Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Keyword-triggered intent recognition using microphone. This is useful for when you don't have a push-to-talk feature
        /// and want to activate your device with voice only. A keyword model is used for local recognition and activation.
        /// NOTE: It is possible to still call recognize once during a keyword spotting session if you want to have both
        /// push-to-talk and keyword activation.
        /// Example interaction: "Computer turn on the lights".
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task IntentPatternMatchingWithMicrophoneAndKeywordSpottingAsync()
            // Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region. Note that in
            // contrast to the other samples this DOES NOT require a LUIS application.
            // The default recognition language is "en-us".
            var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(

            // Creates an instance of a keyword recognition model. Update this to
            // point to the location of your keyword recognition model.
            var keywordModel = KeywordRecognitionModel.FromFile(@"PathToKeywordModel\Keyword.table");

            // The phrase your keyword recognition model triggers on.
            var keyword = "YourKeyword";

            // Creates an intent recognizer using microphone as audio input.
            using (var recognizer = new IntentRecognizer(config))
                // Create a string containing the keyword with the optional pattern tags on it. This can be useful if you
                // are using push to talk and keyword activation.
                var keywordOptionalPattern = "[" + keyword + "]";

                // Creates a Pattern Matching model and adds specific intents from your model. The Id is used to identify
                // this model from others in the collection.
                var patternMatchingModel = new PatternMatchingModel("YourPatternMatchingModelId");

                // Creates the "floorName" entity and set it to type list.
                // Adds acceptable values. NOTE the default entity type is Any and so we do not need
                // to declare the "action" entity.
                                                      "ground floor", "lobby", "1st", "first", "one", "1", "2nd", "second", "two", "2"));

                // Creates the "parkingLevel" entity as a pre-built integer

                // Creates a string with a pattern that uses groups of optional words. Optional phrases in square brackets can
                // select one phrase from several choices by separating them inside the brackets with a pipe '|'. Here,
                // "[Go | Take me]" will match either "Go", "Take me", or "". Note the space after the keyword.
                var patternWithOptionalWords = keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "[Go | Take me] to [floor|level] {floorName}";

                // Creates a string with a pattern that uses an optional entity and group that could be used to tie commands
                // together. Optional patterns in square brackets can also include a reference to an entity. "[{parkingLevel}]"
                // includes a match against the named entity as an optional component in this pattern.
                var patternWithOptionalEntity = keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "Go to parking [{parkingLevel}]";

                // You can also have multiple entities of the same name in a single pattern by adding appending a unique identifier
                // to distinguish between the instances. For example:
                var patternWithTwoOfTheSameEntity = keywordOptionalPattern + " "
                                                    + "Go to floor {floorName:1} [and then go to floor {floorName:2}]";
                // NOTE: Both floorName:1 and floorName:2 are tied to the same list of entries. The identifier can be a string
                //       and is separated from the entity name by a ':'

                // Adds some intents to look for specific patterns.
                patternMatchingModel.Intents.Add(new PatternMatchingIntent(
                                                     "ChangeFloors", patternWithOptionalWords, patternWithOptionalEntity, patternWithTwoOfTheSameEntity));
                patternMatchingModel.Intents.Add(new PatternMatchingIntent("DoorControl",
                                                                           keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "{action} the doors",
                                                                           keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "{action} doors",
                                                                           keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "{action} the door",
                                                                           keywordOptionalPattern + " " + "{action} door"));

                // Add the model to a new language model collection
                var modelCollection = new LanguageUnderstandingModelCollection();

                // Apply the language model collection to the recognizer.

                var stopRecognition = new TaskCompletionSource <int>();

                // Subscribes to events.
                recognizer.Recognizing += (s, e) =>
                    if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizingKeyword)
                        Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZING KEYWORD: Text={e.Result.Text}");
                    else if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizingSpeech)
                        Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZING: Text={e.Result.Text}");

                recognizer.Recognized += (s, e) =>
                    // Checks result.
                    var result = e.Result;
                    if (result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedKeyword)
                        Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZED KEYWORD: Text={e.Result.Text}");
                    else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedIntent)
                        Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZED: Text={result.Text}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{"Intent Id=",13} {result.IntentId}.");

                        var entities = result.Entities;
                        switch (result.IntentId)
                        case "ChangeFloors":
                            if (entities.TryGetValue("floorName", out string floorName))
                                Console.WriteLine($"{"FloorName=",17} {floorName}");

                            if (entities.TryGetValue("floorName:1", out floorName))
                                Console.WriteLine($"{"FloorName:1=",17} {floorName}");

                            if (entities.TryGetValue("floorName:2", out floorName))
                                Console.WriteLine($"{"FloorName:2=",17} {floorName}");

                            if (entities.TryGetValue("parkingLevel", out string parkingLevel))
                                Console.WriteLine($"{"ParkingLevel=",17} {parkingLevel}");

                        case "DoorControl":
                            if (entities.TryGetValue("action", out string action))
                                Console.WriteLine($"{"Action=",17} {action}");

                            Console.WriteLine($"Unknown intent ID: {result.IntentId}");
                    else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech)
                        Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZED: Text={result.Text}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{"Intent not recognized.",17}");
                    else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.NoMatch)
                        Console.WriteLine($"NOMATCH: Speech could not be recognized.");

                recognizer.Canceled += (s, e) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Reason={e.Reason}");

                    if (e.Reason == CancellationReason.Error)
                        Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorCode={e.ErrorCode}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorDetails={e.ErrorDetails}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info?");

                recognizer.SessionStarted += (s, e) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"{"Session started event.",17}");

                recognizer.SessionStopped += (s, e) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"{"Session stopped event.",17}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"{"Stop recognition.",17}");

                // Starts recognizing.
                Console.WriteLine($"Say something starting with the keyword '{keyword}' followed by whatever you want...");

                // Starts continuous recognition using the keyword model. Use
                // StopKeywordRecognitionAsync() to stop recognition.
                await recognizer.StartKeywordRecognitionAsync(keywordModel).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Waits for a single successful keyword-triggered speech recognition (or error).
                await stopRecognition.Task;

                // Stops recognition.
                await recognizer.StopKeywordRecognitionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);