protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry) { //Check we only have one feature to extend to if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one polyline or polygon feature to extend to", "Extend"); return Task.FromResult(true); } //Run on MCT return QueuedTask.Run(() => { //get selected feature geometry var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection(); var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First()); var selGeom = insp.Shape; if (!(selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon || selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polyline)) { MessageBox.Show("Please choose as the selected feature either a polyline or polygon feature to extend to"); return false; } //find feature at the click var clickFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry); insp.Load(clickFeatures.First().Key, clickFeatures.First().Value); var clickGeom = insp.Shape as Polyline; if (clickGeom == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a polyline feature to extend"); return false; } //extend the line to the poly? ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline extPolyline; extPolyline = GeometryEngine.Extend(clickGeom, (selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon ? GeometryEngine.Boundary(selGeom) as Polyline : selGeom as Polyline), ExtendFlags.Default); if (extPolyline == null) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to extend the clicked {0} to the selected {1}", clickGeom.GeometryType, selGeom.GeometryType)); return false; } //set the new geometry back on the feature insp.Shape = extPolyline; //create and execute the edit operation var op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Extend"; op.SelectModifiedFeatures = false; op.SelectNewFeatures = false; op.Modify(insp); return op.Execute(); }); }
public void Dispose () { _appointment.AfterWrite -= Appointment_AfterWrite; _appointment.BeforeDelete -= Appointment_BeforeDelete; ((InspectorEvents_10_Event) _inspector).Close -= AppointmentItemWrapper_Close; _appointment = null; _inspector = null; }
public SMTLibProcess(ProcessStartInfo psi, SMTLibProverOptions options) { this.options = options; this.smtProcessId = smtProcessIdSeq++; if (options.Inspector != null) { this.inspector = new Inspector(options); } foreach (var arg in options.SolverArguments) psi.Arguments += " " + arg; if (cancelEvent == null && CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunningBoogieFromCommandLine) { cancelEvent = new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(ControlCHandler); Console.CancelKeyPress += cancelEvent; } if (options.Verbosity >= 1) { Console.WriteLine("[SMT-{0}] Starting {1} {2}", smtProcessId, psi.FileName, psi.Arguments); } try { prover = new Process(); prover.StartInfo = psi; prover.ErrorDataReceived += prover_ErrorDataReceived; prover.OutputDataReceived += prover_OutputDataReceived; prover.Start(); toProver = prover.StandardInput; prover.BeginErrorReadLine(); prover.BeginOutputReadLine(); } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e) { throw new ProverException(string.Format("Unable to start the process {0}: {1}", psi.FileName, e.Message)); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { Logger.LogInfo("EMAILTRACKING: Disposing Mail Selection - " + isDisposing); if (isDisposing) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } if (_inspector != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_inspector); if (_explorer != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_explorer); if (_ns != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_ns); if (_outlookApplication != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_outlookApplication); _inspector = null; _explorer = null; _ns = null; _outlookApplication = null; }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified inspector. /// </summary> /// <param name="inspector">The inspector.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static OutlookRibbonType Convert(Inspector inspector) { object item = inspector.CurrentItem; var type = item.GetType(); var messageClass = (string)type.InvokeMember( "MessageClass", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, item, null); if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Appointment")) return OutlookRibbonType.OutlookAppointment; if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Contact")) return OutlookRibbonType.OutlookContact; if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Activity")) return OutlookRibbonType.OutlookJournal; if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Note")) return ConvertMail(item); if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Schedule.Meeting")) return ConvertMeeting(item); if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Post")) return ConvertPost(item); if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Task")) return OutlookRibbonType.OutlookTask; if (messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.OLE.CLASS")) return OutlookRibbonType.OutlookAppointment; throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("MessageClass {0} is unrecognised", messageClass)); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (username_box.Text.Trim().Count() == 0 || name_box.Text.Trim().Count() == 0 || familiy_box.Text.Trim().Count() == 0 || accessLevel.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show(new IncompleteFormException().Message); } User user = UserStorage.getInstance().all().Find(x => x.Username.Equals(username_box.Text)); if (user != null) { MessageBox.Show(new UserExistsException().Message); } else { String alevel = accessLevel.SelectedText; AccessLevel access_Level = null; if (alevel.Equals("کاربر میانی")) { access_Level = new Manager(); } else if (alevel.Equals("کاربر ارشد")) { access_Level = new HeadManager(); } else { access_Level = new Inspector(); } User new_user = new User(name_box.Text, familiy_box.Text, username_box.Text, access_Level); UserStorage.getInstance().create(new_user); this.Close(); } }
protected override void OnClick() { //get the screen location of the right click var cmdc = (System.Windows.Point)FrameworkApplication.ContextMenuDataContext; QueuedTask.Run(async() => { var mapPoint = MapView.Active.ScreenToMap(cmdc); //create search polygon at 5 pixels var searchPoly = CreateSearchPolygon(mapPoint, 5); //find features under the search geometry var searchFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(searchPoly); //get the sketch geometry var sketchGeom = await MapView.Active.GetCurrentSketchAsync(); //loop through underlying features for the first one that matches sketch geometry type foreach (var layer in searchFeatures.Keys) { //load the first feature into the inspector var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(layer, searchFeatures[layer].First()); if (sketchGeom.GeometryType == insp.Shape.GeometryType) { await MapView.Active.SetCurrentSketchAsync(insp.Shape); break; } } }); }
protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry) { //Simple check for selected layer if (MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a layer in the toc","Update attributes with sketch"); return Task.FromResult(true); } //Run on MCT return QueuedTask.Run(() => { //Get the selected layer in toc var featLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().First() as FeatureLayer; //find feature oids under the sketch for the selected layer var features = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry); var featOids = features[featLayer]; //update the attributes of those features var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(featLayer, featOids); insp["PARCEL_ID"] = 42; //create and execute the edit operation var op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Update parcel"; op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true; op.SelectNewFeatures = false; op.Modify(insp); return op.Execute(); }); }
private void NewInspector(Inspector Inspector) { if (Inspector.CurrentItem is MailItem) { InspectorWrappers.Add(Inspector, new InspectorWrapper(Inspector)); } }
private void OnNewInspector(Inspector Inspector) { var wsInspector = new WsInspector(Inspector); wsInspector.Activated += id => Activated(id); _wsInspectors.Add(wsInspector); if (NewInspector != null) NewInspector(wsInspector); }
public MailSelection() { _outlookApplication = new Application(); _ns = _outlookApplication.GetNamespace("MAPI"); _inspector = _outlookApplication.ActiveInspector(); _explorer = _outlookApplication.ActiveExplorer(); Logger.LogInfo("EMAILTRACKING: Initialised Mail Selection"); }
void Start() { inspector = GameObject.Find ("Inspector").GetComponent ("Inspector") as Inspector; objectList = GameObject.Find ("ObjectList").GetComponent ("ObjectList") as ObjectList; parameterList = GameObject.Find ("ParameterList").GetComponent ("ParameterList") as ParameterList; startPosition = transform.position; startRotation = transform.eulerAngles; }
public InspWrap(Inspector insp) { if (insp == null) { return; } Key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Inspector = insp; }
public InspectorWrapper(Inspector Inspector) { inspector = Inspector; ((InspectorEvents_Event)inspector).Close += InspectorWrapper_Close; taskPane = Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Add(new TaskPaneControl("Inspector", _count++), "My task pane", inspector); taskPane.VisibleChanged += TaskPane_VisibleChanged; taskPane.Visible = true; }
public AppointmentItemAdapter (Inspector inspector, AppointmentItem appointment) { _appointment = appointment; _inspector = inspector; _appointment.AfterWrite += Appointment_AfterWrite; _appointment.BeforeDelete += Appointment_BeforeDelete; ((InspectorEvents_10_Event) _inspector).Close += AppointmentItemWrapper_Close; }
private void ToggleInspector(RibbonToggleButton button, Inspector inspector) { if (inspector == null) return; var inspectorWrapper = Globals.ThisAddIn.InspectorWrappers[inspector]; CustomTaskPane taskPane = inspectorWrapper.CustomTaskPane; if (taskPane != null) { taskPane.Visible = button.Checked; } }
private void InspectorClose() { ((InspectorEvents_10_Event)Inspector).Close -= InspectorClose; var handler = Closed; if (handler != null) Closed(this, new InspectorClosedEventArgs(Inspector, CurrentContext)); Inspector = null; }
void NewInspector(Inspector inspector) { var wrapper = new InspectorWrapper(inspector); wrapper.Closed += InspectorClosed; var ribbonType = InspectorToRibbonTypeConverter.Convert(inspector); var newViewEventArgs = new NewViewEventArgs(inspector, wrapper.CurrentContext, ribbonType.GetEnumDescription()); NewView(this, newViewEventArgs); if (!newViewEventArgs.Handled) inspector.ReleaseComObject(); }
public InspectorWrapper(Inspector inspector) { this.inspector = inspector; TheActivateHandler = new InspectorEvents_ActivateEventHandler(activateHandler); ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.InspectorEvents_Event)this.inspector).Activate += TheActivateHandler; if (this.inspector.CurrentItem is AppointmentItem) { AppointmentItem theItem = this.inspector.CurrentItem as AppointmentItem; ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ItemEvents_10_Event)theItem).Send += sendHander; } InitializeInspector(); }
private void InspectorWrapper_Close() { if (taskPane != null) { Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Remove(taskPane); } taskPane = null; Globals.ThisAddIn.InspectorWrappers.Remove(inspector); ((InspectorEvents_Event)inspector).Close -= InspectorWrapper_Close; inspector = null; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeSchema"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="inspector"> /// The inspector. /// </param> /// <param name="handlePropertyIgnore"> /// The handle property ignore. /// </param> internal TypeSchema(Inspector inspector, bool handlePropertyIgnore) { var properties = new List<TypeSchemaProperty>(inspector.Properties.Count); foreach (var property in inspector.Properties.Where(property => !handlePropertyIgnore || !property.Ignore)) { var typeSchemaProperty = new TypeSchemaProperty(); typeSchemaProperty.PropertyName = property.Name; typeSchemaProperty.InspectedProperty = property; Encoder.TryGetEncoder(property.PropertyType, out typeSchemaProperty.EncoderInfo); properties.Add(typeSchemaProperty); } this.typeSchemaProperties = properties.ToArray(); this.writeObject = TypeSchema.CompileWriteObjectDelegate(this.typeSchemaProperties); this.serializedSchema = new Lazy<byte[]>(() => this.GetSerializedSchema()); }
private void Inspectors_NewInspector (Inspector inspector) { try { var item = TryCreateItem (inspector); if (item != null) { _isChangedByItem.Add (item, false); item.Closed += Item_Closed; item.SavedOrDeleted += Item_SavedOrDeleted; } } catch (Exception x) { ExceptionHandler.Instance.LogException (x, s_logger); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var thread = new Thread (() => { var listener = new TcpListener (IPAddress.Any, 8888); listener.Start (); while (true) { var socket = listener.AcceptSocket (); var stream = new NetworkStream (socket); var inspector = new Inspector (stream); var history = new History (inspector); InspectorModel.Inspector = inspector; HistoryModel.History = history; inspector.Run (); } }); thread.Start (); using (var nancyHost = new NancyHost (new Uri (""), new Uri ("http://localhost:8080/"))) { StaticConfiguration.DisableErrorTraces = false; StaticConfiguration.Caching.EnableRuntimeViewUpdates = true; nancyHost.Start (); Console.WriteLine ("Nancy now listening - navigating to Press key to stop"); while (true) { if (Console.ReadKey ().Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } Thread.Sleep (100); } } }
public override void onInspect(int itemOrObjectId) { Inspector Inspector = "Inspector"; Inspector.inspect(itemOrObjectId); }
/* * Draws the scene view helpers for IKSolverTrigonometric * */ public static void AddScene(IKSolverLeg solver, Color color, bool modifiable) { if (Application.isPlaying && !solver.initiated) { return; } if (!Application.isPlaying && !solver.IsValid()) { return; } //float length = Vector3.Distance(solver.bone1.transform.position, solver.bone2.transform.position) + Vector3.Distance(solver.bone2.transform.position, solver.bone3.transform.position); //float size = length * 0.05f; Handles.color = color; GUI.color = color; // Chain lines Handles.DrawLine(solver.pelvis.transform.position, solver.thigh.transform.position); Handles.DrawLine(solver.thigh.transform.position, solver.calf.transform.position); Handles.DrawLine(solver.calf.transform.position, solver.foot.transform.position); Handles.DrawLine(solver.foot.transform.position, solver.toe.transform.position); // Joints Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.pelvis.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.pelvis.transform.position)); Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.thigh.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.thigh.transform.position)); Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.calf.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.calf.transform.position)); Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.foot.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.foot.transform.position)); Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.toe.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.toe.transform.position)); if (Application.isPlaying && (solver.IKPositionWeight > 0 || solver.IKRotationWeight > 0)) { if (modifiable) { Inspector.CubeCap(0, solver.IKPosition, solver.IKRotation, GetHandleSize(solver.IKPosition)); // Manipulating position and rotation switch (Tools.current) { case Tool.Move: if ( == null) { solver.IKPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(solver.IKPosition, Quaternion.identity); } break; case Tool.Rotate: if ( == null) { solver.IKRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(solver.IKRotation, solver.IKPosition); } break; } } // Target Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * Mathf.Max(solver.IKPositionWeight, solver.IKRotationWeight)); Handles.DrawLine(solver.toe.transform.position, solver.IKPosition); } Handles.color = Color.white; GUI.color = Color.white; }
public void OnSceneGUI() { GUI.changed = false; // Set defaultLocalRotation so that the initial local rotation will be the zero point for the rotation limit if (!Application.isPlaying) { script.defaultLocalRotation = script.transform.localRotation; } if (script.axis == { return; } // Quick Editing Tools Handles.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 180, 550, 130), "Rotation Limit Polygonal", "Window"); // Cloning values from another RotationLimitPolygonal EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Inspector.Button("Clone From", "Make this rotation limit identical to another", script, GUILayout.Width(220))) { CloneLimit(); } clone = (RotationLimitPolygonal)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", clone, typeof(RotationLimitPolygonal), true); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Symmetry symmetry = (Symmetry)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Symmetry", symmetry, GUILayout.Width(220)); // Flipping EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Inspector.Button("Flip X", "Flip points along local X axis", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { FlipLimit(0); } if (Inspector.Button("Flip Y", "Flip points along local Y axis", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { FlipLimit(1); } if (Inspector.Button("Flip Z", "Flip points along local Z axis", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { FlipLimit(2); } GUILayout.Label("Flip everything along axis"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Rotating EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Inspector.Button("Rotate X", "Rotate points along X axis by Degrees", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { RotatePoints(degrees, Vector3.right); } if (Inspector.Button("Rotate Y", "Rotate points along Y axis by Degrees", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { RotatePoints(degrees, Vector3.up); } if (Inspector.Button("Rotate Z", "Rotate points along Z axis by Degrees", script, GUILayout.Width(100))) { RotatePoints(degrees, Vector3.forward); } degrees = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Degrees", degrees, GUILayout.Width(200)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Smooth/Optimize EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Inspector.Button("Smooth", "Double the points", script)) { Smooth(); } if (Inspector.Button("Optimize", "Delete every second point", script)) { Optimize(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); // Rebuild reach cones script.BuildReachCones(); // Draw a white transparent sphere DrawRotationSphere(script.transform.position); // Draw Axis DrawArrow(script.transform.position, Direction(script.axis), colorDefault, "Axis", 0.02f); // Display limit points for (int i = 0; i < script.points.Length; i++) { Color color = GetColor(i); // Paint the point in green or red if it belongs to an invalid reach cone Handles.color = color; GUI.color = color; // Line from the center to the point and the label Handles.DrawLine(script.transform.position, script.transform.position + Direction(script.points[i].point)); Handles.Label(script.transform.position + Direction(script.points[i].point + new Vector3(-0.02f, 0, 0)), " " + i.ToString()); // Selecting points Handles.color = colorHandles; if (Handles.Button(script.transform.position + Direction(script.points[i].point), script.transform.rotation, 0.02f, 0.02f, Handles.DotCap)) { selectedPoint = i; } Handles.color = Color.white; GUI.color = Color.white; // Limit point GUI if (i == selectedPoint) { Handles.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 240, Screen.height - 180, 230, 130), "Limit Point " + i.ToString(), "Window"); if (Inspector.Button("Delete", "Delete this point", script)) { if (script.points.Length > 3) { // Using the deletePoint index here because we dont want to delete points from the array that we are iterating deletePoint = i; } else if (!Warning.logged) { script.LogWarning("Polygonal Rotation Limit should have at least 3 limit points"); } } if (Inspector.Button("Add Point", "Add a new point next to this one", script)) { addPoint = i; } // Store point for undo Vector3 oldPoint = script.points[i].point; // Manual input for the point position Inspector.AddVector3(ref script.points[i].point, "Point", script, GUILayout.Width(210)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); // Tangent weight Inspector.AddFloat(ref script.points[i].tangentWeight, "Tangent Weight", "Weight of this point's tangent. Used in smoothing.", script, -Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, GUILayout.Width(150)); GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); // Moving Points Vector3 pointWorld = Handles.PositionHandle(script.transform.position + Direction(script.points[i].point), Quaternion.identity); Vector3 newPoint = InverseDirection(pointWorld - script.transform.position); if (newPoint != script.points[i].point) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Move Limit Point"); } script.points[i].point = newPoint; } // Symmetry if (symmetry != Symmetry.Off && script.points.Length > 3 && oldPoint != script.points[i].point) { RotationLimitPolygonal.LimitPoint symmetryPoint = GetClosestPoint(Symmetrize(oldPoint, symmetry)); if (symmetryPoint != script.points[i]) { symmetryPoint.point = Symmetrize(script.points[i].point, symmetry); } } } // Normalize the point script.points[i].point = script.points[i].point.normalized; } // Display smoothed polygon for (int i = 0; i < script.P.Length; i++) { Color color = GetColor(i); // Smoothed triangles are transparent Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.25f); Handles.DrawLine(script.transform.position, script.transform.position + Direction(script.P[i])); Handles.color = color; if (i < script.P.Length - 1) { Handles.DrawLine(script.transform.position + Direction(script.P[i]), script.transform.position + Direction(script.P[i + 1])); } else { Handles.DrawLine(script.transform.position + Direction(script.P[i]), script.transform.position + Direction(script.P[0])); } Handles.color = Color.white; } // Deleting points if (deletePoint != -1) { DeletePoint(deletePoint); selectedPoint = -1; deletePoint = -1; } // Adding points if (addPoint != -1) { AddPoint(addPoint); addPoint = -1; } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(script); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the sketch finishes. This is where we will create the edit operation and then execute it. /// </summary> /// <param name="geometry">The geometry created by the sketch.</param> /// <returns>A Task returning a Boolean indicating if the sketch complete event was successfully handled.</returns> protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry) { // execute on the MCT return(QueuedTask.Run(() => { // find features under the sketch var features = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry); if (features.Count == 0) { return false; } EditOperation op = null; var insp = new Inspector(); foreach (var annoLayer in features.Keys.OfType <AnnotationLayer>()) { // are there features? var featOids = features[annoLayer]; if (featOids.Count == 0) { continue; } // for each feature foreach (var oid in featOids) { // load an inspector insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); // get the annotation properties var annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); // get the text graphic var cimTextGraphic = annoProperties.TextGraphic; if (cimTextGraphic != null) { // // add a leader point to the text graphic // // get the feature shape var textExtent = insp.Shape; // find the lower left of the text extent var extent = textExtent.Extent; var lowerLeft = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, textExtent.SpatialReference); // move it a little to the left and down var newPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(lowerLeft, -40, -40); // create a leader point CIMLeaderPoint leaderPt = new CIMLeaderPoint(); leaderPt.Point = newPoint as MapPoint; // add to a list List <CIMLeader> leaderArray = new List <CIMLeader>(); leaderArray.Add(leaderPt); // assign to the textGraphic cimTextGraphic.Leaders = leaderArray.ToArray(); // // add the balloon callout // // create the callout CIMBalloonCallout balloon = new CIMBalloonCallout(); // yellow background balloon.BackgroundSymbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.CreateRGBColor(255, 255, 0)); // set the balloon style balloon.BalloonStyle = BalloonCalloutStyle.RoundedRectangle; // add a text margin CIMTextMargin textMargin = new CIMTextMargin() { Left = 4, Right = 4, Bottom = 4, Top = 4 }; balloon.Margin = textMargin; // asign it to the textSymbol var symbol = cimTextGraphic.Symbol.Symbol; var textSymbol = symbol as CIMTextSymbol; textSymbol.Callout = balloon; // assign the text graphic back to the annotation properties annoProperties.LoadFromTextGraphic(cimTextGraphic); // assign the annotation properties back to the inspector insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); } // create the edit operation if (op == null) { op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Alter symbol to balloon callout"; op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true; op.SelectNewFeatures = false; } // modify the feature op.Modify(insp); } } if ((op != null) && !op.IsEmpty) { bool result = op.Execute(); return result; } return false; })); }
public void EditQANoteFieldValue(string NoteValue) { try { // Update value of EditNoteComboBox var qaFieldValue = QAFieldComboBox.Text; if (qaFieldValue == null || qaFieldValue == "") { MessageBox.Show("Choose a note field to store the update.", "Note Field Required"); return; } QueuedTask.Run(() => { if (NoteValue == "QANoteCombo") { // Update value of EditNoteComboBox var qaNoteValue = EditNoteComboBox.Text; if (qaNoteValue == "Load or add...") { return; } if (qaNoteValue == null) { NoteValue = ""; } else { NoteValue = qaNoteValue.ToString(); } } // Get the chosen QA field and set the selected records to the NoteValue // if selection is empty, present error dialog box var LayerName = LayerComboBox.Text; var QANoteFieldName = QAFieldComboBox.Text; // Get all the fields from the selected item in LayerComboBox // Get the layer in the ComboBox selection var QALayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers(LayerName).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer; if (QALayer == null) { return; } // check to make sure that the QA note field exists string QAfieldname = QAFieldComboBox.Text.ToString(); if (QAfieldname == "Choose...") { MessageBox.Show("Choose a valid note field.", "Choose Note Field"); return; } // check if field exists int qaFieldIndex = QALayer.GetTable().GetDefinition().FindField(QAfieldname); if (qaFieldIndex == -1) // field not found { MessageBox.Show("The field: " + QAfieldname + ", does not exist. Update your note field choice.", "Error"); QAFieldComboBox.Text = "Choose..."; return; } // Get the selection Selection QASelection = QALayer.GetSelection(); var selectionSet = QASelection.GetObjectIDs(); if (QASelection.GetCount() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No selection available for operation.", "Edit Note"); return; } // create an instance of the inspector class var inspector = new Inspector(); // load the selected features into the inspector using a list of object IDs inspector.Load(QALayer, selectionSet); inspector[QANoteFieldName] = NoteValue; // apply the changes as an edit operation var editOp = new EditOperation(); editOp.Name = "Edit: " + NoteValue; editOp.Modify(inspector); bool result = editOp.Execute(); if (!result) { MessageBox.Show("Operation was not added to undo stack."); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error in EditQANoteFieldValue: " + ex.ToString(), "Error"); } }
public InspectorViewModel(Inspector elem) { this.elem = elem; }
internal override void Inspect(Inspector Inspector) { Inspector.InspectNewobj(this); }
internal void AddWrapper(Inspector inspector) { const string SOURCE = CLASS_NAME + "AddWrapper"; dynamic currentItem = null; try { currentItem = inspector.CurrentItem; if (!(currentItem is MailItem)) return; if (currentItem.Sent) return; Logger.Verbose(SOURCE, "creating new wrapper"); var wrapper = new InspWrap(inspector); //don't know how this could happen, but just in case if (_inspWrappers.ContainsKey(wrapper.Key)) { _inspWrappers.Remove(wrapper.Key); } //is this a forward or reply? var item = (MailItem)currentItem; if (!item.Sent && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ConversationIndex) && item.ConversationIndex.Length > 44) { //find the parent var parent = FindParentByConversation(item); if (parent == null) { Logger.Error(SOURCE, string.Format( "failed to retrieve parent message for reply/forward {0}; unable to check for ECS-enabled content", item.Subject)); } else { Logger.Verbose(SOURCE, string.Format( "found parent {0} for reply/forward", parent.Subject)); if (Utils.HasChiaraHeader(parent)) HandleReplyForward(parent, item, ref wrapper); } } Logger.Verbose(SOURCE, "adding wrapper to collection with key " + wrapper.Key); _inspWrappers.Add(wrapper.Key, wrapper); ResetInspButtons(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(SOURCE, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (currentItem != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(currentItem); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { instance = this; }
private bool OnValueSubmitted(BoundInputField source, string input) { Inspector.RefreshDelayed(); return(OnValueChanged(source, input)); }
internal override void Inspect(Inspector Inspector) { Inspector.InspectStIndR8(this); }
void OnSceneGUI() { GUI.changed = false; // Get the keyframes of the AnimationCurve to be manipulated Keyframe[] keys = script.spline.keys; // Set defaultLocalRotation so that the initial local rotation will be the zero point for the rotation limit if (!Application.isPlaying && !script.defaultLocalRotationOverride) { script.defaultLocalRotation = script.transform.localRotation; } if (script.axis == { return; } // Make the curve loop script.spline.postWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; script.spline.preWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; DrawRotationSphere(script.transform.position); // Display the main axis DrawArrow(script.transform.position, Direction(script.axis), colorDefault, "Axis", 0.02f); Vector3 swing = script.axis.normalized; // Editing tools GUI Handles.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, 440, 100), "Rotation Limit Spline", "Window"); // Scale Mode and Tangent Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scaleMode = (ScaleMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Drag Handle", scaleMode); tangentMode = (TangentMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Drag Tangents", tangentMode); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (Inspector.Button("Rotate 90 degrees", "Rotate rotation limit around axis.", script, GUILayout.Width(220))) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Value"); } for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { keys[i].time += 90; } } // Cloning values from another RotationLimitSpline EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Inspector.Button("Clone From", "Make this rotation limit identical to another", script, GUILayout.Width(220))) { CloneLimit(); keys = script.spline.keys; } clone = (RotationLimitSpline)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", clone, typeof(RotationLimitSpline), true); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); // Draw keyframes for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length - 1; i++) { float angle = keys[i].time; // Start drawing handles Quaternion offset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, swing); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(keys[i].value, offset * script.crossAxis); Vector3 position = script.transform.position + Direction(rotation * swing); Handles.Label(position, " " + i.ToString()); // Dragging Values if (selectedHandle == i) { Handles.color = colorHandles; switch (scaleMode) { case ScaleMode.Limit: float inputValue = keys[i].value; inputValue = Mathf.Clamp(Inspector.ScaleValueHandleSphere(inputValue, position, Quaternion.identity, 0.5f, 0), 0.01f, 180); if (keys[i].value != inputValue) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Value"); } keys[i].value = inputValue; } break; case ScaleMode.Angle: float inputTime = keys[i].time; inputTime = Inspector.ScaleValueHandleSphere(inputTime, position, Quaternion.identity, 0.5f, 0); if (keys[i].time != inputTime) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Angle"); } keys[i].time = inputTime; } break; } } // Handle select button if (selectedHandle != i) { Handles.color =; if (Inspector.SphereButton(position, script.transform.rotation, 0.05f, 0.05f)) { selectedHandle = i; } } // Tangents if (selectedHandle == i) { // Evaluate positions before and after the key to get the tangent positions Vector3 prevPosition = GetAnglePosition(keys[i].time - 1); Vector3 nextPosition = GetAnglePosition(keys[i].time + 1); // Draw handles for the tangents Handles.color = Color.white; Vector3 toNext = (nextPosition - position).normalized * 0.3f; float outTangent = keys[i].outTangent; outTangent = Inspector.ScaleValueHandleSphere(outTangent, position + toNext, Quaternion.identity, 0.2f, 0); Vector3 toPrev = (prevPosition - position).normalized * 0.3f; float inTangent = keys[i].inTangent; inTangent = Inspector.ScaleValueHandleSphere(inTangent, position + toPrev, Quaternion.identity, 0.2f, 0); if (outTangent != keys[i].outTangent || inTangent != keys[i].inTangent) { selectedHandle = i; } // Make the other tangent match the dragged tangent (if in "Smooth" TangentMode) switch (tangentMode) { case TangentMode.Smooth: if (outTangent != keys[i].outTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Tangents"); } keys[i].outTangent = outTangent; keys[i].inTangent = outTangent; } else if (inTangent != keys[i].inTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Tangents"); } keys[i].outTangent = inTangent; keys[i].inTangent = inTangent; } break; case TangentMode.Independent: if (outTangent != keys[i].outTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Tangents"); } keys[i].outTangent = outTangent; } else if (inTangent != keys[i].inTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Tangents"); } keys[i].inTangent = inTangent; } break; } // Draw lines and labels to tangent handles Handles.color = Color.white; GUI.color = Color.white; Handles.DrawLine(position, position + toNext); Handles.Label(position + toNext, " Out"); Handles.DrawLine(position, position + toPrev); Handles.Label(position + toPrev, " In"); } } // Selected Point GUI if (selectedHandle != -1) { Handles.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 240, Screen.height - 200, 230, 150), "Handle " + selectedHandle.ToString(), "Window"); if (Inspector.Button("Delete", "Delete this handle", script)) { if (keys.Length > 4) { deleteHandle = selectedHandle; } else if (!Warning.logged) { script.LogWarning("Spline Rotation Limit should have at least 3 handles"); } } if (Inspector.Button("Add Handle", "Add a new handle next to this one", script)) { addHandle = selectedHandle; } // Clamp the key angles to previous and next handle angles float prevTime = 0, nextTime = 0; if (selectedHandle < keys.Length - 2) { nextTime = keys[selectedHandle + 1].time; } else { nextTime = keys[0].time + 360; } if (selectedHandle == 0) { prevTime = keys[keys.Length - 2].time - 360; } else { prevTime = keys[selectedHandle - 1].time; } // Angles float inputTime = keys[selectedHandle].time; inputTime = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Angle", "Angle of the point (0-360)."), inputTime), prevTime, nextTime); if (keys[selectedHandle].time != inputTime) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Angle"); } keys[selectedHandle].time = inputTime; } // Limits float inputValue = keys[selectedHandle].value; inputValue = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Limit", "Max angular limit from Axis at this angle"), inputValue), 0, 180); if (keys[selectedHandle].value != inputValue) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Limit"); } keys[selectedHandle].value = inputValue; } // In Tangents float inputInTangent = keys[selectedHandle].inTangent; inputInTangent = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("In Tangent", "In tangent of the handle point on the spline"), inputInTangent); if (keys[selectedHandle].inTangent != inputInTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle In Tangent"); } keys[selectedHandle].inTangent = inputInTangent; } // Out tangents float inputOutTangent = keys[selectedHandle].outTangent; inputOutTangent = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Out Tangent", "Out tangent of the handle point on the spline"), inputOutTangent); if (keys[selectedHandle].outTangent != inputOutTangent) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { Undo.RecordObject(script, "Handle Out Tangent"); } keys[selectedHandle].outTangent = inputOutTangent; } GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); } // Make sure the keyframes are valid; ValidateKeyframes(keys); // Replace the AnimationCurve keyframes with the manipulated keyframes script.spline.keys = keys; // Display limits for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 2) { float evaluatedLimit = script.spline.Evaluate((float)i); Quaternion offset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(i, swing); Quaternion evaluatedRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(evaluatedLimit, offset * script.crossAxis); Quaternion testRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(179.9f, offset * script.crossAxis); Quaternion limitedRotation = script.LimitSwing(testRotation); Vector3 evaluatedDirection = evaluatedRotation * swing; Vector3 limitedDirection = limitedRotation * swing; // Display the limit points in red if they are out of range bool isValid = Vector3.Distance(evaluatedDirection, limitedDirection) < 0.01f && evaluatedLimit >= 0; Color color = isValid ? colorDefaultTransparent : colorInvalid; Vector3 limitPoint = script.transform.position + Direction(evaluatedDirection); Handles.color = color; if (i == 0) { zeroPoint = limitPoint; } Handles.DrawLine(script.transform.position, limitPoint); if (i > 0) { Handles.color = isValid ? colorDefault : colorInvalid; Handles.DrawLine(limitPoint, lastPoint); if (i == 358) { Handles.DrawLine(limitPoint, zeroPoint); } } lastPoint = limitPoint; } // Deleting points if (deleteHandle != -1) { DeleteHandle(deleteHandle); selectedHandle = -1; deleteHandle = -1; } // Adding points if (addHandle != -1) { AddHandle(addHandle); addHandle = -1; } Handles.color = Color.white; if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(script); } }
//Using Inspector... internal async void UpdateTextString() { BasicFeatureLayer annoLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First() as BasicFeatureLayer; var oid = 1; #region Update Annotation Text via attribute. Caveat: The TEXTSTRING Anno attribute must exist //See "Change Annotation Text Graphic" for an alternative if TEXTSTRING is missing from the schema await QueuedTask.Run(() => { //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer... // use the inspector methodology var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); // make sure TextString attribute exists. //It is not guaranteed to be in the schema ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Attribute att = insp.FirstOrDefault(a => a.FieldName == "TEXTSTRING"); if (att != null) { insp["TEXTSTRING"] = "Hello World"; //create and execute the edit operation EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Update annotation"; op.Modify(insp); //OR using a Dictionary - again TEXTSTRING has to exist in the schema //Dictionary<string, object> newAtts = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //newAtts.Add("TEXTSTRING", "hello world"); //op.Modify(annoLayer, oid, newAtts); op.Execute(); } }); #endregion #region Rotate or Move the Annotation await QueuedTask.Run(() => { //Don't use 'Shape'....Shape is the bounding box of the annotation text. This is NOT what you want... // //var insp = new Inspector(); //insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); //var shape = insp["SHAPE"] as Polygon; //...wrong shape... //Instead, we must get the TextGraphic from the anno feature. //The TextGraphic shape will be the anno baseline... //At 2.1 the only way to retrieve this textLine is to obtain the TextGraphic from the AnnotationFeature QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = "OBJECTID = 1" }; //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer var rowCursor = annoLayer.Search(qf); rowCursor.MoveNext(); var annoFeature = rowCursor.Current as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeature; var graphic = annoFeature.GetGraphic(); var textGraphic = graphic as CIMTextGraphic; var textLine = textGraphic.Shape as Polyline; // rotate the shape 90 degrees var origin = GeometryEngine.Instance.Centroid(textLine); Geometry rotatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Rotate(textLine, origin, System.Math.PI / 2); //Move the line 5 "units" in the x and y direction //GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(textLine, 5, 5); EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Change annotation angle"; op.Modify(annoLayer, oid, rotatedPolyline); op.Execute(); }); #endregion #region Change Annotation Text Graphic await QueuedTask.Run(() => { EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Change annotation graphic"; //At 2.1 we must use an edit operation Callback... op.Callback(context => { QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = "OBJECTID = 1" }; //Cursor must be non-recycling. Use the table ~not~ the layer..i.e. "GetTable().Search()" //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer var rowCursor = annoLayer.GetTable().Search(qf, false); rowCursor.MoveNext(); var annoFeature = rowCursor.Current as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeature; //Get the graphic from the anno feature var graphic = annoFeature.GetGraphic(); var textGraphic = graphic as CIMTextGraphic; // change the text and the color textGraphic.Text = "hello world"; var symbol = textGraphic.Symbol.Symbol; symbol.SetColor(ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB); textGraphic.Symbol = symbol.MakeSymbolReference(); // update the graphic annoFeature.SetGraphic(textGraphic); // store is required annoFeature.Store(); //refresh layer cache context.Invalidate(annoFeature); }, annoLayer.GetTable()); op.Execute(); }); #endregion }
internal override void Inspect(Inspector Inspector) { Inspector.InspectLdElem(this); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { instance = this; }
/// <summary> /// Separate a selected multipart feature into individual features. /// </summary> protected override void OnClick() { //check for one selected feature if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one multipart feature to explode", "Explode Multipart Feature"); return; } //run on MCT QueuedTask.Run(() => { //get selected feature geometry var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection(); var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First()); var selGeom = insp.Shape; var selGeomType = selGeom.GeometryType; //early checks for geometry type and single point in a multipoint if (!(selGeomType == GeometryType.Multipoint || selGeomType == GeometryType.Polygon || selGeomType == GeometryType.Polyline) || selGeom.PointCount == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a multipart feature to explode", "Explode Multipart Feature"); return; } //check if selected feature has multiple parts var mpGeom = selGeom as Multipart; if (mpGeom != null) { if (mpGeom.PartCount < 2) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a multipart feature to explode", "Explode Multipart Feature"); return; } } //setup the edit operation var op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Explode Multipart Feature"; //handle geometry types switch (selGeomType) { case GeometryType.Multipoint: //create a new feature for each pointcount var mpoint = selGeom as Multipoint; for (var i = 0; i < mpoint.PointCount; i++) { //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape. var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue); newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new MultipointBuilder(mpoint.Points[i]).ToGeometry(); op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature); } break; case GeometryType.Polyline: //create a new feature for each polyline part for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++) { //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape. var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue); newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new PolylineBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry(); op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature); } break; case GeometryType.Polygon: //ignore donut features for now //check if any part area is negative for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++) { if ((new PolygonBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry()).Area < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a non-donut polygon to explode", "Explode Mutltpart Feature"); return; } } //create a new feature for each polygon part for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++) { //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape. var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue); newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new PolygonBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry(); op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature); } break; } //switch //delete the original feature and execute the creates //op.Delete(insp.MapMember, insp.ObjectID); //double cast to workaround 1.1 bug op.Delete(insp.MapMember, (long)(int)insp.ObjectIDAttribute.CurrentValue); op.Execute(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the sketch finishes. This is where we will create the edit operation and then execute it. /// </summary> /// <param name="geometry">The geometry created by the sketch.</param> /// <returns>A Task returning a Boolean indicating if the sketch complete event was successfully handled.</returns> protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry) { // execute on the MCT return(QueuedTask.Run(() => { // find features under the sketch var features = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry); if (features.Count == 0) { return false; } EditOperation op = null; foreach (var annoLayer in features.Keys.OfType <AnnotationLayer>()) { // are there features? var featOids = features[annoLayer]; if (featOids.Count == 0) { continue; } // create the edit operation if (op == null) { op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Update annotation symbol"; op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true; op.SelectNewFeatures = false; } // load an inspector with all the features var insp = new Inspector(); insp.Load(annoLayer, featOids); // get the annotation properties var annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); // change the text annoProperties.TextString = "Hello World"; // you can use a textstring with embedded formatting information //annoProperties.TextString = "My <CLR red = \"255\" green = \"0\" blue = \"0\" >Special</CLR> Text"; // change font color to red annoProperties.Color = ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB; // change the horizontal alignment annoProperties.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; // set the annotation properties back on the inspector insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); // call modify op.Modify(insp); } // execute the operation if ((op != null) && !op.IsEmpty) { return op.Execute(); } return false; })); }
internal override void Inspect(Inspector Inspector) { Inspector.InspectDeclFunc(this); }
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { await this.WaitForClick(); var inspector = new Inspector(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); DataContext = inspector.GetInstance<IMessageHolder>(); }
public override void BecauseOf() { //TODO: not a fan of Inspector.GetPlan - but do I really need to wrap it? Plan = Inspector.GetPlan(Deployment); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public async override Task ExecuteAsync(TestAdapter adapter, BotCallbackHandler callback, Inspector inspector = null) { if (inspector != null) { await inspector((dc) => { foreach (var assignment in Assignments) { JToken value = null; var(val, valueError) = assignment.Value.TryGetValue(dc.State); if (valueError != null) { throw new Exception($"Expression evaluation resulted in an error. Expression: {assignment.Value.ToString()}. Error: {valueError}"); } if (val != null) { value = JToken.FromObject(val).DeepClone(); } value = value?.ReplaceJTokenRecursively(dc.State); var property = assignment.Property.GetValue(dc.State); dc.State.SetValue(property, value); } }).ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.TraceInformation($"[Turn Ended => SetProperties completed]"); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("No inspector to use for setting properties"); } }
/// <summary> /// This function takes the selected features in the map view, finds the first field of type string in the each feature class /// and modifies the attribute value to a random string. /// </summary> /// <returns>Indicator if the edit operation was successful.</returns> private async Task <bool> PerformAttributeChange() { try { // retrieve the currently selected features in the map view var currentSelectedFeatures = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { return(MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection()); }); // for each of the map members in the selected layers foreach (var mapMember in currentSelectedFeatures.ToDictionary()) { var featureLayer = mapMember.Key as BasicFeatureLayer; // .. get the underlying table var table = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { return(featureLayer.GetTable()); }); // retrieve the first field of type string var stringField = table.GetFieldByTypeAsync(FieldType.String).Result; var stringFieldName = stringField != null ? stringField.Name : String.Empty; // check if the returned string of the field name actually contains something // meaning if the current MapMember actually contains a field of type string if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stringFieldName)) { continue; } #if notthis #region Use edit operations for attribute changes // create a new edit operation to encapsulate the string field modifications var modifyStringsOperation = new EditOperation { Name = String.Format("Modify string field '{0}' in layer {1}.", stringFieldName, mapMember.Key.Name) }; ICollection <long> oidSet = new List <long>(); var iCnt = 0; // with each ObjectID of the selected feature foreach (var oid in currentSelectedFeatures[mapMember.Key]) { // set up a new dictionary with fields to modify var modifiedAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object> { // add the name of the string field and the new attribute value to the dictionary // in this example a random string is used { stringFieldName, string.Format("Update {0} on: {1:s}", ++iCnt, DateTime.Now) } }; // put the modify operation on the editor stack modifyStringsOperation.Modify(mapMember.Key, oid, modifiedAttributes); oidSet.Add(oid); } // execute the modify operation to apply the changes await modifyStringsOperation.ExecuteAsync(); #endregion #endif #region Use the feature inspector for attribute changes //#if OrUseThis // as an alternative approach // use the feature inspector class var featureInspector = new Inspector(); // fill the feature inspector with the oids from the feature layer await featureInspector.LoadAsync(mapMember.Key, currentSelectedFeatures[mapMember.Key]); // change the attribute value for the string field featureInspector[stringFieldName] = Path.GetRandomFileName().Replace(".", ""); // app. the new values await featureInspector.ApplyAsync(); //#endif #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while updating attribute column data {0}", ex.ToString()); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Finds all related children /// </summary> public HierarchyRow GetRelationshipChildren(Layer member, Geodatabase gdb, string featureClassName, long objectID, string rcException = "") { if (!QueuedTask.OnWorker) { throw new CalledOnWrongThreadException(); } string displayValue = ""; if (member != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_displayFieldName)) { CIMFeatureLayer currentCIMFeatureLayer = member.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer; _displayFieldName = currentCIMFeatureLayer?.FeatureTable.DisplayField ?? ""; } var inspector = new Inspector(); inspector.Load(member, objectID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_displayFieldName)) { displayValue = $"{inspector[_displayFieldName]?.ToString() ?? ""}"; } } //Did the display value get set? if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayValue)) { displayValue = $"OID: {objectID.ToString()}"; } var newHRow = new HierarchyRow() { name = displayValue, type = $"{featureClassName}" }; //Check the layer for any relationships var children = GetRelationshipChildrenFromLayer(member as BasicFeatureLayer, objectID); if (children.Count > 0) { newHRow.children = children; return(newHRow);//Give layer related precedence over GDB related } //If we are here we do not have any relates on the layer //See if we have relates in the GDB var relationshipClassDefinitions = GetRelationshipClassDefinitionsFromFeatureClass(gdb, featureClassName); foreach (var relationshipClassDefinition in relationshipClassDefinitions) { var rcName = relationshipClassDefinition.GetName(); //get the name if (rcException == rcName) //exception so we don't go in circles { continue; } //Alternate way of getting the features classes in the relationship (new at 1.3): //IReadOnlyList<Definition> definitions = GetRelatedDefinitions(relationshipClassDefinition, DefinitionRelationshipType.DatasetsRelatedThrough); var relationshipClass = gdb.OpenDataset <RelationshipClass>(rcName); //open the relationship class var origin = relationshipClassDefinition.GetOriginClass(); //get the origin of the relationship class var destination = relationshipClassDefinition.GetDestinationClass(); //get the destination of the relationship class string displayName; if (origin == featureClassName) { //the feature class is the origin. So we need the rows in the destination related to the origin var oids = new List <long> { objectID }; IReadOnlyList <Row> relatedOriginRows = relationshipClass.GetRowsRelatedToOriginRows(oids); if (relatedOriginRows.Count > 0) { displayName = string.Format("{0}: {1}", rcName, destination); var childHRow = new HierarchyRow() { name = displayName, type = rcName }; foreach (var row in relatedOriginRows) { //var lyr = GetRelationshipClassDefinitionsFromFeatureClass(); //childHRow.children.Add(GetRelationshipChildren(lyr, gdb, destination, row.GetObjectID(), rcName)); //recursive: to get the attributes of the related feature } newHRow.children.Add(childHRow); continue; } } IReadOnlyList <Row> relatedDestinationRows = relationshipClass.GetRowsRelatedToDestinationRows(new List <long> { objectID }); //Feature class is the destination so get the rows related to it if (relatedDestinationRows.Count > 0) { displayName = string.Format("{0}: {1}", rcName, origin); var childHRow = new HierarchyRow() { name = displayName, type = rcName }; foreach (var row in relatedDestinationRows) { //childHRow.children.Add(GetRelationshipChildren(null, gdb, origin, row.GetObjectID(), rcName)); } newHRow.children.Add(childHRow); } } return(newHRow); }
public void PIK_Errors() { CommandStart.StartWoStat(d => Inspector.ShowLast()); }
public static void ExportLayouts(string folder, out List <string> exportLayouts) { exportLayouts = new List <string>(); var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; var db = doc.Database; var editor = doc.Editor; if ((short)Application.GetSystemVariable("DWGTITLED") == 0) { editor.WriteMessage("\nCommand cannot be used on an unnamed drawing"); return; } string path = Path.Combine(folder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(doc.Name)); Dictionary <string, ObjectId> layouts = null; using (doc.LockDocument()) { using (var t = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // Get the localized name of the model tab: var btr = (BlockTableRecord)SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead); var layout = (Layout)btr.LayoutId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead); string model = layout.LayoutName; // Open the Layout dictionary: var layoutDictionary = (IDictionary)db.LayoutDictionaryId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead); // Get the names and ids of all paper space layouts // into a Dictionary<string,ObjectId>: layouts = layoutDictionary.Cast <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(e => ((string)e.Key) != model) .ToDictionary( e => (string)e.Key, e => (ObjectId)e.Value); t.Commit(); } /// Get the export layout 'engine': var engine = AcExportLayout.Engine.Instance(); using (new ManagedSystemVariable("CTAB")) { var entry = layouts.First(); //foreach (var entry in layouts) { try { string filename = $"{path}_{entry.Key}.dwg"; editor.WriteMessage($"\nЭкспорт листа {entry.Key} => {filename}"); Application.SetSystemVariable("CTAB", entry.Key); using (Database database = engine.ExportLayout(entry.Value)) { if (engine.EngineStatus == AcExportLayout.ErrorStatus.Succeeded) { database.SaveAs(filename, DwgVersion.Newest); exportLayouts.Add(filename); } else { Inspector.AddError($"\nОшибка экспорта листа {entry.Key} из файла {Path.GetFileName(doc.Name)}: {engine.EngineStatus}", System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Error); editor.WriteMessage($"\nОшибка экспорта листа: {engine.EngineStatus}"); //break; } } } catch { Inspector.AddError($"Ошибка экспорта листа {entry.Key} из файла {Path.GetFileName(doc.Name)}"); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method must be called on the MCT /// </summary> /// <remarks>If multiple features are selected just the ObjectID of the first feature /// in the selected set is returned</remarks> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <returns>The object id of the selected feature or -1</returns> internal static Polyline SelectLineFeature(MapPoint point) { if (OnUIThread) throw new CalledOnWrongThreadException(); var pt = MapView.Active.MapToClient(point); double llx = pt.X - 5; double lly = pt.Y - 5; double urx = pt.X + 5; double ury = pt.Y + 5; EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(MapView.Active.ClientToMap(new Point(llx, lly)), MapView.Active.ClientToMap(new Point(urx, ury))); //Just get feature layers that are line types var selection = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(envBuilder.ToGeometry()).Where( k => k.Key.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline ).ToList(); Polyline selectedLine = null; if (selection.Count() > 0) { //return the first of the selected features var flayer = selection.First().Key; var oid = selection.First().Value[0]; var inspector = new Inspector(); inspector.Load(flayer, oid); selectedLine = inspector["SHAPE"] as Polyline; } return selectedLine; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public async override Task ExecuteAsync(TestAdapter adapter, BotCallbackHandler callback, Inspector inspector = null) { if (inspector != null) { await inspector((dc) => { foreach (var assertion in Assertions) { var(val, error) = Expression.Parse(assertion).TryEvaluate <bool>(dc.State); if (error != null || !val) { throw new Exception($"{Description} {assertion} failed"); } } }).ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.TraceInformation($"[Turn Ended => {Description} MemoryAssertions passed]"); } else { Trace.TraceInformation($"[Turn Ended => No inspector for {Description} MemoryAssertions]"); } }
public void CreateTemplate() { string value1 = ""; string value2 = ""; string value3 = ""; #region Create New Template using layer.CreateTemplate var layer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault(); if (layer == null) { return; } QueuedTask.Run(() => { var insp = new Inspector(); insp.LoadSchema(layer); insp["Field1"] = value1; insp["Field2"] = value2; insp["Field3"] = value3; var tags = new[] { "Polygon", "tag1", "tag2" }; // set defaultTool using a daml-id string defaultTool = "esri_editing_SketchCirclePolygonTool"; // tool filter is the tools to filter OUT var toolFilter = new[] { "esri_editing_SketchTracePolygonTool" }; // create a new template var newTemplate = layer.CreateTemplate("My new template", "description", insp, defaultTool, tags, toolFilter); }); #endregion #region Create Annotation Template // get an anno layer AnnotationLayer annoLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <AnnotationLayer>().FirstOrDefault(); if (annoLayer == null) { return; } QueuedTask.Run(() => { Inspector insp = null; // get the anno feature class var fc = annoLayer.GetFeatureClass() as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClass; // get the featureclass CIM definition which contains the labels, symbols var cimDefinition = fc.GetDefinition() as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClassDefinition; var labels = cimDefinition.GetLabelClassCollection(); var symbols = cimDefinition.GetSymbolCollection(); // make sure there are labels, symbols if ((labels.Count == 0) || (symbols.Count == 0)) { return; } // find the label class required // typically you would use a subtype name or some other characteristic // in this case lets just use the first one var label = labels[0]; // each label has a textSymbol // the symbolName *should* be the symbolID to be used var symbolName = label.TextSymbol.SymbolName; int symbolID = -1; if (!int.TryParse(symbolName, out symbolID)) { // int.TryParse fails - attempt to find the symbolName in the symbol collection foreach (var symbol in symbols) { if (symbol.Name == symbolName) { symbolID = symbol.ID; break; } } } // no symbol? if (symbolID == -1) { return; } // load the schema insp = new Inspector(); insp.LoadSchema(annoLayer); // ok to assign these fields using the inspector[fieldName] methodology // these fields are guaranteed to exist in the annotation schema insp["AnnotationClassID"] = label.ID; insp["SymbolID"] = symbolID; // set up some additional annotation properties AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); annoProperties.FontSize = 36; annoProperties.TextString = "My Annotation feature"; annoProperties.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; annoProperties.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify; insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); var tags = new[] { "Annotation", "tag1", "tag2" }; // use daml-id rather than guid string defaultTool = "esri_editing_SketchStraightAnnoTool"; // tool filter is the tools to filter OUT var toolFilter = new[] { "esri_editing_SketchCurvedAnnoTool" }; // create a new template var newTemplate = annoLayer.CreateTemplate("new anno template", "description", insp, defaultTool, tags, toolFilter); }); #endregion }
//Using Inspector... internal async void UpdateAnnotation() { BasicFeatureLayer annoLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First() as BasicFeatureLayer; var oid = 1; #region Update Annotation Text await QueuedTask.Run(() => { //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer... // use the inspector methodology var insp = new Inspector(true); insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); // get the annotation properties AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); // set the attribute annoProperties.TextString = "Hello World"; // assign the annotation proeprties back to the inspector insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); //create and execute the edit operation EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Update annotation"; op.Modify(insp); op.Execute(); }); #endregion #region Modify Annotation Shape await QueuedTask.Run(() => { //Don't use 'Shape'....Shape is the bounding box of the annotation text. This is NOT what you want... // //var insp = new Inspector(); //insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); //var shape = insp["SHAPE"] as Polygon; //...wrong shape... //Instead, we must use the AnnotationProperties //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer var insp = new Inspector(true); insp.Load(annoLayer, oid); AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); var shape = annoProperties.Shape; if (shape.GeometryType != GeometryType.GeometryBag) { var newGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(shape, 10, 10); annoProperties.Shape = newGeometry; insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "Change annotation angle"; op.Modify(insp); op.Execute(); } }); #endregion #region Modify Annotation Text Graphic await QueuedTask.Run(() => { var selection = annoLayer.GetSelection(); if (selection.GetCount() == 0) { return; } // use the first selelcted feature var insp = new Inspector(true); insp.Load(annoLayer, selection.GetObjectIDs().FirstOrDefault()); // getAnnoProperties should return null if not an annotation feature AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties(); // get the textGraphic CIMTextGraphic textGraphic = annoProperties.TextGraphic; // change text textGraphic.Text = "Hello world"; // set x,y offset via the symbol var symbol = textGraphic.Symbol.Symbol; var textSymbol = symbol as CIMTextSymbol; textSymbol.OffsetX = 2; textSymbol.OffsetY = 3; textSymbol.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; // load the updated textGraphic annoProperties.LoadFromTextGraphic(textGraphic); // assign the annotation properties back insp.SetAnnotationProperties(annoProperties); EditOperation op = new EditOperation(); op.Name = "modify symbol"; op.Modify(insp); bool result = op.Execute(); }); #endregion }
public TResult Execute <TResult>(Expression expression) { try { var resultType = typeof(TResult); Inspector.StartQueryExecuteInterceptor(resultType, expression); var sourceExpression = ConvertDestinationExpressionToSourceExpression(expression); var destResultType = typeof(TResult); var sourceResultType = CreateSourceResultType(destResultType); object destResult = null; // case #1: query is a projection from complex Source to complex Destination // example: users.UseAsDataSource().For<UserDto>().Where(x => x.Age > 20).ToList() if (IsProjection <TDestination>(resultType)) { // in case of a projection, we need an IQueryable var sourceResult = _dataSource.Provider.CreateQuery(sourceExpression); Inspector.SourceResult(sourceExpression, sourceResult); var queryExpressions = _mapper.ConfigurationProvider.Internal().ProjectionBuilder.GetProjection ( sourceResult.ElementType, typeof(TDestination), _parameters, _membersToExpand.Select ( m => new MemberPath ( m.Distinct().ToArray() ) ).ToArray() ); destResult = (IQueryable <TDestination>)GetMapExpressions(queryExpressions).Aggregate(sourceResult, Select); } // case #2: query is arbitrary ("manual") projection // example: users.UseAsDataSource().For<UserDto>().Select(user => user.Age).ToList() // in case an arbitrary select-statement is enumerated, we do not need to map the expression at all // and can safely return it else if (IsProjection(resultType, sourceExpression)) { var sourceResult = _dataSource.Provider.CreateQuery(sourceExpression); var elementType = ElementTypeHelper.GetElementType(typeof(TResult)); var constructorInfo = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetDeclaredConstructor(new Type[0]); if (constructorInfo != null) { var listInstance = (IList)constructorInfo.Invoke(null); foreach (var element in sourceResult) { listInstance.Add(element); } destResult = listInstance; } } // case #2: projection to simple type // example: users.UseAsDataSource().For<UserDto>().FirstOrDefault(user => user.Age > 20) else { /* * in case of an element result (so instead of IQueryable<TResult>, just TResult) * we still want to support parameters. * This is e.g. the case, when the developer writes "UseAsDataSource().For<TResult>().FirstOrDefault(x => ...) * To still be able to support parameters, we need to create a query from it. * That said, we need to replace the "element" operator "FirstOrDefault" with a "Where" operator, then apply our "Select" * to map from TSource to TResult and finally re-apply the "element" operator ("FirstOrDefault" in our case) so only * one element is returned by our "Execute<TResult>" method. Otherwise we'd get an InvalidCastException * * So first we visit the sourceExpression and replace "element operators" with "where" * then we create our mapping expression from TSource to TDestination (select) and apply it * finally, we search for the element expression overload of our replaced "element operator" that has no expression as parameter * this expression is not needed anymore as it has already been applied to the "Where" operation and can be safely omitted * when we're done creating our new expression, we call the underlying provider to execute it */ // as we need to replace the innermost element of the expression, // we need to traverse it first in order to find the node to replace or potential caveats // e.g. .UseAsDataSource().For<Dto>().Select(e => e.Name).First() // in the above case we cannot map anymore as the "select" operator overrides our mapping. var searcher = new ReplaceableMethodNodeFinder <TSource>(); searcher.Visit(sourceExpression); // provide the replacer with our found MethodNode or <null> var replacer = new MethodNodeReplacer <TSource>(searcher.MethodNode); // default back to simple mapping of object instance for backwards compatibility (e.g. mapping non-nullable to nullable fields) sourceExpression = replacer.Visit(sourceExpression); if (replacer.FoundElementOperator) { /* in case of primitive element operators (e.g. Any(), Sum()...) * we need to map the originating types (e.g. Entity to Dto) in this query * as the final value will be projected automatically * * == example 1 == * UseAsDataSource().For<Dto>().Any(entity => entity.Name == "thename") * that case sourceResultType and destResultType would both be "Boolean" which is not mappable for AutoMapper * * == example 2 == * UseAsDataSource().For<Dto>().FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.Name == "thename") * this case the sourceResultType would be Entity and the destResultType Dto, so we can map the query directly */ if (sourceResultType == destResultType)// && destResultType.IsPrimitive) { sourceResultType = typeof(TSource); destResultType = typeof(TDestination); } var queryExpressions = _mapper.ConfigurationProvider.Internal().ProjectionBuilder.GetProjection ( sourceResultType, destResultType, _parameters, _membersToExpand.Select ( m => new MemberPath ( m.Distinct().ToArray() ) ).ToArray() ); // add projection via "select" operator var expr = GetMapExpressions(queryExpressions).Aggregate(sourceExpression, (source, lambda) => Select(source, lambda)); // in case an element operator without predicate expression was found (and thus not replaced) var replacementMethod = replacer.ElementOperator; // in case an element operator with predicate expression was replaced if (replacer.ReplacedMethod != null) { // find replacement method that has no more predicates replacementMethod = typeof(Queryable).GetAllMethods() .Single(m => m.Name == replacer.ReplacedMethod.Name #if NET45 && m.GetParameters().All(p => typeof(Queryable).IsAssignableFrom(p.Member.ReflectedType)) #endif && m.GetParameters().Length == replacer.ReplacedMethod.GetParameters().Length - 1); } // reintroduce element operator that was replaced with a "where" operator to make it queryable expr = Call(null, replacementMethod.MakeGenericMethod(destResultType), expr); destResult = _dataSource.Provider.Execute(expr); } // If there was no element operator that needed to be replaced by "where", just map the result else { var sourceResult = _dataSource.Provider.Execute(sourceExpression); Inspector.SourceResult(sourceExpression, sourceResult); destResult = _mapper.Map(sourceResult, sourceResultType, destResultType); } } Inspector.DestResult(destResult); // implicitly convert types in case of valuetypes which cannot be casted explicitly if (typeof(TResult).IsValueType() && destResult?.GetType() != typeof(TResult)) { return((TResult)System.Convert.ChangeType(destResult, typeof(TResult))); } // if it is not a valuetype, we can safely cast it return((TResult)destResult); } catch (Exception x) { _exceptionHandler(x); throw; } }
internal List <HierarchyRow> GetRelationshipChildrenFromLayer(BasicFeatureLayer member, long objectID) { var children = new List <HierarchyRow>(); CIMBasicFeatureLayer bfl = member.GetDefinition() as CIMBasicFeatureLayer; var relates = bfl.FeatureTable.Relates; if (relates == null || relates.Length == 0) { return(children); } foreach (var relate in relates) { if (!(relate.DataConnection is CIMStandardDataConnection) && !(relate.DataConnection is CIMFeatureDatasetDataConnection)) { continue;//Not supported in this sample } var sdc = relate.DataConnection as CIMStandardDataConnection; var fdc = relate.DataConnection as CIMFeatureDatasetDataConnection; var factory = sdc?.WorkspaceFactory ?? fdc.WorkspaceFactory; var path = sdc?.WorkspaceConnectionString ?? fdc.WorkspaceConnectionString; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { continue;//No connection information we can use } path = path.Replace("DATABASE=", ""); var dstype = sdc?.DatasetType ?? fdc.DatasetType; if (dstype != esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass && dstype != esriDatasetType.esriDTTable) { continue;//Not supported in the sample } var dsname = sdc?.Dataset ?? fdc.Dataset; var featDatasetName = fdc?.FeatureDataset ?? ""; Geodatabase gdb = null; if (factory == WorkspaceFactory.FileGDB) { gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute))); } else if (factory == WorkspaceFactory.SDE) { gdb = new Geodatabase(new DatabaseConnectionFile(new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute))); } Table table = null; //We have to open a type specific dataset - FeatureClass or Table //We cannot simply use 'Table' for both if (dstype == esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass) { table = GetDatasetFromGeodatabase <FeatureClass>(gdb, dsname, featDatasetName); } else { table = GetDatasetFromGeodatabase <Table>(gdb, dsname, featDatasetName); } if (table == null) { continue;//Related dataset not found } //Get any related rows var qry_fld = table.GetDefinition().GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relate.ForeignKey); if (qry_fld == null) { continue;//We cannot find the designated foreign key } //Load relevant values var inspector = new Inspector(); inspector.Load(member, objectID); var need_quotes = qry_fld.FieldType == FieldType.String; var quote = need_quotes ? "'" : ""; var where = $"{relate.ForeignKey} = {quote}{inspector[relate.PrimaryKey]}{quote}"; var qf = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = where, SubFields = $"{table.GetDefinition().GetObjectIDField()}, {relate.ForeignKey}" }; var childHRow = new HierarchyRow() { name = dsname, type = $"{inspector[relate.PrimaryKey]}" }; using (var rc = table.Search(qf)) { while (rc.MoveNext()) { using (var row = rc.Current) { var id = row.GetObjectID(); var HRow = new HierarchyRow() { name = $"{id}", type = relate.ForeignKey }; childHRow.children.Add(HRow); } } } children.Add(childHRow); } return(children); }
private void InspectorsNewInspector(Inspector inspector) { //add to list AddWrapper(inspector); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { inspector = leg.GetComponent <Leg>().inspector; }
internal InspWrap GetInspWrap(Inspector insp) { return _inspWrappers == null ? null : _inspWrappers.Values.DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault(wrap => wrap.Inspector == insp); }
internal override void Inspect(Inspector Inspector) { Inspector.InspectStLoc(this); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the entity reference for the inspector specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="inspector"> /// The inspector. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The entity reference. /// </returns> internal EntityReference EntityReferenceForInspector(Inspector inspector) { return this.entityReferences.GetOrAdd(inspector.InspectedType, type => this.CreateEntityReference(inspector)); }
/// <summary> /// Execute the test. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Adapter to execute against.</param> /// <param name="callback">Logic for the bot to use.</param> /// <param name="inspector">Inspector for dialog context.</param> /// <returns>async task.</returns> public abstract Task ExecuteAsync(TestAdapter adapter, BotCallbackHandler callback, Inspector inspector = null);