Пример #1
 public async Task Paginator()
     await _interactive.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(Context, new PaginatedMessage
         Pages = new [] { "W", "u", "m", "p", "u", "s" }
Пример #2
        public async Task <CommandResult> HistoryAsync(SocketGuildUser u, bool onlyActive = false, [IsntActionType(ActionType.None)] ActionType type = default)
                var dbGuild = await _databaseService.GetOrCreateGuildAsync(Context.Guild);

                var history = type == default ? dbGuild.Cases.Where(x => x.TargetId == u.Id) : dbGuild.Cases.Where(x => x.TargetId == u.Id && x.ActionType == type);
                history = onlyActive ? history.Where(x => !x.Resolved) : history;


                if (!history.Any())
                    return(new QuiccbanFailResult(string.Format(_responseService.Get("history_no_cases"), u.ToString(), u.Mention, onlyActive ? "active " : "")));


                List <Embed> embeds          = new List <Embed>();
                var          historyGrouping = history.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).Select((@case, index) => new { Case = @case, Index = index }).GroupBy(x => x.Index / 5, x => x.Case);

                foreach (var group in historyGrouping)
                    embeds.Add(await _helperService.ConstructHistoryEmbedAsync(group, u));

                if (embeds.Count > 1)
                    var paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage {
                        Pages = embeds

                    var criterion = new Criteria <SocketReaction>();
                    criterion.AddCriterion(new EnsureReactionFromSourceUserCriterion());

                    await _interactiveService.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(Context, paginatedMessage, criterion);
                    await ReplyAsync(embed : embeds.FirstOrDefault());

                return(new QuiccbanSuccessResult());
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new QuiccbanSuccessResult());
Пример #3
        public async Task PaginatedMessageAsync(NixCommandContext context, List <string> pages, string title = null)
            PaginatedMessage pager = new()
                Title   = title,
                Pages   = pages,
                Color   = NormalColor,
                Options = new()
                    JumpDisplayOptions     = JumpDisplayOptions.Never,
                    DisplayInformationIcon = false

            await interactive.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(context, pager);
Пример #4
        public async Task ListSars(SocketCommandContext context)
            using (SoraContext soraContext = new SoraContext())
                var guildDb = Utility.GetOrCreateGuild(context.Guild.Id, soraContext);

                int roleCount = guildDb.SelfAssignableRoles.Count;
                if (roleCount == 0)
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(
                                                               Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2],
                                                               "Guild has no self-assignable roles!"));

                if (roleCount < 24)
                    var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                        Color        = Utility.PurpleEmbed,
                        Title        = $"Self-Assignable roles in {context.Guild.Name}",
                        ThumbnailUrl = context.Guild.IconUrl ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar,
                        Footer       = Utility.RequestedBy(context.User)

                    List <Role> roleList = new List <Role>(guildDb.SelfAssignableRoles);
                    foreach (var role in roleList)
                        //check if role still exists otherwise remove it
                        var roleInfo = context.Guild.GetRole(role.RoleId);
                        if (roleInfo == null)

                        eb.AddField(x =>
                            x.IsInline = true;
                            x.Name     = roleInfo.Name;
                            x.Value    =
                                $"Cost: {role.Cost}{(role.CanExpire ? $"\nDuration: {role.Duration.Humanize(2, maxUnit: TimeUnit.Day, minUnit: TimeUnit.Second, countEmptyUnits:true)}" : "")}";
                        //eb.Description += $"• {roleInfo.Name}\n";
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : eb);
                    List <Role>   roleList   = new List <Role>(guildDb.SelfAssignableRoles);
                    List <string> sars       = new List <string>();
                    int           pageAmount = (int)Math.Ceiling(roleCount / 7.0);
                    int           addToJ     = 0;
                    int           amountLeft = roleCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pageAmount; i++)
                        string addToList = "";
                        for (int j = 0; j < (amountLeft > 7 ? 7 : amountLeft); j++)
                            var role     = roleList[j + addToJ];
                            var roleInfo = context.Guild.GetRole(role.RoleId);
                            if (roleInfo == null)
                            addToList += $"**{roleInfo.Name}**\nCost: {role.Cost}{(role.CanExpire ? $" \t \tDuration: {role.Duration.Humanize(2, maxUnit: TimeUnit.Day, minUnit: TimeUnit.Second, countEmptyUnits:true)} days" : "")}";
                        amountLeft -= 7;
                        addToJ     += 7;
                    var pmsg = new PaginatedMessage()
                        Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                            IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar,
                            Name    = context.User.Username
                        Color   = Utility.PurpleEmbed,
                        Title   = $"Self-Assignable roles in {context.Guild.Name}",
                        Options = new PaginatedAppearanceOptions()
                            DisplayInformationIcon = false,
                            Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
                            InfoTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)
                        Content = "Only the invoker may switch pages, ⏹ to stop the pagination",
                        Pages   = sars

                    Criteria <SocketReaction> criteria = new Criteria <SocketReaction>();
                    criteria.AddCriterion(new EnsureReactionFromSourceUserCriterionMod());

                    await _interactive.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(context, pmsg, criteria);
                await soraContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Пример #5
        private async Task PaginateResult(SocketCommandContext context, string title, List <ShareCentral> orderedList)
            List <string> playlistsString = new List <string>();
            int           pageAmount      = (int)Math.Ceiling(orderedList.Count / 7.0);
            int           addToJ          = 0;
            int           amountLeft      = orderedList.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < pageAmount; i++)
                string addToList = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < (amountLeft > 7 ? 7 : amountLeft); j++)
                    var sharedPlaylist = orderedList[j + addToJ];
                    addToList += $"{(sharedPlaylist.IsPrivate ? "[P] " : "")}**[{sharedPlaylist.Titel}]({sharedPlaylist.ShareLink})**\nVotes: {sharedPlaylist.Upvotes} / {sharedPlaylist.Downvotes}  \tTags: {sharedPlaylist.Tags.Replace(";", " - ")}\n\n";
                amountLeft -= 7;
                addToJ     += 7;
            if (pageAmount > 1)
                var pmsg = new PaginatedMessage()
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                        IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar,
                        Name    = context.User.Username
                    Color   = Utility.PurpleEmbed,
                    Title   = title,
                    Options = new PaginatedAppearanceOptions()
                        DisplayInformationIcon = false,
                        Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
                        InfoTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)
                    Content = "Only the invoker may switch pages, ⏹ to stop the pagination",
                    Pages   = playlistsString

                Criteria <SocketReaction> criteria = new Criteria <SocketReaction>();
                criteria.AddCriterion(new EnsureReactionFromSourceUserCriterionMod());

                await _interactive.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(context, pmsg, criteria);
                var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                        IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar,
                        Name    = context.User.Username
                    Color       = Utility.PurpleEmbed,
                    Title       = title,
                    Description = playlistsString[0],
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                        Text = "Page 1/1"
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : eb);