public void camDispose(Intermec.Multimedia.Camera obj) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (this.InvokeRequired) { camDisposeCallback d = new camDisposeCallback(camDispose); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { obj }); } else { obj.Dispose(); } }
public static string dumpConditioningValues(Intermec.DataCollection.ImageConditioning imgCond) { string sReturn=""; sReturn += "##############################################" + "\n"; sReturn += "Brightness: " + imgCond.Brightness.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "ColorMode: " + imgCond.ColorMode.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "ColorModeBrightnessThreshold: " + imgCond.ColorModeBrightnessThreshold.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "ContrastEnhancement: " + imgCond.ContrastEnhancement.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "CurrentImageConditioningVersion: " + imgCond.CurrentImageConditioningVersion.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "ImageLightingCorrection: " + imgCond.ImageLightingCorrection.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "ImageRotation: " + imgCond.ImageRotation.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "NoiseReduction: " + imgCond.NoiseReduction.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "OutputCompression: " + imgCond.OutputCompression.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "OutputCompressionQuality: " + imgCond.OutputCompressionQuality.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "Subsampling: " + imgCond.Subsampling.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "TextEnhancement: " + imgCond.TextEnhancement.ToString() + "\n"; sReturn += "##############################################" + "\n"; return sReturn; }
void cam_SnapshotEvent(object sender, Intermec.Multimedia.Camera.SnapshotArgs snArgs) { addLog("cam_SnapshotEvent: " + snArgs.Status.ToString() + "\n" + snArgs.Filename); CameraEventArgs cea = new CameraEventArgs(CameraTaskCodes.ImageCaptureComplete); doHandleEvent(cea); }