/// <summary> /// Returns an upper bound on the number of bytes needed to marshal the specified interface pointer to the specified object. /// </summary> /// <returns>HResult</returns> internal static unsafe int CoGetMarshalSizeMax(out ulong pulSize, ref Guid iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags) { fixed(ulong *unsafe_pulSize = &pulSize) { fixed(Guid *unsafe_iid = &iid) { return(CoGetMarshalSizeMax(unsafe_pulSize, unsafe_iid, pUnk, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Marshal IUnknown * into IStream* /// </summary> /// <returns>HResult</returns> internal static unsafe int CoMarshalInterface(IntPtr pStream, ref Guid iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags) { fixed(Guid *unsafe_iid = &iid) { return(CoMarshalInterface(pStream, unsafe_iid, pUnk, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags)); } }
private extern static unsafe int CoMarshalInterface(IntPtr pStream, Guid *iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags);
private static extern unsafe int CoGetMarshalSizeMax(ulong *pulSize, Guid *iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags);
internal static unsafe int CoGetMarshalSizeMax(out ulong pulSize, ref Guid iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
internal static unsafe int CoMarshalInterface(IntPtr pStream, ref Guid iid, IntPtr pUnk, Interop.COM.MSHCTX dwDestContext, IntPtr pvDestContext, Interop.COM.MSHLFLAGS mshlflags) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }