/// <summary>
        /// <c>GetInterview</c> returns an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in any standards-mode web page, which embeds a HotDocs interview
        /// directly in that web page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">An instance of the Template class, for which the interview will be requested.</param>
        /// <param name="answers">The initial set of answers to include in the interview.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings that define various interview behaviors.</param>
        /// <param name="markedVariables">A collection of variables that should be marked with special formatting in the interview.</param>
        /// <param name="logRef">A string to display in logs related to this request.</param>
        /// <returns>An object which contains an HTML fragment to be inserted in a web page to display the interview.</returns>
        public InterviewResult GetInterview(Template template, TextReader answers, InterviewSettings settings, IEnumerable <string> markedVariables, string logRef)
            // Validate input parameters, creating defaults as appropriate.
            string logStr = logRef == null ? string.Empty : logRef;

            if (template == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("template", string.Format(@"WebServices.Services.GetInterview: the ""template"" parameter passed in was null, logRef: {0}", logStr));

            if (settings == null)
                settings = new InterviewSettings();

            // Configure interview options
            InterviewOptions itvOpts = InterviewOptions.OmitImages;             // Instructs HDS not to return images used by the interview; we'll get them ourselves from the template folder.

            if (settings.DisableDocumentPreview)
                itvOpts |= InterviewOptions.NoPreview;                 // Disables (omits) the Document Preview button on the interview toolbar.
            if (settings.DisableSaveAnswers)
                itvOpts |= InterviewOptions.NoSave;                 // Disables (omits) the Save Answers button on the interview toolbar.
            if (!settings.RoundTripUnusedAnswers)
                itvOpts |= InterviewOptions.ExcludeStateFromOutput;                 // Prevents original answer file from being encrypted and sent to the interview and then posted back at the end.
            // Get the interview.
            InterviewResult result = new InterviewResult();

            BinaryObject[] interviewFiles = null;

            using (Proxy client = new Proxy(_endPointName))
                string fileName = GetRelativePath(template.GetFullPath());
                interviewFiles = client.GetInterview(
                    answers == null ? null : new BinaryObject[] { Util.GetBinaryObjectFromTextReader(answers) },                     // answers
                    markedVariables != null ? markedVariables.ToArray <string>() : null, // variables to highlight as unanswered
                    settings.PostInterviewUrl,                                           // page to which interview will submit its answers
                    settings.InterviewRuntimeUrl,                                        // location (under this app's domain name) where HotDocs Server JS files are available
                    settings.StyleSheetUrl + "/" + settings.ThemeName + ".css",          // URL of CSS stylesheet (typically called hdsuser.css).  hdssystem.css must exist in same directory.
                    Util.GetInterviewImageUrl(settings, template),                       // interview images will be requested from GetInterviewFile.ashx, which will stream them from the template directory
                    !settings.DisableSaveAnswers ? settings.SaveAnswersUrl : "",         //for the save answers button; if this is null the "Save Answers" button does not appear
                    !settings.DisableDocumentPreview ? settings.DocumentPreviewUrl : "", // document previews will be requested from here; if null the "Document Preview" button does not appear
                    Util.GetInterviewDefinitionUrl(settings, template));                 // Interview definitions (Silverlight or JavaScript) will be requested from here -- careful with relative URLs!!
                if (interviewFiles != null)
                    StringBuilder interview = new StringBuilder(Util.ExtractString(interviewFiles[0]));
                    Util.AppendSdkScriptBlock(interview, template, settings);
                    result.HtmlFragment = interview.ToString();

                    // The Web Services do not have a way to set the title of the template--it always uses the title from the component file.
                    // So here we are replacing the title that was put in the html fragment with the template's title, which may have
                    // been set later and does not match its component file.
                    result.HtmlFragment = Regex.Replace(result.HtmlFragment, "HDTemplateName=\\\".+?\"", "HDTemplateName=\"" + settings.Title + "\"");
                SafeCloseClient(client, logRef);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Call GetInterview on HotDocs Server via web services.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="templateID"></param>
 /// <param name="answers"></param>
 /// <param name="format"></param>
 /// <param name="options"></param>
 /// <param name="markedVariables"></param>
 /// <param name="formActionUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="serverFilesUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="styleUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="tempInterviewUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="saveAnswersUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="previewUrl"></param>
 /// <param name="interviewDefinitionUrl"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public BinaryObject[] GetInterview(string templateID, BinaryObject[] answers, InterviewFormat format, InterviewOptions options, string[] markedVariables, string formActionUrl, string serverFilesUrl, string styleUrl, string tempInterviewUrl, string saveAnswersUrl, string previewUrl, string interviewDefinitionUrl)
     return(base.Channel.GetInterview(templateID, answers, format, options, markedVariables, formActionUrl, serverFilesUrl, styleUrl, tempInterviewUrl, saveAnswersUrl, previewUrl, interviewDefinitionUrl));