// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Makes the GameManager a Singleton if (gameManager == null) { gameManager = this; } else if (gameManager != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } Texture2D Triangle = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("StartCity");//new Texture2D(128, 128, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); Cursor.SetCursor(Triangle, new Vector2(0, 0), CursorMode.Auto); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); // Initializes the game boardScript = gameManager.GetComponent <BoardManager>(); InitGame(); if (escena != "SetUp") { InputOutputManager.SaveTimeStamp(escena); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { IInputOutputManager inputOutputManger = new InputOutputManager(); IUserDialogManager dialogManager = new UserDialogManager(inputOutputManger); IHttpResponseProvider httpResponseProvider = new HttpResponseProvider(); IHtmlCrawler htmlCrawler = new HtmlCrawler(); SiteCopyingManager siteCopyingManager = new SiteCopyingManager(httpResponseProvider, htmlCrawler); try { //var outputPath = dialogManager.GetInputDirectoryPath(); //var siteUri = dialogManager.GetSiteUri(); //var depth = dialogManager.GetDepthNumber(); //var limits = dialogManager.GetTransitionToOtherDomainsLimits(); //var extensionsToExclude = dialogManager.GetFileExtensionsToExclude(); siteCopyingManager.SiteNodeFounded += dialogManager.DisplaySiteNodeFoundMessage; siteCopyingManager.SiteNodeCopiedToFileSystem += dialogManager.DisplaySiteNodeCopiedToFileSystemStepCompletedMessage; //siteCopyingManager.CopySite(siteUri, outputPath, depth, limits, extensionsToExclude); siteCopyingManager.CopySite("https://news.tut.by/top5news/", @"D:\ExclusiveTutBy", 1); } catch (Exception exc) { dialogManager.DisplayExceptionMessage(exc); } finally { dialogManager.DisplayOperationFinishedMessage(); dialogManager.DisplayWaitMessage(); } }
/// <summary> /// In case of an error: Skip trial and go to next one. /// Example of error: Not enough space to place all items /// </summary> /// Receives as input a string with the errorDetails which is saved in the output file. public static void errorInScene(string errorDetails) { Debug.Log(errorDetails); BoardManager.keysON = false; int answer = 3; int randomYes = -1; InputOutputManager.save("", answer, GameManager.totalTime, randomYes, errorDetails); GameManager.changeToNextTrial(); }
public override void Execute() { if (Data.Length != 2) { throw new InvalidCommandException(Input); } string relPath = Data[1]; InputOutputManager.ChangeCurrentDirectoryRelative(relPath); }
//To pause press alt+p //Pauses/Unpauses the game. Unpausing take syou directly to next trial //Warning! When Unpausing the following happens: //If paused/unpaused in scene 1 or 2 (while items are shown or during answer time) then saves the trialInfo with an error: "pause" without information on the items selected. //If paused/unpaused on ITI or IBI then it generates a new row in trial Info with an error ("pause"). i.e. there are now 2 rows for the trial. public static void pauseManager() { if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { Time.timeScale = (Time.timeScale == 1) ? 0 : 1; if (Time.timeScale == 1) { InputOutputManager.errorInScene("Pause"); } } }
public override void Execute() { if (Data.Length != 2) { throw new InvalidCommandException(Input); } string folderName = Data[1]; InputOutputManager.CreateDirectoryInCurentFolder(folderName); }
public static void Main() { IInputOutputManager inputOutputManager = new InputOutputManager(); ICommandDispatcher commandDispatcher = new CommandDispatcher(); IWeaponFactory weaponFactory = new WeaponFactory(); IGemFactory gemFactory = new GemFactory(); IEngine engine = new Engine(inputOutputManager, commandDispatcher, weaponFactory, gemFactory); engine.Run(); }
public override void Execute() { if (Data.Length == 2) { string absolutePath = Data[1]; InputOutputManager.ChangeCurrentDirectoryAbsolute(absolutePath); } else { throw new InvalidCommandException(Input); } }
public static void Main() { IReader consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(); IWriter consoleWriter = new ConsoleWriter(); IInputOutputManager inputOutputManager = new InputOutputManager(consoleReader, consoleWriter); IStrategyHolder strategyHolder = new StrategyHolder(new Dictionary <Type, IGarbageDisposalStrategy>()); IGarbageProcessor garbageProcessor = new GarbageProcessor(strategyHolder); IGarbageFactory garbageFactory = new GarbageFactory(); IRecyclingManager recyclingManager = new RecyclingManager(garbageProcessor, garbageFactory); IRunnable engine = new Engine(inputOutputManager, recyclingManager); engine.Run(); }
//Takes care of changing the Scene to the next one (Except for when in the setup scene) public static void changeToNextScene(List <Vector3> itemClicks, int answer, int randomYes, int skipped) { BoardManager.keysON = false; if (escena == "SetUp") { Debug.Log("SetUp"); InputOutputManager.loadGame(); SceneManager.LoadScene("Trial"); } else if (escena == "Trial") { Distancetravelled = BoardManager.distanceTravelledValue; if (skipped == 1) { timeSkip = timeQuestion - tiempo; } else { timeSkip = timeQuestion; } SceneManager.LoadScene("TrialAnswer"); } else if (escena == "TrialAnswer") { string itemsSelected = extractItemsSelected(itemClicks); InputOutputManager.save(itemsSelected, answer, timeSkip, randomYes, ""); if (answer != 2) { InputOutputManager.saveTimeStamp("ParticipantAnswer"); } InputOutputManager.saveClicks(itemClicks); SceneManager.LoadScene("InterTrialRest"); } else if (escena == "InterTrialRest") { changeToNextTrial(); } else if (escena == "InterBlockRest") { SceneManager.LoadScene("Trial"); } }
public override void Execute() { if (Data.Length == 1) { InputOutputManager.TraverseDirectory(0); } else if (Data.Length == 2) { int depth; bool hasParsed = int.TryParse(Data[1], out depth); if (hasParsed) { InputOutputManager.TraverseDirectory(depth); } else { throw new InvalidCommandException(this.Input); } } }
public override void Execute() { if (this.Data.Length == 1) { this.InputOutputManager.TraverseDirectory(0); } else if (Data.Length == 2) { int depth; bool hasParsed = int.TryParse(Data[1], out depth); if (hasParsed) { InputOutputManager.TraverseDirectory(depth); } else { OutputWriter.DisplayException(ExceptionMessages.UnableToParseNumber); } } }
public static gameInstance[] game_instances; // = new TSPInstance[numberOfInstances]; // Use this for initialization void Awake() { //Makes the Game manager a Singleton if (gameManager == null) { gameManager = this; } else if (gameManager != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); //Initializes the game boardScript = gameManager.GetComponent <BoardManager> (); InitGame(); if (escena != "SetUp") { InputOutputManager.saveTimeStamp(escena); } }
// Sets the triggers for pressing the corresponding keys // Perhaps a good practice thing to do would be to create a "close scene" function that takes as parameter the answer and closes everything (including keysON=false) and then forwards to // changeToNextScene(answer) on game manager private void SetKeyInput() { if (GameManager.escena == "Trial") { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) //&& SubmissionValid(false)) { InputOutputManager.SaveTimeStamp("ParticipantSkip"); GameManager.ChangeToNextScene(itemClicks, true); } } else if (GameManager.escena == "SetUp") { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { GameFunctions.SetTimeStamp(); GameManager.ChangeToNextScene(itemClicks, false); } } else { Debug.Log("Skipped to next scene... I wonder why"); GameManager.ChangeToNextScene(itemClicks, false); } }
InputOutputManager total; //This is where everything will be going down. // rewrite the following constructor with a constructor that takes an object // to be set to the above field public CoinInserter(int p, InputOutputManager t) { positionInArray = p; total = t; }
// Takes care of changing the Scene to the next one (Except for when in the setup scene) public static void ChangeToNextScene(List <BoardManager.Click> itemClicks, bool skipped) { BoardManager.keysON = false; if (escena == "SetUp") { InputOutputManager.LoadGame(); problemName = problemOrder[currentProblem]; SceneManager.LoadScene("InterProblemRest"); } else if (escena == "Trial") { if (skipped) { timeTaken = timeQuestion - tiempo; } else { timeTaken = timeQuestion; } // Save participant answer // Calc Perf if ((float)Distancetravelled > 0) { performance = BoardManager.solution / (float)Distancetravelled; } else { performance = 0; } if ((timedOut == 1 || timedOut == 2) && !BoardManager.SubmissionValid(true)) { performance = 0; } perf.Add(performance); if (problemName == 'w'.ToString()) { pay = Math.Pow(performance, 4.50); } paylist.Add(pay); payAmount += pay; Debug.Log("current pay: $" + payAmount); InputOutputManager.SaveTrialInfo(ExtractItemsSelected(itemClicks), timeTaken); InputOutputManager.SaveTimeStamp("ParticipantAnswer"); InputOutputManager.SaveClicks(itemClicks); // Load next scene SceneManager.LoadScene("InterTrialRest"); } else if (escena == "InterTrialRest") { ChangeToNextTrial(); } else if (escena == "InterBlockRest") { SceneManager.LoadScene("Trial"); } else if (escena == "InterProblemRest") { ChangeToNextTrial(); } else if (escena == "End") { SceneManager.LoadScene("Payment"); } }
//End of Adding Feedback to Model #endregion void Start() { #region Getting Initial Position and Rotation initialPosition = transform.position; initialRotation = transform.rotation; #endregion #region Initializing Important Variables desiredPosition = Vector3.zero; ListOfAffordances = new List <Affordances>(); DictionaryOfAffordances = new Dictionary <Affordances.Names, Affordances>(); DictionaryOfFeedBacks = new Dictionary <Affordances.Names, FeedBackBase>(); supportedMediaFormats = new List <Affordances.MediaTypes>(); hasChildren = (transform.childCount > 0); Child_MainBody = transform.FindChild("MainBody"); Renderer Sub_Renderer = GetComponent <Renderer>() == null?transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>() : GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (Child_MainBody == null) { initialTextures = new Texture[Sub_Renderer.materials.Length]; initialColors = new Color[Sub_Renderer.materials.Length]; initialMaterialName = new string[Sub_Renderer.materials.Length]; initialMaterials = Sub_Renderer.materials; initialMaterial = Sub_Renderer.material; for (int i = 0; i < Sub_Renderer.materials.Length; i++) { initialTextures[i] = Sub_Renderer.materials[i].mainTexture; initialMaterialName[i] = Sub_Renderer.materials[i].name; if (Sub_Renderer.materials[i].HasProperty("_Color")) { initialColors[i] = Sub_Renderer.materials[i].color; } } if (Sub_Renderer.material.HasProperty("_Color")) { initialColor = Sub_Renderer.material.color; } } else { initialTextures = new Texture[Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials.Length]; initialColors = new Color[Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials.Length]; initialMaterialName = new string[Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials.Length]; initialMaterials = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials; initialMaterial = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().material; for (int i = 0; i < Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials.Length; i++) { initialTextures[i] = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[i].mainTexture; initialMaterialName[i] = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[i].name; if (Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[i].HasProperty("_Color")) { initialColors[i] = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[i].color; } } if (Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.HasProperty("_Color")) { initialColor = Child_MainBody.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color; } } #endregion #region Finding Refrence to Important Scripts Sub_FunctionalityMenuHandler = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FunctionalityMenuHandler>(); Sub_LoadingAnimationHandler = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LoadingAnimationHandler>(); Sub_Lollypop = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Lollypop>(); Sub_DeviceConnectivityManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <InputOutputManager>(); #endregion SetUpColliderAndAffordanceFeedback(); RecognizingAffordances(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { amountDisplay = new AmountDisplay(txtAmount); displayNum10Yen = new DebugDisplay(txtNum10Yen); displayNum50Yen = new DebugDisplay(txtNum50Yen); displayNum100Yen = new DebugDisplay(txtNum100Yen); displayNum500Yen = new DebugDisplay(txtNum500Yen); displayPrice0 = new DebugDisplay(txtPrice0); displayPrice1 = new DebugDisplay(txtPrice1); displayPrice2 = new DebugDisplay(txtPrice2); displayPrice3 = new DebugDisplay(txtPrice3); displayName0 = new DebugDisplay(txtName0); displayName1 = new DebugDisplay(txtName1); displayName2 = new DebugDisplay(txtName2); displayName3 = new DebugDisplay(txtName3); displayNumCans0 = new DebugDisplay(txtNumCan0); displayNumCans1 = new DebugDisplay(txtNumCan1); displayNumCans2 = new DebugDisplay(txtNumCan2); displayNumCans3 = new DebugDisplay(txtNumCan3); soldOutLight0 = new Light(pbxSOLight0, Color.Orange); soldOutLight1 = new Light(pbxSOLight1, Color.Orange); soldOutLight2 = new Light(pbxSOLight2, Color.Orange); soldOutLight3 = new Light(pbxSOLight3, Color.Orange); noChangeLight = new TimerLight(pbxNoChange, Color.Red, timer1); purchasableLight0 = new Light(pbxPurLight0, Color.Aqua); purchasableLight1 = new Light(pbxPurLight1, Color.Aqua); purchasableLight2 = new Light(pbxPurLight2, Color.Aqua); purchasableLight3 = new Light(pbxPurLight3, Color.Aqua); coinDispenser10Yen = new CoinDispenser(txtChange10Yen); coinDispenser50Yen = new CoinDispenser(txtChange50Yen); coinDispenser100Yen = new CoinDispenser(txtChange100Yen); coinDispenser500Yen = new CoinDispenser(txtChange500Yen); // All candispensers share the same output textbox for simulation canDispenser0 = new CanDispenser(txtCanDispenser, CANNAMES[0]); canDispenser1 = new CanDispenser(txtCanDispenser, CANNAMES[1]); canDispenser2 = new CanDispenser(txtCanDispenser, CANNAMES[2]); canDispenser3 = new CanDispenser(txtCanDispenser, CANNAMES[3]); // You must replace the following default constructors with // constructors with arguments (non-default constructors) // to pass (set) the first object that ButtonPressed() will // visit //purchaseButton0 = new PurchaseButton(); //purchaseButton1 = new PurchaseButton(); //purchaseButton2 = new PurchaseButton(); //purchaseButton3 = new PurchaseButton(); // You must replace the following default constructors with // constructors that take armuments to pass the first object that // the CoinInserted() will call //coinInserter10Yen = new CoinInserter(); //coinInserter50Yen = new CoinInserter(); //coinInserter100Yen = new CoinInserter(); //coinInserter500Yen = new CoinInserter(); //coinReturnButton = new CoinReturnButton(); // Instantiate your entity and control objects // Connect these objects canArr[0] = new Can(120, "Coca-Cola", 4, soldOutLight0, purchasableLight0, canDispenser0, displayNumCans0); canArr[1] = new Can(170, "Pepsi", 4, soldOutLight1, purchasableLight1, canDispenser1, displayNumCans1); canArr[2] = new Can(130, "Dr.Pepper", 4, soldOutLight2, purchasableLight2, canDispenser2, displayNumCans2); canArr[3] = new Can(110, "Sprite", 4, soldOutLight3, purchasableLight3, canDispenser3, displayNumCans3); coinArr[0] = new Coin(10, 15, coinDispenser10Yen, displayNum10Yen); coinArr[1] = new Coin(50, 10, coinDispenser50Yen, displayNum50Yen); coinArr[2] = new Coin(100, 5, coinDispenser100Yen, displayNum100Yen); coinArr[3] = new Coin(500, 2, coinDispenser500Yen, displayNum500Yen); //Coin[] coinToIOMan = { fiveHundred, oneHundred, fifty, ten }; total = new InputOutputManager(canArr, coinArr, noChangeLight, amountDisplay); coinInserter10Yen = new CoinInserter(0, total); coinInserter50Yen = new CoinInserter(1, total); coinInserter100Yen = new CoinInserter(2, total); coinInserter500Yen = new CoinInserter(3, total); coinReturnButton = new CoinReturnButton(total); purchaseButton0 = new PurchaseButton(0, total); purchaseButton1 = new PurchaseButton(1, total); purchaseButton2 = new PurchaseButton(2, total); purchaseButton3 = new PurchaseButton(3, total); // Display debug information displayCanPricesAndNames(); updateDebugDisplays(); }
InputOutputManager total; //This is needed to connect this all together. The actual logic of this I will have to decide how it works later. public CoinReturnButton(InputOutputManager t) { total = t; }
//Sets the triggers for pressing the corresponding keys //123: Perhaps a good practice thing to do would be to create a "close scene" function that takes as parameter the answer and closes everything (including keysON=false) and then forwards to //changeToNextScene(answer) on game manager //necessary: this was imported from decision version private void setKeyInput() { if (GameManager.escena == "Trial") { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { InputOutputManager.saveTimeStamp("ParticipantSkip"); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 0, 0, 1); } } else if (GameManager.escena == "TrialAnswer") { //1: No/Yes 0: Yes/No if (randomYes == 1) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { //Left keysON = false; answer = 0; GameObject boto = GameObject.Find("LEFTbutton") as GameObject; BoardFunctions.highlightButton(boto); GameFunctions.setTimeStamp(); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 0, 1, 0); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { //Right keysON = false; answer = 1; GameObject boto = GameObject.Find("RIGHTbutton") as GameObject; BoardFunctions.highlightButton(boto); GameFunctions.setTimeStamp(); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 1, 1, 0); } } else if (randomYes == 0) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { //Left keysON = false; answer = 1; GameObject boto = GameObject.Find("LEFTbutton") as GameObject; BoardFunctions.highlightButton(boto); GameFunctions.setTimeStamp(); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 1, 0, 0); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { //Right keysON = false; answer = 0; GameObject boto = GameObject.Find("RIGHTbutton") as GameObject; BoardFunctions.highlightButton(boto); GameFunctions.setTimeStamp(); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 0, 0, 0); } } } else if (GameManager.escena == "SetUp") { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { GameFunctions.setTimeStamp(); GameManager.changeToNextScene(itemClicks, 0, 0, 0); } } }
InputOutputManager total; //This is the main connection to the controller. This is obcjously where everything is going down. public PurchaseButton(int p, InputOutputManager t) { positionInArray = p; total = t; }