Пример #1
        /*else if (mAudioFileTrack == AUDIO_OGG)
         * {
         *  unsigned char *vc = new unsigned char[TagSize+10];
         *  // Vendor size, Vendor
         *  sprintf(vc, "%c%c%c%c%s%c%c%c%c", mVendor.Length() & 0xFF, (mVendor.Length() >> 8) & 0xFF, (mVendor.Length() >> 16) & 0xFF, (mVendor.Length() >> 24) & 0xFF, mVendor.c_str(), \
         *                                    elements & 0xFF, (elements >> 8) & 0xFF, (elements >> 16) & 0xFF, (elements >> 24) & 0xFF);
         *  unsigned long offset = 4 + mVendor.Length() + 4;
         *  if (Field != NULL)
         *  {
         *      Rewind();
         *      do
         *      {
         *          String Vector = Field->ItemKey + "=" + Field->ItemValue;
         *          // Vector size, Vector
         *          vc[offset++] =  Vector.Length() & 0xFF;
         *          vc[offset++] = (Vector.Length() >> 8) & 0xFF;
         *          vc[offset++] = (Vector.Length() >> 16) & 0xFF;
         *          vc[offset++] = (Vector.Length() >> 24) & 0xFF;
         *          for (i=0; i<Vector.Length(); i++)
         *          {
         *              vc[offset++] = Vector.c_str()[i];
         *          }
         *      } while (this->NextField());
         *  }
         *  if (NewPaddingSize > 3)
         *  {
         *      NewPaddingSize -= 1;
         *      fseek(fp, mvcoffset, SEEK_SET);
         *      fwrite(vc, offset, 1, fp);
         *      fputc(0x01, fp);
         *      for (i=0; i<NewPaddingSize; i++) fputc(0x00, fp);
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      fclose(fp);
         *      sprintf(buf, "%s__tmpaudio%lu", DirTrunc(Filename), releasetotalcount+16);
         *      if (rename(Filename.c_str(), buf) != 0)
         *      {
         *          String msg = "";
         *          fp = fopen(buf, "rb");
         *          if (fp != NULL)
         *          {
         *              fclose(fp);
         *              msg = String((char *)buf) + " exists; ";
         *              throw Exception(String(msg + "rename(\"" + FilenameTrunc(Filename) + "\", \"" + String(FilenameTrunc((char *)buf)) + "\"); failed").c_str());
         *          }
         *          else
         *          {
         *              msg = String((char *)buf) + " does not exist; ";
         *              fp = fopen(buf, "wb");
         *              if (fp == NULL)
         *              {
         *                  msg = "cant open " + String((char *)buf) + "; ";
         *                  throw Exception(String(msg + "rename(\"" + FilenameTrunc(Filename) + "\", \"" + String(FilenameTrunc((char *)buf)) + "\"); failed").c_str());
         *              }
         *              FILE *ren = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
         *              if (ren == NULL)
         *              {
         *                  msg = Filename + " does not exist; ";
         *                  throw Exception(String(msg + "rename(\"" + FilenameTrunc(Filename) + "\", \"" + String(FilenameTrunc((char *)buf)) + "\"); failed").c_str());
         *              }
         *              iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, ren);
         *              while (iRead)
         *              {
         *                  fwrite(buf, iRead, 1, fp);
         *                  iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, ren);
         *              }
         *              fclose(fp);
         *              fclose(ren);
         *          }
         *          sprintf(buf, "%s__tmpaudio%lu", DirTrunc(Filename), releasetotalcount+16);
         *      }
         *      fp = fopen(buf, "rb");
         *      out = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "wb+");
         *      unsigned long curpos = 0;
         *      step = "initial read";
         *      iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, fp);
         *      while (iRead)
         *      {
         *          curpos += iRead;
         *          if (curpos > lSPageStart)
         *          {
         *              iRead -= (curpos - lSPageStart);
         *              fwrite(buf, iRead, 1, out);
         *              break;
         *          }
         *          else
         *          {
         *              fwrite(buf, iRead, 1, out);
         *              iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, fp);
         *          }
         *      }
         *      step = "read second page header";
         *      fseek(fp, lSPageStart, SEEK_SET);
         *      fread(buf, 1, 27, fp);
         *      buf[22] = 0; // clear CRC
         *      buf[23] = 0;
         *      buf[24] = 0;
         *      buf[25] = 0;
         *      step = "set up new lace vals";
         *      int origlace = ((mOrigVorbisCommentSize + mOrigPaddingSize + 7) / 255) + 1;
         *      int newlace = ((offset + 1000 + 8) / 255) + 1;
         *      int oldlace = buf[26];
         *      buf[26] += (newlace - origlace);
         *      step = "output header";
         *      fwrite(buf, 27, 1, out);
         *      step = "output new lacing vals";
         *      int toffset = offset + 1000 + 8; // 0x03 + 'vorbis' + 0x01
         *      while (toffset >= 0)
         *      {
         *          fputc((toffset >= 255 ? 255 : toffset) & 0xFF, out);
         *          toffset -= 255;
         *      }
         *      step = "skip old lacing vals";
         *      fread(buf, 1, origlace, fp);
         *      step = "output last lacing vals";
         *      for (i=origlace; i<oldlace; i++)
         *      {
         *          fputc(fgetc(fp), out);
         *      }
         *      sprintf(buf, "%cvorbis", 0x03);
         *      fwrite(buf, 7, 1, out);
         *      step = "write vorbis comment";
         *      fwrite(vc, offset, 1, out);
         *      int a = FileSize/cuiReadBufSize / 21;
         *      int b = a, x, y;
         *      if (Progress != NULL)
         *      {
         *          Progress->SetVisible();
         *      }
         *      // write stop bit
         *      fputc(1, out);
         *      for (i=0; i<1000; i++) fputc(0x00, out);
         *      // seek past vorbis comment
         *      fseek(fp, mvcoffset + mOrigVorbisCommentSize + mOrigPaddingSize, SEEK_SET);
         *      // copy rest of file
         *      iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, fp);
         *      while (iRead)
         *      {
         *          fwrite(buf, iRead, 1, out);
         *          iRead = fread(buf, 1, cuiReadBufSize, fp);
         *      }
         *      fclose(fp);
         *      fclose(out);
         *      sprintf(buf, "%s__tmpaudio%lu", DirTrunc(Filename), releasetotalcount+16);
         *      unlink(buf);
         *      fp = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb+");
         *  }
         *  delete[] vc;
         *  // crc: clear current crc
         *  fseek(fp, lSPageStart+22, SEEK_SET);
         *  fputc(0x00, fp);
         *  fputc(0x00, fp);
         *  fputc(0x00, fp);
         *  fputc(0x00, fp);
         *  // crc: reseek
         *  fseek(fp, lSPageStart+26, SEEK_SET);
         *  int lacings = fgetc(fp);
         *  unsigned char LacingSize[255];
         *  step = "crc: get lacings (" + String(lacings) + ")";
         *  for (i=0; i<lacings; i++)
         *  {
         *      LacingSize[i] = fgetc(fp);
         *  }
         *  // Go to start of 2nd page
         *  unsigned long iCRC = 0x00;
         *  unsigned long iRead;
         *  unsigned long count;
         *  unsigned char uiOffset;
         *  // crc: go to 2nd page start
         *  fseek(fp, lSPageStart, SEEK_SET);
         *  // crc: fread begin
         *  iRead = count = fread(buf, 1, 27+lacings, fp);
         *  do
         *  {
         *      uiOffset = ((iCRC >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ buf[iRead - count];
         *      iCRC = (iCRC << 8) ^ VCCRCTAB[uiOffset];
         *  } while (--count);
         *  for (i=0; i<lacings; i++)
         *  {
         *      if (LacingSize[i])
         *      {
         *          step = "crc: fread(" + String(LacingSize[i]) + ")";
         *          iRead = count = fread(buf, 1, LacingSize[i], fp);
         *          do
         *          {
         *              uiOffset = ((iCRC >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ buf[iRead - count];
         *              iCRC = (iCRC << 8) ^ VCCRCTAB[uiOffset];
         *          } while (--count);
         *      }
         *  }
         *  // crc: parse crc
         *  unsigned char a = (iCRC >> 24) & 0xFF;
         *  unsigned char b = (iCRC >> 16) & 0xFF;
         *  unsigned char c = (iCRC >> 8) & 0xFF;
         *  unsigned char d = iCRC & 0xFF;
         *  // crc: seek to write pos
         *  fseek(fp, lSPageStart+22, SEEK_SET);
         *  fputc(d, fp);
         *  fputc(c, fp);
         *  fputc(b, fp);
         *  fputc(a, fp);
         *  // crc: close file
         *  fclose(fp);
         * }
         * }*/

        private InternalInfo ReadTagInternal(Stream stream)
            InternalInfo info = new InternalInfo();

            info.OrigPaddingSize       = 0;
            info.OrigVorbisCommentSize = 0;

            // Skip ID3v2 tag
            int id3v2TagSize = ID3v2.ID3v2Tag.GetTagSize(stream);

            stream.Seek(id3v2TagSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (IsFlac(stream))
                ReadTag_FLAC(stream, info);

            /*else if (mAudioFileTrack == AUDIO_OGG)
             * {
             *  return ReadTag_OGG(fp);
             * }*/
                throw new InvalidDataException("FLAC marker not found");
                //throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("File '{0}' is not a valid FLAC or Ogg-Vorbis file", path));

            info.Vendor = _vendor;

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Function to edit  inter info section.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public QuotePage UpdateInternalInfo()
     driver.WaitForElementToBecomeVisibleWithinTimeout(InternalInfo, 10000);
     _logger.Info($": Start Internal Information section update.");
Пример #3
        private void ReadTag_FLAC(Stream stream, InternalInfo info)
            info.FileType = FileType.Flac;

            // Skip "fLaC" marker
            stream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);

            bool isLastMetaDataBlock;

            List <FlacMetaDataBlock> metaDataBlockList = new List <FlacMetaDataBlock>();

                int c = stream.ReadByte();
                isLastMetaDataBlock = (((c >> 7) & 0x01) == 1);

                int blocksize = stream.ReadInt24();

                FlacMetaDataBlockType blockType = (FlacMetaDataBlockType)(c & 0x07);

                if (blockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.VorbisComment) // Vorbis comment
                    info.OrigVorbisCommentSize = blocksize;
                    long mvcoffset = stream.Position - 4;
                    stream.Seek(mvcoffset + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock = new FlacMetaDataBlock(blockType);
                metaDataBlock.SetBlockData(stream, blocksize);
            } while (isLastMetaDataBlock == false);

            info.MetaDataBlockList = metaDataBlockList;
            _metaDataBlockList     = metaDataBlockList;
Пример #4
        private void WriteTagFlac(string path, InternalInfo targetFile)
            // This will store the metadata blocks we're actually going to write
            List <FlacMetaDataBlock> myMetaDataBlocks = new List <FlacMetaDataBlock>();

            // Get byte array of new vorbis comment block
            byte[] newTagArray;
            using (MemoryStream newTag = new MemoryStream())
                // Write vendor
                byte[] vendorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_vendor);

                // Remove dead items and replace commonly misnamed items
                foreach (NameValueItem item in new List <NameValueItem>(_items))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value))
                    else if (string.Compare(item.Name, "YEAR", true) == 0)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_items.GetValue("DATE")))
                            _items.SetValue("DATE", item.Value);

                // Write item count

                // Write items
                foreach (NameValueItem item in _items)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value))

                    byte[] keyBytes   = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(item.Name);
                    byte[] valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(item.Value);

                    newTag.WriteInt32LittleEndian(keyBytes.Length + 1 + valueBytes.Length);

                newTagArray = newTag.ToArray();

            // 1. Get old size of metadata blocks.
            // 2. Find StreamInfo, SeekTable, and Padding blocks.
            //    These blocks should occur only once.  If not, an exception is thrown.  The padding
            //    block we don't really care about so no exception is thrown if it's duplicated.
            FlacMetaDataBlock paddingBlock    = null;
            FlacMetaDataBlock streamInfoBlock = null;
            FlacMetaDataBlock seekTableBlock  = null;
            long origMetaDataSize             = 0;

            foreach (FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock in targetFile.MetaDataBlockList)
                origMetaDataSize += 4; // Identifier + Size
                origMetaDataSize += metaDataBlock.Size;

                if (metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.Padding)
                    paddingBlock = metaDataBlock;
                else if (metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.StreamInfo)
                    if (streamInfoBlock != null)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Multiple stream info blocks");
                    streamInfoBlock = metaDataBlock;
                else if (metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.SeekTable)
                    if (seekTableBlock != null)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Multiple seek tables");
                    seekTableBlock = metaDataBlock;

            // No Padding block found, create one
            if (paddingBlock == null)
                paddingBlock = new FlacMetaDataBlock(FlacMetaDataBlockType.Padding);
            // Padding block found, adjust size
                // TODO: This is not entirely accurate, since we may be reading from one file
                // and writing to another.  The other blocks need to be accounted for, however for
                // same file read/write this works.  Not high priority.
                int adjustPadding = targetFile.OrigVorbisCommentSize - newTagArray.Length;
                int newSize       = paddingBlock.Size + adjustPadding;
                if (newSize < 10)

            // Set Vorbis-Comment block data
            FlacMetaDataBlock vorbisCommentBlock = new FlacMetaDataBlock(FlacMetaDataBlockType.VorbisComment);


            // Create list of blocks to write
            myMetaDataBlocks.Add(streamInfoBlock); // StreamInfo MUST be first
            if (seekTableBlock != null)

            // Add other blocks we read from the original file.
            foreach (FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock in _metaDataBlockList)
                if (metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.Application ||
                    metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.CueSheet ||
                    metaDataBlock.BlockType == FlacMetaDataBlockType.Picture)

            // Add our new vorbis comment and padding blocks

            // Get new size of metadata blocks
            long newMetaDataSize = 0;

            foreach (FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock in myMetaDataBlocks)
                newMetaDataSize += 4; // Identifier + Size
                newMetaDataSize += metaDataBlock.Size;

            // If the new metadata size is less than the original, increase the padding
            if (newMetaDataSize != origMetaDataSize)
                int newPaddingSize = paddingBlock.Size + (int)(origMetaDataSize - newMetaDataSize);
                if (newPaddingSize > 0)

                    // Get new size of metadata blocks
                    newMetaDataSize = 0;
                    foreach (FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock in myMetaDataBlocks)
                        newMetaDataSize += 4; // Identifier + Size
                        newMetaDataSize += metaDataBlock.Size;

            string tempFilename = null;

            // no rewrite necessary
            if (newMetaDataSize == origMetaDataSize)
            // rewrite necessary - grab a snickers.
            else if (newMetaDataSize > origMetaDataSize)
                // rename

                tempFilename = PathUtils.GetTemporaryFileNameBasedOnFileName(path);
                File.Move(path, tempFilename);

                // open for read, open for write
                using (FileStream fsRead = File.Open(tempFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
                    using (FileStream fsWrite = File.Open(path, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                        // copy ID3v2 tag.. technically there shouldn't be one, but we don't want to destroy data
                        int tmpID3v2TagSize = ID3v2.ID3v2Tag.GetTagSize(fsRead);
                        if (tmpID3v2TagSize != 0)
                            byte[] id3v2 = fsRead.Read(tmpID3v2TagSize);

                        // create blankspace
                        byte[] blankSpace = new Byte[newMetaDataSize];

                        fsRead.Seek(4 + origMetaDataSize, SeekOrigin.Current);

                        byte[] buf       = new byte[32768];
                        int    bytesRead = fsRead.Read(buf, 0, 32768);
                        while (bytesRead != 0)
                            fsWrite.Write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
                            bytesRead = fsRead.Read(buf, 0, 32768);
            // newMetaDataSize < origMetaDataSize is an error
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Internal Error: newMetaDataSize ({0}) < origMetaDataSize ({1})", newMetaDataSize, origMetaDataSize));

            using (FileStream fs = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
                // skip fLaC marker and ID3v2 tag size
                int tmpID3v2TagSize = ID3v2.ID3v2Tag.GetTagSize(fs);
                fs.Position = tmpID3v2TagSize + 4;

                byte blockType;

                foreach (FlacMetaDataBlock metaDataBlock in myMetaDataBlocks)
                    // always write padding last
                    if (metaDataBlock == paddingBlock)

                    blockType = (byte)metaDataBlock.BlockType;

                // write padding, add stop bit to block type
                blockType = (byte)(paddingBlock.BlockType + 0x80);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempFilename))