Пример #1
        public static unsafe SocketError GetLingerOption(SafeCloseSocket handle, out LingerOption optionValue)
            var linger = new Interop.libc.linger();
            var optLen = (uint)sizeof(Interop.libc.linger);
            int err = Interop.libc.getsockopt(handle.FileDescriptor, Interop.libc.SOL_SOCKET, Interop.libc.SO_LINGER, &linger, &optLen);
            if (err == -1)
                optionValue = default(LingerOption);
                return GetLastSocketError();

            optionValue = new LingerOption(linger.l_onoff != 0, linger.l_linger);
            return SocketError.Success;
Пример #2
            private unsafe SocketError InnerReleaseHandle()
                int errorCode;

                if (_asyncContext != null)

                // If _blockable was set in BlockingRelease, it's safe to block here, which means
                // we can honor the linger options set on the socket.  It also means closesocket() might return WSAEWOULDBLOCK, in which
                // case we need to do some recovery.
                if (_blockable)
                    GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") Following 'blockable' branch.");

                    errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);
                    if (errorCode == -1)
                        errorCode = (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                    GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close()#1:" + errorCode.ToString());

                    _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                    _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);

                    // If it's not EWOULDBLOCK, there's no more recourse - we either succeeded or failed.
                    if (errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
                        if (errorCode == 0 && _asyncContext != null)
                        return SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);

                    // The socket must be non-blocking with a linger timeout set.
                    // We have to set the socket to blocking.
                    errorCode = Interop.Sys.Fcntl.SetIsNonBlocking((int)handle, 0);
                    if (errorCode == 0)
                        // The socket successfully made blocking; retry the close().
                        errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);

                        GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close()#2:" + errorCode.ToString());
                        _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                        _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                        if (errorCode == 0 && _asyncContext != null)
                        return SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);

                    // The socket could not be made blocking; fall through to the regular abortive close.

                // By default or if CloseAsIs() path failed, set linger timeout to zero to get an abortive close (RST).
                var linger = new Interop.libc.linger {
                    l_onoff = 1,
                    l_linger = 0

                errorCode = Interop.libc.setsockopt((int)handle, Interop.libc.SOL_SOCKET, Interop.libc.SO_LINGER, &linger, (uint)sizeof(Interop.libc.linger));
                _closeSocketLinger = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                if (errorCode == -1)
                    errorCode = (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") setsockopt():" + errorCode.ToString());

                if (errorCode != 0 && errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.EINVAL && errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.ENOPROTOOPT)
                    // Too dangerous to try closesocket() - it might block!
                    return SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);

                errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);
                _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close#3():" + (errorCode == -1 ? (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError() : errorCode).ToString());

                return SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
Пример #3
        public static unsafe SocketError SetLingerOption(SafeCloseSocket handle, LingerOption optionValue)
            var linger = new Interop.libc.linger {
                l_onoff = optionValue.Enabled ? 1 : 0,
                l_linger = optionValue.LingerTime

            int err = Interop.libc.setsockopt(handle.FileDescriptor, Interop.libc.SOL_SOCKET, Interop.libc.SO_LINGER, &linger, (uint)sizeof(Interop.libc.linger));
            return err == -1 ? GetLastSocketError() : SocketError.Success;
Пример #4
            private unsafe SocketError InnerReleaseHandle()
                int errorCode;

                if (_asyncContext != null)

                // If _blockable was set in BlockingRelease, it's safe to block here, which means
                // we can honor the linger options set on the socket.  It also means closesocket() might return WSAEWOULDBLOCK, in which
                // case we need to do some recovery.
                if (_blockable)
                    GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") Following 'blockable' branch.");

                    errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);
                    if (errorCode == -1)
                        errorCode = (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                    GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close()#1:" + errorCode.ToString());

                    _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                    _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);

                    // If it's not EWOULDBLOCK, there's no more recourse - we either succeeded or failed.
                    if (errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
                        if (errorCode == 0 && _asyncContext != null)

                    // The socket must be non-blocking with a linger timeout set.
                    // We have to set the socket to blocking.
                    errorCode = Interop.Sys.Fcntl.SetIsNonBlocking((int)handle, 0);
                    if (errorCode == 0)
                        // The socket successfully made blocking; retry the close().
                        errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);

                        GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close()#2:" + errorCode.ToString());
                        _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                        _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                        if (errorCode == 0 && _asyncContext != null)

                    // The socket could not be made blocking; fall through to the regular abortive close.

                // By default or if CloseAsIs() path failed, set linger timeout to zero to get an abortive close (RST).
                var linger = new Interop.libc.linger {
                    l_onoff  = 1,
                    l_linger = 0

                errorCode = Interop.libc.setsockopt((int)handle, Interop.libc.SOL_SOCKET, Interop.libc.SO_LINGER, &linger, (uint)sizeof(Interop.libc.linger));
                _closeSocketLinger = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                if (errorCode == -1)
                    errorCode = (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") setsockopt():" + errorCode.ToString());

                if (errorCode != 0 && errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.EINVAL && errorCode != (int)Interop.Error.ENOPROTOOPT)
                    // Too dangerous to try closesocket() - it might block!

                errorCode = Interop.Sys.Close((int)handle);
                _closeSocketHandle = handle;
                _closeSocketResult = SocketPal.GetSocketErrorForErrorCode((Interop.Error)errorCode);
                GlobalLog.Print("SafeCloseSocket::ReleaseHandle(handle:" + handle.ToString("x") + ") close#3():" + (errorCode == -1 ? (int)Interop.Sys.GetLastError() : errorCode).ToString());
