Пример #1
        public void FullScanWindow()
            using (var integerMap = new IntegerMap(windowBitmap))
                var gridIcons     = gridScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray();
                var gridLeft      = gridIcons.Min(t => t.Item1.X);
                var gridRight     = gridIcons.Max(t => t.Item1.X + t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size.Width - 1);
                var gridTop       = gridIcons.Min(t => t.Item1.Y);
                var gridBottom    = gridIcons.Max(t => t.Item1.Y + t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size.Height - 1);
                var gridRectangle = new Rectangle(gridLeft, gridTop, gridRight - gridLeft + 1, gridBottom - gridTop + 1);
                GridRectangle = gridRectangle.Add(WindowRectangle.Location);

                var gridCountX = GridRectangle.Width / Icons.Icon.RawGrid.IntegerMap.Size.Width;
                var gridCountY = GridRectangle.Height / Icons.Icon.RawGrid.IntegerMap.Size.Height;
                Grids = new Grid[gridCountX, gridCountY];

                var faceIcons     = faceScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray();
                var faceIcon      = faceIcons.Single();
                var faceRectangle = new Rectangle(faceIcon.Item1, faceIcon.Item2.IntegerMap.Size);
                FaceRectangle = faceRectangle.Add(WindowRectangle.Location);

                var scoreIcons          = bombCountScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray();
                var bombCountIcons      = scoreIcons.Where(t => t.Item1.X < integerMap.Size.Width / 2).OrderBy(t => t.Item1.X);
                var bombCountRectangles = bombCountIcons.Select(t => new Rectangle(t.Item1, t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size));
                BombCountRectangles = bombCountRectangles.Select(t => t.Add(WindowRectangle.Location)).ToArray();
Пример #2
        public void QuickScanFace()
            if (FaceRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var captureLog = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Capture Face");
            var bitmap     = GetCapture(FaceRectangle);


            var readLog = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Read Face");

            using (var integerMap = new IntegerMap(bitmap))
                var faceIcon = faceScanner.QuickRead(integerMap, Point.Empty);
                if (faceIcon == null)
                    throw new GameScanException("Scan face failed");

                Face = MapFace(faceIcon);
Пример #3
        public void QuickScanBombCount()
            if (BombCountRectangles == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var captureLog = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Capture Bomb Count");
            var bitmaps    = BombCountRectangles.Select(GetCapture).ToArray();


            var readLog         = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Read Face");
            var bombCountDigits = bitmaps.Select(bitmap =>
                using (var integerMap = new IntegerMap(bitmap))
                    var bombCountIcon = bombCountScanner.QuickRead(integerMap, Point.Empty);
                    if (bombCountIcon == null)
                        throw new GameScanException("Scan bomb count failed");


            BombCount = bombCountDigits.Aggregate((total, curr) => total * 10 + curr);
Пример #4
        public Icon QuickRead(IntegerMap targetMap, Point offset)
            var validIcons  = icons.Where(icon => targetMap.Size.Contains(offset, icon.IntegerMap.Size)).ToArray();
            var validPoints = scannerPoints.Where(point => targetMap.Size.Contains(point.Point.Add(offset)));

            foreach (var scannerPoint in validPoints)
                var point = scannerPoint.Point.Add(offset);
                var pixel = targetMap[point.X, point.Y];

                var scannerValue = scannerPoint.Values.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Pixel == pixel);
                if (scannerValue.EqualsDefault())

                validIcons = validIcons.Intersect(scannerValue.Icons).ToArray();

                if (validIcons.Length <= 0)
                if (validIcons.Length == 1)

            return(FullRead(targetMap, offset, validIcons));
Пример #5
        public ZRoutineTable(Story story, InstructionCache cache = null)
            this.story           = story;
            this.cache           = cache ?? new InstructionCache(8192);
            this.routines        = new IntegerMap <ZRoutine>(8192);
            this.sortedAddresses = new List <int>();

            Add(story.MainRoutineAddress, "Main");
Пример #6
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <Point, Icon> > FullScan(IntegerMap targetMap)
            var quickScan = QuickScan(targetMap);

            return(quickScan.Where(t =>
                var fullRead = FullRead(targetMap, t.Item1, new[] { t.Item2 });
                return fullRead == t.Item2;
Пример #7
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <Point, Icon> > QuickScan(IntegerMap targetMap)
            var points = EnumerableUtil.Rectangle(targetMap.Size);
            var reads  = points.Select(point =>
                var icon = QuickRead(targetMap, point);
                return(Tuple.Create(point, icon));

            return(reads.Where(t => t.Item2 != null));
Пример #8
        public Icon(string fileName)
            FileName = fileName;

            var assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var resourceName = GetType().Namespace + "." + fileName;

            using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                var bitmap = new Bitmap(stream);
                IntegerMap = new IntegerMap(bitmap);
Пример #9
        public InstructionLinkedList(ZRoutine routine)
            : base(routine.Instructions)
            this.addressToNodeMap = new IntegerMap <LinkedListNode <Instruction> >();

            var node = this.First;

            while (node != null)
                addressToNodeMap.Add(node.Value.Address, node);
                node = node.Next;
Пример #10
        public Icon FullRead(IntegerMap targetMap, Point offset, IEnumerable <Icon> candidateIcons)
            var validIcons = candidateIcons.Where(icon => targetMap.Size.Contains(offset, icon.IntegerMap.Size));

            return(validIcons.FirstOrDefault(icon =>
                var iconPoints = EnumerableUtil.Rectangle(icon.IntegerMap.Size);
                return iconPoints.All(iconPoint =>
                    var targetPoint = iconPoint.Add(offset);
                    return targetMap[targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y] == icon.IntegerMap[iconPoint.X, iconPoint.Y];
Пример #11
    // public static IntegerMap GenerateWorld(int w, int h)
    // {
    //     IntegerMap n_map = new IntegerMap(w, h);

    //     for (var x = 0; x < n_map.width; x++)
    //         for (var y = 0; y < n_map.width; y++)
    //         {
    //             if (x < n_map.width / 100f * waterWidth)
    //             {
    //                 n_map.SetValue(x, y, -1);
    //                 continue;
    //             }
    //             if (x < n_map.width / 100f * beachWidth)
    //             {
    //                 n_map.SetValue(x, y, 0);
    //                 continue;
    //             }
    //             if (x < n_map.width / 100f * noJungleWidth)
    //             {
    //                 n_map.SetValue(x, y, 1);
    //                 continue;
    //             }
    //             n_map.SetValue(x, y, 3);
    //         }

    //     return n_map;
    // }

    public static IntegerMap GenerateBananas(int w, int h)
        IntegerMap n_map = new IntegerMap(w, h);

        for (var x = 0; x < n_map.width; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < n_map.width; y++)
                n_map.SetValue((x, y), 1);

Пример #12
        public DisassemblyViewModel(
            StoryService storyService,
            DebuggerService debuggerService,
            BreakpointService breakpointService,
            // TODO: I haven't found a better way of enforcing this to be filled in time yet
            LabelService labelService,
            RoutineService routineService,
            NavigationService navigationService,
            EditRoutineNameDialogViewModel editRoutineNameDialogViewModel)
            : base("DisassemblyView")
            this.storyService = storyService;

            this.debuggerService = debuggerService;
            this.debuggerService.MachineCreated   += DebuggerService_MachineCreated;
            this.debuggerService.MachineDestroyed += DebuggerService_MachineDestroyed;
            this.debuggerService.StateChanged     += DebuggerService_StateChanged;
            this.debuggerService.Stepped          += DebuggerService_Stepped;

            this.breakpointService          = breakpointService;
            this.breakpointService.Added   += BreakpointService_Added;
            this.breakpointService.Removed += BreakpointService_Removed;

            this.routineService = routineService;
            this.routineService.RoutineNameChanged += RoutineService_RoutineNameChanged;

            this.navigationService = navigationService;
            this.navigationService.NavigationRequested += NavigationService_NavigationRequested;

            this.editRoutineNameDialogViewModel = editRoutineNameDialogViewModel;

            lines                      = new BulkObservableCollection <DisassemblyLineViewModel>();
            addressToLineMap           = new IntegerMap <DisassemblyLineViewModel>();
            routineAddressAndIndexList = new List <AddressAndIndex>();
            stackLines                 = new List <DisassemblyLineViewModel>();

            this.EditNameCommand = RegisterCommand <int>(
                text: "EditName",
                name: "Edit Name",
                executed: EditNameExecuted,
                canExecute: CanEditNameExecute);
Пример #13
        public CompiledZMachine(Story story, bool precompile = false, bool debugging = false, IZMachineProfiler profiler = null)
            : base(story)
            this.profiler   = profiler;
            this.precompile = precompile;
            this.debugging  = debugging;

            this.objectTableAddress               = this.Memory.ReadWord(0x0a);
            this.propertyDefaultsTableSize        = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 31 : 63);
            this.objectEntriesAddress             = (ushort)(this.objectTableAddress + (this.propertyDefaultsTableSize * 2));
            this.objectEntrySize                  = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 9 : 14);
            this.objectParentOffset               = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 4 : 6);
            this.objectSiblingOffset              = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 5 : 8);
            this.objectChildOffset                = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 6 : 10);
            this.objectPropertyTableAddressOffset = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 7 : 12);
            this.objectAttributeByteCount         = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 4 : 6);
            this.objectAttributeCount             = (byte)(this.Version < 4 ? 32 : 48);

            this.dictionaryAddress = this.Memory.ReadWord(0x08);

            this.packResolution = this.Version < 4 ? 2 : this.Version < 8 ? 4 : 8;
            this.routinesOffset = (this.Version >= 6 && this.Version <= 7) ? Memory.ReadWord(0x28) : 0;
            this.stringsOffset  = (this.Version >= 6 && this.Version <= 7) ? Memory.ReadWord(0x2a) : 0;

            this.routineTable            = new ZRoutineTable(story);
            this.addressToRoutineCallMap = new IntegerMap <ZRoutineCall>(8192);
            this.compilationResults      = new IntegerMap <ZCompilerResult>(8192);

            this.localArrayPool = new Stack <ushort[]>();

            if (this.precompile)
                foreach (var routine in routineTable)

                this.precompile = false;
Пример #14
        public void QuickScanGrids()
            if (GridRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (Grids == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var captureLog = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Capture Grid");
            var bitmap     = GetCapture(GridRectangle);


            var readLog = TimeLog.Stopwatch("Read Grid");

            using (var integerMap = new IntegerMap(bitmap))
                var gridCountX  = Grids.GetLength(0);
                var gridCountY  = Grids.GetLength(1);
                var gridIndexes = EnumerableUtil.Rectangle(gridCountX, gridCountY);
                foreach (var gridIndex in gridIndexes)
                    var gridLocation = gridIndex.Multiply(Icons.Icon.RawGrid.IntegerMap.Size);
                    var gridIcon     = gridScanner.QuickRead(integerMap, gridLocation);
                    if (gridIcon == null)
                        throw new GameScanException("Scan grid failed");

                    var gridValue = MapGrid(gridIcon);
                    Grids[gridIndex.X, gridIndex.Y] = gridValue;
Пример #15
        internal ZObjectTable(byte[] memory, ZText ztext)
            this.memory  = memory;
            this.ztext   = ztext;
            this.version = Header.ReadVersion(memory);
            this.address = Header.ReadObjectTableAddress(memory);

            this.maxObjects                = (ushort)(version <= 3 ? 255 : 65535);
            this.maxProperties             = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 31 : 63);
            this.propertyDefaultsTableSize = (byte)(maxProperties * 2);
            this.objectEntriesAddress      = (ushort)(address + propertyDefaultsTableSize);
            this.entrySize                  = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 9 : 14);
            this.attributeBytesSize         = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 4 : 6);
            this.attributeCount             = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 32 : 48);
            this.numberSize                 = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 1 : 2);
            this.parentOffset               = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 4 : 6);
            this.siblingOffset              = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 5 : 8);
            this.childOffset                = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 6 : 10);
            this.propertyTableAddressOffset = (byte)(version <= 3 ? 7 : 12);

            this.objects = ReadAllObjects();

            this.propertyTables = new IntegerMap <ZPropertyTable>(objects.Length);
Пример #16
 public InstructionCache(int capacity = 0)
     map = new IntegerMap <Instruction>(capacity);
Пример #17
 public static bool FindPath(IntegerMap localMap, int localWidth, int localHeight, (int, int) start, (int x, int y) goal, out Queue <Vector3> result)