static public int Find(IntPtr l) { try { IntList self = (IntList)checkSelf(l); System.Predicate <System.Int32> a1; LuaDelegation.checkDelegate(l, 2, out a1); var ret = self.Find(a1); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, ret); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public static void Main() { // Setup a list of int IntList list = new IntList(); IntList.IntListNode node; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { int nb = i * 10; list.Add(nb); } // Count property test if (list.Count != collectionSize) { throw new Exception("Count test failed"); } // IsReadOnly property test if (list.IsReadOnly) { throw new Exception("IsReadOnly test failed"); } // Contains method test if (!list.Contains(0)) { throw new Exception("Contains method test 1 failed"); } if (!list.Contains(2 * 10)) { throw new Exception("Contains method test 2 failed"); } if (!list.Contains(19 * 10)) { throw new Exception("Contains method test 3 failed"); } if (list.Contains(20 * 10)) { throw new Exception("Contains method test 4 failed"); } // Nodes comparison method overload { IntList.IntListNode temp = new IntList.IntListNode(3); if (list.First == temp) { throw new Exception("== overload method test (1) failed"); } temp = new IntList.IntListNode(0); if (list.First == temp) { throw new Exception("== overload method test (2) failed"); } IntList.IntListNode temp2 = new IntList.IntListNode(0); if (temp == temp2) { throw new Exception("== overload method test (3) failed"); } if (!(list.First == list.First)) { throw new Exception("== overload method test (4) failed"); } if (list.First != list.First) { throw new Exception("!= overload method test (1) failed"); } if (!(temp != temp2)) { throw new Exception("!= overload method test (2) failed"); } if (list.First.Equals(temp)) { throw new Exception("Equals method test failed"); } if (list.First.GetHashCode() == temp.GetHashCode()) { throw new Exception("GetHashCode method test (1) failed"); } if (list.First.GetHashCode() == list.First.GetHashCode()) { throw new Exception("GetHashCode method test (2) failed"); } } // Getter test { if (list.First == null) { throw new Exception("First getter test (1) failed"); } if (list.Last == null) { throw new Exception("Last getter test (1) failed"); } if (list.Last.Next != null) { throw new Exception("Next getter test (1) failed"); } if (list.First.Next == null) { throw new Exception("Next getter test (2) failed"); } if (list.First.Previous != null) { throw new Exception("Previous getter test (1) failed"); } if (list.Last.Previous == null) { throw new Exception("Previous getter test (2) failed"); } } // AddFirst method test node = list.AddFirst(34); if (list.First.Value != 34 || node.Value != 34 || node != list.First) { throw new Exception("AddFirst method test failed"); } try { list.AddFirst(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { list.AddFirst(list.First); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } // RemoveFirst method test int tmp = list.First.Value; list.RemoveFirst(); if (list.First.Value == tmp || list.First.Value != 0 * 10) { throw new Exception("RemoveFirst method test failed"); } // AddLast method test node = list.AddLast(8); if (list.Last.Value != 8 || node.Value != 8 || node != list.Last) { throw new Exception("AddLast method test failed"); } try { list.AddLast(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { list.AddLast(list.First); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } // RemoveLast method test int tmp2 = list.Last.Value; list.RemoveLast(); if (list.Last.Value == tmp2 || list.Last.Value != (list.Count - 1) * 10) { throw new Exception("RemoveLast method test failed"); } // AddBefore method test node = list.AddBefore(list.Last, 17); if (list.Last.Previous.Value != 17 || node.Value != 17 || node != list.Last.Previous) { throw new Exception("AddBefore method test (1) failed"); } try { node = null; list.AddBefore(list.Last, node); throw new Exception("AddBefore method test (2) failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { node = new IntList.IntListNode(1); list.AddBefore(null, node); throw new Exception("AddBefore method test (3) failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { list.AddBefore(list.Last, list.First); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } } // AddAfter method test node = list.AddAfter(list.First, 47); if (list.First.Next.Value != 47 || node.Value != 47 || node != list.First.Next) { throw new Exception("AddAfter method test (1) failed"); } try { node = null; list.AddAfter(list.First.Next, node); throw new Exception("AddAfter method test (2) failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { list.AddAfter(list.First, list.Last); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } // Find method test node = list.Find(0); if (node == null || node.Value != 0) { throw new Exception("Find method test (1) failed"); } node = list.Find(47); if (node == null || node.Value != 47) { throw new Exception("Find method test (2) failed"); } node = list.Find(190); if (node == null || node.Value != 190) { throw new Exception("Find method test (3) failed"); } node = list.Find(-3); if (node != null) { throw new Exception("Find method test (4) failed"); } // Remove method test if (!list.Remove(17) || list.Contains(17) || list.Last.Previous.Value == 17) { throw new Exception("Remove method test (1) failed"); } if (!list.Remove(47) || list.Contains(47) || list.First.Next.Value == 47) { throw new Exception("Remove method test (2) failed"); } if (!list.Remove(0) || list.Contains(0) || list.First.Value == 0) { throw new Exception("Remove method test (3) failed"); } if (!list.Remove(190) || list.Contains(190) || list.Last.Value == 190) { throw new Exception("Remove method test (4) failed"); } try { node = null; list.Remove(node); throw new Exception("Remove method test (5) failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { try { node = new IntList.IntListNode(4); list.Remove(node); throw new Exception("Remove method test (5) failed"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } // ICollection constructor test { int[] intArray = new int[] { 0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 33 }; IntList il = new IntList(intArray); if (intArray.Length != il.Count) { throw new Exception("ICollection constructor length check failed: " + intArray.Length + "-" + il.Count); } node = il.First; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++) { if (intArray[i] != node.Value) { throw new Exception("ICollection constructor failed, index:" + i); } node = node.Next; } try { new IntList((System.Collections.ICollection)null); throw new Exception("ICollection constructor null test failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } } // Enumerator test { node = list.First; System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = list.GetEnumerator(); while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if ((int)myEnumerator.Current != node.Value) { throw new Exception("Enumerator (1) test failed"); } node = node.Next; } } { node = list.First; System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator <int> myEnumerator = list.GetEnumerator(); while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if (myEnumerator.Current != node.Value) { throw new Exception("Enumerator (2) test failed"); } node = node.Next; } } { node = list.First; IntList.IntListEnumerator myEnumerator = list.GetEnumerator(); while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if (myEnumerator.Current != node.Value) { throw new Exception("Enumerator (3) test failed"); } node = node.Next; } } { node = list.First; foreach (var elem in list) { if (elem != node.Value) { throw new Exception("Enumerator (4) test failed"); } node = node.Next; } } // CopyTo method test { int[] outputarray = new int[collectionSize - 2]; list.CopyTo(outputarray, 0); int index = 0; IntList.IntListNode temp = list.First; foreach (int val in outputarray) { if (temp.Value != val) { throw new Exception("CopyTo method test (1) failed, index:" + index); } index++; temp = temp.Next; } } { DoubleList inputlist = new DoubleList(); int arrayLen = 10; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { double num = i * 10.1; inputlist.Add(num); } double[] outputarray = new double[arrayLen]; inputlist.CopyTo(outputarray, 0); DoubleList.DoubleListNode temp = inputlist.First; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i] != temp.Value) { throw new Exception("CopyTo method test (2) failed, index:" + i); } temp = temp.Next; } } { StructList inputlist = new StructList(); int arrayLen = 10; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { inputlist.Add(new Struct(i / 10.0)); } Struct[] outputarray = new Struct[arrayLen]; inputlist.CopyTo(outputarray, 0); StructList.StructListNode temp = inputlist.First; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != temp.Value.num) { throw new Exception("CopyTo method test (3) failed, index:" + i); } temp = temp.Next; } foreach (Struct s in inputlist) { s.num += 20.0; } temp = inputlist.First; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != temp.Value.num) { throw new Exception("CopyTo method test (4) failed, index:" + i); } temp = temp.Next; } } try { list.CopyTo(null, 0); throw new Exception("CopyTo method test (5) failed"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } // Clear() test list.Clear(); if (list.Count != 0) { throw new Exception("Clear method failed"); } // Finally test the methods being wrapped { IntList il = new IntList(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { il.Add(i); } double x = li_std_list.average(il); x += li_std_list.average(new IntList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 })); DoubleList dlist = new DoubleList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { dlist.Add(i / 2.0); } li_std_list.halve_in_place(dlist); } // Dispose() { using (StructList ls = new StructList(new Struct[] { new Struct(0.0), new Struct(11.1) })) using (DoubleList ld = new DoubleList(new double[] { 0.0, 11.1 })) { } } // More wrapped methods { RealList l0 = li_std_list.listreal(new RealList()); float flo = 123.456f; l0.Add(flo); flo = l0.First.Value; IntList l1 = li_std_list.listintptr(new IntList()); IntPtrList l2 = li_std_list.listintptr(new IntPtrList()); IntConstPtrList l3 = li_std_list.listintconstptr(new IntConstPtrList()); l1.Add(123); l2.Clear(); l3.Clear(); StructList l4 = li_std_list.liststruct(new StructList()); StructPtrList l5 = li_std_list.liststructptr(new StructPtrList()); StructConstPtrList l6 = li_std_list.liststructconstptr(new StructConstPtrList()); l4.Add(new Struct(123)); l5.Add(new Struct(123)); l6.Add(new Struct(123)); } // Test lists of pointers { StructPtrList inputlist = new StructPtrList(); int arrayLen = 10; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { inputlist.Add(new Struct(i / 10.0)); } Struct[] outputarray = new Struct[arrayLen]; inputlist.CopyTo(outputarray, 0); StructPtrList.StructPtrListNode temp = inputlist.First; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != temp.Value.num) { throw new Exception("StructPtrList test (1) failed, i:" + i); } temp = temp.Next; } foreach (Struct s in inputlist) { s.num += 20.0; } for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != 20.0 + i / 10.0) { throw new Exception("StructPtrList test (2) failed (a deep copy was incorrectly made), i:" + i); } } } // Test lists of const pointers { StructConstPtrList inputlist = new StructConstPtrList(); int arrayLen = 10; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { inputlist.Add(new Struct(i / 10.0)); } Struct[] outputarray = new Struct[arrayLen]; inputlist.CopyTo(outputarray, 0); StructConstPtrList.StructConstPtrListNode temp = inputlist.First; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != temp.Value.num) { throw new Exception("StructConstPtrList test (1) failed, i:" + i); } temp = temp.Next; } foreach (Struct s in inputlist) { s.num += 20.0; } for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) { if (outputarray[i].num != 20.0 + i / 10.0) { throw new Exception("StructConstPtrList test (2) failed (a deep copy was incorrectly made), i:" + i); } } } }
public static int Main() { Console.WriteLine("Lab №4, Ozierski Vital, group 052004"); StringList sl = new StringList(); IntList il = new IntList(); string cmd, command, mode; bool found; while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Commands: addback, addfront, getfront, getback, find, print"); Console.WriteLine("Format: <command> <int|string> or exit"); Console.Write("? "); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); if (cmd == "exit") break; if (cmd.Split(' ').Length != 2) Console.WriteLine("Incorrect command format"); else { command = cmd.Split(' ')[0]; mode = cmd.Split(' ')[1]; if (mode != "string" && mode != "int") Console.WriteLine("Incorrect mode"); else { if (command == "addback") { Console.Write("Value: "); if (mode == "int") il.AddBack(Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); else if (mode == "string") sl.AddBack(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (command == "addfront") { Console.Write("Value: "); if (mode == "int") il.AddFront(Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); else if (mode == "string") sl.AddFront(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (command == "print") { if (mode == "int") il.Print(); else if (mode == "string") sl.Print(); } else if (command == "getfront") { if (mode == "int") Console.WriteLine(il.GetFront()); else if (mode == "string") Console.WriteLine(sl.GetFront()); } else if (command == "getback") { if (mode == "int") Console.WriteLine(il.GetBack()); else if (mode == "string") Console.WriteLine(sl.GetBack()); } else if (command == "find") { Console.Write("Value: "); found = false; if (mode == "int") found = il.Find(Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); else if (mode == "string") found = sl.Find(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(found ? "found" : "no found"); } else Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Command"); } Console.WriteLine(); } } return 0; }