Пример #1
 public List <Issue> GetTopFiveIssues()
     return(GetCached("Top5Issues", () => {
         using (var context = new InteractDbContext())
             return GetIssues(context).Take(5).ToList();
Пример #2
 public Issue GetIssueById(int id)
     return(GetCached("Issue{0}".FormatString(id), () =>
         using (var context = new InteractDbContext())
             return GetIssues(context).Single(issue => issue.Id == id);
Пример #3
 private IQueryable <Issue> GetIssues(InteractDbContext context)
            .OrderBy(issue => issue.LogicalOrder));
Пример #4
        public void Seed(InteractDbContext context)
            var issueContent = new StringBuilder();

            issueContent.Append("<p>The Government announced in March 2016 that every primary and secondary state school become an academy. (George Osborne, <a href='http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160316/debtext/160316-0001.htm#16031632000621'>Budget Statement, 16 March 2016 <i class='fa fa-external'></i></a>)</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Academies are state schools, independent of local authority control. They are funded directly by central government rather than by local authorities. By 2015 almost 60% of state-funded secondary schools were academies, up from 6% at the start of 2010.</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<h5>Should state schools become independent of local authority control?</h5>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Government argues that freedom from local authority control brings opportunities for innovation, better leadership and higher attainment and that academies have had a positive impact on other schools in their local area.</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Others say that the freedoms afforded to academies, and their rapid expansion, have the potential to result in financial problems and lapses in standards. (House of Commons Library, <a href='http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/research/key-issues-parliament-2015/education/academies-and-free-schools/'>Key Issues for the 2015 Parliament <i class='fa fa-external'></i></a>)</p>");
            var actionItems = new List <ActionItem>
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.ContactYourMP, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>()
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Contact your MP"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 15mins"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Write to your MP about academy schools. Your MP represents you. They can raise your concerns in Parliament and question Government.</p>"
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Links, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Links"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "10 minutes"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "Basic Content for Links"
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Petitions, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Sign or start a petition"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 5mins"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Sign or Start a petition about academy schools. The Government must respond to petitions that get 10,000 signatures. A petition that receives 100,000 signatures may be debated in Parliament.</p>"
                new ActionItem
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Social, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Help raise awareness",
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 2mins",
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Share this page about Academy Schools with your social network, friends, family and colleagues to get more people involved in this issue.</p>",

            var timelines = new List <IssueTimeLine>
                new IssueTimeLine
                    TimelineType = TimeLineType.Past,
                    HTMLContent  = "<p>On 16 March the Chancellor, George Osborne, presented his Budget to Parliament and announced that by the end of 2020, every school in England should be an academy or free school – or be in the process of becoming one.</p>"
                new IssueTimeLine
                    TimelineType = TimeLineType.Present,
                    HTMLContent  = "<p>The House of Commons Education Committee is running an inquiry into the performance, accountability & governance of Multi-Academy Trusts. <a href='http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/education-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/multi-academy-trusts-15-16/'>Inquiry: Multi - Academy Trusts</a> <i class='fa fa-external'></i></p>"
                new IssueTimeLine
                    TimelineType = TimeLineType.Future,
                    HTMLContent  = "<p>On 27 April, the Education Select Committee is due to question Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education, on the Government's policy 'Educational Excellence Everywhere' which includes the proposal for every school to become a free school or academy.</p>"

            var furtherReadings = new List <IssueFurtherReading>
                new IssueFurtherReading
                    LinkName            = "Read a report by the Education Commitee",
                    LinkUrl             = "http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/education-committee/news/academies-and-free-schools-government-response-to-be-published/",
                    Description         = "about Academies and Free Schools (January 2015)",
                    DisplayExternalIcon = true
                new IssueFurtherReading
                    LinkName            = "BBC News article",
                    LinkUrl             = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-13274090",
                    Description         = "What does it mean to be an Academy School? (BBC News, March 2016)",
                    DisplayExternalIcon = true
                new IssueFurtherReading
                    LinkName            = "Nicky Morgan’s Press release",
                    LinkUrl             = "https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nicky-morgan-unveils-new-vision-for-the-education-system",
                    Description         = "Nicky Morgan unveils new vision for the education system (GOV.UK, March 2016)",
                    DisplayExternalIcon = true

            var filename      = new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
            var path          = Uri.UnescapeDataString(filename.Path);
            var directory     = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\Migrations\\school.jpg";
            var originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(directory);
            var dbImageType   = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(directory);

            byte[] dbImage;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                originalImage.Save(ms, originalImage.RawFormat);
                dbImage = ms.ToArray();

            var issues = new List <Issue>
                new Issue
                    Title           = "Academy Schools",
                    LogicalOrder    = 1,
                    Content         = issueContent.ToString(),
                    TimeLines       = timelines,
                    FurtherReadings = furtherReadings,
                    Image           = dbImage,
                    ImageType       = dbImageType

            var issueActions = new List <IssueAction>
                new IssueAction
                    Issue               = issues[0],
                    ActionItem          = actionItems[1],
                    IsPrimary           = true,
                    LogicalOrder        = 5,
                    IssueActionContents = new List <IssueActionContent>
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Contribute to the inquiry"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Link",
                            Content = "http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/education-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/multi-academy-trusts-15-16/"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "LinkName",
                            Content = "Submit Evidence"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Over 1hr"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Send your views on groups of academy schools (Multiple-Academy Trusts) to the House of Commons Education Committee. The Committee can use information you provide to help it question Ministers or make recommendations to Government.</p>"
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[2],
                    IsPrimary    = true,
                    LogicalOrder = 2
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[0],
                    IsPrimary    = false,
                    LogicalOrder = 3
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[3],
                    IsPrimary    = true,
                    LogicalOrder = 1
                new IssueAction
                    Issue               = issues[0],
                    ActionItem          = actionItems[1],
                    IsPrimary           = false,
                    LogicalOrder        = 4,
                    IssueActionContents = new List <IssueActionContent>
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Volunteer as a school governor"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Link",
                            Content = "https://www.gov.uk/become-school-college-governor"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "LinkName",
                            Content = "Apply Online"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Over 1hr"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Could you help set a school's direction and ensure that its budget is properly managed?</p><p><a href=\"https://www.gov.uk/government/get-involved/take-part/volunteer-as-a-school-governor\">Read more on GOV.UK</a></p>"

Пример #5
        public void Seed(InteractDbContext context)
            var issueContent = new StringBuilder();

            issueContent.Append("<p>The Government announced in March 2016 that every primary and secondary state school become an academy. (George Osborne, <a href='http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160316/debtext/160316-0001.htm#16031632000621'>Budget Statement, 16 March 2016 <i class='fa fa-external'></i></a>)</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Academies are state schools, independent of local authority control. They are funded directly by central government rather than by local authorities. By 2015 almost 60% of state-funded secondary schools were academies, up from 6% at the start of 2010.</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<h5>Should state schools become independent of local authority control?</h5>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Government argues that freedom from local authority control brings opportunities for innovation, better leadership and higher attainment and that academies have had a positive impact on other schools in their local area.</p>");
            issueContent.Append("<p>Others say that the freedoms afforded to academies, and their rapid expansion, have the potential to result in financial problems and lapses in standards. (House of Commons Library, <a href='http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/research/key-issues-parliament-2015/education/academies-and-free-schools/'>Key Issues for the 2015 Parliament <i class='fa fa-external'></i></a>)</p>");
            var actionItems = new List <ActionItem>
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.ContactYourMP, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>()
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Contact your MP"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 15mins"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Write to your MP about academy schools. Your MP represents you. They can raise your concerns in Parliament and question Government.</p>"
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Links, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Links"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "10 minutes"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "Basic Content for Links"
                new ActionItem {
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Petitions, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Sign or start a petition"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 5mins"
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Sign or Start a petition about academy schools. The Government must respond to petitions that get 10,000 signatures. A petition that receives 100,000 signatures may be debated in Parliament.</p>"
                new ActionItem
                    ViewName = ActionViewName.Social, ActionContents = new List <ActionContent>
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Help raise awareness",
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Approx 2mins",
                        new ActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Share this page about Academy Schools with your social network, friends, family and colleagues to get more people involved in this issue.</p>",

            var filename      = new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
            var path          = Uri.UnescapeDataString(filename.Path);
            var directory     = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\Migrations\\school.jpg";
            var originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(directory);
            var dbImageType   = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(directory);

            byte[] dbImage;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                originalImage.Save(ms, originalImage.RawFormat);
                dbImage = ms.ToArray();

            var issues = new List <Issue>
                new Issue
                    Title        = "Academy Schools",
                    LogicalOrder = 1,
                    Content      = issueContent.ToString(),
                    Image        = dbImage,
                    ImageType    = dbImageType

            var issueActions = new List <IssueAction>
                new IssueAction
                    Issue               = issues[0],
                    ActionItem          = actionItems[1],
                    IsPrimary           = true,
                    LogicalOrder        = 1,
                    IssueActionContents = new List <IssueActionContent>
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Contribute to the inquiry"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Link",
                            Content = "http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/education-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/multi-academy-trusts-15-16/"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "LinkName",
                            Content = "Submit Evidence"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Over 1hr"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Send your views on groups of academy schools (Multiple-Academy Trusts) to the House of Commons Education Committee. The Committee can use information you provide to help it question Ministers or make recommendations to Government.</p>"
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[2],
                    IsPrimary    = true,
                    LogicalOrder = 2
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[0],
                    IsPrimary    = false,
                    LogicalOrder = 3
                new IssueAction
                    Issue        = issues[0],
                    ActionItem   = actionItems[3],
                    IsPrimary    = true,
                    LogicalOrder = 5
                new IssueAction
                    Issue               = issues[0],
                    ActionItem          = actionItems[1],
                    IsPrimary           = false,
                    LogicalOrder        = 4,
                    IssueActionContents = new List <IssueActionContent>
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Title",
                            Content = "Volunteer as a school governor"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Link",
                            Content = "https://www.gov.uk/become-school-college-governor"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "LinkName",
                            Content = "Apply Online"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "Eta",
                            Content = "Over 1hr"
                        new IssueActionContent
                            Key     = "BasicContent",
                            Content = "<p>Could you help set a school's direction and ensure that its budget is properly managed?</p><p><a href=\"https://www.gov.uk/government/get-involved/take-part/volunteer-as-a-school-governor\">Read more on GOV.UK</a></p>"
