/** * Check that compress and uncompress keep original array. * * @param codec CODEC to test. * @param orig original integers */ public static void assertSymmetry(IntegerCODEC codec, params int[] orig) { // There are some cases that compressed array is bigger than original // array. So output array for compress must be larger. // // Example: // - VariableByte compresses an array like [ -1 ]. // - Composition compresses a short array. const int EXTEND = 1; int[] compressed = new int[orig.Length + EXTEND]; IntWrapper c_inpos = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper c_outpos = new IntWrapper(0); codec.compress(orig, c_inpos, orig.Length, compressed, c_outpos); Assert2.assertTrue(c_outpos.get() <= orig.Length + EXTEND); // Uncompress an array. int[] uncompressed = new int[orig.Length]; IntWrapper u_inpos = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper u_outpos = new IntWrapper(0); codec.uncompress(compressed, u_inpos, c_outpos.get(), uncompressed, u_outpos); // Compare between uncompressed and orig arrays. int[] target = Arrays.copyOf(uncompressed, u_outpos.get()); Assert2.assertArrayEquals(orig, target); }
private static void compressAndUncompress(int length, IntegerCODEC c) { // Initialize array. int[] source = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; ++i) { source[i] = i; } // Compress an array. int[] compressed = new int[length]; IntWrapper c_inpos = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper c_outpos = new IntWrapper(0); c.compress(source, c_inpos, source.Length, compressed, c_outpos); Assert2.assertTrue(c_outpos.get() <= length); // Uncompress an array. int[] uncompressed = new int[length]; IntWrapper u_inpos = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper u_outpos = new IntWrapper(0); c.uncompress(compressed, u_inpos, c_outpos.get(), uncompressed, u_outpos); // Compare between uncompressed and original arrays. int[] target = Arrays.copyOf(uncompressed, u_outpos.get()); if (!Arrays.equals(source, target)) { Console.WriteLine("problem with length = " + length + " and " + c); Console.WriteLine(Arrays.toString(source)); Console.WriteLine(Arrays.toString(target)); } Assert2.assertArrayEquals(source, target); }
public static int[] uncompress(IntegerCODEC codec, int[] data, int len) { int[] outBuf = new int[len + 1024]; IntWrapper inPos = new IntWrapper(); IntWrapper outPos = new IntWrapper(); codec.uncompress(data, inPos, data.Length, outBuf, outPos); return(Arrays.copyOf(outBuf, outPos.get())); }
private static int decompress(PerformanceLogger logger, IntegerCODEC codec, int[] src, int srcLen, int[] dst) { IntWrapper inpos = new IntWrapper(); IntWrapper outpos = new IntWrapper(); logger.decompressionTimer.start(); codec.uncompress(src, inpos, srcLen, dst, outpos); logger.decompressionTimer.end(); return(outpos.get()); }
public void uncompress(int[] @in, IntWrapper inpos, int inlength, int[] @out, IntWrapper outpos) { if (inlength == 0) { return; } int init = inpos.get(); F1.uncompress(@in, inpos, inlength, @out, outpos); inlength -= inpos.get() - init; F2.uncompress(@in, inpos, inlength, @out, outpos); }
private static void testCodec(IntegerCODEC c, IntegerCODEC co, int[][] data, int max) { int N = data.Length; int maxlength = 0; for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { if (data[k].Length > maxlength) { maxlength = data[k].Length; } } int[] buffer = new int[maxlength + 1024]; int[] dataout = new int[4 * maxlength + 1024]; // 4x + 1024 to account for the possibility of some negative // compression. IntWrapper inpos = new IntWrapper(); IntWrapper outpos = new IntWrapper(); for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { int[] backupdata = Arrays.copyOf(data[k], data[k].Length); inpos.set(1); outpos.set(0); if (!(c is IntegratedIntegerCODEC)) { Delta.delta(backupdata); } c.compress(backupdata, inpos, backupdata.Length - inpos.get(), dataout, outpos); int thiscompsize = outpos.get() + 1; inpos.set(0); outpos.set(1); buffer[0] = backupdata[0]; co.uncompress(dataout, inpos, thiscompsize - 1, buffer, outpos); if (!(c is IntegratedIntegerCODEC)) { Delta.fastinverseDelta(buffer); } // Check assertions. Assert2.assertEquals(outpos.get(), data[k].Length); //"length is not match" int[] bufferCutout = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, outpos.get()); Assert2.assertArrayEquals(data[k], bufferCutout); //"failed to reconstruct original data" } }
private static void testZeroInZeroOut(IntegerCODEC c) { int[] x = new int[0]; int[] y = new int[0]; IntWrapper i0 = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper i1 = new IntWrapper(0); c.compress(x, i0, 0, y, i1); Assert2.assertEquals(0, i1.intValue()); int[] @out = new int[0]; IntWrapper outpos = new IntWrapper(0); c.uncompress(y, i1, 0, @out, outpos); Assert2.assertEquals(0, outpos.intValue()); }
private void testUnsorted3(IntegerCODEC codec) { int[] data = new int[128]; data[127] = -1; int[] compressed = new int[1024]; IntWrapper inputoffset = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper outputoffset = new IntWrapper(0); codec.compress(data, inputoffset, data.Length, compressed, outputoffset); // we can repack the data: (optional) compressed = Arrays.copyOf(compressed, outputoffset.intValue()); int[] recovered = new int[128]; IntWrapper recoffset = new IntWrapper(0); codec.uncompress(compressed, new IntWrapper(0), compressed.Length, recovered, recoffset); Assert2.assertArrayEquals(data, recovered); }
public void testUnsorted(IntegerCODEC codec) { int[] lengths = { 133, 1026, 1333333 }; foreach (int N in lengths) { int[] data = new int[N]; // initialize the data (most will be small) for (int k = 0; k < N; k += 1) { data[k] = 3; } // throw some larger values for (int k = 0; k < N; k += 5) { data[k] = 100; } for (int k = 0; k < N; k += 533) { data[k] = 10000; } data[5] = -311; // could need more compressing int[] compressed = new int[(int)Math.Ceiling(N * 1.01) + 1024]; IntWrapper inputoffset = new IntWrapper(0); IntWrapper outputoffset = new IntWrapper(0); codec.compress(data, inputoffset, data.Length, compressed, outputoffset); // we can repack the data: (optional) compressed = Arrays.copyOf(compressed, outputoffset.intValue()); int[] recovered = new int[N]; IntWrapper recoffset = new IntWrapper(0); codec.uncompress(compressed, new IntWrapper(0), compressed.Length, recovered, recoffset); Assert2.assertArrayEquals(data, recovered); } }
/** * Standard benchmark * * @param csvLog * Writer for CSV log. * @param c * the codec * @param data * arrays of input data * @param repeat * How many times to repeat the test * @param verbose * whether to output result on screen */ private static void testCodec(StreamWriter csvLog, int sparsity, IntegerCODEC c, int[][] data, int repeat, bool verbose) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("# " + c); Console.WriteLine("# bits per int, compress speed (mis), decompression speed (mis) "); } int N = data.Length; int totalSize = 0; int maxLength = 0; for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { totalSize += data[k].Length; if (data[k].Length > maxLength) { maxLength = data[k].Length; } } // 4x + 1024 to account for the possibility of some negative // compression. int[] compressBuffer = new int[4 * maxLength + 1024]; int[] decompressBuffer = new int[maxLength + 1024]; // These variables hold time in microseconds (10^-6). long compressTime = 0; long decompressTime = 0; int size = 0; IntWrapper inpos = new IntWrapper(); IntWrapper outpos = new IntWrapper(); for (int r = 0; r < repeat; ++r) { size = 0; for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { int[] backupdata = Arrays.copyOf(data[k], data[k].Length); // compress data. long beforeCompress = Port.System.nanoTime() / 1000; inpos.set(1); outpos.set(0); if (!(c is IntegratedIntegerCODEC)) { Delta.delta(backupdata); } c.compress(backupdata, inpos, backupdata.Length - inpos.get(), compressBuffer, outpos); long afterCompress = Port.System.nanoTime() / 1000; // measure time of compression. compressTime += afterCompress - beforeCompress; int thiscompsize = outpos.get() + 1; size += thiscompsize; // extract (uncompress) data long beforeDecompress = Port.System.nanoTime() / 1000; inpos.set(0); outpos.set(1); decompressBuffer[0] = backupdata[0]; c.uncompress(compressBuffer, inpos, thiscompsize - 1, decompressBuffer, outpos); if (!(c is IntegratedIntegerCODEC)) { Delta.fastinverseDelta(decompressBuffer); } long afterDecompress = Port.System.nanoTime() / 1000; // measure time of extraction (uncompression). decompressTime += afterDecompress - beforeDecompress; if (outpos.get() != data[k].Length) { throw new Exception( "we have a bug (diff length) " + c + " expected " + data[k].Length + " got " + outpos.get()); } // verify: compare original array with // compressed and // uncompressed. for (int m = 0; m < outpos.get(); ++m) { if (decompressBuffer[m] != data[k][m]) { throw new Exception( "we have a bug (actual difference), expected " + data[k][m] + " found " + decompressBuffer[m] + " at " + m); } } } } if (verbose) { double bitsPerInt = size * 32.0 / totalSize; long compressSpeed = totalSize * repeat / (compressTime); long decompressSpeed = totalSize * repeat / (decompressTime); Console.WriteLine("\t{0:0.00}\t{1}\t{2}", bitsPerInt, compressSpeed, decompressSpeed); csvLog.WriteLine("\"{0}\",{1},{2:0.00},{3},{4}", c, sparsity, bitsPerInt, compressSpeed, decompressSpeed); } }