public async Task <Response <Message> > SendVenueAsync(ChatId chatId, float latitude, float longitude, string title, string address, bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var url = Address + Token + "/sendVenue"; if (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) { throw new ArgumentException("latitude must be between -90 and 90"); } if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) { throw new ArgumentException("longitude must be between -180 and 180"); } return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "latitude", latitude }, { "longitude", longitude }, { "title", title }, { "address", address }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, url)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > SendVideoAsync(ChatId chatId, TelegramFile video, int duration = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0, string caption = "", bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var url = Address + Token + "/sendVideo"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "video", video }, { "duration", duration }, { "width", width }, { "height", height }, { "caption", caption }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, url)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > SendAudioAsync(ChatId chatId, TelegramFile audio, string caption = "", int duration = 0, string performer = "", string title = "", bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var url = Address + Token + "/sendAudio"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "voice", audio }, { "caption", caption }, { "performer", performer }, { "title", title }, { "duration", duration }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, url)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > EditMessageReplyMarkupAsync(long inlineMessageId, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var methodUrl = Address + Token + "/editMessageReplyMarkup"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "inline_message_id", inlineMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, methodUrl)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > SendStickerAsync(ChatId chatId, TelegramFile sticker, bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var methodUrl = Address + Token + "/sendSticker"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "sticker", sticker }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup } }, methodUrl)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > EditMessageCaptionTextAsync(string text, string inlineMessageId, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null, string parseMode = "", bool disableWebPagePreview = false) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var methodUrl = Address + Token + "/editMessageCaption"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "text", text }, { "inline_message_id", inlineMessageId }, { "reply_markup", replyMarkup }, { "parse_mode", parseMode }, { "disable_web_page_preview", disableWebPagePreview } }, methodUrl)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > EditMessageCaptionAsync(string caption, ChatId chatId, long messageId, string parseMode = "", bool disableWebPagePreview = false, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var methodUrl = Address + Token + "/editMessageCaption"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "caption", caption }, { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "message_id", messageId }, { "parse_mode", parseMode }, { "disable_web_page_preview", disableWebPagePreview }, { "reply_markup", markup } }, methodUrl)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > SendMessageAsync(ChatId chatId, string text, string parseMode = "", bool disableWebPagePreview = false, bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var url = Address + Token + "/sendMessage"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "text", text }, { "parse_mode", parseMode }, { "disable_web_page_preview", disableWebPagePreview }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, url)); }
public async Task <Response <Message> > SendContactAsync(ChatId chatId, string phoneNumber, string firstName, string lastName, bool disableNotification = false, int replyToMessageId = 0, InlineKeyboard replyMarkup = null) { var markup = ""; if (replyMarkup != null) { markup = replyMarkup.GetJson(); } var url = Address + Token + "/sendContact"; return(await SendRequest <Response <Message> >(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "chat_id", chatId.Id }, { "phoneNumber", phoneNumber }, { "firstName", firstName }, { "lastName", lastName }, { "disable_notification", disableNotification }, { "reply_to_message_id", replyToMessageId }, { "reply_markup", markup }, }, url)); }