public static void NewVerb() { string inputString = InputFilter.ReadL(); mods.Clear(); inputString = inputString.ToLower(); string[] inputAr = inputString.Split(' '); if (inputAr.Length != 0) { verb = inputAr[0]; foreach (Verb item in Game.verbs) // goes through all verbs that are in the list Game.verbs { if (verb == //if player first input is one of the verbs name { if (item.hasMods && inputAr.Length > 1) { foreach (string allowed in item.allowedMods) { if (allowed.ToLower() == inputAr[1]) { mods.Add(inputAr[1]); } } if (mods.Count > 0) { return; } } else if (!item.hasMods || (item.hasMods && item.allowedMods.Count == 0)) { return; } else if (item.modsAllowedEmpty && mods.Count == 0) { return; } if (item.hasMods) { Output.ErrorText("Allowed mods: " + item.allowedMods.ReturnAllString(), true); } } } } Output.ErrorText("Incorrect input", true); NewVerb(); }