public string InstagramCallback() { try { var code = Request.QueryString["code"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { return(string.Empty); } var im = new InstagramManager(); return(im.GetAuthToken( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.ClientId"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.ClientSecret"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.CallbackUrl"], code)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); return(string.Empty); } }
public string InstagramFeed() { try { // Get feed from cache if possible var cacheKey = string.Format(ModelCacheEventConsumer.INSTAGRAM_FEEDS_KEY); var feed = _cacheManager.Get <string>(cacheKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(feed)) { return(feed); } //no value in the cache yet so let's retrieve it int count; if (!Int32.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.MediaCount"], out count)) { count = 3; } var im = new InstagramManager(); feed = im.GetRecentMedia(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.ClientId"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.UserId"], count); int cacheDuration; if (!Int32.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Instagram.CacheDuration"], out cacheDuration)) { cacheDuration = 10; // 10 minutes } //let's cache the result _cacheManager.Set(cacheKey, feed, cacheDuration); return(feed); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); return(string.Empty); } }
/// <summary> /// Load control . /// </summary> private void LoadSocialBoxes() { List <String> cta_boxes = new List <String>(); int total_boxes = Convert.ToInt32(SocialBoxCount); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CTAS)) { try{ cta_boxes = Regex.Split(CTAS, "{}").ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes CTA", ex); } } int social_count = total_boxes - cta_boxes.Count(); List <String> obj_list = new List <String>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(InstagramUserID)) { try { InstagramManager imgr = new InstagramManager(InstagramOAuthConsumerID, InstagramOAuthConsumerSecret, RedirectURL); List <String> instgrm = imgr.GetRandom(Convert.ToInt32(InstagramUserID), total_boxes).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(instgrm).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes Instagram", ex); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TwitterUser)) { try { TwitterManager tm = new TwitterManager(TwitterOAuthConsumerID, TwitterOAuthConsumerSecret, TwitterOAuthAccessToken, TwitterOAuthAccessSecret); List <String> tweet = tm.GetRandomTweet(TwitterUser, total_boxes).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(tweet).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes Twitter", ex); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FacebookUserID)) { try { FacebookManager fmgr = new FacebookManager(FacebookAuthToken, FacebookAppID, FacebookClientSecret, FacebookRedirectURI); List <String> fbpost = fmgr.GetRandomPost(FacebookUserID, total_boxes).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(fbpost).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes Facebook", ex); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(youtube_api_key)) { try { YouTubeManager ytmgr = new YouTubeManager(youtube_api_key); List <String> ytvideo = ytmgr.GetVideosByPlaylistID(youtube_playlist_id, total_boxes).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(ytvideo).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes Youtube", ex); } } //Randomize the list of social items and take the top # of social boxes obj_list = obj_list.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(social_count).ToList(); //CTAs are always shown, add on to the end of the main list if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CTAS)) { OtherManager cta_build = new OtherManager(); List <String> ctas = cta_build.BuildCTAList(cta_boxes).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(ctas).ToList(); } //If the number of boxes are less than the number requested, fill with backup images if ((obj_list.Count() < total_boxes) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(BackupImages)) { try { int num_images = total_boxes - obj_list.Count(); OtherManager img_build = new OtherManager(); List <String> imgs = img_build.BuildImageList(s_images_list, num_images).ToList(); obj_list = obj_list.Concat(imgs).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("SocialApp control", "LoadSocialBoxes BackupImages", ex); } } //randomize again obj_list = obj_list.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (String s in obj_list) { sb.Append(s); } community_box_list.InnerHtml = sb.ToString(); }
public void ProcessRequest() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["op"])) { SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (SocioBoard.Domain.User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "networkprofiles") { #region NetworkProfiles string profiles = string.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "facebook") { ArrayList alstfacebook = null; if (Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] == null) { FacebookAccountRepository faceaccrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); alstfacebook = faceaccrepo.getFacebookAccountsOfUser(user.Id); Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] = alstfacebook; } else { alstfacebook = (ArrayList)Session["facebooktotalprofiles"]; } if (alstfacebook.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"active\">No Records Found</a> </li>"; } else { foreach (FacebookAccount item in alstfacebook) { profiles += "<li><a id=\"lifb_" + item.FbUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"facebookdetails('" + item.FbUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + item.FbUserName + "</a> </li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "twitter") { ArrayList alsttwitter = null; if (Session["twittertotalprofiles"] == null) { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); alsttwitter = twtaccrepo.getAllTwitterAccountsOfUser(user.Id); Session["twittertotalprofiles"] = alsttwitter; } else { alsttwitter = (ArrayList)Session["twittertotalprofiles"]; } if (alsttwitter.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"active\">No Records Found</a> </li>"; } else { foreach (TwitterAccount item in alsttwitter) { profiles += "<li><a id=\"litwt_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"twitterdetails('" + item.TwitterUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + item.TwitterScreenName + "</a> </li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "linkedin") { ArrayList alstlinklist = null; if (Session["linkedintotalprofiles"] == null) { LinkedInAccountRepository linkaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); alstlinklist = linkaccrepo.getAllLinkedinAccountsOfUser(user.Id); } else { alstlinklist = (ArrayList)Session["linkedintotalprofiles"]; } if (alstlinklist.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"active\">No Records Found</a> </li>"; } else { foreach (LinkedInAccount item in alstlinklist) { profiles += "<li><a id=\"lilin_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"linkedindetails('" + item.LinkedinUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + item.LinkedinUserName + "</a> </li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "instagram") { ArrayList alstinstagram = null; if (Session["instagramtotalprofiles"] == null) { InstagramAccountRepository insaccrepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); alstinstagram = insaccrepo.getAllInstagramAccountsOfUser(user.Id); Session["instagramtotalprofiles"] = alstinstagram; } else { alstinstagram = (ArrayList)Session["instagramtotalprofiles"]; } if (alstinstagram.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"active\">No Records Found</a> </li>"; } else { foreach (InstagramAccount item in alstinstagram) { profiles += "<li><a id=\"liins_" + item.InstagramId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"Instagramdetails('" + item.InstagramId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + item.InsUserName + "</a> </li>"; } } } Response.Write(profiles); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookwallposts") { string messages = string.Empty; string profileid = string.Empty; string load = Request.QueryString["load"]; //Session[""] = profileid; if (load == "first") { profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; Session["FacebookProfileIdForFeeds"] = profileid; facebookwallcount = 0; } else { profileid = (string)Session["FacebookProfileIdForFeeds"]; facebookwallcount = facebookwallcount + 10; } FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); List<FacebookMessage> lsgfbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getAllWallpostsOfProfile(profileid, facebookwallcount); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (FacebookMessage item in lsgfbmsgs) { try { string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.Message); messages += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.MessageDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture)) { //string largeimage = item.Picture.Replace("_s.jpg","_n.jpg"); messages += "<img src=\"" + item.Picture + "\" alt=\"\" onclick=\"fbimage('" + item.Picture + "');\" /><br/>"; } foreach (string substritem in str) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { messages += substritem; } } } messages += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><p><span onclick=\"facebookLike('" + item.FbLike + "','" + profileid + "','" + item.MessageId + "')\" id=\"likefb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"like\">Like</span><span id=\"commentfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"commentText('"+item.MessageId+"');\" class=\"comment\">Comment</span></p>" + "<p><input id=\"textfb_"+item.MessageId+"\" type=\"text\" class=\"put_comments\"></p>"+ "<p><span onclick=\"commentFB('"+item.MessageId+"','"+profileid+"')\" id=\"okfb_"+item.MessageId+"\" class=\"ok\">ok</span><span id=\"cancelfb_"+item.MessageId+"\" onclick=\"cancelFB('"+item.MessageId+"');\" class=\"cancel\"> cancel</span></p>"+ "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(messages); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "fblike") { try { //System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream); //string line = ""; //line = sr.ReadToEnd(); //JObject jo = JObject.Parse(line); //string accesstoken = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["access"]); //string id = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["fbid"]); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbAccount = fbAccRepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); string id = Request.QueryString["fbid"]; FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(fbAccount.AccessToken); var s = fbClient.Post(id + "/likes",null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "fbcomment") { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbAccount = fbAccRepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); string id = Request.QueryString["fbid"]; FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(fbAccount.AccessToken); var args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); args["message"] = message; var s = fbClient.Post(id+"/comments",args); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitternetworkdetails") { string messages = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterFeedRepository fbmsgrepo = new TwitterFeedRepository(); List<TwitterFeed> lsgfbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getTwitterFeedOfProfile(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (TwitterFeed item in lsgfbmsgs) { try { messages += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"detailsprofile('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"detailsprofile('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.Feed); foreach (string substritem in str) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { messages += substritem; } } } messages += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + /*"<img alt=\"\" src=\"../contents/img/admin/arrow.png\">*/"</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(messages); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "scheduler") { #region Schduler string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string network = Request.QueryString["network"]; if (network == "facebook") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(user.Id, profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { FacebookAccountRepository faceaccrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceacc = faceaccrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + faceacc.FbUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else if (network == "twitter") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(user.Id, profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtacc = twtaccrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, profileid); message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + twtacc.TwitterScreenName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else if (network == "linkedin") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(user.Id, profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedacc = linkedinrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, profileid); message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + linkedacc.LinkedinUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookfeeds") { string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; FacebookAccountRepository faceaccrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaac = faceaccrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); FacebookFeedRepository facefeedrepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); List<FacebookFeed> lstfbfeed = facefeedrepo.getAllFacebookUserFeeds(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (FacebookFeed item in lstfbfeed) { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + faceaac.FbUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.FeedDescription); foreach (string substritem in str) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { message += substritem; } } } message += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } Response.Write(message); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitterfeeds") { string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterMessageRepository twtmsgreop = new TwitterMessageRepository(); List<TwitterMessage> lstmsg = twtmsgreop.getAllTwitterMessagesOfProfile(profileid); //TwitterFeedRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterFeedRepository(); //List<TwitterFeed> lstfeed = twtmsgrepo.getTwitterFeedOfProfile(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (TwitterMessage item in lstmsg) { try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"detailsprofile('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"detailsprofile('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.MessageDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.TwitterMsg); foreach (string substritem in str) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { message += substritem; } } } message += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + /*"<img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/arrow.png\">*/"</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(message); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "linkedinwallposts") { string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; LinkedInFeedRepository linkedinfeedrepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); List<LinkedInFeed> lstfeed = linkedinfeedrepo.getAllLinkedInFeedsOfProfile(profileid); if (lstfeed != null) { if (lstfeed.Count != 0) { foreach (LinkedInFeed item in lstfeed) { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromPicUrl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedsDate + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.Feeds + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Messages Found</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } Response.Write(message); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "linkedinfeeds") { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinAccRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkacc = linkedinAccRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, profileid); oAuthLinkedIn oauthlin = new oAuthLinkedIn(); oauthlin.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LiApiKey"]; oauthlin.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LiSecretKey"]; oauthlin.FirstName = linkacc.LinkedinUserName; oauthlin.Id = linkacc.LinkedinUserId; oauthlin.Token = linkacc.OAuthToken; oauthlin.TokenSecret = linkacc.OAuthSecret; oauthlin.Verifier = linkacc.OAuthVerifier; LinkedInUser l = new LinkedInUser(); List<LinkedInUser.User_Updates> lst = l.GetUserUpdates(oauthlin, linkacc.LinkedinUserId, 10); string message = string.Empty; if (lst.Count != 0) { foreach (LinkedInUser.User_Updates item in lst) { try { string picurl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PictureUrl)) { picurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { picurl = item.PictureUrl; } message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + picurl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.PersonFirstName + " " + item.PersonLastName + "</a> <span>" + item.DateTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.Message + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Messages Found</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } Response.Write(message); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookapi") { try { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; FacebookAccountRepository facerepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaccount = facerepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); FacebookHelper fbhelper = new FacebookHelper(); FacebookClient fbclient = new FacebookClient(faceaccount.AccessToken); dynamic profile = fbclient.Get("me"); var feeds = fbclient.Get("/me/feed"); var home = fbclient.Get("me/home"); fbhelper.getFacebookUserFeeds(feeds, profile); fbhelper.getFacebookUserHome(home, profile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitterapi") { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterAccountRepository twtAccountRepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtAccount = twtAccountRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, profileid); oAuthTwitter oAuth = new oAuthTwitter(); TwitterHelper twthelper = new TwitterHelper(); oAuth.AccessToken = twtAccount.OAuthToken; oAuth.AccessTokenSecret = twtAccount.OAuthSecret; twthelper.SetCofigDetailsForTwitter(oAuth); oAuth.TwitterScreenName = twtAccount.TwitterScreenName; oAuth.TwitterUserId = twtAccount.TwitterUserId; twthelper.getUserTweets(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getUserFeed(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getSentDirectMessages(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getReTweetsOfUser(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramlike") { string mediaid = Request.QueryString["mediaid"]; bool b = this.likefunction(mediaid, Request.QueryString["userid"], Request.QueryString["access"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramunlike") { string mediaid = Request.QueryString["mediaid"]; bool b = this.unlikefunction(mediaid, Request.QueryString["userid"], Request.QueryString["access"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramimages") { if (Request.QueryString["loadtime"] != "first") { instagramcount = instagramcount + 10; } else { instagramcount = 0; } InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramFeedRepository objInsFeedRepo = new InstagramFeedRepository(); InstagramFeed objInsFeed = new InstagramFeed(); InstagramCommentRepository objInsCmtRepo = new InstagramCommentRepository(); List<SocioBoard.Domain.InstagramComment> lstInsCmt = new List<SocioBoard.Domain.InstagramComment>(); string strInsImage = string.Empty; try { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; InstagramAccount insaccount = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); List<InstagramFeed> lstInsFeed = objInsFeedRepo.getAllInstagramFeedsOfUser(user.Id, profileid, instagramcount); if (lstInsFeed.Count != 0) { strInsImage += "<div class=\"feedcontainer\">"; foreach (InstagramFeed feed in lstInsFeed) { try { lstInsCmt = objInsCmtRepo.getAllInstagramCommentsOfUser(user.Id, profileid, feed.FeedId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } try { strInsImage += "<div class=\"span3\" class=\"row-fluid\"><div class=\"span12 box whitebg feedwrap\"><div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-right\" id=\"like\"><a title=\"\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"insUser('" + feed.FeedId + "','" + insaccount.AccessToken + "')\" ><img id=\"heartEmpty_" + feed.FeedId + "\" width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/heart-empty.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a><a title=\"\" href=\"#\"><img width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a>" + "</div></div><div class=\"pic\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" + feed.FeedImageUrl + "\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p><span class=\"pull-left span3\">" + "<img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/heart-empty.png\"> " + feed.LikeCount + "</span><span class=\"pull-left span3\"><img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\"> "+ lstInsCmt.Count +"</span><div class=\"clearfix\"></div>"; foreach (InstagramComment insCmt in lstInsCmt) { try { strInsImage += "<div class=\"userprof\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><a href=\"#\">" + "<img width=\"36\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + insCmt.FromProfilePic + "\"></a></div><div class=\"pull-left descr\"><p>" + insCmt.Comment + "</p>" + "<span class=\"usert\">" + DateExtension.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now, (long)Convert.ToDouble(insCmt.CommentDate)) + "</span></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } strInsImage += "</div></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } strInsImage += "</div>"; } else { if (instagramcount == 0) { strInsImage = "<div class=\"grid\"><div class=\"box whitebg feedwrap\">" + "<div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\"></div><div class=\"pull-right\">" + "<a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a><a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a></div></div><div class=\"pic\">" + "<img src=\"../Contents/img/no_image_found.png\" alt=\"\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p></div></div></div>"; } } Response.Write(strInsImage); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramApi") { try { InstagramManager insManager = new InstagramManager(); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; InstagramAccountRepository insAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount instagramAccount = insAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); insManager.getIntagramImages(instagramAccount); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } }
public void ProcessRequest() { SocioBoard.Domain.Team team = (SocioBoard.Domain.Team)Session["GroupName"]; TeamMemberProfileRepository objTeamMemberProfileRepository = new TeamMemberProfileRepository(); TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); FacebookAccountRepository facerepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccountRepository linkaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); InstagramAccountRepository insaccrepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); TumblrAccountRepository tumblraccrepo = new TumblrAccountRepository(); TumblrFeedRepository objTumblrFeedRepository = new TumblrFeedRepository(); YoutubeAccountRepository ytaccrepo = new YoutubeAccountRepository(); YoutubeChannelRepository ytrchannelrpo = new YoutubeChannelRepository(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["op"])) { SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (SocioBoard.Domain.User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "networkprofiles") { #region NetworkProfiles string profiles = string.Empty; List<TeamMemberProfile> allprofiles = objTeamMemberProfileRepository.getAllTeamMemberProfilesOfTeam(team.Id); int facebookcount = 0; int twittercount = 0; int linkedincount = 0; int instagramcount = 0; int tumblrcount = 0; int youtubecount = 0; int totalcounts = 0; foreach (TeamMemberProfile items in allprofiles) { totalcounts++; if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "facebook") { if (items.ProfileType == "facebook") { facebookcount++; FacebookAccount faceaccount = facerepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(items.ProfileId); if (faceaccount.Type != "page") { profiles += "<li><a id=\"lifb_" + faceaccount.FbUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"facebookdetails('" + faceaccount.FbUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + faceaccount.FbUserName + "</a> </li>"; } } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (facebookcount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "twitter") { if (items.ProfileType == "twitter") { twittercount++; TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtaccountrepo.getUserInformation(items.ProfileId); profiles += "<li><a id=\"litwt_" + twtaccount.TwitterUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"twitterdetails('" + twtaccount.TwitterUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + twtaccount.TwitterScreenName + "</a> </li>"; } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (twittercount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "linkedin") { if (items.ProfileType == "linkedin") { linkedincount++; LinkedInAccount linkedinaccount = linkaccrepo.getLinkedinAccountDetailsById(items.ProfileId); profiles += "<li><a id=\"lilin_" + linkedinaccount.LinkedinUserId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"linkedindetails('" + linkedinaccount.LinkedinUserId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + linkedinaccount.LinkedinUserName + "</a> </li>"; } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (linkedincount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "tumblr") { if (items.ProfileType == "tumblr") { tumblrcount++; TumblrAccount tumblraccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(items.ProfileId); profiles += "<li><a id=\"lilin_" + tumblraccount.tblrUserName + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"tumblrdetails('" + tumblraccount.tblrUserName + "');\" class=\"active\">" + tumblraccount.tblrUserName + "</a> </li>"; } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (tumblrcount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "youtube") { if (items.ProfileType == "youtube") { youtubecount++; YoutubeAccount youtubeaccount = ytaccrepo.getYoutubeAccountDetailsById(items.ProfileId); profiles += "<li><a id=\"lilin_" + youtubeaccount.Ytusername + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"youtubedetails('" + youtubeaccount.Ytuserid + "','" + youtubeaccount.Refreshtoken + "');\" class=\"active\">" + youtubeaccount.Ytusername + "</a> </li>"; } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (youtubecount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } else if (Request.QueryString["network"] == "instagram") { if (items.ProfileType == "instagram") { instagramcount++; InstagramAccount alstinstagram = insaccrepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(items.ProfileId); profiles += "<li><a id=\"liins_" + alstinstagram.InstagramId + "\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"Instagramdetails('" + alstinstagram.InstagramId + "');\" class=\"active\">" + alstinstagram.InsUserName + "</a> </li>"; } if (totalcounts == allprofiles.Count) { if (instagramcount == 0) { profiles = "<li>No Records Found !</li>"; } } } } Response.Write(profiles); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookwallposts") { #region facebookwallposts string messages = string.Empty; string profileid = string.Empty; string load = Request.QueryString["load"]; //Session[""] = profileid; if (load == "first") { profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; Session["FacebookProfileIdForFeeds"] = profileid; facebookwallcount = 0; } else { profileid = (string)Session["FacebookProfileIdForFeeds"]; facebookwallcount = facebookwallcount + 10; } FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); List<FacebookMessage> lsgfbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getAllWallpostsOfProfile(profileid, facebookwallcount); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (FacebookMessage item in lsgfbmsgs) { try { string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.Message); messages += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + //"<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.MessageDate + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + item.FromId + "\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.MessageDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Picture)) { //string largeimage = item.Picture.Replace("_s.jpg","_n.jpg"); messages += "<img src=\"" + item.Picture + "\" alt=\"\" onclick=\"fbimage('" + item.Picture + "');\" /><br/>"; } foreach (string substritem in str) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { string hrefPost = string.Empty; try { hrefPost = "" + item.FromId + "/posts/" + item.MessageId.Replace(item.FromId, string.Empty).Replace("_", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefPost)) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + hrefPost + "\">" + substritem + "</a>";//substritem; } else { messages += substritem; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } // messages += "</p>" + // "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + // "</a><p><span onclick=\"facebookLike('" + item.FbLike + "','" + profileid + "','" + item.MessageId + "')\" id=\"likefb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"like\">Like</span><span id=\"commentfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"commentText('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"comment\">Comment</span></p>" + // "<p class=\"commeent_box\"><input id=\"textfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" type=\"text\" class=\"put_comments\"></p>" + // "<p><span onclick=\"commentFB('" + item.MessageId + "','" + profileid + "')\" id=\"okfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"ok\">ok</span><span id=\"cancelfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"cancelFB('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"cancel\"> cancel</span></p>" + // "</div>" + // "</li>"; //} //messages += "</p>" + // "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + // "</a><p><span onclick=\"facebookShare('" + profileid + "','" + item.MessageId + "')\" id=\"likefb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"like\">Share</span><span onclick=\"facebookLike('" + item.FbLike + "','" + profileid + "','" + item.MessageId + "')\" id=\"likefb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"like\">Like</span><span id=\"commentfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"commentText('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"comment\">Comment</span></p>" + // "<p class=\"commeent_box\"><input id=\"textfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" type=\"text\" class=\"put_comments\"></p>" + // "<p><span onclick=\"commentFB('" + item.MessageId + "','" + profileid + "')\" id=\"okfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"ok\">ok</span><span id=\"cancelfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"cancelFB('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"cancel\"> cancel</span></p>" + // "</div>" + // "</li>"; messages += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><p><span onclick=\"facebookLike('" + item.FbLike + "','" + profileid + "','" + item.MessageId + "')\" id=\"likefb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"like\">Like</span><span id=\"commentfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"commentText('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"comment\">Comment</span></p>" + "<p class=\"commeent_box\"><input id=\"textfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" type=\"text\" class=\"put_comments\"></p>" + "<p><span onclick=\"commentFB('" + item.MessageId + "','" + profileid + "')\" id=\"okfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" class=\"ok\">ok</span><span id=\"cancelfb_" + item.MessageId + "\" onclick=\"cancelFB('" + item.MessageId + "');\" class=\"cancel\"> cancel</span></p>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(messages); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "fblike") { #region fblikes try { //System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream); //string line = ""; //line = sr.ReadToEnd(); //JObject jo = JObject.Parse(line); //string accesstoken = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["access"]); //string id = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["fbid"]); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbAccount = fbAccRepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); string id = Request.QueryString["fbid"]; FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(fbAccount.AccessToken); var s = fbClient.Post(id + "/likes", null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "fbshare") { try { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string id = Request.QueryString["msgid"]; FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbAccount = fbAccRepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid); FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(fbAccount.AccessToken); var s = fbClient.Post(id + "/sharedposts", null); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "fbcomment") { #region fbcomment string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbAccount = fbAccRepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); string id = Request.QueryString["fbid"]; FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(fbAccount.AccessToken); var args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); args["message"] = message; var s = fbClient.Post(id + "/comments", args); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitternetworkdetails") { #region twitternetworkdetails string messages = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterFeedRepository fbmsgrepo = new TwitterFeedRepository(); List<TwitterFeed> lsgfbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getTwitterFeedOfProfile(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (TwitterFeed item in lsgfbmsgs) { try { messages += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.Feed); foreach (string substritem in str) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { string hrefPost = string.Empty; try { // hrefPost = "" + item.FromId + "/status/" + item.MessageId.Replace(item.FromId, string.Empty).Replace("_", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefPost)) { messages += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + hrefPost + "\">" + substritem + "</a>";//substritem; } else { messages += substritem; } } } } catch (Exception) { } } messages += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + /*"<img alt=\"\" src=\"../contents/img/admin/arrow.png\">*/"</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(messages); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "scheduler") { #region Schduler string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string network = Request.QueryString["network"]; if (network == "facebook") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { try { FacebookAccountRepository faceaccrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceacc = faceaccrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid); try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + faceacc.FbUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else if (network == "twitter") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { try { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtacc = twtaccrepo.getUserInformation(profileid); message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + twtacc.ProfileImageUrl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + twtacc.TwitterScreenName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } else if (network == "linkedin") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschmsg = schmsgrepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(profileid); if (lstschmsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschmsg) { try { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedacc = linkedinrepo.getUserInformation(profileid); message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + linkedacc.ProfileImageUrl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\">" + linkedacc.LinkedinUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.ScheduleTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.ShareMessage + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Scheduled Messages</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookfeeds") { #region facebookfeeds string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; FacebookAccountRepository faceaccrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaac = faceaccrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid); FacebookFeedRepository facefeedrepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); List<FacebookFeed> lstfbfeed = facefeedrepo.getAllFacebookUserFeeds(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (FacebookFeed item in lstfbfeed) { try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"getFacebookProfiles('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + faceaac.FbUserName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.FeedDescription); foreach (string substritem in str) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { string hrefPost = string.Empty; try { hrefPost = "" + item.FromId + "/posts/" + item.FeedId.Replace(item.FromId, string.Empty).Replace("_", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefPost)) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + hrefPost + "\">" + substritem + "</a>";//substritem; } else { message += substritem; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } message += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitterfeeds") { #region twitternfeeds string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterMessageRepository twtmsgreop = new TwitterMessageRepository(); List<TwitterMessage> lstmsg = twtmsgreop.getAllTwitterMessagesOfProfile(profileid); //TwitterFeedRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterFeedRepository(); //List<TwitterFeed> lstfeed = twtmsgrepo.getTwitterFeedOfProfile(profileid); UrlExtractor urlext = new UrlExtractor(); foreach (TwitterMessage item in lstmsg) { try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + item.FromProfileUrl + "\" onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\" onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + item.FromId + "');\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.MessageDate + " </span>" + "<p>"; string[] str = urlext.splitUrlFromString(item.TwitterMsg); foreach (string substritem in str) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(substritem)) { if (substritem.Contains("http")) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + substritem + "\">" + substritem + "</a>"; } else { string hrefPost = string.Empty; try { // hrefPost = "" + item.FromId + "/status/" + item.MessageId.Replace(item.FromId, string.Empty).Replace("_", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefPost)) { message += "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + hrefPost + "\">" + substritem + "</a>";//substritem; } else { message += substritem; } } } } catch (Exception) { } } message += "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + /*"<img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/arrow.png\">*/"</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "linkedinwallposts") { #region linkedinwallposts string message = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; LinkedInFeedRepository linkedinfeedrepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); List<LinkedInFeed> lstfeed = linkedinfeedrepo.getAllLinkedInFeedsOfProfile(profileid); if (lstfeed != null) { if (lstfeed.Count != 0) { if (lstfeed.Count > 500) { int check = 0; foreach (LinkedInFeed item in lstfeed) { string PicUrl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FromPicUrl)) { PicUrl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { PicUrl = item.FromPicUrl; } check++; try { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + PicUrl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a style=\"cursor:default\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedsDate + " </span>" + " <a href=\"#\">" + item.Feeds + "</a>"+ "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (check == 500) { break; } } } else { foreach (LinkedInFeed item in lstfeed) { try { string PicUrl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FromPicUrl)) { PicUrl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { PicUrl = item.FromPicUrl; } message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + PicUrl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a style=\"cursor:default\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.FromName + "</a> <span>" + item.FeedsDate + " </span>" + " <a href=\"#\">" + item.Feeds + "</a>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } } else { message = "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Messages Found</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrimages") { #region tumblrBlog string messages = string.Empty; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(profileid); List<TumblrFeed> lstfeed = objTumblrFeedRepository.getFeedOfProfile(profileid); string strTumblrImage = string.Empty; string image = string.Empty; try { if (lstfeed.Count != 0) { strTumblrImage += "<div class=\"feedcontainer\"><div class=\"pull-left span\"><div id=\"tumblrcontents\">" + "<a href=\"#\"><img onClick=\"Bpopup()\" src=\"../Contents/img/share.png\" width=\"20\" title=\"Share Content\" /></a>" + "</div></div>"; foreach (TumblrFeed feed in lstfeed) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feed.imageurl)) { image = "../../Contents/img/admin/Demo-Image.png"; } else { image = feed.imageurl; } try { // strTumblrImage += "<div class=\"span3\" class=\"row-fluid\"><div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg feedwrap\"><div class=\"tumb_title\"><span class=\"tumb_span\">" + feed.blogname+ "</span></div><div class=\"pic tumb_pic\"><img onclick=\"tumblrimage('" + feed.imageurl + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + image + "\"></div><div class=\"topicon\">" + //"<div class=\"pull-right\" id=\"like\"><a title=\"\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"LikePic('" + feed.ProfileId + "','" + feed.Id + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret + "','" + feed.liked + "','" + feed.notes + "')\" >" + getlike(feed.liked, feed.ProfileId) + "</a><a title=\"\" href=\"#\"><img onClick=\"UnfollowBlog('" + feed.ProfileId + "','" + feed.Id + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret + "','" + feed.blogname + "')\" width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a>" + //"</div></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p><span class=\"pull-left pics_space span4\">" + //"<img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/dil.png\"> " + feed.notes + "</span><div class=\"clearfix\">" + //"<div class=\"tumb_description\"><p class=\"feed_slug\"><strong>" + feed.slug + "</strong></p><p class=\"teaser\">" + feed.description + "</p></div></div>"; strTumblrImage += "<div class=\"span3\" class=\"row-fluid\"><div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg feedwrap\"><div class=\"tumb_title\"><span class=\"tumb_span\">" + feed.blogname + "</span></div><div class=\"pic tumb_pic\"><img onclick=\"tumblrimage('" + feed.imageurl + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + image + "\"></div><div class=\"topicon\">" + "<div class=\"pull-right\" id=\"like\"><a title=\"\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"LikePic('" + feed.ProfileId + "','" + feed.Id + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret + "','" + feed.liked + "','" + feed.notes + "')\" >" + getlike(feed.liked, feed.ProfileId) + "</a><a title=\"\" href=\"#\"><img onClick=\"UnfollowBlog('" + feed.ProfileId + "','" + feed.Id + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken + "','" + objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret + "','" + feed.blogname + "')\" width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a>" + "</div></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p><span class=\"pull-left pics_space span4\">" + "<img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/dil.png\"> " + feed.notes + "</span><div class=\"clearfix\">" + "<div class=\"tumb_description\"><p class=\"feed_slug\"><strong>" + feed.slug + "</strong></p><p class=\"teaser\">" + feed.description + "</p></div></div>"; strTumblrImage += "</div></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } strTumblrImage += "</div>"; } else { if (instagramcount == 0) { strTumblrImage = "<div class=\"grid\"><div class=\"box whitebg feedwrap\">" + "<div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\"></div><div class=\"pull-right\">" + "<a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a><a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a></div></div><div class=\"pic\">" + "<img src=\"../Contents/img/no_image_found.png\" alt=\"\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p></div></div></div>"; } } Response.Write(strTumblrImage); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } #endregion } //VIDEOS else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "youtubechannel") { #region youtube_channel string thumbnail = string.Empty; string videoid = string.Empty; string strYoutubechanell = string.Empty; string GooglePlusUserId = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string accesstoken = Request.QueryString["accesstoken"]; oAuthTokenYoutube objoAuthTokenYoutube = new oAuthTokenYoutube(); string finaltoken = objoAuthTokenYoutube.GetAccessToken(accesstoken); string strfinaltoken = string.Empty; try { if (!finaltoken.StartsWith("[")) finaltoken = "[" + finaltoken + "]"; JArray objArray = JArray.Parse(finaltoken); foreach (var item in objArray) { try { strfinaltoken = item["access_token"].ToString(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } YoutubeChannel objChnnelData = ytrchannelrpo.getYoutubeChannelDetailsById(GooglePlusUserId); PlaylistItems objPlaylistItems = new PlaylistItems(); string objDetails = objPlaylistItems.Get_PlaylistItems_List(strfinaltoken, GlobusGooglePlusLib.Authentication.oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.snippet.ToString(), objChnnelData.Uploadsid); JObject obj = JObject.Parse(objDetails); JArray array = (JArray)obj["items"]; //strYoutubechanell = " <div class=\"row\"> "; int rowCount = 0; int columnCount = 0; //strYoutubechanell = "<div class=\"row top_select\"> <div class=\"pull-left\"><a href=\"#\"><div class=\"YtIns\">Hello</div></a></div> <div class=\"pull-right\"><select class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"dropDownChange(this,'" + GooglePlusUserId + "','" + accesstoken + "')\"><option>Video</option> <option>Play list</option> <option>Activities</option></select></div></div><div class=\"container yt_details\">"; //strYoutubechanell = "<div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"pull-right\"><select class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"dropDownChange(this,'" + GooglePlusUserId + "','" + accesstoken + "')\"><option>Video</option> <option>Play list</option> <option>Activities</option></select></div></div>"; strYoutubechanell = "<div class=\"row top_select\"> <div class=\"pull-left\"><a href=\"#\"><div class=\"YtIns\"></div></a></div> <div class=\"pull-right\">" + "<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\"><li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#VIDEO\" onclick=\"dropDownChange(this,'" + GooglePlusUserId + "','" + accesstoken + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">VIDEO</a></li><li><a href=\"#ACT\" onclick=\"dropDownChange(this,'" + GooglePlusUserId + "','" + accesstoken + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">ACTIVITES</a></li><li>" + "<a href=\"#SUB\" onclick=\"dropDownChange(this,'" + GooglePlusUserId + "','" + accesstoken + "')\" data-toggle=\"tab\">SUBSCRIBTIONS</a></li></ul></div></div><div class=\"tab-content yt_details_container\"><div class=\"tab-pane active\" id=\"ACT\">" + "<div class=\"container yt_details\">"; string strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; foreach (var item in array) { columnCount++; try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["maxres"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnail)) { try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["high"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } try { videoid = item["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } string viewCount = string.Empty; string likeCount = string.Empty; string dislikeCount = string.Empty; string favoriteCount = string.Empty; string commentCount = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoid)) { try { GlobusGooglePlusLib.Youtube.Core.Video ObjClsVideo = new Video(); string videoDetails = ObjClsVideo.Get_VideoDetails_byId(videoid, strfinaltoken, "snippet,statistics"); JObject JobjvideoDetails = JObject.Parse(videoDetails); var JArrvideoDetails = (JArray)(JobjvideoDetails["items"]); foreach (var DataVal in JArrvideoDetails) { viewCount = DataVal["statistics"]["viewCount"].ToString(); likeCount = DataVal["statistics"]["likeCount"].ToString(); dislikeCount = DataVal["statistics"]["dislikeCount"].ToString(); favoriteCount = DataVal["statistics"]["favoriteCount"].ToString(); commentCount = DataVal["statistics"]["commentCount"].ToString(); break; } } catch (Exception) { } } //strYoutubechanell1 += "<div class=\"span4\">" + // "<div class=\"well\">" + // "<div class=\"video-containers thumbnail\">" + // "<img onclick=\"youtubevideo('" + videoid + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\">" + // "</div><span class=\"pull-left\"><a href=\"#\"> <i class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i></a>" + // "</span></div></div>"; strYoutubechanell1 += "<div class=\"span3\">" + "<div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg\">" + "<div class=\"yt_title\"></div><div class=\"video-containers thumbnail\">" + "<img onclick=\"youtubevideo('" + videoid + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"icons\" style=\"width: 225px; float: left;\"><span class=\"span6 pull-left\">" + "<a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: green;\" class=\"icon-hand-up\"></i></a><span class=\"pull-left\">" + likeCount + "</span></a><a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: red;\" class=\"icon-hand-down\"></i><span>" + dislikeCount + "</span>" + "</a></span><span class=\"pull-right\"><a href=\"#\"> <i style=\"color: red;\" class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i><span>" + viewCount + "</span></a></span></div><div class=\"yt_description\"></div></div></div>"; try { if (rowCount == 3) { //strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div></div></div>"; strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; rowCount = 0; } else { rowCount++; } if (!strYoutubechanell.Contains(strYoutubechanell1) && array.Count == columnCount) { //strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div></div>"; strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; } } catch (Exception) { } //strYoutubechanell += "<div class=\"span3\" class=\"row-fluid\"><div class=\"span12 box whitebg feedwrap\"><div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\">" + // "</div><div class=\"pull-right\" id=\"like\"><a title=\"\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"LikePic()\" ></a><a title=\"\" href=\"#\"></a>" + // "</div></div><div class=\"pic\"><img onclick=\"youtubevideo('" + videoid + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p><span class=\"pull-left span3\">" + // "<img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/dil.png\"></span><div class=\"clearfix\">" + // "</div>"; //strYoutubechanell += "</div></div></div>"; } Response.Write("<div id=\"ACT\" class=\"tab-pane active\"><div class=\"container yt_details\">" + strYoutubechanell + "\"</div></div>"); #endregion } //ACTIVITIES else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "youtubeactivity") { #region youtube_ACTIVITIES string strYoutubechanell = string.Empty; string GooglePlusUserId = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string accesstoken = Request.QueryString["accesstoken"]; oAuthTokenYoutube objoAuthTokenYoutube = new oAuthTokenYoutube(); string finaltoken = objoAuthTokenYoutube.GetAccessToken(accesstoken); string strfinaltoken = string.Empty; try { if (!finaltoken.StartsWith("[")) finaltoken = "[" + finaltoken + "]"; JArray objArray = JArray.Parse(finaltoken); foreach (var item in objArray) { try { strfinaltoken = item["access_token"].ToString(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } YoutubeChannel objChnnelData = ytrchannelrpo.getYoutubeChannelDetailsById(GooglePlusUserId); GlobusGooglePlusLib.Youtube.Core.Activities objActivities = new Activities(); string objDetails = objActivities.Get_All_Activities(strfinaltoken, oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.snippet, true, 50); JObject obj = JObject.Parse(objDetails); JArray array = (JArray)obj["items"]; int rowCount = 0; int columnCount = 0; strYoutubechanell = ""; string strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; foreach (var item in array) { string title = string.Empty; string description = string.Empty; string thumbnail = string.Empty; string videoid = string.Empty; columnCount++; #region << Title >> try { title = item["snippet"]["title"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region << Description >> try { description = item["snippet"]["description"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region << Thumbnail >> try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["maxres"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnail)) { try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["high"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } #endregion try { videoid = item["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } string viewCount = string.Empty; string likeCount = string.Empty; string dislikeCount = string.Empty; string favoriteCount = string.Empty; string commentCount = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoid)) { try { GlobusGooglePlusLib.Youtube.Core.Video ObjClsVideo = new Video(); string videoDetails = ObjClsVideo.Get_VideoDetails_byId(videoid, strfinaltoken, "snippet,statistics"); JObject JobjvideoDetails = JObject.Parse(videoDetails); var JArrvideoDetails = (JArray)(JobjvideoDetails["items"]); foreach (var DataVal in JArrvideoDetails) { viewCount = DataVal["statistics"]["viewCount"].ToString(); likeCount = DataVal["statistics"]["likeCount"].ToString(); dislikeCount = DataVal["statistics"]["dislikeCount"].ToString(); favoriteCount = DataVal["statistics"]["favoriteCount"].ToString(); commentCount = DataVal["statistics"]["commentCount"].ToString(); break; } } catch (Exception) { } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && thumbnail.EndsWith("hq1.jpg") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoid) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { continue; } strYoutubechanell1 += "<div class=\"span3\">" + "<div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg\">" + "<div class=\"yt_title\">" + title + "</div><div class=\"video-containers thumbnail\">" + "<img onclick=\"youtubevideo('" + videoid + "')\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"yt_description\">" + description + "</div></div></div>"; try { if (rowCount == 3) { strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; rowCount = 0; } else { rowCount++; } if (!strYoutubechanell.Contains(strYoutubechanell1) && array.Count == columnCount) { strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; } } catch (Exception) { } } Response.Write(strYoutubechanell); #endregion } //SUBSCRIBTIONS else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "youtubesubscribe") { #region youtube_SUBSCRIBE string strYoutubechanell = string.Empty; string GooglePlusUserId = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string accesstoken = Request.QueryString["accesstoken"]; oAuthTokenYoutube objoAuthTokenYoutube = new oAuthTokenYoutube(); string finaltoken = objoAuthTokenYoutube.GetAccessToken(accesstoken); string strfinaltoken = string.Empty; try { if (!finaltoken.StartsWith("[")) finaltoken = "[" + finaltoken + "]"; JArray objArray = JArray.Parse(finaltoken); foreach (var item in objArray) { try { strfinaltoken = item["access_token"].ToString(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } Subscriptions _Subscriptions = new Subscriptions(); string _strSubscriptions = _Subscriptions.Get_Subscriptions_List(strfinaltoken, oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.snippet.ToString()); //YoutubeChannel objChnnelData = ytrchannelrpo.getYoutubeChannelDetailsById(GooglePlusUserId); //GlobusGooglePlusLib.Youtube.Core.Activities objActivities = new Activities(); //string objDetails = objActivities.Get_All_Activities(strfinaltoken, oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.snippet, true, 50); JObject obj = JObject.Parse(_strSubscriptions); JArray array = (JArray)obj["items"]; int rowCount = 0; int columnCount = 0; strYoutubechanell = ""; string strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; foreach (var item in array) { string title = string.Empty; string description = string.Empty; string _resoucechannelId = string.Empty; string thumbnail = string.Empty; columnCount++; #region << Title >> try { title = item["snippet"]["title"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region << Description >> try { description = item["snippet"]["description"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region << Thumbnail >> try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["maxres"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnail)) { try { thumbnail = item["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["high"]["url"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } #endregion try { _resoucechannelId = item["snippet"]["resourceId"]["channelId"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } string viewCount = string.Empty; string subscriberCount = string.Empty; string hiddenSubscriberCount = string.Empty; string videoCount = string.Empty; string commentCount = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_resoucechannelId)) { try { GlobusGooglePlusLib.Youtube.Core.Channels _Channels = new Channels(); string videoDetails = _Channels.Get_Channel_List(strfinaltoken, (oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.snippet.ToString() + "," + oAuthTokenYoutube.Parts.statistics.ToString()), _resoucechannelId); JObject JobjvideoDetails = JObject.Parse(videoDetails); var JArrvideoDetails = (JArray)(JobjvideoDetails["items"]); foreach (var DataVal in JArrvideoDetails) { viewCount = DataVal["statistics"]["viewCount"].ToString(); subscriberCount = DataVal["statistics"]["subscriberCount"].ToString(); hiddenSubscriberCount = DataVal["statistics"]["hiddenSubscriberCount"].ToString(); videoCount = DataVal["statistics"]["videoCount"].ToString(); commentCount = DataVal["statistics"]["commentCount"].ToString(); break; } } catch (Exception) { } } //strYoutubechanell1 += "<div class=\"span3\">" + // "<div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg\">" + // "<div class=\"yt_title\">" + title + "</div><div class=\"video-containers thumbnail\">" + // "<img onclick=\"#\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\">" + // "</div><div class=\"icons\" style=\"width: 225px; float: left;\"><span class=\"span6 pull-left\">" + // "<a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: green;\" class=\"icon-facetime-video\"></i></a>" + // "<span class=\"pull-left\"> " + videoCount + "</span></a><a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: red;\" class=\"icon-comment\"></i>" + // "<span> " + commentCount + "</span></a></span><span class=\"pull-right\"><a href=\"#\"> <i style=\"color: red; padding-right: 5px;\" class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i><span> " + viewCount + "</span></a>" + // "</span></div><div class=\"yt_description\">" + description + "</div></div></div>"; strYoutubechanell1 += "<div class=\"span3\">" + "<div class=\"span box whitebg tumb_bg\">" + "<div class=\"yt_title\">" + title + "</div><div class=\"video-containers thumbnail\">" + "<img onclick=\"#\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + thumbnail + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"icons\" style=\"width: 225px; float: left;\"><span class=\"span7 pull-left\">" + "<a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: green;\" class=\"icon-facetime-video\"></i></a>" + "<span class=\"pull-left\"> " + ConvertMillionAndBillion(videoCount) + "</span></a><a href=\"#\" style=\"float: left;\"> <i style=\"color: red;\" class=\"icon-comment\"></i>" + "<span> " + ConvertMillionAndBillion(commentCount) + "</span></a></span><span class=\"pull-right\"><a href=\"#\"> <i style=\"color: red; padding-right: 5px;\" class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i><span> " + ConvertMillionAndBillion(viewCount) + "</span></a>" + "</span></div><div class=\"yt_description\">" + description + "</div></div></div>"; try { if (rowCount == 3) { strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; strYoutubechanell1 = string.Empty; rowCount = 0; } else { rowCount++; } if (!strYoutubechanell.Contains(strYoutubechanell1) && array.Count == columnCount) { strYoutubechanell += " <div class=\"row space\">" + strYoutubechanell1 + "</div>"; } } catch (Exception) { } } Response.Write(strYoutubechanell); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "linkedinfeeds") { #region linkedinfeeds string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinAccRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkacc = linkedinAccRepo.getUserInformation(profileid); oAuthLinkedIn oauthlin = new oAuthLinkedIn(); oauthlin.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LiApiKey"]; oauthlin.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LiSecretKey"]; oauthlin.FirstName = linkacc.LinkedinUserName; oauthlin.Id = linkacc.LinkedinUserId; oauthlin.Token = linkacc.OAuthToken; oauthlin.TokenSecret = linkacc.OAuthSecret; oauthlin.Verifier = linkacc.OAuthVerifier; LinkedInUser l = new LinkedInUser(); List<LinkedInUser.User_Updates> lst = l.GetUserUpdates(oauthlin, linkacc.LinkedinUserId, 10); string message = string.Empty; if (lst.Count != 0) { foreach (LinkedInUser.User_Updates item in lst) { try { string picurl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PictureUrl)) { picurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { picurl = item.PictureUrl; } message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"" + picurl + "\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"" + linkacc.ProfileUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"feednm\">" + item.PersonFirstName + " " + item.PersonLastName + "</a> <span>" + item.DateTime + " </span>" + "<p>" + item.Message + "</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { message += "<li><div class=\"feedim pull-left\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"31\" height=\"31\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-left feedcontent\">" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"feednm\"></a> <span>" + " </span>" + "<p>No Messages Found</p>" + "<a class=\"retweets\" href=\"#\">" + "</a><span></span>" + "</div>" + "</li>"; } Response.Write(message); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebookapi") { #region facebookapi try { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; // FacebookAccountRepository facerepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaccount = facerepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(profileid); FacebookHelper fbhelper = new FacebookHelper(); FacebookClient fbclient = new FacebookClient(faceaccount.AccessToken); dynamic profile = fbclient.Get("me"); var feeds = fbclient.Get("/me/feed"); var home = fbclient.Get("me/home"); fbhelper.getFacebookUserFeeds(feeds, profile); fbhelper.getFacebookUserHome(home, profile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "twitterapi") { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; TwitterAccountRepository twtAccountRepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtAccount = twtAccountRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, profileid); oAuthTwitter oAuth = new oAuthTwitter(); TwitterHelper twthelper = new TwitterHelper(); oAuth.AccessToken = twtAccount.OAuthToken; oAuth.AccessTokenSecret = twtAccount.OAuthSecret; twthelper.SetCofigDetailsForTwitter(oAuth); oAuth.TwitterScreenName = twtAccount.TwitterScreenName; oAuth.TwitterUserId = twtAccount.TwitterUserId; twthelper.getUserTweets(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getUserFeed(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getSentDirectMessages(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); twthelper.getReTweetsOfUser(oAuth, twtAccount, user.Id); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramlike") { string mediaid = Request.QueryString["mediaid"]; bool b = this.likefunction(mediaid, Request.QueryString["userid"], Request.QueryString["access"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramunlike") { string mediaid = Request.QueryString["mediaid"]; bool b = this.unlikefunction(mediaid, Request.QueryString["userid"], Request.QueryString["access"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramimages") { if (Request.QueryString["loadtime"] != "first") { instagramcount = instagramcount + 10; } else { instagramcount = 0; } InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramFeedRepository objInsFeedRepo = new InstagramFeedRepository(); InstagramFeed objInsFeed = new InstagramFeed(); InstagramCommentRepository objInsCmtRepo = new InstagramCommentRepository(); List<SocioBoard.Domain.InstagramComment> lstInsCmt = new List<SocioBoard.Domain.InstagramComment>(); string strInsImage = string.Empty; try { string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; InstagramAccount insaccount = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); List<InstagramFeed> lstInsFeed = objInsFeedRepo.getAllInstagramFeedsOfUser(user.Id, profileid, instagramcount); if (lstInsFeed.Count != 0) { strInsImage += "<div class=\"feedcontainer\">"; foreach (InstagramFeed feed in lstInsFeed) { try { lstInsCmt = objInsCmtRepo.getAllInstagramCommentsOfUser(user.Id, profileid, feed.FeedId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } try { strInsImage += "<div class=\"span3\" class=\"row-fluid\"><div class=\"span12 box whitebg feedwrap\"><div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\">" + "</div><div class=\"pull-right\" id=\"like\"><a title=\"\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"insUser('" + feed.FeedId + "','" + insaccount.AccessToken + "')\" ><img id=\"heartEmpty_" + feed.FeedId + "\" width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/heart-empty.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a><a title=\"\" href=\"#\"><img width=\"14\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\" style=\"margin-top: 9px;\"></a>" + "</div></div><div class=\"pic\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" + feed.FeedImageUrl + "\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p><span class=\"pull-left span3\">" + "<img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/heart-empty.png\"> " + feed.LikeCount + "</span><span class=\"pull-left span3\"><img width=\"12\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/admin/speech-bubble-left.png\"> " + lstInsCmt.Count + "</span><div class=\"clearfix\"></div>"; foreach (InstagramComment insCmt in lstInsCmt) { try { strInsImage += "<div class=\"userprof\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><a href=\"#\">" + "<img width=\"36\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + insCmt.FromProfilePic + "\"></a></div><div class=\"pull-left descr\"><p>" + insCmt.Comment + "</p>" + "<span class=\"usert\">" + DateExtension.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now, (long)Convert.ToDouble(insCmt.CommentDate)) + "</span></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } strInsImage += "</div></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } strInsImage += "</div>"; } else { if (instagramcount == 0) { strInsImage = "<div class=\"grid\"><div class=\"box whitebg feedwrap\">" + "<div class=\"topicon\"><div class=\"pull-left\"></div><div class=\"pull-right\">" + "<a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a><a href=\"#\" title=\"\"></a></div></div><div class=\"pic\">" + "<img src=\"../Contents/img/no_image_found.png\" alt=\"\"></div><div class=\"desc\"><p></p></div></div></div>"; } } Response.Write(strInsImage); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "instagramApi") { try { InstagramManager insManager = new InstagramManager(); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; InstagramAccountRepository insAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount instagramAccount = insAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(profileid, user.Id); insManager.getIntagramImages(instagramAccount); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "UnfollowTumblrBlog") { try { string blogname = Request.QueryString["blogname"].ToString(); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string accesstoken = Request.QueryString["accesstoken"]; string accesstokensecret = Request.QueryString["accesstokensecret"]; Guid id = Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); try { string msg = "success"; BlogsFollowers objunfollowblog = new BlogsFollowers(); objunfollowblog.Unfollowblog(accesstoken, accesstokensecret, blogname); int result = objTumblrFeedRepository.DeleteTumblrDataByProfileid(profileid, blogname); Response.Write(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrTextPost") { try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); string body = Request.QueryString["msg"].ToString(); string title = Request.QueryString["title"].ToString(); TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, body, title, "text"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrQuotePost") { try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); string source = Request.QueryString["source"].ToString(); string quote = Request.QueryString["quote"].ToString(); TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, source, quote, "quote"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrLinkPost") { try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); string linkurl = Request.QueryString["linkurl"].ToString(); string title = Request.QueryString["title"].ToString(); string description = Request.QueryString["description"].ToString(); TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostdescriptionData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, linkurl, title, description, "link"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrImagePost") { string caption = string.Empty; try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); try { caption = Request.QueryString["caption"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } var fi = Request.Files["file"]; string file = string.Empty; if (fi != null) { var path = Server.MapPath("~/Contents/img/upload"); file = path + "/" + fi.FileName; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } fi.SaveAs(file); } string filepath = file; TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, caption, filepath, "photo"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrAudioPost") { string caption = string.Empty; try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); var fi = Request.Files["file"]; string file = string.Empty; if (fi != null) { var path = Server.MapPath("~/Contents/img/upload"); file = path + "/" + fi.FileName; //if (!Directory.Exists(path)) //{ // Directory.CreateDirectory(path); //} //fi.SaveAs(file); } string filepath = file; TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostAudioData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, filepath, "audio"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrVideoPost") { string caption = string.Empty; try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); string VideoUrl = Request.QueryString["VideoUrl"].ToString(); string VideoContent = Request.QueryString["VideoContent"].ToString(); var fi = Request.Files["file"]; string file = string.Empty; if (fi != null) { var path = Server.MapPath("~/Contents/img/upload"); file = path + "/" + fi.FileName; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } fi.SaveAs(file); } string filepath = file; TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostdescriptionData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, filepath, VideoUrl, VideoContent, "video"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "tumblrChatPost") { try { string ProfileId = Request.QueryString["profileid"].ToString(); string body = Request.QueryString["body"].ToString(); string title = Request.QueryString["title"].ToString(); string tag = Request.QueryString["tag"].ToString(); TumblrAccount objTumblrAccount = tumblraccrepo.getTumblrAccountDetailsById(ProfileId); PublishedPosts objPublishedPosts = new PublishedPosts(); objPublishedPosts.PostdescriptionData(objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessToken, objTumblrAccount.tblrAccessTokenSecret, ProfileId, body, title, tag, "chat"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "LikeUnlikeTumblrImage") { int likestatus = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["likes"]); string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; string accesstoken = Request.QueryString["accesstoken"]; string accesstokensecret = Request.QueryString["accesstokensecret"]; Guid id = Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); int notes = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["notes"]); try { int like = 0; if (likestatus == 0) { like = 1; } int i = objTumblrFeedRepository.UpdateDashboardOfProfileLikes(profileid, id, like); int s = objTumblrFeedRepository.UpdateDashboardOfProfileNotes(profileid, id, like, notes); TumblrFeed obj = objTumblrFeedRepository.getFeedOfProfilebyIdProfileId(profileid, id); BlogsLikes objBlogsLikes = new BlogsLikes(); objBlogsLikes.likeBlog(accesstoken, accesstokensecret, obj.blogId, obj.reblogkey, like); //KeyValuePair<string, string> LoginDetails = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(accesstoken, accesstokensecret); //var prms = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //prms.Add("id", obj.blogId); //prms.Add("reblog_key", obj.reblogkey); //var postUrl = ""; //if (like == 1) //{ // postUrl = ""; //} //else //{ // postUrl = ""; //} //string result = oAuthTumbler.OAuthData(postUrl, "POST", LoginDetails.Key, LoginDetails.Value, prms); //string result1 = string.Empty; //result1 = result; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } }
public async Task <IDataResult <InstaUserShortList> > Get(string username) { return(await InstagramManager.GetUnfollowers(username, _config)); }
private void unfollowAccount(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager, string account) { string pageSource = string.Empty; string response = string.Empty; string profileId = string.Empty; const string websta = ""; const string accountUrl = ""; try { try { UnfollowListListThread.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); UnfollowListListThread.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch { } try { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(accountUrl + account), "", 80, "", ""); } catch { }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) { if (pageSource.Contains("<ul class=\"list-inline user-")) { try { profileId = ScrapUserName.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"list-inline user-", "\">"); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileId) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(profileId)) { try { response = accountManager.httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(websta + profileId), "action=unfollow", accountUrl + account, ""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response) && response.Contains("OK")) { if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; string status = string.Empty; try { status = QueryExecuter.getFollowStatus(accountManager.Username, account); switch (status) { //case "Followed": QueryExecuter.updateFollowStatus(accountManager.Username, account, "Unfollowed"); case "Followed": QueryExecuter.updateFollowStatus(accountManager.Username, account, "Unfollowed"); AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Unfollowed " + account + " from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); break; case "Unfollowed": AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Not Followed " + account + " from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); break; default: AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + account + " = Unfollowed " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); QueryExecuter.updateFollowStatus(accountManager.Username, account, "Unfollowed"); break; } } catch { } //AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Unfollowed " + account + " from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } else { if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Could not Unfollow " + account + " from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } } } } else { AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. " + account + " from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => unfollowAccount :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } }
private void unFollow(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager, string userId, string proxyAddress, string proxyPort) { List<string> lstToUnfollow = new List<string>(); List<string> lstGetFollowing = new List<string>(); List<string> lstGetFollower = new List<string>(); List<string> lstFollowFromDatabase = new List<string>(); //Get List From Database if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; lstFollowFromDatabase = getDataList(accountManager.Username); lstFollowFromDatabase = lstFollowFromDatabase.Distinct().ToList(); //Getting all the following List if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Getting all following List for " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); lstGetFollowing = getFollowing(ref accountManager, "follows", userId, proxyAddress, proxyPort); lstGetFollowing = lstGetFollowing.Distinct().ToList(); //Get all the follower List if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Getting all follower List for " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); lstGetFollower = getFollower(ref accountManager, "followed-by", userId); lstGetFollower = lstGetFollower.Distinct().ToList(); //Getting list that have not followed back try { if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; lstToUnfollow = (lstGetFollowing.Except(lstGetFollower)).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => unFollow :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } if (lstFollowFromDatabase.Count >= 0) { if (lstToUnfollow.Count >= 0) { int count = 0; foreach (string item in lstFollowFromDatabase) { string itemCopy = ""; try { if (item.Contains("")) { itemCopy = getBetween(item, "", "/"); } if (lstToUnfollow.Contains(itemCopy))//lstToUnfollow { try { unfollowAccount(ref accountManager, item); } catch { }; lock (_lockObject) { if (_boolStopUnfollow) return; AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delaying for " + delayUnfollow + " seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delayUnfollow * 1000); } count++; if (count == noOfAccountUnfollow) break; } } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GlobusFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => unFollow :=> " + ex.Message, GlobusFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GlobusFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } } } else { AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No Accounts to Unfollow for " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } } else { AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ None followed for " + accountManager.Username + " during specified time ]"); } AddToUnfollowLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Unfollow completed with " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); }
public void getComment(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager, string CommentIdsForMSG_item) { Queue<string> CommentIdQueue = new Queue<string>(); Queue<string> MsgQueue = new Queue<string>(); InstagramManager.Classes.Comments ObjComments = new Comments(); InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramPhotoLike ObjPotoLike = new InstagramPhotoLike(); try { //Fill MSg's In Queue List ... //foreach (string commentMsgList_item in ClGlobul.commentMsgList) //{ // MsgQueue.Enqueue(commentMsgList_item); //} string photoLikeresult = string.Empty; //If the user Choose somment all given Id from every login Accounts ... //Then will be choose check bOx ... //if (chk_MsgAllCommentId.Checked == true) //{ //foreach (string CommentIdsForMSG_item in ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG) //{ photoLikeresult = string.Empty; //string message = MsgQueue.Dequeue(); string message = ClGlobul.commentMsgList[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Count)]; try { string status = ObjComments.Comment(CommentIdsForMSG_item, message, ref accountManager); if (status == "success") { //AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ comment is successfully posted from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " comment is successfully posted from " + CommentIdsForMSG_item + " ]"); } else { //AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ comment is successfully posted from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); //AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Failed for posted from " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " comment is successfully posted from This Id " + CommentIdsForMSG_item + " ]"); } if (chk_CommentWithLike.Checked == true) { try { //Get Photo like if user is required .... photoLikeresult = ObjPotoLike.photolike(CommentIdsForMSG_item, ref accountManager); } catch (Exception ex) { //AddToCommentLogger(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name :- GetComment ()- Photo like :- " + ex.Message); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine((DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name :- GetComment ()- Photo like :- " + ex.Message), GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } //Print statuse in logger printStatus(accountManager.Username, status, CommentIdsForMSG_item, photoLikeresult); } else { //Print statuse in logger printStatus(accountManager.Username, status, CommentIdsForMSG_item); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmindelayComment.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmindelayComment.Text)) { mindelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmindelayComment.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmaxdelayComments.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmaxdelayComments.Text)) { maxdelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmaxdelayComments.Text); } int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds For " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //AddToCommentLogger(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetComment () :=> " + ex.Message); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetPhotolike () :=> comment Error :- " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } //if (MsgQueue.Count == 0) //{ // break; //} //} //} #region From Queue //else //{ // /// When user is choosend single comment in single Photo Id's // /// then program is Full fill this condion // /// and which is Commented in one Id and one MSg // /// also try to avoid duplicacy for it. // if (CommentIdQueue.Count==0) // { // foreach (string CommentIdsForMSG_item in ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG) // { // CommentIdQueue.Enqueue(CommentIdsForMSG_item); // } // } // while (true) // { // Thread.Sleep(1000); // photoLikeresult = string.Empty; // string CommentIdForMSG = CommentIdQueue.Dequeue(); // string message = ""; // message = MsgQueue.Dequeue(); // try // { // string status = ObjComments.Comment(CommentIdForMSG, message, ref accountManager); // if (chk_CommentWithLike.Checked == true) // { // try // { // ///..get photo like from given Id // photoLikeresult = ObjPotoLike.photolike(CommentIdForMSG, ref accountManager); // } // catch (Exception) // { // photoLikeresult = "All ready Like"; // } // //Print statuse in logger // printStatus(accountManager.Username, status, CommentIdForMSG, photoLikeresult); // } // else // { // //Print statuse in logger // printStatus(accountManager.Username, status, CommentIdForMSG); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // AddTophotoLogger(" Methode Name => GetLoginForComment (2) :=> " + ex.Message); // AddTophotoLogger(accountManager.Username+"is not Comment to "+CommentIdForMSG); // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetLoginForComment (2) :=> " + ex.Message, GlobusFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.ClientId + ":" + accountManager.Password + ":" + CommentIdForMSG, GlobusFileHelper.NotCommentedFilePath); // } // //if MESSAGE and Photo ID's are finished // // Then break the while loop ... // if (CommentIdQueue.Count == 0 || MsgQueue.Count==0) // { // if (CommentIdQueue.Count == 0 && MsgQueue.Count == 0) // { // } // else if (CommentIdQueue.Count == 0) // AddToCommentLogger("Photo id's are Finished "); // else if (MsgQueue.Count == 0) // AddToCommentLogger("Messages are Finished "); // break; // } // } //} #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { //AddToCommentLogger(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetComment () :=> " + ex.Message); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetPhotolike (2) :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } finally { AddToCommentLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Comment is Finished From Account : " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } }
private void getPhotoUnlike(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager) { foreach (string itemPhotos in ClGlobul.PhotoList) { if (_boolUnlike) return; try { GloBoardPro.lstThread.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; GloBoardPro.lstThread = GloBoardPro.lstThread.Distinct().ToList(); } catch { }; try { string pageSource = string.Empty; pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri("" + itemPhotos), "", 80, "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) { string like = string.Empty; if (pageSource.Contains("likeButton") & pageSource.Contains("</button>")) { try { like = ScrapUserName.getBetween(pageSource, "likeButton", "</button>"); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoUnlike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } } if (like.Contains("Liked")) { string url_Unlike = ""; url_Unlike += itemPhotos; string response = string.Empty; response = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(url_Unlike), "", 80, "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { if (response.Contains("OK")) { if (_boolUnlike) return; AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Unliked " + itemPhotos + " From : " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } else { if (_boolUnlike) return; AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Failed To Unlike From : " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } } else { if (_boolUnlike) return; AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Failed To Unlike From : " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } }//End of if (like.Contains("Liked")) else { if (_boolUnlike) return; AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + itemPhotos + " is not liked previously From : " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdelaymin.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtdelaymin.Text)) { mindelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtdelaymin.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdelaymax.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtdelaymax.Text)) { maxdelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtdelaymax.Text); } lock (_lockObject) { Random rn = new Random(); int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); delay = rn.Next(mindelay,maxdelay); AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds For " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } }//End of if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoUnlike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } } }
private List<string> getFollowing(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager, string type, string userId, string ProxyAddress, string proxyPort) { const string websta = ""; List<string> lst = new List<string>(); string pageSource = string.Empty; try { try { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId), ProxyAddress, int.Parse(proxyPort), "", ""); } catch { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId), "", 80, "", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId), ProxyAddress, int.Parse(proxyPort), "", ""); } else { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId), "", 80, "", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource) && pageSource.Contains("<div class=\"pull-left\"")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<div class=\"pull-left\""); arr = Enumerable.Skip(arr, 1).ToArray(); foreach (string arrItems in arr) { try { if (arrItems.Contains("<a href=\"/n/")) { string user = string.Empty; try { user = ScrapUserName.getBetween(arrItems, "<a href=\"/n/", "\""); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getFollowing :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { lst.Add(user); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getFollowing :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } } } #region pagination while (pageSource.Contains("<ul class=\"pager\">")) { string zone = string.Empty; string link = string.Empty; try { try { zone = ScrapUserName.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"pager\">", "</ul>"); } catch { } #region Get Pagination Link in Variable link if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zone) && zone.Contains("Next Page") && zone.Contains("<a href=\"/")) { try { try { zone = zone.Substring(zone.LastIndexOf("<a href=\"/")); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zone)) { int indexStart = zone.LastIndexOf("?"); int indexEnd = zone.LastIndexOf("\""); try { link = zone.Substring(indexStart, indexEnd - indexStart); } catch { } } } catch { } }//end of if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zone)) else { break; } #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { try { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId + link), "", 80, "", ""); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) { pageSource = accountManager.httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(websta + type + "/" + userId + link), "", 80, "", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource) && pageSource.Contains("<div class=\"pull-left\"")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<div class=\"pull-left\""); arr = Enumerable.Skip(arr, 1).ToArray(); foreach (string arrItems in arr) { try { if (arrItems.Contains("<a href=\"/n/")) { string user = string.Empty; try { user = ScrapUserName.getBetween(arrItems, "<a href=\"/n/", "\""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { lst.Add(user); } } } catch { } } } else { //Exit from the while loop break; } }//End of if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) else { //Exit from the while loop break; } } catch { } }//End of while #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getFollowing :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForComment); } return lst; }
public void getPhotoLike(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager) { InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramPhotoLike InstagramPhotoLike = new InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramPhotoLike(); try { foreach (string PhotoList_item in ClGlobul.PhotoList) { string query = "select * from LikeInfo where UseName='" + accountManager.Username + "' and LikePhotoId='" + PhotoList_item + "'"; DataSet ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(query, "LikeInfo"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { try { string LikeName = PhotoList_item; // string Result = InstagramPhotoLike.photolike(LikeName, ref accountManager); string photoId = string.Empty; if (PhotoList_item.Contains("\0")) { photoId = PhotoList_item.Replace("\0", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { photoId = PhotoList_item; } string Result = string.Empty; try { Result = InstagramPhotoLike.photolike(photoId, ref accountManager); } catch { } if (Result.Contains("LIKED") && !Result.Contains("All ready LIKED")) { try { //QueryExecuter.insertPhotoId(accountManager.Username, photoId); QueryExecuter.insertLikeStatus(photoId, accountManager.Username, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoLike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } try { if (!ClGlobul.photoLikesCompletedList.Contains(accountManager.Username))// + ":" + accountManager.Password + ":" + accountManager.proxyAddress + ":" + accountManager.proxyPort + ":" + accountManager.proxyUsername + ":" + accountManager.proxyPassword)) { ClGlobul.photoLikesCompletedList.Add(accountManager.Username);// + ":" + accountManager.Password + ":" + accountManager.proxyAddress + ":" + accountManager.proxyPort + ":" + accountManager.proxyUsername + ":" + accountManager.proxyPassword); } GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + photoId, GramBoardProFileHelper.LikePhotoAccountIdFilePath); // QueryExecuter.UpdateStatusPhotoId(accountManager.Username, photoId); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoLike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } try { AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " LIKED : " + PhotoList_item + " ]"); } catch { AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " All ready LIKED : " + PhotoList_item + " ]"); } } else if (Result.Contains("All ready LIKED")) { try { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + photoId, GramBoardProFileHelper.AllReadylikePhotoAccountIdFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoLike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " All ready LIKED : " + PhotoList_item + " ]"); } else { try { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + photoId, GramBoardProFileHelper.NotlikePhotoAccountIdFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getPhotoLike :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " is Not LIKED : " + PhotoList_item + " ]"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdelaymin.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtdelaymin.Text)) { mindelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtdelaymin.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdelaymax.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtdelaymax.Text)) { maxdelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtdelaymax.Text); } lock (_lockObject) { Random rn = new Random(); int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); delay = rn.Next(mindelay,maxdelay); AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds For " + accountManager.Username + " ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetPhotolike (1) :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } } else { AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " All ready LIKED : " + PhotoList_item + " ]"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetPhotolike (2) :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePathForPhotolike); } finally { AddTophotoLogger("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); AddTophotoLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Photo Like is Finished From =>" + accountManager.Username + " ]"); AddTophotoLogger("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } }
public void getFollow(ref InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramAccountManager accountManager, List<string> followingList) { InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramFollow Instagramfollow = new InstagramManager.Classes.InstagramFollow(); try { if (ClGlobul.followingList.Count != 0) { //foreach (string followingList_item in ClGlobul.followingList) //commented when divide data implemented. foreach (string followingList_item in followingList) { try { string FollowerName = followingList_item; string Result = Instagramfollow.Follow(FollowerName, ref accountManager); if (Result == "Followed") { ClGlobul.TotalNoOfFollow++; AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [" + accountManager.Username + " Followed " + FollowerName + " ]"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmindelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmindelay.Text)) { mindelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmindelay.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmaxdelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmaxdelay.Text)) { maxdelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmaxdelay.Text); } lock (_lockObject) { Random rn = new Random(); int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); delay = rn.Next(mindelay, maxdelay); AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } if (!Followedlist.Contains(accountManager.Username)) { Followedlist.Add(accountManager.Username); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Followed: " + FollowerName + " By: " + accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.FollowIDFilePath); } } else if (Result == "private") { AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Followed: " + FollowerName + " is a private user and can not be followed. ]"); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.FollowedOptionNotAvailableFilePath); } else if (Result == "Already Followed") { ClGlobul.TotalNoOfFollow++; AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Account:" + accountManager.Username + ClGlobul.TotalNoOfFollow + " Followed " + FollowerName + " ]"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmindelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmindelay.Text)) { mindelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmindelay.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmaxdelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtmaxdelay.Text)) { maxdelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtmaxdelay.Text); } lock (_lockObject) { Random rn = new Random(); int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); delay = rn.Next(mindelay, maxdelay); AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } if (!Followedlist.Contains(accountManager.Username)) { Followedlist.Add(accountManager.Username); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Followed: " + FollowerName + " By: " + accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.FollowIDFilePath); } if (!AlreadyFollowedlist.Contains(accountManager.Username)) { AlreadyFollowedlist.Add(accountManager.Username); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Already Followed: " + FollowerName + " By: " + accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.AllReadyFollowedIdFilePath); } } else if (Result == "Follow option is not available In page...!!") { AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Follow option is not available In page...!!" + accountManager.Username + " ]"); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.FollowedOptionNotAvailableFilePath); } else { AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountManager.Username + " Not Followed " + FollowerName + " ]"); if (!NotFollowedlist.Contains(accountManager.Username)) { NotFollowedlist.Add(accountManager.Username); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password, GramBoardProFileHelper.UnFollowIdFilePath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => getFollow1 :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); } } } else { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Methode Name => GetFollow2 :=> ", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Please upload Following ID's ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => GetFollow3 :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); } finally { ClGlobul.FolloConpletedList.Add(accountManager.Username + ":" + accountManager.Password); ClGlobul.TotalNoOfIdsForFollow--; counter_follow--; if (counter_follow == 0) { AddToLogger("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED ]"); AddToLogger("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } try { string UserName = accountManager.Username.ToString(); var DicValue = ClGlobul.ThreadList.Single(s => s.Key.Contains(UserName)); Thread value = DicValue.Value; if (value.IsAlive || value.IsBackground) { value = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { GramBoardProFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + ":=> Methode Name => Finally (Thread Spoile) :=> " + ex.Message, GramBoardProFileHelper.ErrorLogFilePath); } } }