protected override void StartLoop(NativeActivityContext context) { WindowsCacheExtension ext = context.GetExtension <WindowsCacheExtension>(); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::begin {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); UIElement[] elements = null; var selector = Selector.Get(context); selector = OpenRPA.Interfaces.Selector.Selector.ReplaceVariables(selector, context.DataContext); var sel = new WindowsSelector(selector); var timeout = Timeout.Get(context); var maxresults = MaxResults.Get(context); var minresults = MinResults.Get(context); if (maxresults < 1) { maxresults = 1; } var interactive = Interactive.Get(context); var from = From.Get(context); int failcounter = 0; do { if (ClearCache != null && ClearCache.Get(context)) { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::Clearing windows element cache {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); WindowsSelectorItem.ClearCache(); } if (PluginConfig.get_elements_in_different_thread) { elements = OpenRPA.AutomationHelper.RunSTAThread <UIElement[]>(() => { try { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::GetElementsWithuiSelector in non UI thread {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); return(WindowsSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(sel, from, maxresults, ext)); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } return(new UIElement[] { }); }, PluginConfig.search_timeout).Result; } else { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::GetElementsWithuiSelector using UI thread {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); elements = WindowsSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(sel, from, maxresults, ext); if (elements == null || elements.Length == 0) { elements = WindowsSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(sel, from, maxresults, ext); } } //elements = WindowsSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(sel, from, maxresults); if (elements == null) { elements = new UIElement[] { }; } if (elements.Length == 0) { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::Found no elements {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); failcounter++; } if (failcounter > 2) { WindowsSelectorItem.ClearCache(); } } while (elements != null && elements.Length == 0 && sw.Elapsed < timeout); if (PluginConfig.get_elements_in_different_thread && elements.Length > 0) { // Get them again, we need the COM objects to be loaded in the UI thread elements = WindowsSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(sel, from, maxresults, ext); } context.SetValue(Elements, elements); var lastelements = context.GetValue(_lastelements); if (lastelements == null) { lastelements = new UIElement[] { } } ; context.SetValue(_lastelements, elements); if ((elements.Length + lastelements.Length) < minresults) { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s) {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); throw new ElementNotFoundException("Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s)"); } IEnumerator <UIElement> _enum = elements.ToList().GetEnumerator(); bool more = _enum.MoveNext(); if (lastelements.Length == elements.Length && lastelements.Length > 0) { more = !System.Collections.StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals(lastelements, elements); } if (more) { if (interactive) { var testelement = _enum.Current; Wait.UntilResponsive(testelement.RawElement, PluginConfig.search_timeout); } context.SetValue(_elements, _enum); context.SetValue(_sw, sw); Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::end:: call ScheduleAction: {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); IncIndex(context); SetTotal(context, elements.Length); context.ScheduleAction <UIElement>(Body, _enum.Current, OnBodyComplete); } else { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement:end {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); } }