Пример #1
    private void AddServings(int IngredRno, decimal Scaler, int JobRno, string Customer, int JobServings, string MenuItem, int RecipeRno, string Recipe, decimal RecipeServings, decimal Qty, int UnitRno, string UnitSingle, string UnitPlural, string Subrecipe, List <string> Notes)
        foreach (Ingred Ingred in lstIngred)
            if (Ingred.IngredRno == IngredRno && (Ingred.UnitRno == 0 || Ingred.UnitRno == UnitRno))
                Ingred.AddQty(Scaler, JobRno, Customer, JobServings, MenuItem, RecipeRno, Recipe, RecipeServings, Qty, UnitRno, UnitSingle, UnitPlural, Subrecipe);

                if (Notes != null)
                    foreach (string Note in Notes)
                        if (Note.Length > 0)
Пример #2
    private void Report()
        lstIngred = new List <Ingred>();

        hfBegDate.Value = dtBeg.ToString();
        hfEndDate.Value = dtEnd.ToString();

        ltlBegDate.Text = Fmt.Dt(dtBeg);
        ltlEndDate.Text = Fmt.Dt(dtEnd);

        string Sql = string.Format(
            "Select\n" +
            "j.JobRno, Coalesce(cu.Name, c.Name) as Customer, j.NumMenServing, NumWomenServing, NumChildServing, " +
            "f.Qty, f.MenuItem, r.RecipeRno, r.Name As Recipe,\n" +
            "r.NumServings, r.MenServingRatio, r.WomenServingRatio, r.ChildServingRatio,\n" +
            "r.YieldQty, r.YieldUnitRno, (Select UnitSingle From Units Where UnitRno = r.YieldUnitRno) As YieldUnit,\n" +
            "r.PortionQty, r.PortionUnitRno, (Select UnitSingle From Units Where UnitRno = r.PortionUnitRno) As PortionUnit,\n" +
            "x.IngredRno, x.SubrecipeRno, x.UnitQty, x.UnitRno,\n" +
            "(Select UnitSingle From Units Where UnitRno = x.UnitRno) As UnitSingle,\n" +
            "(Select UnitPlural From Units Where UnitRno = x.UnitRno) As UnitPlural\n" +
            "From mcJobs j\n" +
            "Inner Join Contacts c On j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno\n" +
            "Left Join Customers cu on c.CustomerRno = cu.CustomerRno\n" +
            "Inner Join mcJobFood f On j.JobRno = f.JobRno\n" +
            "Inner Join mcJobMenuItems m On f.MenuItemRno = m.MenuItemRno\n" +
            "Inner Join Recipes r On m.RecipeRno = r.RecipeRno\n" +
            "Inner join RecipeIngredXref x On r.RecipeRno = x.RecipeRno\n" +
            "Where JobDate Between {0} And {1}\n" +
            "And j.ProposalFlg = 0\n" +
            "And j.CancelledDtTm Is Null\n" +
            "Order By j.JobRno, f.MenuItem\n",

            //Response.Write(Sql + "<br/>");
            DataTable dtRecipeIngredXref = db.DataTable(Sql);
            //Response.Write(dtRecipeIngredXref.Rows.Count + "<br/>");
            if (dtRecipeIngredXref.Rows.Count > 0)

                // find the ingredients for the recipes
                Sql = string.Format(
                    "With IngredData As (\n" +
                    "\tSelect IngredRno, Name, IsNull(StockedFlg, 0) As StockedFlg, PrefVendors\n" +
                    //"\t(Select Top 1 v.VendorRno From VendorIngredXref x Inner Join Vendors v On x.VendorRno = v.VendorRno Where x.IngredRno = i.IngredRno) As VendorRno, " +
                    //"\t(Select Top 1 v.Name From VendorIngredXref x Inner Join Vendors v On x.VendorRno = v.VendorRno Where x.IngredRno = i.IngredRno) As Vendor " +
                    "\tFrom Ingredients i\n" +
                    "\tWhere (IngredRno In ({0}) Or IsNull(StockedFlg, 0) = 1 And IsNull(StockedPurchaseQty, 0) <> 0 And IsNull(HideFlg, 0) = 0)\n" +
                    "\tAnd IsNull(NonPurchaseFlg, 0) = 0\n" +
                    ")\n" +
                    "Select * From IngredData {1}\n",
                    Str.Join(DB.StrArray(dtRecipeIngredXref, "IngredRno"), ","),
                    //(chkIncludeStocked.Checked ? string.Empty : "Where StockedFlg = 0\n"));
                DataTable dt = db.DataTable(Sql);
                //Response.Write(Sql + "<br/>");

                // build a collection of ingredients
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)

                // add the number of servings and recipe quantities
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtRecipeIngredXref.Rows)
                    int JobServings = DB.Int32(dr["Qty"]);
                    if (JobServings == 0)
                        JobServings = DB.Int32(dr["NumMenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumWomenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumChildServing"]);

                    int     IngredRno    = DB.Int32(dr["IngredRno"]);
                    int     SubrecipeRno = DB.Int32(dr["SubrecipeRno"]);
                    decimal NumServings  = DB.Dec(dr["NumServings"]);

                    // if an ingredient
                    if (IngredRno != 0)
                        AddServings(IngredRno, JobServings, DB.Int32(dr["JobRno"]), DB.Str(dr["Customer"]), JobServings, DB.Str(dr["MenuItem"]), DB.Int32(dr["RecipeRno"]), DB.Str(dr["Recipe"]), NumServings, DB.Dec(dr["UnitQty"]), DB.Int32(dr["UnitRno"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitSingle"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitPlural"]), string.Empty, null);

                    // if a subrecipe
                    if (SubrecipeRno != 0)
                        if (NumServings != 0)
                            int RecipeRno = DB.Int32(dr["RecipeRno"]);
                            AddSubrecipe(RecipeRno, SubrecipeRno, JobServings / NumServings, DB.Int32(dr["JobRno"]), DB.Str(dr["Customer"]), JobServings, DB.Str(dr["MenuItem"]), RecipeRno, DB.Str(dr["Recipe"]), DB.Dec(dr["UnitQty"]), DB.Int32(dr["UnitRno"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitSingle"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitPlural"]), string.Empty, new List <string>());

                // add any menu items that do not have a recipe
                Sql = string.Format(
                    "Select j.JobRno, Coalesce(cu.Name, c.Name) as Customer, j.NumMenServing, NumWomenServing, NumChildServing, f.Qty, f.Category, f.MenuItem, f.MenuItemRno,\n" +
                    "u.UnitRno, u.UnitSingle, u.UnitPlural, m.AsIsFlg, m.RecipeRno\n" +
                    "From mcJobs j\n" +
                    "Inner Join Contacts c On j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno\n" +
                    "Left Join Customers cu on c.CustomerRno = cu.CustomerRno\n" +
                    "Inner Join mcJobFood f On j.JobRno = f.JobRno\n" +
                    "Inner Join mcJobMenuItems m On f.MenuItemRno = m.MenuItemRno\n" +
                    "Inner Join Units u on u.UnitSingle = 'ea'\n" +
                    "Where JobDate Between {0} And {1}\n" +
                    "And j.ProposalFlg = 0\n" +
                    "And j.CancelledDtTm Is Null\n" +
                    "And m.RecipeRno Is Null\n" +
                    "And m.MenuItem <> ''\n" +
                    "Order By j.JobRno, f.MenuItem",
                dt = db.DataTable(Sql);
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    int JobServings = DB.Int32(dr["Qty"]);
                    if (JobServings == 0)
                        JobServings = DB.Int32(dr["NumMenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumWomenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumChildServing"]);

                    string MenuItem = string.Format("{0} - {1}", DB.Str(dr["Category"]), DB.Str(dr["MenuItem"]));

                    Ingred NotIngred = null;
                    foreach (Ingred CurrIngred in lstIngred)
                        if (CurrIngred.IngredRno == 0 && CurrIngred.Name == MenuItem)
                            NotIngred = CurrIngred;

                    if (NotIngred == null)
                        NotIngred      = new Ingred(0);
                        NotIngred.Name = MenuItem;
                        if (!DB.Bool(dr["AsIsFlg"]) && DB.Int32(dr["RecipeRno"]) == 0)
                            NotIngred.AddNote(string.Format("Menu item needs a <a href=\"Recipes.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">recipe</a> or <a href=\"SetupMenuItems.aspx?Rno={0}\" target=\"_blank\">checked As Is.</a>", DB.Int32(dr["MenuItemRno"])));

                    NotIngred.AddQty(JobServings, DB.Int32(dr["JobRno"]), DB.Str(dr["Customer"]), JobServings, MenuItem, 0, MenuItem, 1, 1, DB.Int32(dr["UnitRno"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitSingle"]), DB.Str(dr["UnitPlural"]), string.Empty);

                // sort by vendor, ingredient

                string PrevVendor = string.Empty;
                int    iCount     = 0;

                //Html += ReportHeader();

                foreach (Ingred CurrIngred in lstIngred)
                    //if (CurrIngred.Vendor != PrevVendor)
                    //	Html += NewVendor(CurrIngred.Vendor, fFirst);
                    //	fFirst = false;
                    //	fPrevStockedFlg = false;

                    //if (CurrIngred.StockedFlg != fPrevStockedFlg)
                    //	Html += "<tr><td colspan='8' class='Stocked'>Stock Items</td></tr>\n";


                    // replace stocked items quantity
                    if (CurrIngred.StockedFlg)

                    decimal Qty = (CurrIngred.StockedFlg ? CurrIngred.StockedPurchaseQty : CurrIngred.PurchaseQty);     // && CurrIngred.StockedPurchaseQty != 0
                    if (Qty == 0)

                     * if (CurrIngred.fFoundConversion)
                     *                  {
                     *                          Html += string.Format(
                     *                                  "\t\t<tr>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td><img src='Images/Box.gif'/></td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td class='Qty'>{0}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{1}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td title='{7}' class='qtp Ingred'><a href='Ingredients.aspx?Rno={8}' target='_blank'>{2}</a></td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td class='Qty'>{3}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{4}{5}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{6}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t</tr>\n",
                     *                                  Str.ShowFract(CurrIngred.PurchaseQty * CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty, 2),
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.PurchaseQty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitSingle : CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural),
                     *                                  CurrIngred.Name.Replace("'", "&apos;"),
                     *                                  Math.Ceiling(CurrIngred.PurchaseQty),
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty != 1 ? Math.Ceiling(CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty) + " " : string.Empty),
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.PurchaseQty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitSingle : CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural),
                     *                                  CurrIngred.Vendor,
                     *                                  CurrIngred.AddlInfo,
                     *                                  CurrIngred.IngredRno);
                     *                  }
                     *                  else
                     *                  {
                     *                          Html += string.Format(
                     *                                  "\t\t<tr>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td><img src='Images/Box.gif'/></td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td class='Qty'>{0}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{1}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td title='{7}' class='qtp'>{3}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td class='Qty'>{3}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{4}{5}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t\t<td>{6}</td>\n" +
                     *                                  "\t\t</tr>\n",
                     *                                  Str.ShowFract(CurrIngred.Qty, 2),
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.Qty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.UnitSingle : CurrIngred.UnitPlural),
                     *                                  CurrIngred.Name.Replace("'", "&apos;"),
                     *                                  "?",
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty != 1 ? Math.Ceiling(CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty) + " " : string.Empty),
                     *                                  (CurrIngred.PurchaseQty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitSingle : CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural),
                     *                                  CurrIngred.Vendor,
                     *                                  CurrIngred.AddlInfo);
                     *                          if (CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitRno != 0)
                     *                          {
                     *                                  CurrIngred.AddNote(string.Format("<a href='Ingredients.aspx?Rno={2}' target='_blank'><i class=\"icon-warning-sign\"></i> Need conversion from {0} to {1}.</a>", CurrIngred.UnitPlural, CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural, CurrIngred.IngredRno));
                     *                          }
                     *                  }
                     *                  if (CurrIngred.Note.Length > 0)
                     *                  {
                     *                          Html += string.Format(
                     *                                  "<tr><td colspan='8' class='Notes'><ul>{0}</ul></td></tr>\n",
                     *                                  CurrIngred.Note);
                     *                  }

                    TableRow tr = new TableRow();

                    TableCell tc = new TableCell();

                    tc.Controls.Add(new Image()
                        ImageUrl = "Images/Box.gif"
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfIngredRno" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.IngredRno.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfStocked" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.StockedFlg.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfStockedQty" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.StockedPurchaseQty.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfQty" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.PurchaseQty.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfUnitQty" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfUnitRno" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitRno.ToString()
                    tc.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                        ID = "hfVendorRno" + iCount, Value = CurrIngred.VendorRno.ToString()

                    tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        CssClass = "Qty", Text = Str.ShowFract(CurrIngred.PurchaseQty * CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty, 2)
                    tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        Text = (CurrIngred.PurchaseQty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitSingle : CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural)

                    string Name = CurrIngred.Name.Replace("'", "&apos;");
                    if (CurrIngred.fFoundConversion)
                        tc = new TableCell()
                            ToolTip = CurrIngred.AddlInfo, CssClass = "qtp Ingred"
                        tc.Controls.Add(new HyperLink()
                            NavigateUrl = "Ingredients.aspx?Rno=" + CurrIngred.IngredRno, Target = "_blank", Text = Name
                        tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                            ToolTip = CurrIngred.AddlInfo, CssClass = "qtp Ingred", Text = Name

                    tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        CssClass = "Qty", Text = Math.Ceiling(Qty).ToString()
                    tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        Text = string.Format("{0}{1}", (CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty != 1 ? Math.Ceiling(CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitQty).ToString() : string.Empty), (CurrIngred.PurchaseQty <= 1 ? CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitSingle : CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitPlural))
                    tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        CssClass = "Vendor", Text = CurrIngred.Vendor

                    if (!CurrIngred.fFoundConversion && CurrIngred.PurchaseUnitRno != 0)
                                "<a href='Ingredients.aspx?Rno={2}' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'><i class=\"icon-warning-sign\"></i> Need conversion from {0} to {1}.</a>",

                    if (CurrIngred.Note.Length > 0)
                        tr = new TableRow();
                        tr.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                            ColumnSpan = 7, CssClass = "Notes", Text = string.Format("<ul>{0}</ul>", CurrIngred.Note)

                    //PrevVendor = CurrIngred.Vendor;
                    //fPrevStockedFlg = CurrIngred.StockedFlg;
                hfParmCount.Value = iCount.ToString();
            //Html += FinishVendor() + "<br /><br />";
            //Html += "</table><br /><br />";

            //ltlReport.Text = Html;

        catch (Exception Ex)
            Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql);