Пример #1
        //public bool ProcessInteractionLogChanges2()
        //    TableTopDataClassesDataContext db = Configurations.GetTableTopDB();
        //    DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Configurations.GetAbsoluteInteractionLogFilePath());
        //    FileInfo[] files = info.GetFiles();
        //    long max_times = 0; current_interactions.Clear();
        //    for (int counter = 0; counter < files.Count(); counter++)
        //    {
        //        long time = 0;
        //        try { time = Convert.ToInt64(files[counter].Name.Substring(2)); }
        //        catch (Exception) { continue; }
        //        if (time > Configurations.last_change_interaction_files)
        //        {
        //            try
        //            {
        //                Stream writer = File.OpenWrite(files[counter].FullName);
        //                writer.Close(); // these two lines are to check if it is being used by another process or not
        //                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(files[counter].FullName);
        //                string[] contents = reader.ReadToEnd().Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        //                reader.Close();
        //                int n = contents.Count();
        //                List<Interaction_Log> new_logs = new List<Interaction_Log>();
        //                for (int counter_c = 0; counter_c < n; counter_c++)
        //                {
        //                    string[] ilog = contents[counter_c].Split(new char[] { '\t' });
        //                    if (ilog.Count() < 6)
        //                    {
        //                        continue;
        //                    }
        //                    Interaction_Log log = new Interaction_Log();
        //                    log.date = Convert.ToDateTime(ilog[0]);
        //                    log.details = ilog[5];
        //                    log.touch_id = Convert.ToInt32(ilog[2]);
        //                    log.touch_x = Convert.ToDouble(ilog[3]);
        //                    log.touch_y = Convert.ToDouble(ilog[4]);
        //                    int log_type_id = (from t in db.Interaction_Types
        //                                       where t.type == ilog[1]
        //                                       select t.id).Single<int>();
        //                    log.type = log_type_id;
        //                    //new_logs.Add(log);
        //                    db.Interaction_Logs.InsertOnSubmit(log);
        //                    if (counter_c == Configurations.max_submit_changes)
        //                        db.SubmitChanges();
        //                }
        //                //db.Interaction_Logs.InsertAllOnSubmit(new_logs);
        //                db.SubmitChanges();
        //            }
        //            catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteErrorLog(e); continue; }
        //            if (max_times < time) max_times = time;
        //            current_interactions.Add(files[counter].Name);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (max_times != 0) Configurations.last_change_interaction_files = max_times;
        //    return true;

        public int ProcessInteractionLogChanges3()
            int result = 0;
            TableTopDataClassesDataContext db = Configurations.GetTableTopDB();
            DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Configurations.GetAbsoluteInteractionLogFilePath());

            FileInfo[] files     = info.GetFiles();
            DateTime   max_times = Configurations.last_change_interaction_files;

            for (int counter = 0; counter < files.Count(); counter++)
                DateTime time;
                try { time = DateTime.ParseExact(files[counter].Name, "yyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                catch (Exception) { continue; }
                if (time >= Configurations.last_change_interaction_files)
                    if (time > max_times)
                        max_times = time;
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(files[counter].FullName);
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        string          ilog           = reader.ReadLine();
                        byte[]          mem_data       = Convert.FromBase64String(ilog);
                        MemoryStream    str_mem        = new MemoryStream(mem_data);
                        BinaryFormatter bformatter     = new BinaryFormatter();
                        Interaction_Log_Serializable i = (Interaction_Log_Serializable)bformatter.Deserialize(str_mem);
                        if (i.id > Configurations.last_change_interaction_files_id)
                            Interaction_Log i2 = new Interaction_Log();
                            i2.date     = i.date; i2.details = i.details; i2.technical_info = i.technical_info;
                            i2.touch_id = i.touch_id; i2.touch_x = i.touch_x; i2.touch_y = i.touch_y; i2.type = i.type;
                            try { db.SubmitChanges(); }
                            catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteErrorLog(ex); continue; }
                            Configurations.last_change_interaction_files_id = i.id;
            Configurations.last_change_interaction_files = max_times;
Пример #2
        private int CombineAndSendInteractions(List <Interaction_Log> logs, TableTopDataClassesDataContext db)
            int r = 0;

            for (int counter = 0; counter < logs.Count; counter++)
                if (Configurations.sync_interactions_to_server)
                    SInteractionLog result = server_api.CreateInteractionRecord(logs[counter].type, logs[counter].details, logs[counter].touch_id,
                                                                                logs[counter].touch_x, logs[counter].touch_y, logs[counter].date.ToString());
                    if (result == null)
                        if (RESTService.Last_Exception != null)
                            RESTService.Last_Exception = null;
                        var existings = from i in db.Interaction_Logs
                                        where i.id == logs[counter].id
                                        select i;
                        Interaction_Log l = existings.First <Interaction_Log>();
                        l.technical_info = result.id.ToString();

                if (Configurations.sync_interactions_to_dropbox)
                    //serialize in file
                        Interaction_Log_Serializable log = new Interaction_Log_Serializable();
                        log.id             = logs[counter].id; log.touch_id = logs[counter].touch_id;
                        log.touch_x        = logs[counter].touch_x; log.touch_y = logs[counter].touch_y;
                        log.date           = logs[counter].date; log.details = logs[counter].details;
                        log.technical_info = logs[counter].technical_info; log.type = logs[counter].type;
                        MemoryStream    str_mem    = new MemoryStream();
                        BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                        bformatter.Serialize(str_mem, log);
                        string       ilog   = Convert.ToBase64String(str_mem.ToArray());
                        string       fname  = log.date.Date.ToString("yyMMdd");
                        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Configurations.GetAbsoluteInteractionLogFilePath() + fname, true);
                    catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteErrorLog(ex); continue; }

            // make a file
            //string fname = Configurations.GetAbsoluteInteractionLogFilePath() + "i_" + Configurations.GetUnixTimestampMillis(logs[0].date).ToString();
            //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fname);
            //for (int counter = 0; counter < logs.Count; counter++)
            //    Interaction_Log l = logs[counter];
            //    string ilog = l.date.ToString() + "\t" + l.Interaction_Type.type + "\t" + l.touch_id.ToString() + "\t" +
            //        l.touch_x.ToString() + "\t" + l.touch_y.ToString() + "\t" + l.details.Replace('\r', ' ').Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\t', ' ');
            //    writer.WriteLine(ilog);

            // send the file
            //long start_date = Configurations.GetUnixTimestampMillis(logs[0].date); long end_date = Configurations.GetUnixTimestampMillis(logs[logs.Count - 1].date);
            //string result = server_api.CreateInteractionFile(start_date, end_date, "i_" + Configurations.GetUnixTimestampMillis(logs[0].date), fname);

            // set the last_interaction_id to last one in the list
            // if (result == "OK")

            Configurations.last_interaction_id = logs[logs.Count - 1].id;