Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to locate a bracket given an initial guess and a step.
        /// Routine walks downhill/uphill taking steps of increasing size until the function changes sign.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">function to solve</param>
        /// <param name="guess">initial guess of x value of the root</param>
        /// <param name="step">the starting step size</param>
        /// <param name="fType">unknown, increasing, or decreasing</param>
        /// <param name="min">Optional. The minimum limit on x if it exists, otherwise NaN</param>
        /// <param name="max">Optional. The maximum limit on x if it exists, otherwise NaN</param>
        /// <param name="maxIterations">The maximum number of iterations to find the bracket</param>
        /// <param name="nIterations">Output. Return the number of iterations used</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Null, if any of the parameters were incorrect.
        /// The bracket if one was found, otherwise the last attempt.
        /// </returns>
        public static RootBracketResult FindBracket(Func <double, double> f, double guess, double step, FunctionShape fType, double min, double max, int maxIterations, out int nIterations)
            const RootBracketResult nullResult = null;

            nIterations = 0;

            if (f == null)
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Function cannot be null");
            if (min > max)
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Requires min <= max : min = {0}; max = {1}", min, max);
            if (maxIterations < 3)
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Iterations must be > 3: maxIterations = {0}", maxIterations);
            if (step == 0 || double.IsNaN(step))
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Requires |Step| > 0 : step = {0}", step);

            Interval bounds = new Interval(min, max);

            if (guess != bounds.Clip(guess))
                Policies.ReportDomainError("Guess must be between min and max: guess = {0}; min = {1}; max = {2}", guess, min, max);

            // choose a step multiplier > 1 so that we don't go back and forth to
            // the same locations
            const double stepMultiplier = 1.5;

            double x          = guess;
            double fx         = f(guess);
            int    iterations = 1;

            if (fx == 0 || double.IsNaN(fx))
                nIterations = iterations;
                return(new RootBracketResult(x, fx, x, fx));

            // the bracket is contained within [a, b], where a <= b
            // fa = f(a), fb = f(b)
            double a, fa, b, fb;
            bool   force = false;

            // set initial values at guess and guess+step
            // If we don't know what the function looks like
            // count on the user to tell us with the sign of step
            if (fType == FunctionShape.Increasing)
                // if ( fx < 0 ) positive step, else negative step
                force = true;
                step  = -Math.Sign(fx) * Math.Abs(step);
            else if (fType == FunctionShape.Decreasing)
                // if ( fx < 0 ) negative step, else positive step
                force = true;
                step  = Math.Sign(fx) * Math.Abs(step);

            a = x; fa = fx;
            b = x; fb = fx;

            iterations = 1;
            while (iterations < maxIterations)
                Debug.Assert(step != 0, "FindBracket: Step == 0");

                if (step > 0)
                    if (x == max)
                        // We've gone as far as we can in this direction
                        // Maybe the root is in the other direction?
                        if (!force)
                            step  = -step;
                            force = true;

                        // we've hit both limits,
                        // return the last (unsuccessful) bracket
                        nIterations = iterations;
                        return(new RootBracketResult(a, fa, b, fb));

                    // is our step size big enough
                    double nextx = bounds.Clip(x + step);
                    if (nextx == x)
                        step  = Math.Abs(x * DoubleLimits.MachineEpsilon);
                        nextx = bounds.Clip(x + step);

                    x  = nextx;
                    fx = f(x);

                    a = b; fa = fb;
                    b = x; fb = fx;
                    // step < 0

                    if (x == min)
                        // We've gone as far as we can in this direction
                        // Maybe the root is in the other direction?
                        if (!force)
                            step  = -step;
                            force = true;

                        // We've hit both limits,
                        // return the last (unsuccessful) bracket
                        nIterations = iterations;
                        return(new RootBracketResult(a, fa, b, fb));

                    // is our step size big enough
                    double nextx = bounds.Clip(x + step);
                    if (nextx == x)
                        step  = -Math.Abs(x * DoubleLimits.MachineEpsilon);
                        nextx = bounds.Clip(x + step);

                    x  = nextx;
                    fx = f(x);

                    b = a; fb = fa;
                    a = x; fa = fx;

                // check to see if the root is bracketed
                if (IsBracket(fa, fb))
                    nIterations = iterations;
                    return(new RootBracketResult(a, fa, b, fb));

                // at this point a and b have the same sign
                // otherwise the root would have been bracketed

                // if it is a rising function (i.e. fa < fb )
                //      if both are in negative territory then root > b (move b right)
                //      if both are in positive territory then root < a (move a left)
                // else
                //      if both are in negative territory then root < a (move a left)
                //      if both are in positive territory then root > b (move b right)

                // if fa == fb, continue with the same direction
                if (!force)
                    double astep = Math.Abs(step);
                    if (fa < fb)
                        if (fa < 0)
                            step = +astep;
                            step = -astep;
                    else if (fa > fb)
                        if (fa < 0)
                            step = -astep;
                            step = +astep;

                // set our new step size
                step *= stepMultiplier;

            // no bracket found -- return the (unsuccessful) bracket
            nIterations = iterations;
            return(new RootBracketResult(a, fa, b, fb));