sure the comment string is valid.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved))
                invalid |= InvalidCommentType.Empty;
                // Check the comment spelling
                if (TextContainsIncorectSpelling(element, trimmedCommentWithoutAttributes, out spellingError))
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.IncorrectSpelling;

                // Check for the minimum length.
                if (trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved.Length < MinimumHeaderCommentLength)
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.TooShort;

                // Verify that the comment starts with a capital letter.
                if (!char.IsUpper(trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved[0]) && !char.IsDigit(trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved[0]))
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoCapitalLetter;

                // Verify that the comment ends with a period.
                if (trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved[trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreserved.Length - 1] != '.')
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoPeriod;

                // Verify that at least 40% of the characters in the comment are letters, and that the comment contains
                // at least one space between words.
                int  charCount    = 0;
                int  nonCharCount = 0;
                bool space        = false;

                foreach (char character in trimmedCommentWithAttributesPreservedWithoutPeriod)
                    if (char.IsLetter(character))
                        if (char.IsWhiteSpace(character))
                            space = true;

                if (charCount == 0 || (((charCount * 100) / (charCount + nonCharCount)) < MinimumCharacterPercentage))
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.TooFewCharacters;

                if (!space)
                    invalid |= InvalidCommentType.NoWhitespace;
