Пример #1
        void DisableDictionary()
            AnalysisHintNode hint = inkAnalyzer.CreateAnalysisHint();

            hint.Factoid = "NONE";
Пример #2
    protected override void OnContentRendered(EventArgs e)

        // Initialize the Analyzer.
        analyzer = new InkAnalyzer();
        analyzer.ResultsUpdated +=
            new ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(analyzer_ResultsUpdated);

        // Add analysis hints for each form area.
        // Use the absolute Width and Height of the Grid's
        // RowDefinition and ColumnDefinition properties defined in XAML,
        // to calculate the bounds of the AnalysisHintNode objects.
        hintNodeTitle = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(100, 0, 740, 100));
        hintNodeDirector = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(100, 100, 740, 100));
        hintNodeStarring = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(100, 200, 740, 100));
        hintNodeRating = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(100, 300, 320, 100));
        hintNodeYear = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(520, 300, 320, 100));
        hintNodeGenre = analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint(
            new Rect(100, 400, 740, 100));

        //Set the factoids on the hints.
        hintNodeTitle.Factoid    = "(!IS_DEFAULT)";
        hintNodeDirector.Factoid = "(!IS_PERSONALNAME_FULLNAME)";
        hintNodeStarring.Factoid = "(!IS_PERSONALNAME_FULLNAME)";
        hintNodeRating.Factoid   = "(!IS_DEFAULT)";
        hintNodeYear.Factoid     = "(!IS_DATE_YEAR)";
        hintNodeGenre.Factoid    = "(!IS_DEFAULT)";
Пример #3
        void onLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            m_analyzer = new InkAnalyzer();
            m_analyzer.AnalysisModes = AnalysisModes.AutomaticReconciliationEnabled;
            m_analyzer.ResultsUpdated += new ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(m_analyzer_ResultsUpdated);

            string[] wordListArray = { "+", "-", "x", "/", "=", };
            //00D7 = Multiplication X
            //2217 = Multiplication *
            //00F7 = Divide Sign
            //00B2 = ^2

            hint = m_analyzer.CreateAnalysisHint();
            hint.Factoid = "(NUMBER)";
            hint.Name = "Wordlist";
Пример #4
        public void Populate(ICollection <Recognition> recogs, StroqCollection stroqs)
            alternateRec = recogs.Count == 1 ? recogs.Single() : null;
            if (alternateRec != null && !stroqs.All((s) => alternateRec.strokes.Contains(_mrec.Sim[s])))
                alternateRec = null;
            altstroqsRec = stroqs;
            altrecogsRec = recogs;


            MenuItem mi;
            bool     needseparator = false;

            if (recogs.Count == 1)
                /* regular alternates*/
                Recognition rr = recogs.Single();
                for (int i = 0; i < rr.alts.Length; i++)
                    string label;
                    char   c = rr.alts[i].Character;
                    if (c != 0)
                        label = c.ToString();
                        label = rr.alts[i].Word;
                        if (label == null)
                            label = rr.alts[i].ToString();
                            label = label.Substring(1, label.Length - 2);
                    mi        = new MenuItem();
                    mi.Header = label;
                    if (c != 0)
                        mi.ToolTip    = Unicode.NameOf(c);
                        mi.FontFamily = new FontFamily(starPadSDK.MathExpr.ExprWPF.EDrawingContext.FontFamilyURIBase,
                        if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'α' && c <= 'ω') || c == Unicode.G.GREEK_PHI_SYMBOL)
                            mi.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
                        mi.ToolTip = label;
                    mi.Tag               = i;
                    mi.Click            += ChooseAlternate;
                    mi.PreviewMouseDown += mi_MouseDown;
                    mi.PreviewMouseUp   += mi_MouseUp;
                    if (i == 0)
                        mi.AllowDrop  = true;
                        mi.DragEnter += mi_DragCheck;
                        mi.DragOver  += mi_DragCheck;
                        mi.Drop      += mi_Drop;
                    if (rr.curalt == i)
                        mi.IsChecked = true;
                needseparator = true;
            if (stroqs.Count > 1 && stroqs.Count != recogs.Count /* FIXME: if a stroke has no recog, this won't work */)
                /* option to split apart and recognize each stroke separately */
                if (needseparator)
                    _menuShell.Items.Add(new Separator());
                    needseparator = false;
                string label = "";
                foreach (Stroq s1 in stroqs)
                    Recognition r = _mrec.Charreco.Classify(_mrec.Sim[s1], true);
                    if (r == null)
                    string l;
                    char   c = r.alt.Character;
                    if (c != 0)
                        l = c.ToString();
                        l = r.alt.Word;
                        if (l == null)
                            l = r.alt.ToString();
                            l = l.Substring(1, l.Length - 2);
                    label += l;
                mi         = new MenuItem();
                mi.Header  = label;
                mi.ToolTip = "split combined symbol into separate symbols";
                mi.Tag     = -1;
                mi.Click  += ChooseAlternate;
                needseparator = true;
            if (stroqs.Count > 0)
                /* Interpret everything as a single word */
                if (needseparator)
                    _menuShell.Items.Add(new Separator());
                    needseparator = false;
                InkAnalyzer      ia  = new InkAnalyzer();
                AnalysisHintNode ahn = ia.CreateAnalysisHint();
                ahn.WordMode = true;
                foreach (Stroq s in stroqs)
                AnalysisStatus stat = ia.Analyze();
                if (stat.Successful)
                    AnalysisAlternateCollection aac = ia.GetAlternates();
                    for (int i = 0; i < aac.Count; i++)
                        if (aac[i].AlternateNodes.Count > 1 || !(aac[i].AlternateNodes[0] is InkWordNode))
                        mi         = new MenuItem();
                        mi.Header  = aac[i].RecognizedString;
                        mi.ToolTip = "interpret all selected strokes as a single character or word: alternate " + (i + 1);
                        mi.Tag     = aac[i];
                        mi.Click  += ChooseAlternate;
                        if (alternateRec != null)
                            mi.PreviewMouseDown += mi_MouseDown;
                            mi.PreviewMouseUp   += mi_MouseUp;
                        if (aac[i].RecognizedString.Length == 1)
                            char c = aac[i].RecognizedString[0];
                            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'α' && c <= 'ω'))
                                mi.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
                            mi.ToolTip = (string)mi.ToolTip + " (" + Unicode.NameOf(c) + ")";
            _menuShell.InvalidateMeasure(); // odd that I need this