Пример #1
        private static async Task <WorkspaceStack> InitializeStack(Func <IDictionary <string, object?> > program)
            var pulumiFn    = PulumiFn.Create(program);
            var projectName = $"{typeof(StandardVpcTests)}-{nameof(CanDeploy)}";
            var stackName   = "test";
            var stackArgs   = new InlineProgramArgs(projectName, stackName, pulumiFn);

            var stack = await LocalWorkspace.CreateOrSelectStackAsync(stackArgs);

            await stack.Workspace.InstallPluginAsync <Provider>();

            await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:region", new ConfigValue("eu-west-1"));

Пример #2
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // define our pulumi program "inline"
            var program = PulumiFn.Create(() =>
                // get default vpc
                var defaultVpc = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetVpc.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetVpcArgs
                    Default = true,

                // get public subnets
                var publicSubnetIds = defaultVpc.Apply(vpc =>
                    return(Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetSubnetIds.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetSubnetIdsArgs
                        VpcId = vpc.Id,

                var subnetGroup = new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.SubnetGroup(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.SubnetGroupArgs
                    SubnetIds = publicSubnetIds.Apply(x => x.Ids),

                // make a public security group for our cluster for the migration
                var securityGroup = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs
                    Ingress = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs
                        Protocol   = "-1",
                        FromPort   = 0,
                        ToPort     = 0,
                        CidrBlocks = ""
                    Egress = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupEgressArgs
                        Protocol   = "-1",
                        FromPort   = 0,
                        ToPort     = 0,
                        CidrBlocks = "",

                // for example, you should change this
                var dbName     = "hellosql";
                var dbUser     = "******";
                var dbPassword = "******";

                // provision our db
                var cluster = new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.Cluster(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.ClusterArgs
                    Engine              = Pulumi.Aws.Rds.EngineType.AuroraMysql,
                    EngineVersion       = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2",
                    DatabaseName        = dbName,
                    MasterUsername      = dbUser,
                    MasterPassword      = dbPassword,
                    SkipFinalSnapshot   = true,
                    DbSubnetGroupName   = subnetGroup.Name,
                    VpcSecurityGroupIds = securityGroup.Id,

                var clusterInstance = new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.ClusterInstanceArgs
                    ClusterIdentifier  = cluster.ClusterIdentifier,
                    InstanceClass      = Pulumi.Aws.Rds.InstanceType.T3_Small,
                    Engine             = Pulumi.Aws.Rds.EngineType.AuroraMysql.ToString(),
                    EngineVersion      = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2",
                    PubliclyAccessible = true,
                    DbSubnetGroupName  = subnetGroup.Name,

                // export the website url
                return(new Dictionary <string, object?>
                    ["host"] = cluster.Endpoint,
                    ["db_name"] = dbName,
                    ["db_user"] = dbUser,
                    ["db_pass"] = dbPassword,

            // to destroy our program, we can run "dotnet run destroy"
            var destroy = args.Any() && args[0] == "destroy";

            var projectName = "database_migration_project";
            var stackName   = "dev";

            // create or select a stack matching the specified name and project
            // this will set up a workspace with everything necessary to run our inline program (program)
            var stackArgs = new InlineProgramArgs(projectName, stackName, program);
            var stack     = await LocalWorkspace.CreateOrSelectStackAsync(stackArgs);

            Console.WriteLine("successfully initialized stack");

            // for inline programs, we must manage plugins ourselves
            Console.WriteLine("installing plugins...");
            await stack.Workspace.InstallPluginAsync("aws", "v4.24.1");

            Console.WriteLine("plugins installed");

            // set stack configuration specifying the region to deploy
            Console.WriteLine("setting up config...");
            await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:region", new ConfigValue("us-west-2"));

            Console.WriteLine("config set");

            Console.WriteLine("refreshing stack...");
            await stack.RefreshAsync(new RefreshOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

            Console.WriteLine("refresh complete");

            if (destroy)
                Console.WriteLine("destroying stack...");
                await stack.DestroyAsync(new DestroyOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

                Console.WriteLine("stack destroy complete");

            Console.WriteLine("updating stack...");
            var result = await stack.UpAsync(new UpOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

            if (result.Summary.ResourceChanges != null)
                Console.WriteLine("update summary:");
                foreach (var change in result.Summary.ResourceChanges)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    {change.Key}: {change.Value}");

            Console.WriteLine($"db host url: {result.Outputs["host"].Value}");

            Console.WriteLine("configuring db...");
            var connectionStr = $"Server={result.Outputs["host"].Value};Database={result.Outputs["db_name"].Value};Uid={result.Outputs["db_user"].Value};Pwd={result.Outputs["db_pass"].Value};";

            using var connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionStr);
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("db configured!");

            // make sure the table exists
            const string createTableQuery = @"
color varchar(14) NOT NULL);";

            using var createCommand = new MySqlCommand(createTableQuery, connection);
            await createCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

            // seed the table with some data to start
            const string seedTableQuery = @"
INSERT IGNORE INTO hello_pulumi (id, color)
    (1, 'Purple'),
    (2, 'Violet'),
    (3, 'Plum');";

            using var seedCommand = new MySqlCommand(seedTableQuery, connection);
            await seedCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("rows inserted!");
            Console.WriteLine("querying to verify data...");

            const string readTableQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hello_pulumi;";

            using var readCommand = new MySqlCommand(readTableQuery, connection);
            var readResult = await readCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync();

            Console.WriteLine($"Result: {readResult} rows");

            Console.WriteLine("database, table, and rows successfully configured");
Пример #3
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // define our pulumi program "inline"
            var program = PulumiFn.Create(() =>
                // create a bucket and expose a website index document
                var siteBucket = new Pulumi.Aws.S3.Bucket(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.S3.BucketArgs
                    Website = new Pulumi.Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketWebsiteArgs
                        IndexDocument = "index.html",

                const string indexContent = @"
    <head><titl>Hello S3</title><meta charset=""UTF-8""></head>
        <p>Hello, world!</p>
        <p>Made with ❤️ with <a href=""https://pulumi.com"">Pulumi</a></p>

                // write our index.html into the site bucket
                var @object = new Pulumi.Aws.S3.BucketObject(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs
                    Bucket      = siteBucket.BucketName,      // reference to the s3 bucket object
                    Content     = indexContent,
                    Key         = "index.html",               // set the key of the object
                    ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8", // set the MIME type of the file

                var bucketPolicyDocument = siteBucket.Arn.Apply(bucketArn =>
                                             new Pulumi.Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocumentArgs
                        Statements = new List <Pulumi.Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementArgs>
                            new Pulumi.Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementArgs
                                Effect = "Allow",
                                Principals = new List <Pulumi.Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementPrincipalArgs>
                                    new Pulumi.Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementPrincipalArgs
                                        Identifiers = new List <string> {
                                        Type = "AWS",
                                Actions = new List <string> {
                                Resources = new List <string> {

                // set the access policy for the bucket so all objects are readable
                new Pulumi.Aws.S3.BucketPolicy(
                    new Pulumi.Aws.S3.BucketPolicyArgs
                    Bucket = siteBucket.BucketName,
                    Policy = bucketPolicyDocument.Apply(x => x.Json),

                // export the website url
                return(new Dictionary <string, object?>
                    ["secret"] = Pulumi.Output.CreateSecret("hello world"),
                    ["website_url"] = siteBucket.WebsiteEndpoint,

            // to destroy our program, we can run "dotnet run destroy"
            var destroy = args.Any() && args[0] == "destroy";

            var projectName     = "inline_s3_project";
            var stackName       = "dev";
            var secretsProvider = "awskms://aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee?region=us-west-2";
            var keyId           = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KMS_KEY");

            if (keyId != null)
                secretsProvider = "awskms://" + keyId + "?region=" + System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_REGION");

            if (secretsProvider == "awskms://aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee?region=us-west-2")
                throw new Exception("Update secretsProvider to use an actual AWS KMS key.");

            // create or select a stack matching the specified name and project
            // this will set up a workspace with everything necessary to run our inline program (program)
            var stackArgs = new InlineProgramArgs(projectName, stackName, program);

            stackArgs.SecretsProvider = secretsProvider;
            stackArgs.StackSettings   = new Dictionary <string, StackSettings>()
                [stackName] = new StackSettings()
                    SecretsProvider = secretsProvider

            var stack = await LocalWorkspace.CreateOrSelectStackAsync(stackArgs);

            Console.WriteLine("successfully initialized stack");

            // for inline programs, we must manage plugins ourselves
            Console.WriteLine("installing plugins...");
            await stack.Workspace.InstallPluginAsync("aws", "v4.24.1");

            Console.WriteLine("plugins installed");

            // set stack configuration specifying the region to deploy
            Console.WriteLine("setting up config...");
            await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:region", new ConfigValue("us-west-2"));

            Console.WriteLine("config set");

            Console.WriteLine("refreshing stack...");
            await stack.RefreshAsync(new RefreshOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

            Console.WriteLine("refresh complete");

            if (destroy)
                Console.WriteLine("destroying stack...");
                await stack.DestroyAsync(new DestroyOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

                Console.WriteLine("stack destroy complete");
                Console.WriteLine("updating stack...");
                var result = await stack.UpAsync(new UpOptions { OnStandardOutput = Console.WriteLine });

                if (result.Summary.ResourceChanges != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("update summary:");
                    foreach (var change in result.Summary.ResourceChanges)
                        Console.WriteLine($"    {change.Key}: {change.Value}");

                Console.WriteLine($"website url: {result.Outputs["website_url"].Value}");