Пример #1
        public void ExecuteGeneralDiag()
            // arrange
            InstrumentDiagnosticAction action = Helper.GetDiagnosticAction(DeviceType.MX4);


            InstrumentDiagnosticOperation diagOperation = new InstrumentDiagnosticOperation(action);
            InstrumentDiagnosticEvent     diag          = (InstrumentDiagnosticEvent)diagOperation.Execute();

            Assert.True(diag.Diagnostics.Count == 2);

            instrumentController.Verify(x => x.ClearInstrumentErrors(), Times.Once);
Пример #2
        public void GetNothingActionDueToInstrumentCriticalError()
            // arrange
            InstrumentDiagnosticAction    action    = new InstrumentDiagnosticAction();
            InstrumentDiagnosticOperation operation = new InstrumentDiagnosticOperation(action);
            InstrumentDiagnosticEvent     dsEvent   = new InstrumentDiagnosticEvent(operation);

            instrument = Helper.GetInstrumentForTest(DeviceType.VPRO, DeviceSubType.VentisPro4);
            dsEvent.InstrumentInCriticalError = true;

            // act
            nextAction = scheduler.GetNextAction(dsEvent);

            // assert
            Xunit.Assert.True(nextAction is NothingAction);
Пример #3
        public void ExecuteDiagnosticsForMX6InstrumentErrorsOnCustomerAccount()
            // arrange
            InstrumentDiagnosticAction action = Helper.GetDiagnosticAction(DeviceType.MX6);


            InstrumentDiagnosticOperation diagOperation = new InstrumentDiagnosticOperation(action);

            diagOperation.criticalErrorsList = DiagErrorDataAccess.Object.FindAll();

            InstrumentDiagnosticEvent diag = (InstrumentDiagnosticEvent)diagOperation.Execute();

            Assert.True(diag.Diagnostics.Count == 2 && diag.InstrumentInCriticalError &&
                        diag.InstrumentCriticalErrorCode == diagOperation.criticalErrorsList[0].Code.ToString());

            instrumentController.Verify(x => x.ClearInstrumentErrors(), Times.Never);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes an instrument diagnostic operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Docking station event</returns>
        public DockingStationEvent Execute()
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Log.TimingBegin("INSTRUMENT DIAGNOSTICS");

            InstrumentDiagnosticEvent instrumentDiagnosticEvent = new InstrumentDiagnosticEvent(this);

            instrumentDiagnosticEvent.DockedInstrument = (ISC.iNet.DS.DomainModel.Instrument)Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.Clone();
            instrumentDiagnosticEvent.DockingStation   = Master.Instance.ControllerWrapper.GetDockingStation();
            // Open the serial port connection needed to communicate with the instrument.
            using (InstrumentController instrumentController = Master.Instance.SwitchService.InstrumentController)

                // Cache the diagnostic start time and instrument serial numbers,
                // these will be used during each diagnostic object's instantiation.
                DateTime diagnosticTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                string   instSn         = instrumentDiagnosticEvent.DockedInstrument.SerialNumber;

                // Download the "General diagnostics" from the instrument.
                // The diagnostics that are returned by the instrument will be different and based on the instrument's type.
                GeneralDiagnostic generalDiagnostic = new GeneralDiagnostic(instSn, diagnosticTime);

                generalDiagnostic.Items = instrumentController.GetGeneralDiagnosticProperties();

                foreach (GeneralDiagnosticProperty gdp in generalDiagnostic.Items)
                    Log.Debug("GeneralDiagnosticProperty " + gdp.Name + "=" + gdp.Value);


                // Download instrument error log.

                ErrorDiagnostic[] errors = instrumentController.GetInstrumentErrors();

                List <CriticalError> criticalErrors = new List <CriticalError>();

                // we don't need to bother querying the database if there were no errors on
                // the instrument that need checked against the database.
                if (errors.Length > 0)
                    // INS-4236, 9/10/2014 - only populate criticalErrors list for MX6 instruments.
                    // MX6 instruments due not have a "current error" register that can be read when it's
                    // docked to determine if it's currently in a error state.  But other instruments do.
                    // For those instruments that do have this register, we read the register during discovery
                    // and the docking station will go to "instrument error" state if it's no zero.
                    // Since we can't do that for MX6, the best we can do is read its error log containing
                    // historical errors.  For each error in the log, we compare to list of errors we
                    // have in our database that are considered "critical".  If we find a match,
                    // then we set a flag which will cause the docking station to go the "instrument error"
                    // state when this operation returns the event.

                    //INS-7715- Need to check if the DS belongs to the Service account, if so fetch all configured errors and compare with the instrument errors.
                    //If any matches with the errors, then set instrument marked as in critical error.
                    if ((instrumentDiagnosticEvent.DockedInstrument.Type == DeviceType.MX6) || Configuration.IsRepairAccount())
                        criticalErrors = criticalErrorsList;
                        //criticalErrors = new CriticalErrorDataAccess().FindAll();

                        Log.Debug(string.Format("{0} {1} critical errors loaded from database.",
                                                criticalErrors.Count, instrumentDiagnosticEvent.DockedInstrument.Type));

                bool   foundCrticalErrorInInstrument = false;
                string criticalErroCodeIdentified    = string.Empty;    // INS-8446 RHP v7.6

                foreach (ErrorDiagnostic error in errors)
                    // these values are needed so they can be uploaded to iNet
                    error.SerialNumber = instSn;
                    error.Time         = diagnosticTime;


                    Log.Debug("InstrumentError " + error.Code + " on " + Log.DateTimeToString(error.ErrorTime));

                    // Errors that are logged in the instrument will be compared to the list of critical errors
                    // downloaded from iNet. If any error code matches then instrument marked as in critical error.
                    // This list will default to empty for non-MX6 instruments, so it will never find anything, on purpose.
                    // Exception to that it loads all critical errors for Service accounts for any instrument types - INS-7715.
                    if (criticalErrors.Exists(ce => ce.Code == error.Code))
                        foundCrticalErrorInInstrument = true;
                        criticalErroCodeIdentified    = error.Code.ToString();
                        Log.Warning(string.Format("CRITICAL ERROR {0} LOGGED BY INSTRUMENT ON {1}", error.Code, Log.DateTimeToString(error.ErrorTime)));

                if (foundCrticalErrorInInstrument)
                    //if critical errors found then errors will NOT be cleared from the instrument. Setting the "InstrumentInCriticalError"
                    //property to TRUE will make the docking station to set to "Instrument Error" state.
                    instrumentDiagnosticEvent.InstrumentInCriticalError = true;
                    // Setting the "InstrumentCriticalErrorCode" property to hold the Error Code will make the docking station
                    // display the Error Code on its LCD during "Instrument Error" state. INS-8446 RHP v7.6
                    instrumentDiagnosticEvent.InstrumentCriticalErrorCode = criticalErroCodeIdentified;
                    //if no crtical error found then we will clear the errors from the instrument.
            } // end-using instrumentController

            Log.TimingEnd("INSTRUMENT DIAGNOSTICS", stopwatch);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if some specific action needs to be performed based
        /// on the event passed to it. (Some events require a specific
        /// followup action to be executed.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dsEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal DockingStationAction GetFollowupAction(DockingStationEvent dsEvent)
            // A SettingsUpdate is ALWAYS followed by a SettingsRead.
            if (dsEvent is SettingsUpdateEvent)
                // If the SettingsUpdate was Scheduled, we want to inject a CylinderPressureReset before the SettingsRead.
                if (dsEvent.Trigger == TriggerType.Scheduled)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning CylinderPressureReset as followup to SettingsUpdate");
                    CylinderPressureResetAction cylPressureResetAction = new CylinderPressureResetAction();

                    // These values will be propogated to a followup SettingsRead.
                    cylPressureResetAction.PostUpdate    = true;
                    cylPressureResetAction.SettingsRefId = ((SettingsUpdateEvent)dsEvent).DockingStation.RefId;


                Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning SettingsRead as followup to SettingsUpdate");
                SettingsReadAction settingsReadAction = new SettingsReadAction();
                // Set the refId to indicate that this Read is occurring due to an Update that was just performed.
                settingsReadAction.PostUpdate    = true;
                settingsReadAction.SettingsRefId = ((SettingsUpdateEvent)dsEvent).DockingStation.RefId;

                // Explicitly set the ChangedSmartCards to all falses so that no smart cards are read.
                settingsReadAction.ChangedSmartCards = new bool[Configuration.DockingStation.NumGasPorts];


            if (dsEvent is CylinderPressureResetEvent)
                Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning SettingsRead as followup to CylinderPressureReset");
                SettingsReadAction settingsReadAction = new SettingsReadAction();

                // Copy the PostUpdate and SettingsRefId so it can be determined if the SettingsRead is
                // being run due to a SettingsUpdate that would have occurred before the CylinderPressureReset.
                settingsReadAction.PostUpdate    = ((CylinderPressureResetEvent)dsEvent).PostUpdate;
                settingsReadAction.SettingsRefId = ((CylinderPressureResetEvent)dsEvent).SettingsRefId;

                // Explicitly set the ChangedSmartCards to null so all positions are read similar to startup.
                settingsReadAction.ChangedSmartCards = null;


            // After downloading datalog, we clear it.
            if (dsEvent is InstrumentDatalogDownloadEvent)
                InstrumentDatalogDownloadEvent datalogEvent = (InstrumentDatalogDownloadEvent)dsEvent;

                // D2G: Only clear the log if there is something to clear, or corruption was detected.
                if (datalogEvent.InstrumentSessions.Count > 0 || datalogEvent.Errors.Count > 0)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning InstrumentHygieneClearAction as followup to InstrumentHygieneDownloadEvent");
                    return(new InstrumentDatalogClearAction());
                    Log.Debug("NO DATALOG TO CLEAR");

            // After downloading alarm events, we clear them.
            if (dsEvent is InstrumentAlarmEventsDownloadEvent)
                InstrumentAlarmEventsDownloadEvent alarmsEvent = (InstrumentAlarmEventsDownloadEvent)dsEvent;

                // D2G: Only clear the log if there is something to clear, or corruption was detected.
                if (alarmsEvent.AlarmEvents.Length > 0 || alarmsEvent.Errors.Count > 0)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning InstrumentAlarmEventsClearAction as followup to InstrumentAlarmEventsDownloadEvent");
                    return(new InstrumentAlarmEventsClearAction());
                    Log.Debug("NO ALARM EVENTS TO CLEAR");

            // After downloading alarm events, we clear them.
            if (dsEvent is InstrumentManualOperationsDownloadEvent)
                InstrumentManualOperationsDownloadEvent manualOpsEvent = (InstrumentManualOperationsDownloadEvent)dsEvent;

                // D2G: Only clear the log if there is something to clear, or corruption was detected.
                if (manualOpsEvent.GasResponses.Count > 0 || manualOpsEvent.Errors.Count > 0)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning InstrumentManualOperationsDownloadAction as followup to InstrumentManualOperationsDownloadEvent");
                    return(new InstrumentManualOperationsClearAction());
                    Log.Debug("NO MANUAL GAS OPERATIONS TO CLEAR");

            if (dsEvent is InstrumentFirmwareUpgradeEvent)
                if (((InstrumentFirmwareUpgradeEvent)dsEvent).UpgradeFailure)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning NothingAction as followup to InstrumentFirmwareUpgradeEvent due to an upgrade failure");

                    // Setting this to true will cause the docking station to go
                    // into its UpgradingInstrumentError state.
                    Master.Instance.SwitchService.InstrumentUpgradeError = true;

                    // Return an action just to prevent further processing (there's no use
                    // next letting the scheduler figure out what needs to be done next since
                    // we know we're about to into the UpgradingInstrumentError state.)
                    return(new NothingAction());

            //Suresh 06-FEB-2012 INS-2622
            //Check whether instrument is in critical error.
            if (dsEvent is InstrumentDiagnosticEvent)
                InstrumentDiagnosticEvent diagnosticEvent = (InstrumentDiagnosticEvent)dsEvent;

                if (diagnosticEvent.InstrumentInCriticalError == true)
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor returning NothingAction as followup to InstrumentDiagnosticEvent due to instrument having a critical error");
                    Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.InstrumentInCriticalError = true;
                    // INS-8446 RHP v7.6 - Set the SwitchService's InstrumentCriticalErrorCode to display the critical error code on LCD
                    Log.Trace("EventProcessor identfied InstrumentDiagnosticEvent having a critical error code of " + diagnosticEvent.InstrumentCriticalErrorCode);
                    Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.InstrumentCriticalErrorCode = diagnosticEvent.InstrumentCriticalErrorCode;
                    return(new NothingAction());